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Prologue - Clara Jones

Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

The door doesn't seem to want to give after the first kick. There's the satisfying feeling that comes from a good, solid hit, one that might have even spiderwebbed the glass of the door, but it was going to take more than a single hit to break through.

And Clara was out of time. It seemed as if just as she reached the door, Brick was right behind her. She felt both of his hands on her arms and the vertigo feeling of him pulling her backward and over his body. It was similar to a suplex but instead of her shoulders hitting the floor, he actually flung her backward toward the middle of the room again. The canvas drop cloth was smooth enough to prevent too much friction burn as she slid across it, but the fact still remained that he had just thrown her halfway across the building. Backwards. And once she'd recovered, it became clear he was headed for her again and those big teeth were not a trick of the light this time. They were readily apparent as he growled.

((I think it's suplex. Too tired to google.))
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

(( I don't what you would call it if you throw the person but yeah suplex... ZOMG Suplex throw! ))

As Clara slid along the floor Clara's her eyes were opened wide in shock. She never thought a normal person could do this no matter how strong they were. The shock caused her to forget to jump to her feet and the part of her body that was in the air fell to the soft ground. Seeing him charge at her she saw the teeth again and knew this time it couldn't be a trick of the light. Instinct kicked in and like in the fight earlier today she got ready to get into a guard position and try to get in the guillotine choke again, although, seeing his strength now it probably wouldn't protect her like it did earlier...
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

((You said she didn't get to her feet, so I'm assuming this is going from the ground position. I'm also going off of a demo video, so bear with.))

Brick doesn't seem to be thinking very strategically at this point and Clara actually does manage to get the hold on him. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have the same effect as it did before. Though she can manage to get her legs around him, the pressure of the hold isn't slowing him in the least and he actually pushes the two of them up, letting out a rather bestial-sounding roar as he does so, the position threatening to have her upside-down over his shoulder again or at best, ruining his balance and sending them both to the floor, her on top, but likely landing face first...and there's no mats here. He's utterly ignoring how tightly she's gripping his neck, his own hands clutching at her, trying to get enough of a grip to simply pull her away in the same manner one might try to detatch a clinging monkey.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

The combination of his long teeth and the fact that she can't strangle him makes her realize that Brick isn't human. With here eyes opened wide in shock at this realization the only thing she can think of doing is tightening her grip even more knowing that if she let go he would just fling her away like a ragdoll. She didn't think it'd be long until Brick got a good hold on her and flung her like a rag doll knowing that she was only buying time by not letting go and tightening her grip...
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Brick is thrashing about, still trying to pull Clara off of him and with his strength, he just might do it. It doesn't help his cause, though, that he's still practically doubled-over from standing up with her wrapped around him, nor that she's got her grips on him, ones that aren't meant to be readily broken. She can hear him growling and feel him trying to either thrash his head side to side to pull loose or, from the grazing she can feel, he's trying to bite her on the arm if he can position his head well enough to sink his teeth in. It is getting harder and harder for her to hold on to him, though, as it almost feels like he's getting stronger the madder he gets.

Eventually, he does manage to pry her off of him, his strength and stamina outlasting and overcoming her ability to maintain such a hold continuously. He doesn't, as she feared, fling her away from him, though he does rather roughly slam her to the floor on her back, likely stealing the wind from her. She can feel him twist around, straddling her legs with his own, his forearm pressed to her throat, both cutting off air and further ruining her chances of pushing herself up.

Having no choice but to look up at him, she can see him staring down at her, a satisfied look on his face. "Be proud. You fought well," he growls. She can see the flash of his teeth with each word. "You'll be a good addition." He moves his arm but before she can ask what he means, or even think of moving, she feels those teeth of his sink into her neck, the pain of the bite almost immediately giving way to a wave of mind-numbing pleasure.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara soon found herself without the will to struggle as the mind numbing pleasure washed through her whole body. She gave Brick no resistance as she sat there softly moaning each time her heart pumped more blood into Brick's mouth. All the time she spent fighting she never seemed to find peace. This was somehow like the peace she had never had. The feeling of her life draining away just seemed to add to it. Closing her eyes she didn't even care if she died from this feeling as she felt her life draining away. She even hugged Brick at the very last moments knowing deep down inside it was about to end for her. This feeling, though, made her not even care. After she was dead for some reason she felt like this would be the only thing she would ever feel in her endless dreams and this peace is what she yearned for now.

(I hope that works...)
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

(That works well. Bravo!)

Brick felt Clara's struggling begin to cease as the Kiss completely took her over. If he hadn't been so intent on his feeding, he might have puzzled over how such a fighter came to what became a peaceful end. He did, however, feel her arms coming around him, but that wasn't going to stop him, not when he was so close to having finished her. Still, it didn't feel like she was resisting. Instead, it felt almost as though she were welcoming the oblivion that lay between death and the Embrace.

Once he was sure that she would remain still, he drew back, kneeling beside her and glancing around. He still wasn't here yet, but he'd been told you could wait a little bit between feeding them. He wasn't sure how long was too long, though. And he really didn't want to screw this up. If that idiot didn't hurry...

He heard the sound of the back door banging open. That had better be him, he growled to himself, pushing up to his feet and going to make sure it wasn't an interruption. When he saw the body slung over a shoulder, he let out an irritated sigh.

"About damn time!"

"Hey, you try lugging one of these across town without being spotted and then you can bitch, all right?"

"Whatever. Just dump it and go. I got work to do."

"Yeah, yeah."

Brick watched as the other man hauled the trussed up body of a young woman over near Clara, the faint groan and pinch of her eyes as she was unceremoniously dropped to the floor being the only indication she was even still alive. Task done, the other man left to let himself out the back again. Brick knelt down and slit his own wrist with his fangs, propping open Clara's mouth and letting the liquid drop down into it. Taking a moment to wipe a few stray drops away from her lips with his thumb, he retreated to the further side of the room to lean back against the wall, sealing his wrist as he waited for the real show to start.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara opened her eyes waking up to what she thought was hell. The urge to drink overpowered all her either senses. It felt as if her throat was about to burned through from how thirsty she was. She got up to all fours like an animal looking for prey. When she looked around the first thing she noticed was the girl next to her. Without hesitation or thought, only guided by instinct, she flew on top of the unmoving girl pinning her down to make sure she can't struggle. Opening her mouth Clara went to the girl's neck and started sucking her dry, savoring every last bit of blood. After drinking her blood for a while her senses started to return. Clara realized what she was doing to this girl. Stopping, even though she still felt thirsty, she wondered if she ended up killing the girl before she stopped.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

As she drew back, it was hard to tell if the girl was still alive or not. She wasn't moving, but that could just be something of an after-effect of the bite or she could have been unconscious to begin with (so far as Clara knew, anyway). What draws her attention, though, is the sound of slow applause coming from what would be in front of her, given her position. Lifting her gaze, she'd find Brick sitting there, his back against one of the fixtures. As he sees her staring at him, he keeps his hands together, shaking them almost like a sign of victory.

"Well done, Childe," he states, slowly pushing himself to his feet. "You know, for a while, I thought you were going to be more trouble than you were worth, but seeing this," he gestures to the scene before Clara, "only reinforced the original decision. You are going to be a fine addition to the pack." He nods, as if reinforcing the statement to himself. "We could use more warriors like you. Ones with skills that are only going to be augmented by their Disciplines. Someone that knows what in the hell she's doing when things get ugly."

All the while he's been talking, he's been closing the gap between the two of them. He never once takes his eyes off of her, even as he crouches down to haul the girl up by her bindings. "You really ought to finish your meal. We've got a long night ahead of us." As though the other woman were nothing more than a rag doll, he tosses her toward Clara, obviously not caring if she capable of catching her or not. "You're going to want your strength for what's ahead."
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara did catch the girl. She was confused as hell at why she had a strong urge to keep drinking her blood but ignored it. Pretty much ignoring what Brick said she started carrieing the girl outside with the intention of bringing her to a hospital feeling horrible about what she just did without thinking. As she walked she started piecing things together. When she realized what she was and what Brick was she just sighed with the girl in her arms. After she was done helping this girl she would kick Brick's ass...
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

((Sorry to kaibosh the action, but he wouldn't let her leave.))

As soon as Clara starts walking for the door, girl in her arms, she feels Brick grip the back of her shirt, hauling her backwards, burden and all. "Just where do you think you're going?" There's a touch of a growl in his voice. "Either you finish her off or I will and then we've got some place to be." Looks like she might get her opportunity to kick the crap out of Brick sooner rather than later, especially as he makes a grab for the girl...unless she starts feeding again, of course.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

(( I assumed he wouldn't ))

Clara still held the girl in her arms. When Brick mentioned finishing her off she turned to him and showed her fangs to him in a threatening manner. Hissing at him she said, letting her anger and depression show at her transformation, "Back the fuck off Brick you alerady did enough to me tonight. You're lucky I don't smash your head in right here." She stood her ground in a defensive manner staring at Brick as she gently laid the girl against a wall, getting ready to fight him.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Brick let out a scoffing laugh, especially as she hissed at him. "Please, little girl. You couldn't beat me then, you sure as hell ain't gonna beat me now." He snapped his own fangs at her, the action more taunting than menacing, showing he wasn't taking her seriously. "If having to beat your ass again is what it's going to take, then come on." He made an accompanying gesture. "You think because you got fangs you're as badass as me? Bring it. Maybe having them pulled out will teach you a lesson." He bounced on the balls of his feet a little, shaking out his limbs, and waiting on her to make her move.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara responded well to the taunt. Feeling like she had no reason to hold back now that she was what Brick was she charged at him as fast as she could yelling at him, "Don't lay your fucking hands on her, you piece of shit." When she him instead she punched at his head as hard as she could wanting to destroy him as fast as she could with her new "Powers."

(( Yeah I know she probably wouldn't be that much stronger ))
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Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Brick laughed again as he moved his arms to deflect her vicious punches, though Clara actually felt some give to his arms now, as if her punches were actually affecting him. He endured a couple seconds of it before managing to get a grip on her and throwing her back across the room. He shook a little, as if limbering up, and cracked his knuckles, starting to advance to where she was. "Get ready to have that righteousness beat outta you, girl. Maybe I'll yank out those fangs so you appre--"

Out of nowhere, a red-haired woman Appears just behind Brick in midair, landing feet first on his shoulders and knocking him to the ground. She lets out a hiss as she sprouts claws from her hands and rakes them aross his back before jumping off behind a supporting column and disappears from sight once more.

"Back. Stabbing. Whore!" Brick was growling even more now, his fangs prominent again, his gaze whipping about the room, trying to find the figure that seemed to have just disappeared. "That's right, Mac. Run away! That's all you seem to be good at. Fucking traitor! I get my hands--"

Now Clara was certain the woman was appearing from some sort of invisibility, as the redhead appears again not a foot away from Brick, diving in low feetfirst and knocking his legs out from under him, drawing another set of lines across his side with her claws as she does so. Before he even lands, however, she moves again, digging her claw in and swinging herself around so she lands on top of him, a wooden stake appearing in her other hand. She drives it into his chest before he has time to react, and Brick goes entirely limp. The entire process took all of two seconds, from the time she knocked his legs out till now, as she picks herself up off of him and looks over to Clara.

"Hey, you alright?" She asks, her own set of fangs retracting slowly...
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara stared in disbelief at the fight. How were they able to move so fast when she couldn't? Was she really a vampire or was there something different about her. She looked over to the girl she leaned on the wall and walked on all fours over to her in a defensive position. Saying to the woman she kept her eyes on her closely, "Who are you...?"
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

"I'm River." The woman said, bending down and searching Brick's pockets, eventually coming up with a set of keys. "Gimme a hand with him, would ya? Did you see what his car looked like?" She asked, reaching down and grabbing hold of his shoulders, taking care to keep the shaft of wood lodged in his chest.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara stared at River stupidly. River seemed to be friendly enough. Still, she picked up the girl that she had drained and stared at River suspiciously the whole time she had done it. She said to her, "Can we take this girl to a hospital? She... probably needs blood..." Clara left out the details about why she needed blood on purpose... She did answer River's question saying, "It's an old beat up thunderbird..."
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

River looked troubled, putting Brick down and walking over to check the girl's pulse. "She's not going to make it to a hospital..." She says slowly, looking indecisive about something. "Fuck it, you might as well get lesson number one now." She says, and bites into her own wrist, putting it against the woman's lips for a moment before bringing it back up to her own, licking some of her blood up and sealing the wound. "Lesson number one. Your blood is a very potent thing, it can restore a life, or take one over..." She says enigmatically as the woman let out a groan and started shifting, colour returning to her skin.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara felt like her heart froze when River said the girl wasn't going to make it to the hospital. When she explained about her blood she wondered if this was going to work and if it did what would happen to this girl. She asked River, staring at this girl, feeling depressed about what she did, "Is she going be like us...?"