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Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][70+5=75/78]} {[Stamina:][17+9=26/138]}

Status: Trapped (Sexual Trap/Very Winded/Panting Hard)

Quetz feels somewhat relieved as she feels her catching her breath. Although her glance around the room wasn't as focused as she thinks as she sits down she feels her waist being latched around like a safety belt, then the floor underneath her gave a bit, lowering her legs and lower half into the floor a bit and under the stone was a combination of multiple shockers, sending electricial shocks all over her lower half, though it wasn't high enough to hurt, it was actually rather pleasing for Quetz. She knew immediately she had fallen into a sex trap.

{Wait} {Try To Break Free}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Damn it, why can't I catch a break in this place. Quetz thinks as she begins to try and tear the belt of of herself.

Attempt Escape.
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Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][75/78]} {[Stamina:][26-8=18/138]}

Status: Trapped (Sexual Trap/Very Winded/Panting Hard)

Quetz tries her hardest to break the belt but only in doing so russles around more and causes more electrical pleasure shocks to be sent around her body. She can feel her stamina becoming weaker with each passing moan. Every part of her lower body tingling from the shocks.

{Wait} {Try To Break Free}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Probably wouldn't be good to fall asleep in this thing. Quetz thinks as she redoubles her efforts to escape.

Attempt Escape
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][75/78]} {[Stamina:][18/138]}

Status: Free (Very Winded/Panting Hard)

With what felt like the lat of her energy she busted the belt and was able to move out of the trap before it pleased her body anymore, while it was good feeling and pleasing, it was wearing her stamina down. She was now panting hard again and starting to feel tired.

{Wait} {Move On}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Kinda feel like I could use a nap, if only I knew nothing would attack in my sleep I would do just that. Everyone here seems to be just a bunch of meanies. Quetz thinks checking the ground at her feet carefully before sitting down to rest again while struggling to keep her eyes open.

Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][18+6=24/138]}

Status: Free (Sleepy)

Quetz even with her struggles to keep her eyes open, failed, she soon fell asleep for a short period and upon waking up felt her bruises being okay but her energy still felt very weak.

{Wait} {Move On}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

There's no way I'll be able to deal with anything I encounter if I'm like this, and I need to keep my eyes open this time. Quetz thinks before continuing her rest.

Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][24/138]}

Status: Free (Sleepy)

Quetz's conscious knows she must stay awake but her body and mind make her do otherwise but before she can have any serious rest she is woken up by wetness dripping down onto her stomach and lap. She opens her eyes to find a snout of a doberman in her face, dripping drool and sniffing her bust.

Hound, Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][35]}

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Pet The Dog/Try To Calm It}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Uh, hey there little fellow. Quetz says trying to pet the dog. Maybe I can convince this thing to protect me?

Pet the dog
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][24/138]}

Status: Pinned (Sleepy)

Quetz's efforts of petting the dog seemed to get it in a playful mood but soon enough it started to nudge its nose against her raggy skirt and shoving her closed to the wall. It was drooling still and some of its drool was hitting her inner thigh. Which most likely brought bad memories.

Hound, Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][35]}

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Pet The Dog/Try To Calm It}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Hey, hey. Don't mess around down there, Mr. Fuzzy. Quetz says as she scratches the dog behind one ear with her right hand while trying to redirect his head with her left.

Pet the dog.
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][24/138]}

Status: Pinned&Felt Up (Sleepy)

Quetz's smoothing words and petting seems to pause it for a moment before it shoves its head back down into her crotch and instead of on her skirt, it slips under her skirt and starts licking her womanhood, its tongue not entering inside but the feeling sending shivers down her spine.

Hound, Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][35]}

{Wait} {Try To Escape Pin} {Attack} {Pet The Dog/Try To Calm It}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

No Mr. Fuzzy. Down boy! Quetz says pushing down on the dogs head lightly in an attempt to pacify what she hoped could be her canine companion.

Try to calm
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][24/138]}

Status: Pinned&Felt Up (Sleepy)

The Hound's licking had got more ravaging to her womanhood until she started to push its head down which only made it growl a bit before it stopped and looked up at her, almost as if it was wandering why it made it stop.

Hound, Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][35]}

{Wait} {Try To Escape Pin} {Attack} {Pet The Dog/Try To Calm It/Speak To Him}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Shhh, just calm down Mr. Fuzzy. I'm really tired, so I'd like to rest for a while. Also, I'm trying to find my way out of this place. You could come to if you like. Just think about it, you wouldn't have to wait around hoping for a female to come your way, there would already be many everywhere outside of this place. Quetz says, trying to convince 'Mr. Fuzzy' to ally with her.

Speak to him.
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][24/138]}

Status: Free (Sleepy)

The Hound slowly ybacked away but wasn't seeming to back down persay as, seemingly, hearing her out. It looked up at her face and seemed to stare, as if it was waiting for something more.

Hound, Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][35]}

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Pet The Dog/Try To Calm It/Speak To Him}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

If I give you a belly rub, would you at least guard me as I rest? Quetz asks patting the ground beside her for the dog to come and sit.

Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][24/138]}

Status: Free (Sleepy)

The Hound slowly moved over almost as if something was urging him not to, but soon enough he laid in the spot where she patted and rolled over on his back kicking his feet up in the air.

Hound, Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][35]}

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Rub His Belly}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Good boy, Mr. Fuzzy. Good boy. Quetz murmurs to the dog as she starts to rub is belly.

Rub the Belly