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SIM [Pink Petal Games] Whore Master

Re: Whore Master

do not get mistake message the screen will be black only then what back up

Sounds more like the game is going into non responsive mode and then your system is deciding to just close it. Check to make sure you downloaded the full game and not just the update for the last release of the game. Both of which can be found on the site I provided before. If you are still having these issues I suggest making an account there and posting your problem on the site since that is where the developers will actually take a look.
Re: Whore Master

Just to reiterate, the newest version is always available at

It's fixed a lot of the next week bugs.

Notable Next Week Bug: If your matron tries to put any full day worker to rest (herself or the torturer), the game breaks. There are some more, but this is the easiest one to find.
Re: Whore Master

does any1 have this prob... i have 19 girls i boght the 5 extra room .. and before i boght and after i get a error....
Re: Whore Master

I started the game and reached the point "Please choose your assistant for training" and there's nothing, save I do not have, and when you click "More", nothing happens. What's the problem?
Re: Whore Master

I've posted this on two other forums so I'll add it here as well. Game is actually very, very well covered on ULMF so this is not necessary but some people might find the guidelines and some other info useful.


This is a simple turn-based hentai game (That reminds me of simbrothel a bit) without any particular ending (*So far as it is still in development). Your objective meet/capture/buy girls and have them work different jobs in the brothel/street or have them search "catacombs" for treasure/items that you can sell at a shop/use to improve stats of the girls.
There is also "gangs" angle, gangs can do a number of jobs like protecting girls and territory/spying on girls/taking over businesses/etc. (You will extort money from businesses you control and will be able to buy additional brothels after you gain control of a number of businesses required).
You can interact with each girl individually, fall in love, have kids, torture, enslave and so on. Each girl has own traits, statistics and attitude towards you.


Some things you should know before you start playing.

1: The reason I post this Now is that all girls have been sorted by the show. Couple weeks back you would have to download gigabytes of "Girl Packs" just to get to a couple of girls you actually wanted, deal with errors, make tweaks with girls editor and so on. This is no longer the case as you can simply download girls per Anime/Manga/Cartoon series.

2: You can turn of Bondage/Bestiality/Anal/etc in each of you brothels so you do not have to deal with those pics/messages if you do not want to. It has NO effect on the game mechanics or the amount of visitations from costumers or money paid for "services".

3: Just though I mention that you can make one of your girls a matron and have her manage rest and recovery due to the poor health of the rest of girls in your brothel. It is beyond useful as you can then focus on "larger" picture instead of being a clicking monkey and spend 10 minutes per turn micromanaging the same thing over and over.


1) Download the game from:

2) Unzip the game.

3) Play the game :eek:

Very basic. Now my instruction if you want to get extra girls:

1) Download the game from:

2) Unzip the game.

3) Go to "Game Folder"/Resources/Characters and delete "Girls.girlsx" and "GirlsAddon1.girlsx". This step will prevent you getting any doubles (Same Unique girl appearing twice).

4) Go to this thread and download girls packs from any shows that you like:

Note that some girls from a more "high profile" Anime/Manga/Cartoons will have hundreds of pics while some less known shows might get less then a dozen.

5) Unzip the contents of girls packs to "Game Folder"/Resources/Characters folder.

6) Play the game :p

Most issues you might have with running the game will be solved with this:

I hope you will have some fun ;)


I forgot to add that you can change resolution of the game by editing: ScreenMode.txt in the "Game Folder" using notepad (*Or any texteditor of your choice). How to edit the file is explained inside .
Re: Whore Master

please help i cannot get this game to play, i keep getting the sdl.ll message, i downloaded what everbody says to download but it stiil doesnt work
Re: Whore Master

Pls go to the developer forum an post your problem there
it is faster if u use a screenshot.

( )
Re: Whore Master

>.> a few years of lurking and now i break it for a few tips, disposition, does that effect anything right now? and if so how would i go about getting a better disposition, also if you hire bar staff do you need girls to work in the bar or is that just like a "here's some useless features for you to play with" kinda thing?
Re: Whore Master

please help i cannot get this game to play, i keep getting the sdl.ll message, i downloaded what everbody says to download but it stiil doesnt work

Reminder: if you get an error message regarding "msvcr100.dll" or similar, or for that matter any other error which prevents the game from starting, then you need to download and install the VC++2010 redistributable package.

Re: Whore Master

>.> a few years of lurking and now i break it for a few tips, disposition, does that effect anything right now? and if so how would i go about getting a better disposition, also if you hire bar staff do you need girls to work in the bar or is that just like a "here's some useless features for you to play with" kinda thing?

I'm going to explain a few things.

1. happiness can affect their decision making process. including that if a girl gets to unhappy she will commit suicide (I kept loosing Lulu (FFX) this way till I edited her to not have the pessimist trait). this will also affect rebelliousness.

2. how scared / in love she is with you right now only seems to affect rebelliousness.

3. how happy she is at working a specific job affects her rebelliousness when ordered to preform that job.

4. Hiring bar staff may just be a useless function right now but I don't actually know. the same is for the casino / gambling staff since you used to be able to edit more options for gambling but they aren't there right now.
Re: Whore Master

>.> a few years of lurking and now i break it for a few tips, disposition, does that effect anything right now? and if so how would i go about getting a better disposition, also if you hire bar staff do you need girls to work in the bar or is that just like a "here's some useless features for you to play with" kinda thing?

I choose to view this game this game as an interactive way to view my hentai collection that I've gathered during the years (over 60 GB and larger then any other game on my PC). The developers are planning to make the game more moddable in Augustus and stop the development afterwards and while I hope that will not be the case, I still believe that this game as well as a massive amount of Manga/Anime/Cartoons/Comics it covers is still worth a try. But you are right, in the end, some jobs as well as some of the statistics are not effecting the game mechanics at all... Maybe if they officially stop the game development all together we can ask for the release of the source code so we and other people can work on further improvements...
Re: Whore Master

so the link at the top is broken or removed does anyone have a fresh version of the game they could re upload or message to me?
Re: Whore Master

so the link at the top is broken or removed does anyone have a fresh version of the game they could re upload or message to me?

You could have actually read through the thread even just a little and noticed the link 8 posts above you.

Or gone to the developer's website which was mentioned multiple times on this page alone.
Re: Whore Master

Bit of a necro, but the whoremaster forum looks dead... any news?
EDIT: Thanks for th negrep BTW. Should I have started a new thread just to say "pinkpetals is dead"?
Is there anyone from that place who knows if it's temporary? If not, reviving this thread seems like a good idea
Last edited:
Re: Whore Master

The old pinkpetal url expired or something. The forum is now located at:
Re: Whore Master

So... how do you instal new girls now? I've looked around their forum, but I didn't find anything about that.
Re: Whore Master

anyone know what happened to the forum?
the day after I take an interest in / figure out how to navigate the site goes down, go figure
(tried usin the way back machine too, not much help)
Re: Whore Master

Same here, what happened? All that's on pinkpetal.uni.me is an add from Amazon Prime.