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Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]


Dec 9, 2008
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Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: Quetz is 4'10" and if not for her bust, which while large on her would likely seem small on women of a more average size, she would easily be mistaken as a child. Also, as a way of trying to make herself seem more womanly and less like a child, she has grown her hair to be slightly past her waist.
Bio: Aside from being slightly sensitive about her height, Quetz tends to be somewhat bouncy acting much like the child others would think she is. She also tends to be somewhat nervous when others start acting aggressively towards her as her small size means that the best she can do in a fight is often just to run away.

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][65]} {[Stamina:][110]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart wakes up to a cold dungeon room, cool chills going passed her as she awakes she immediately notices a small box in one corner near some man who seems to be bobbing back and forth. She rubs her eyes and strains her eyes slightly to see that it was not bobbing but raping a skeleton. The man was obviously deprived of any sexual attention or was lost in a horny state. Whichever it was, the skeleton was getting the brunt of it. The man was completely nude and was obviously in a sick state, his body looked weak from some kind of illness, his only fast movements were into the skeleton, which couldn't have been really causing him any pleasure since the hole in the skeleton was much bigger than that of his member. The box obviously was something helpful just by the pure fact it looked like a small treasure chest but she may have to try face the sex crazed man.

{Try To Sneak Passed Him To The Box} {Wait} {Move On} {Try To Talk To Him} {Stay In Room But Hide}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

What the hell? Where am I? What is that guy.. That guy is... ewwww, well he hasn't noticed me, I hope. He sure better not think that skeleton is better looking than... no kill that train of thought. Still, if I can get that box near him I might be able to find something that will tell me what's going on. Quetz thinks before deciding that with her small size and weight she should be able to sneak past the man.

Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][65]} {[Stamina:][110]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Quetz started to sneak passed the man, placing her hand on the case, successfully taking it but as soon as she took it the crazed man swung his head around. She had made just a tad bit too much noise and alerted the man of her prescence. Which caused him to stand up and think twice about which target he wanted to go for. A live one was more..fulfilling. The crazed human lunged for Quetz with his member dangling but he leapt right passed her, missing her by a mile, she was much faster than him.

Encountered Sex Crazed Human, Level 3, {[Health:][36]}

Desc: A sex crazed human is one who has been lost in the dungeon for years and is lost in the pleasure now.

{Attack} {Wait} {Run} {Try To Talk To Him}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Gah! Fuck! No wait, fuck is bad! Quetz speaks without thinking before trying to keep on the opposite side of the room as the man while opening the case.

Evade and open.
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][65]} {[Stamina:][110]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 3, {[Health:][36]}

Quetz successfully opens the case and it reveals a small bottle with the label 'booster' on it and inside is a single red pill. The Sex crazed human was easily dodged on his first run and on its second it also was easily dodged. It seemed as if Quetz was just too fast for the sickly crazed human. Every time it leapt towards her, he missed. The man's eyes were firmly placed to watch between her legs and they never left that spot, it was almost like a dog in heat.

{Attack} {Wait} {Run} {Try To Talk To Him} {Eat The Pill}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Well, it's not like things can get much worse than waking up alone and in the room with someone insane. Quetz thinks, the apparent weakness of the man allowing her to act with at least a small measure of confidence. She then eats the pill before readying the empty case to use as a club.

Eat Pill
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][65]} {[Stamina:][110]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 3, {[Health:][36]}

Quetz eats the pill to her surprise to actually find herself feeling stronger. The club, however, wasn't needed at least this go around as the man tried to grab her again but she was far to fast for him. The man didn't seem to try to attack her but pin her, but then, with only one thing on the male's mind, what can you expect? It wanted one thing and thats all it was going for.

{Attack} {Wait} {Run} {Try To Talk To Him}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

What can I do? I can't really run since I won't be able to dodge when I leave the room. Plus, he would just follow me. Damn, that kills my best option. Well here goes nothing. Quetz says as she readies herself. She would let the man get close this time and only sidestep his lunge. That should give her the opportunity to hit him with the canister.

Sidestep and counter
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][65]} {[Stamina:][110]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 3, {[Health:][36-22=14]}

Quetz successfully sidesteps and raises the canister up high before she brings it down hard on the man's head. The crazed human hits the floor hard and seemingly cracks his skull some on the floor, rolling over it looks up at Quetz, weakened and bleeding now. She had hit it with a nearly fatal blow, if she could pull off one more like that, she could easily fell the crazed human.

{Attack} {Wait} {Run}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

This is working! I might be able to get out of this after all. Quetz thinks as she resumes her position to repeat what she had just done.

Sidestep and counter
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 122/250
{[Health:][75]} {[Stamina:][130]}

{8 free stat points}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 3, {[Health:][DEAD]}

Quetz successfully sidesteps once more and swings it down hard on the Sex Crazed Human again. It connects once more and does even more damage then before, cracking the human's skull open as it falls to the ground dead.

Gained 122 Experience
Level 1 ---> Level 2
Health 65 --- > Health 75
Stamina 110 --- > Stamina 130
Gained 8 stat points (distribute as you like)

Quetz feels much stronger after her run in with death and sees that there is nothing else in the room, the only thing left is the dead body in the middle of the room.

{Wait} {Move On}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

I did it! I did... Oh my... I, I killed him... Uh, I. Quetz thinks before fleeing he room in a panic, disturbed at what she had done even though she didn't have a choice. Fortunately, her subconscious mind kept her from ditching the canister.

Move on
+1 str, +1 con, +5 spd, +1 int
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 122/250
{[Health:][75(>>> 78)]} {[Stamina:][130(>>> 138)]}
{[STR:][17(>>> 18)]}{[CON:][15(>>> 16)]}{[SPD:][45(>>> 50)]}{[INT:][25(>>> 26)]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Quetz enters the next room and just as she's about to step her foot down on a tile she notices that the tiles are different colors and some seem cracked and as if they are made of some sort of paper. Unsure of what might be under the tiles but her good sense says that whatever it is, its not something she'll enjoy.

{Wait} {Move On} {Examine Tiles} {Move Along Non-Cracked Tiles}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Whoa, stopping now. Quetz thinks before she starts to look over the tiles. In the movies it was always the uncracked tiles that were safe, but just to be sure she starts examine the tiles and if nothing turns up she starts poking the tiles, cracked and normal, with her canister.

Examine tiles
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 122/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][138]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Quetz starts poking at the tiles and soon as she pokes the non-cracked tiles they give way down into a pit with barbed wire at the bottom of the holes. The cracked tiles, however, never gave way and were actually very sturdy. There was nothing else of interest in this room besides the barbed wire under the non-cracked tiles.

{Wait} {Move Along Cracked Tiles}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Well, I guess the movies aren't always right. Quetz thinks using this puzzle to help push the fact that she just killed someone out of her mind. She the proceeds along the cracked tiles.

Move Along Cracked Tiles
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 122/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][138]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Quetz moves over to the other side where the tiles are the same, as she approaches the exit she notices a female standing in the door way. "Excuse me miss, do you know where I am?" She's in a white skirt with a purple v-neck shirt, she has beautiful orangish hair and bright blue eyes. She stares you in your eyes and she awaits your answer. As well as you start to hear some russling down from under the fake tiles.

{Wait} {Move On} {Attack} {Anwser} {Investigate The Noise}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Whatever is down there won't be able to get out just yet so it can wait. Quetz thinks before replying, Not sure I can help you much, I just woke up in a dead end room over that way, Miss. There was a crazy man in there humping a skeleton, but anyway, You have about the same circumstances?

Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 122/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][138]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

The female brushed a few locks of her hair behind her ear and smiled at her. "Yes, sort of. I woke up in a room and there was this big furry creature in my room. It tried to rape me!" She said a bit franctic but it seemed to be put on seeing as she was just fine. She shrugged her shoulders, "So its a dead end that way?" She stared off behind you.

One of the fake tiles were shoved up and went flying towards the cieling and then fell back down. the hole, the next tile started to shake as well.

{Wait} {Move On} {Attack} {Talk} {Investigate The Noise} {Other/Combination}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

You can check for yourself if you want, but right now I'm kinda interested in what the tile thrower is. Quetz says before starting up her childlike curiosity by moving over to the tiles and breaking a few fake ones so that she can see what's down below.
