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Prologue - Clara Jones


Dec 14, 2008
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Clara was at the gym as per her usual routine, working out with a resistance machine when she saw Brick walk in, a recent addition to the regulars at the gym. He was built like his name, with square shoulders, a big jaw, and a sturdy frame, if a bit short. He always came in shortly after sunset, and stayed until the place closed, making him one of the few that stayed consistantly longer than Clara herself.

She was always careful to keep an eye on him the weeks he'd been here, as she had caught him sneaking peeks at her since the second or third day he had showed up. He tended to keep to much the same areas she did, though he knew the equipment, so that was probably coincidence. Today, he walked in and went straight for the dumbbells, starting at a fairly low weight. He looked contemplative somehow, staring at the rack of dumbbells with a spaced out gaze as he went...
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara let out a loud fake yawn as Brick walked in almost like she was trying to provoke him. The looks he gave her didn't seem to bother her. She figured he would probably be too afraid to do anything even if he was interested in her. Hell, the way she acted he probably figured she was a lesbian. She did seem to notice he seemed to be different today, and the weights seemed to be low for someone of his size. She thought about taunts in her mind to say to him but kept her mouth shut.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

One of the others saw the look on her face and figured out what she was considering, giving her a bit of a smirk. Meanwhile, Brick moved to one of the bench pressing seats and started up with that, again on a weight that was obviously beneath his abilities. The entire time, he was sort of staring off into the middle distance, with the occasional glance at her or one of the others.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara smiled at the smirk that the guy gave her. She felt empowered by it. It felt like encouragement to her to put Brick on the spot. She thought to herself jokingly that since he seemed to be staring at her a lot that maybe if she talked to him he'd be so thankful he wouldn't care even if it was an insult.

She said to him loud enough to make a spectacle out of herself, "Hey Brick are you feeling limp today or do you always have a hard time getting it up?" Anticipating him looking at her she smiled arrogantly as she continued to work out.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Brick blinked a bit, bringing his eyes back into focus, but didn't look her way. He just got up from doing bench presses and moved onto a leg machine, dialed down as well, responding in his rich baritone as he did so.

"I'm warming up." He said simply.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara's smile faded as she saw Brick didn't look her way. He didn't seem to be bothered as much as she had wanted from her taunt. Although he did seem to be bothered a little. Maybe if she continued on he would bite... "Psh a small girl could do what you're doing. I'm pretty sure you're just going limp there Brick." Once again smiling she smiled arrogantly wanting that to be the first thing to see if he turned her way.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Brick chuckled a little, still not looking. "Funny you'd mention that..." He said, finishing with ththe machine he was on and going to a mat, laying down and doing situps. Again, he was going under his level, only doing a single situp every ten seconds or so.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara's smile faded again. This time, though, it wasn't just because he didn't look over at her. It seems like he just turned what she said against her. She went silent for a few seconds. Getting up from where she was sitting she went over to a mat. Before she started she said to him "I'm a girl but I can kick your ass in just about everything." She started doing sit ups at a very fast pace like she was trying to provoke him to do the same.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Brick just smiled, stopping entirely and half rolling over to finally look at her directly. "Everything? How about the ring?" He asks, a small smile on his face.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara stopped doing sit ups and smiled back arrogantly at Brick. She knew she was an exceptional fighter and loved to fight. Just because this was some muscle bound guy it didn't mean he could take her on. She said to him, "I can kick anyone's ass in the ring including you."
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

"Then it's done. You're training for MMA, right? Let's do that." He said in his baritone voice, standing up.

The gym didn't have a MMA ring, but there was a set of mats that had a pair of circles on them, one inside the other, that was used for wrestling. Everyone helped set it up, and they took positions on opposite sides.

"Ready?" He asked simply. When she confirms it, he simply takes a typical boxer's stance, but without dancing around, and moves towards the center, stopping on the edge of the inner ring.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Answering Brick she said, "Don't tell me you don't know the rules of MMA halfway in." As the match started to begin Clara's arrogant smile and thoughts faded. She seemed concentrated on the fight now. She Took a similar stance to Brick except that her knees were more bent. Then, she waited for some type of sign to start the match.
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Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Brick glanced over at one of the people who were watching, and the guy nodded, stepping to the eddge of the ring. Clara noticed it was the same guy who had offered her the silent encouragement that had started all this.

"Alright, match starts... Now!" He calls, then sticks around at the edge, ready to call any fouls. Brick just stand there in his ready position, obviously waiting for her to come to him.

((and no, I know dick squat about the rules, a quick rundown of no-nos would be nice ;) ))
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

(( It's pretty much anything goes except for the things we talked about and also don't have them grabbing at each others clothes. To win you pretty much make them tap out by getting them in a submission hold (Arm Bar, leg bar) or choking them till they tap out or knocking them out. I'm assuming he's going to want to knock her out XD. We don't need a time limit I'm guessing as well. ))

Seeing that Brick was letting her make the first move she approached keeping her stance. Not entirely sure what he was capable of she decided to test him. Attempting to kick him on the side of the neck for an early knock out she wondered if he could stop her.

(It's called the carotid artery and it's on the side of neck, I think. I'm not really 100% sure on its name but if you hit it hard enough the person drops like a rock)
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Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Brick raised an arm to deflect the kick, and responded by aiming a punch for her upraised knee, which she danced out of the way of. The first exchange was a draw, no ground given or lost, but Clara realized something. She must be on an order of magnitude faster than Brick, but her was tough enough and strong enough that it wouldn't take much more than a single hit to put her down.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara wasn't surprised that Brick managed to block her kick. She didn't expect him to go down that easily but thought he might be inexperienced enough at this to. With this knowledge she gained she tried to make a strategy to take down Brick. Trying to create some type of opening she continued to stay back and kick his side.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Brick continued to block, seemingly content with soaking up her kicks until she tired. A couple of times he made a grab to catch her leg instead of just blocking, but she was fast enough to avoid it.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Abandoning her strategy of staying back seeing that Brick is probably just trying to tire her out she gets up closer and starts punching at his face.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara manages to get a few solid hits in, but moving closer also put her inside the shorter man's reach as well. He sent a fierce punch at her mdisection, and she managed to drop her arms to block it, but the force sent her skittering away. He took a couple steps towards her new position, then took up his stance again, still waiting for her to come to him.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

As her shots connected Clara felt satisfaction at finally being able to hit Brick. Then, though, as he aimed a shot at her midsection the surprise and force of it made her barely manage to block it sending her skittering back. Seeing him waiting instead of taking advantage of what he just did to her made her wonder if this guy was all muscle and no brains. Those thoughts faded though as she saw he waited for her to come at it him again. Figuring she was far faster then him she tried to get behind him and tackle him from behind.