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'Pokemon Adventure' OOC Thread

Re: OOC Thread

Okay, I guess one's a start... Anyone else interested?
Re: OOC Thread

wow, been a while since this had any activity. I would love to still be involved in a PBP game if you're going to run one.
Re: OOC Thread

Yeah, I'm rebooting this with a new concept.
Re: OOC Thread

sounds good to me. I'll keep an eye out for when you want to start this if you get enough people
Re: OOC Thread

How many more people would you want/need for rebooting? I'm very interested in this. I kind liked playing, but I ran into a snag with mine and Maikos thread way back when. :(
Re: OOC Thread

Just make a character and specify whether or not it will be a group or solo thread and I wwill get right on making it.
Re: OOC Thread

Would you prefer new characters? Is it ok to use the one I already have?
Personally I'd rather do a group.
Re: OOC Thread

Well, you need to modify your character to include what your character does (i/e, bug catcher, bird keeper, artist, pokemon trainer, collector, etc). You can also have any non-legendary pokemon you want. Also state where you you want to start off.
Re: OOC Thread

should I just PM you my character once I finish it? The character/trainer threads here are closed.
Re: OOC Thread

i want to play with the same character.
Re: OOC Thread

I'm guessing we don't have enough people interested
Re: OOC Thread

Pretty much, but if you guys typed up a detailed backstory for your characters, I might be motivated to mae your character threads.
Re: OOC Thread

I guess the question would be then, how detailed do you want it to be?
Re: OOC Thread

I've been busy/distracted/etc. for making a char for this; also writers block. I'll try to get one out by Sunday.
Re: OOC Thread

It just now occured to me that the character thread was locked... Derp! So, I made a new character thread. Make one there if you're interested. Post any questions or concerns here.
Re: OOC Thread

Oh, I probably should also mention. When you type up your character's bio, be sure to mention where your character is in their adventure and where they are currently located.
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Re: 'Pokemon Adventure' OOC Thread

*sigh*, I don't want to be a downer plmnko, but I probably shouldn't allow a pokemon to be a pokemon trainer, seeing as you can join in pokemon battles, teach yourself HMs, other trainers could catch you, and other stuff. I just think this would be a bad idea. Also, make sure you state HOW FAR YOU ARE and WHERE YOU ARE in your adventure/journey/career. Also, your starter can be an early evolution pokemon, and based on where you say you are in your adventure, it could be one of its later evolved forms. For example, Plmnko's starter could be a Ralts, and he could state in his bio that he is far enough in his journey to have a Gardevoir.


Here's a sample character sheet.

Name: Ridley Ignatious Aero
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Starter: Vulpix (Egg) {Female; Flare}
Region: Hoenn
Hometown: Fallarbor Town
Profession: Pokemon Trainer
Personality: Calm and laid-back
Appearance: Medium length hair, green eyes, with sortof a bedhead hairstyle, and about 5'11" height. Wears khaki pants, a grey T-shirt, with a brown trenchcoat.
Starting Location: Fallarbor Town
Bio: Ridley took an interest in Pokemon at an early age. Every opportunity he had, he had his nose in books about Pokemon, eager to learn all there is about Pokemon. One fateful day, after his cousin arrived back from a vacation in Kanto, Ridley was given a Pokemon Egg as a gift. Using his thorough knowledge of Pokemon, Ridley spent every waking moment looking after his Pokemon Egg, making sure to nuture it and develop a close bond with it. Several days later, the Egg hatched into a beautiful baby Vulpix, which he decided to nickname Flare. From that day on, Ridley ad Flare spent alot of time together, playing in the valley on Route 114. But, after noticing some of the Pokemon Trainers battling from time-to-time, Ridley realized what he wanted to do with his life. So, Ridley sent a letter out to get his own Trainer's License and Pokedex. After recieving his Pokedex, 6 Pokeballs, and Trainer's ID Card, Ridley and Flare packed up their gear and planned out thier path through Route 114 through Meteor Falls to Rustboro City, where he'll try to earn his first official Pokemon League Gym Badge. After packing everything up, Ridley set out from his home in Fallarbor Town towards Route 114.
Type Preference (Optional): Ground
Notes: Vulpix hatched with the Egg Move, 'Energy Ball'
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Re: 'Pokemon Adventure' OOC Thread

Awww.... i suppose than the bio jokes dont make you even smile :(

So I cant make my trainer a pokemon, even if i type a huge description about why the pokemon trainer cant be catch, learn TMs/Hms or join the fights?

Easily i can do it and fill all the other info...tomorrow.

I have this little idea when i start to eat my lunch. How about if the pokemon is a guy who was a trainer changed by something into a pokemon [like in pokemon dungeon] He can talk and act like a human, as he looks to be unable to fight and be caught in pokeballs by the side effects of the unknown curse on him. This could make the game more interesting as he will need to find a cure and still try to be a pokemon master. No doubt this idea could give twists and plots to the story, making it to just fun or in a serious thread filled with interesting events.
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Re: 'Pokemon Adventure' OOC Thread

Just to make it clear, I'm waiting on Tycho and Plmnko to modify their character sheets a bit. I really want to get this PBP started back up again.