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Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][24/138]}

Status: Free (Sleepy)

The Hound seemed to let off a small noise that could only be seen as a playful bark or growl before it seemed to start to snore. As if she put it to sleep with her rubs.

Hound, Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][35]}

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Rub His Belly}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Good boy, Mr. Fuzzy. Quetz says before gently resting her head against the dogs chest. She then used him as a pillow to help her rest.

Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][24+6=30/138]}

Status: Free (Exhausted)

Quetz slowly drifts off to sleep and wakes up what seems like minutes later, but most likely at least an hour. She finds herself in a slightly different position and looks around to find that the Hound had left her. Though she was lucky enough to avoid its massive sexual drive, it most likely had stalked off to find other prey.

{Wait} {Move On}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Guess I need to keep my eyes open now. Quetz says continuing her rest as she tried to recover from the tentacle monster from earlier.

Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][30+3=33/138]}

Status: Free (Exhausted)

Quetz keeps her eyes wide awake this time but she still can feel herself worn out but getting better each time she takes a small rest.

{Wait} {Move On}
(lol low rolls on your recovery. :p Though you're lucky, not much failed waits. XD)
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Exhausted Quetz continues her rest.

Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][33+7=40/138]}

Status: Free (Exhausted)

Quetz slowly drifts off to sleep and luckly for her, she is not disturbed by any creatures or sex crazed people.

{Wait} {Move On}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Exhausted Quetz continues her rest.


(This'll continue for awhile. Say 'til about half stamina or a critter attacks.)
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Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][40/138]}

Status: Free (Exhausted)

Lion, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][75]}
Quetz is awoken by a snort and feeling a small puff of air on her womanhood which jerks her awake, upon opening her eyes she is faced with a lion. The Lion moved back a bit and stared at Quetz before letting off a roar, almost as if it was trying to scare Quetz.

{Wait} {Move On}
(Spoke too soon. creature attacks :p)
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Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Hey now. Quetz says as she slowly gets up and moves towards the exit.

Move on
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][40/138]}

Status: Free (Exhausted)

Quetz was able to escape the clutches of the lion though she could hear its frustrated roars from the other room. Scanning the new room she spots a man in black jeans, black boots, black fingerless gloves and a black jacket but she could see he was wearing no shirt and on top of that in this dark place. He was wearing black sunglasses, which was very unusual since it was dark enough as is. Didn't need to make it darker with sunglasses.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Uh, hello? Quetz says tentatively. He seems human and isn't crazy like the other man she had seen. Hopefully that meant he isn't out to get her. Still she is wary given that the woman from earlier seemed normal as well.

Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][40/138]}

Status: Free (Exhausted)

Quetz's words doesn't seem to phase the man, even though he was looking in a different direction. He turned around with a smile, she could see he had slightly pointed teeth in the smile which no doubt made her uneasy but he just replied simply with, "Welcome to my home. What brings a beautiful young lady like you into such a dangerous place?"

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Mostly, running from a lion. I can't seem to catch a break in this place long enough to recover from that tentacle thing a few rooms back. Quetz replies, hoping that this man is reasonable like Mr. Fuzzy was.

Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][40/138]}

Status: Free (Exhausted)

The man bowed to her and took her hand, kissing it lightly. "Ah, well in this place, everything is of the utmost danger. From the animals to the people. I do not think one thing gives anyone a rest. So how tired are you m'lady?" He said in a bit of a haunting way but he made no approach to attack her.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

I'm near dead on my feet. Still, you don't seem as dangerous? Quetz asks, hoping for it to be true.
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][40/138]}

Status: Free (Exhausted)

The man snickered, "Well you could say I'm not dangerous but you'd be wrong." He said as he gave a toothy grin that was now in well sight of her eyes and they seemed sharper than they looked before. Her mind could wonder to the fact he may be a vampire if she had seen any movies, stories, etc.. of that manner. "I vary with when I am dangerous and when I am not."

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

I don't suppose I could get a proper rest before we get down to a struggle. Quetz asks realizing what is about to happen.
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][40/138]}

Status: Free (Exhausted)

The man laughed. "By all means, I do wish the blood of my victims to be fresh and strong for the tasting." He said with another laugh before he stared into Quetz's eyes. Almost in a hypnotic way, but he didn't make any moves to charm her or use his vampiric abilities against her. He seemed to be serious when he meant to be fresh.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Uh, ah, thank you, I think. Quetz stammers out. before moving over to a nearby wall and sitting down to rest against it. Throughout this process she keeps her eyes on the vampire.