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SIM [Pink Petal Games] Whore Master

Re: Whore Master

Nifty little game. It took me a bit to figure out how to check, say, what my gangs had been up to over the past week, but that was due more to my own bumbling idiocy and unwillingness to click away from the pretty pictures then any gameplay issues. However, for the full version, an instructions file might not be a bad idea. Nothing huge, just a quick FAQ compiled from questions here on the forum, mayhap?
Re: Whore Master

Hitting year 1211 crashes the game...

SOmething that happens with the "next week" button crashes the game, right?

I've crashed at tons of points, but you can usually reload and try again. Then, I have run into roadblocks where no matter how many times I reload, I get a crash upon next week. I sold and bought items, girls, and changed what my gangs were up to, and occasionally it would continue to the next week. I was having this problem for awhile and then it seemed to go away for about a year. However, I've run into it again at day 5, month 12, year 1212. This time, nothing I do will get me through.
Re: Whore Master

i guess it tries to end your gangs world

how thematic..
Re: Whore Master

I get the same error as Mercsenary. And another bug: no advertising budget slider on the Brothel Setup screen.
Re: Whore Master

As far as i know, there is no advertising control anymore.
You just send a girl to advertise and you just gain advertise lvls.
Every lvl up 100 gold (default) each week. I dont recommand it as long as you dont hit 10 girls or more.

The game has still a lot of bugs, you can look in the pink petal Forums for updates/fixes.
Re: Whore Master

I have something of an idea/request for future updates.

How about adding the ability to choose whether your character is male or female, and then giving them the ability to perform tasks in a similar way that your gangs/slavegirls do now?

For example, if you choose to play as a female character, you can give yourself the same jobs during the day/night that you can give your slavegirls now (whore, stripper, maid, security, etc...), and involve yourself in the same way and increase the same skills.

I'm not exactly sure what male characters would do, but I would assume much the same options as female characters, except maybe disable the whore/stripper/etc. jobs and replace them with gang-related jobs like kidnapping/mugging/etc. (unless you wanted to add gay male sex options, which is fine too).

Just a thought.
Re: Whore Master

First of all you need to post suggestion into the developer forums.
Thats .

Second, you mainplayer dont really work he is just managing.

If you mean to choose Male/Female Slaves....noone wants to see males in a Whoremaster game. (Dont come me with Gays or Girls cause they wouldn´t play such games anyway xD)

PS: No offense against one these groups
Re: Whore Master

First of all you need to post suggestion into the developer forums.
Thats Pink Petal Forums.

Ah, my mistake. *posts there*

Second, you mainplayer dont really work he is just managing.

If you mean to choose Male/Female Slaves....noone wants to see males in a Whoremaster game. (Dont come me with Gays or Girls cause they wouldn´t play such games anyway xD)

No, I meant choosing the gender of your player character. As for the player character simply being a manager and not working, that's fine. I just thought being able to actually get your player character actively involved could be interesting.

Like if you choose to be a female character (again, just for example), you might start with less money but you basically just get free girl to start with whom you can set the starting Stats, Appearance, and Traits of (within limitations), but with an extra "You" Trait, which grants you certain bonuses or some such as the player. That girl (You) then also shows up in the "Manage Girls" screen where you can assign jobs for yourself just like you do your slavegirls.

It's just an idea, though.
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Re: Whore Master

Maybe a tutorial would also be a good idea. Like, for how do you go about using weekly events. I've managed to buy some, but I could NOT use them no matter what. Is there a reason why?

I tried using them while in the general inventory and it didn't work. I tried using them while in a girl's inventory and it still didn't work. Why is that?
Re: Whore Master

The Event items are just like makeup items that works tempoary to raise all girls stats in this house you are current in.
Schould be working...well maybe it is bugged from the item editor, dunno.
Re: Whore Master

The Event items are just like makeup items that works tempoary to raise all girls stats in this house you are current in.
Schould be working...well maybe it is bugged from the item editor, dunno.

Well its a bit weird. There's no real indication to tell if its working or not. I put it in a girls inventory once and a week later, its still there...
Re: Whore Master

what does the game not start for?
Re: Whore Master

The Event items are just like makeup items that works tempoary to raise all girls stats in this house you are current in.
Schould be working...well maybe it is bugged from the item editor, dunno.

Does it work for you? I'm just wondering if this problem is unique to me or what.
Re: Whore Master

I tried looking at the script editor that came with the game and found why the "have sex with another girl" isn't working with the girl interaction scripts. There is no means, provided by the script editor, to get a list of the girls in the player's possession. So, there's nothing that can be done with the script editor to fix that problem. When is the creator of this game going to take care of this problem?
Re: Whore Master

Well, I actually did manage to change the script for the script a little bit. Under the
If Choice from ChoiceBox(*2*)(*1*)
, instead of the following:
I changed it to the following:
If Not Disobey
Dialog(*She and another girl both have sex together.*)
I would've put a tab there to show that the "Dialog" statement was kept within the "If Not Disobey" block, but the script editor didn't seem like it would let me. I don't know how the game's creator managed to create these scripts (assuming that he actually used the script editor), but I couldn't find a way to add tabs or spaces to the scripts using the script editor.

I did try to see if I could open these scripts up in Notepad but the text came out looking like garbage. This is weird, considering that the saved game files are saved using ASCII text, so if I wanted to I could actually manipulate saved game data myself by going into the saved game files myself.

Also, be careful to anyone who wants to try to modify the game yourself. I found that NO animated pictures were possible with my copy of the game. That is, unless I wanted it to crash every time a girl with an animated picture came up.

The game is mad buggy for real. I wonder if the original developer is wanting help on this. I would lend my services if he would let me within an extremely short time frame.
Re: Whore Master

There's actually a development team that is currently working on switching scripts over to lua scripting. is the website where the developers are posting the new versions as they come out and where they are taking suggestions from the players. My suggestion is that if you want to off your services then go to this site register and offer.
Re: Whore Master

why does the game not start for?
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Re: Whore Master

why does the game not start for?

If you get an error message regarding "msvcr100.dll" or similar, or for that matter any other error which prevents the game from starting, then you need to download and install the VC++2010 redistributable package.

This is the best I can give since it is the only currently known possible issue regarding starting the game. If you continue to have problems go to the site register with the forum and ask for help there.
Re: Whore Master

If you get an error message regarding "msvcr100.dll" or similar, or for that matter any other error which prevents the game from starting, then you need to download and install the VC++2010 redistributable package.

This is the best I can give since it is the only currently known possible issue regarding starting the game. If you continue to have problems go to the site register with the forum and ask for help there.

do not get mistake message the screen will be black only then what back up