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Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"I believe the term for his expression would be that he is 'scared shitless' as your soldiers say." Ixack says as he backs away from the pod, his eyes opening and glowing slightly as he looks over at Siphon and interlocks both of his hands into a circle. If one would look closely enough, they would see his eyes moving back and forth across the ruins, studying them as he began to breath deeply, backing into an area with sunlight
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Siphon shook his head.

"Not scared Ixack, stunned. If Talvesh and I are translating this right, which I believe we are ... the person inside of this pod is THE Alvancent. It's a woman inside of here, and that term ... If we're right ... she's the link we've been searching for. We've been searching for the missing link between Ancient and Alveran for countless generations, trying to understand where we branched off from them. This woman in this pod .... we believe she may be who we've been looking for all this time."

There was a fast muttering of words in Ancient from him, too fast for any to translate before he spoke again.

"Well now we know why the Chozo fought to the death against superior numbers. They were protecting what was supposed to be the final line of defense the Ancients had if their search to find a way around the disease killing them failed. She would have been in place to start over with any male Ancient who went into stasis as well. So yeah, I suppose you could say I just saw a ghost. A three hundred fifty plus million year old ghost."
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"So. You found your genetic bridge. Incredible. If only we could find ours." Ixack says to Siphon, his broadcasts clearly being modified to work similar a regular voice "Our race is only a few THOUSAND years old. And yet, we know so little about our own heritage." he says, turning to face the pod "Maybe the Ancients made us in the Koprulu sector. Maybe the Draque did. Maybe even the Sentinels. Whoever did, I'd like to repay them. But we have no record of how our civilization came to be. It must be nice to know your past." he says, snapping out of his thought process and jumping back onto the situation at hand "Pardon me for rambling on."
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"It's fine, and I doubt the Draque or Sentinels did, otherwise you'd either be enslaved already or one side would have been totally wiped out. It's more likely the Ancients or another race did, though who I can't say. Maybe she will be able to shed some light to those questions though."
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"Hopefully. The only thing I want to know, is why were the Zerg created? They were created around the same time as the Protoss, and we have both been at war for most of our civilization's lifetimes. So who made them?" Ixack asks, his hands disconnecting and then reaching up to grasp his forehead as he thinks
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Siphon shrugs.

"Well we know the Ancients were at war with the Sentinels, so I suppose it's possible these Zerg were created to be weapons against them, and in response the Ancients created your races. Only for whatever reason the Zerg apparently are no longer under Sentinel control."
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

By this point, Toryn had carefully walked in, and was looking at the pod. "Um, if I'm understanding what I'm seeing, that's running out of power. Maybe we should wake whoever it is up before they die, since I'm guessing that was the whole plan?"
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"Agreed, but we can't move too fast. These pods are very delicate in their balance, and reviving someone too fast can kill them, especially if they've been in for so long. Let's see..."

He moved over, then began tinkering with the device, and soon a slight hissing was heard from it.

"Alright, now we wait while the pod automatically runs through it's procedures. It's a miracle this thing is still intact with this place caving in around it. Should be a couple of minutes. Everyone else be ready, she's likely to be disoriented at first, and none of you are of her species, so she may be somewhat ... defensive at first."
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Toryn moved back from the pod a slight distance, and shifted into what he hoped was a less threatening stance, hands at his sides unclenched. He also prepared to trigger the helmet release, if it became desirable.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Veda stood calmly, the helmet on her armour disappearing. She coughed a little at her first breath of the planet's air, but otherwise remained stoic.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Ixack takes a deep breath through his wrap, then begins to pull it down from over his chin, as well as pull the top part back and off his forehead, then closing his eyes and lowering his arms to his side, trying to look as harmless as possible.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"Well, Talok seems pretty good at stumbling upon things. Maybe he'll find some records for you next," Sho remarks with regard to Ixack's lament. It's a bit of a tease at the Wraith, but there is a touch of hopefullness in her voice that maybe someday something of what the Protoss is looking for will be found.

As Siphon suggests caution, she backs up a little, though seems to still want to stick close to him. Instead of being physically close, she reaches out mentally instead.

You really think she's your...missing link?

The rest of her thoughts were a little distracted, trying to imagine waking up after so much time had passed, not knowing a thing about what was going on, what had happened, and, as Siphon put it, being the only one of your kind. That, right there, was a scary thought.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

I think she is. This would be a huge find Sho, even larger than when we got the multi-Z.P.M hook up functioning the first time. Despite all our advances, we've NEVER advanced our ancestrial science beyond a certain point. If she's really that missing link, we may finally be able to determine just where that split occurred.

((Ok, time to put them on the spot a little.))

Some minutes passed, and finally the pod opened to reveal a highly attractive woman, who probably could have passed as a mixed American human from Earth. Green piercing eyes and shoulder length white/blonde hair, she was clad in clothing that betrayed her Ancient heritage.

Soon enough, she opened her eyes, and stiffened at the sight of non ancients. Instinctively she tried to back away, and when she felt the surface of the pod her eyes shot wide. Suddenly there was a warm sensation in the room, and it became clear she was considering unleashing some kind of attack from her mind ....

Only Siphon had apparently anticipated this, and softly spoke to her, in Ancient.

"Ven da, ven da. Tua Ani Anqueetus?"

He then pointed to himself.

"Egoo Am Vri. Egoo Venas elos enhak devrahl Anqueetus."

He made a gesture with his hands to the rest of the group.

"Tey Lasnah felichna. Tua agnos felichna."

Talok whispered to the group the best he could in translation.

"He's telling her to calm down, making sure she understands Ancient by asking her if she is one. He's telling her he's is too, that he's a direct descendant of the Ancients, and ...."

After a moment he nodded.

"He also told her we're his friends. She's amongst friends."

This seemed to work for her, as she rattled something back to him in Ancient, too fast for Talok to translate, then to everyone's surprise, she flung herself into his arms and tried to kiss him.

Siphon was too taken aback to react immediately, but his mind said the story to Sho.

Ah fuck. I didn't think she'd react THAT warmly just yet! How the hell am I supposed to break it to her that I'm getting married to you and that there's more of my kind alive without completely mortifying her? Shit shit shit!
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Toryn nodded slightly at Talok's translation of Siphon's introduction, then shifted as if he'd blinked at the response. He then proceeded to quietly, and slowly work his way out of the room.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Ixack was also startled by the sudden movements of the Ancient making a move on Siphon, his eyes scanning over her features, directing a stare at Siphon afterwords. He would remain silent, fearing a telepathic communication would startle the woman.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

There's a bit of a noise from Sho as the woman embraces, then tries to kiss, Siphon. What sort of reaction it is, that's a little hard to guess. It's somewhere between surprised, startled, and defensive. The first thing you need to do is head off the liplock, dear. The same tone sort of echoes in her thoughts. I might recommend the word for "Hold your horses." She can't fault the woman...too much. She's obviously got to be more than a little disoriented but it's clear she's not going to let any presumptions go too far along. For now, though, she'd let Siphon handle it, since the last thing she wanted to do was scare her again and gods know what might happen if that were the case.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Right .... Well I can't lie to her so ... pray.

Gently he broke away from her attempt, then spoke softly to her again in Ancient. He spoke too low and quick for any translation to be made, but judging from the woman's face turning quite ... red, it was pretty clear what he'd told her.

Oh fuck. I just realized, we're going to have to bring her up to speed regarding Sivok. Oh this is so not going to fly over too well.

She seemed about to say something back to Siphon when the whole facility rocked, HARD. And more than just once.

"What the hell?"

He called up a quick visual from his data pad via the Kara's sensors then hissed.

"Fuck, MOVE. A dozen Draque and Enoly ships. Their trying to destroy the facility. How the hell did they find us?"

He turned to say something to Aya, but suddenly the air was filled with the hum of a Draque transporter.

Eight well armed Draque soldiers appeared, pointing their weapons at the group menacingly.

However what happened next made even Siphon grunt in alarmed surprise.

One moment the Draque were standing there, the woman he had just freed staring panicked at their very sight ....

And the next the eight soldiers were SCREAMING, as she looked right at them, their bodies literally catching fire.

All Siphon could do was stand there in mute silence and awe as he watched the Draque literally burn alive from seemingly nothing, until they were nothing more than a glob of melted jelly on the floor.

While it was spoken in Wraith, one didn't need to know the language to know that Talok had just whispered the word 'impossible.'

"Embrahknah ..."
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Ixack had disappeared the instant the Draque had shown up, and was moving just as they caught fire, stopping mid-step and dropping his arms to his side as he reappeared "Would someone please care to explain what the hell just happened?" he asks, turning back to look at the woman with surprised eyes "Let us hope whatever it was does not decide to roast me." he says, oblivious to the fact that the woman had turned them to ash with a gaze
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Veda watched impassively, not at all surprised when the woman didn't recognize her armour was of Chozo manufacture, as heavily modified as it had been to fit a human frame. The first shake she had already dismissed as the planet's geological activity, but when more came after that, she knew something was up. Her helmet reappeared, fully encasing her in the armour, and when the Draque appeared, she moved instinctively to cover the Ancient. It all turned out to be unnecessary when they melted, however.

"We need to get her out of here." She said in a clipped tone, gesturing to the Ancient with her hand still holding the Chozo skull. "Can we beam her out from here?"
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

That obviously went over well. The remark, if but slightly sarcastic, was actually not projected to Siphon, especially as Sho saw the embarrassment on the woman's face.

The tremors and then their uninvited guests pretty much put the kaibosh on any normal conversation, at least until the Draque finished burning away.

Oh-kay. Note to self. Do not piss off the blonde.

"I'd say spontaneous combustion," Sho says to Ixack's question, "but I don't think it was quite so random." She glances at the blonde, then over to Talok. "How is her doing that any more impossible than me and my winds? Granted, I can't roast Draque on the spot, but still..." Obviously the display of power doesn't exactly rattle the other woman all that much. Probably comes from dealing with it first hand.