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RPG RPG Maker [ラブリープリチー超愛してる] ゼヴェンの孕姫 / The Pregcess of Zeven (RJ196116)

Can I run game full screen on widescreen monitor with 4:3 black bars? I changed monitor resolution but game always stretched with 16:9
Can I run game full screen on widescreen monitor with 4:3 black bars? I changed monitor resolution but game always stretched with 16:9
Like Amario, I used a weapon with a slot that changed all healing into damage instead, so when it tried to regenerate it killed itself. I also used an item that made one of the minions into my ally instead, not sure how much that helped.

how can i find that weapon ?
OP not up to standard. The description makes it seem like an ADV game where you just talk to people, but later in the thread conversation makes the game seem to be an actual RPG.

If anyone can clarify please do so with a message in the thread. Otherwise an updated OP can be PM'ed to me, Jesus or Darkfire.
OP not up to standard. The description makes it seem like an ADV game where you just talk to people, but later in the thread conversation makes the game seem to be an actual RPG.

If anyone can clarify please do so with a message in the thread. Otherwise an updated OP can be PM'ed to me, Jesus or Darkfire.

I'll copy my post from page 10:

This game is an RPG, where you play as a sheltered princess.

At the start of the game the princess is at home at her castle. Her father gathers together his children to officially declare his successor. He has six boys and one younger daughter, I think (or maybe it was seven?). As the youngest child and the only girl, she has led a sheltered life at home, and been doted on by her family. The royal family are descendants from a hero who once beat a demon lord, so they have the peculiar custom of passing on the throne to the strongest child, and they test this by seeing which child can make it to the depeest level of the sea god's dungeon unaided. The princess hasn't taken this challenge, as she isn't yet of age. Her oldest brother has the current record - he's a kind and just man, well loved by all the people and his younger sister. Everyone expects him to inherit, and to be a great king. So when the king declares that he will succeed him, the princess is happy to give up her right to challenge the dungeon, and instead let him be the king. At the gathering are the princess, the oldest son and two of the other sons - two more are out travelling the world to train in martial arts, and the other is probably wasting his time somewhere.

However, just as this is being declared the youngest son bursts in, and claims that he has penetrated to a deeper floor - thus he will be the next king instead! They check his memory stone, and indeed, it shines with the colour of the seventh level, one lower than the oldest prince. Everyone is dismayed. This son is a no good wastrel. He spends his time gambling and sleeping with prostitutes, wasting money without a care for anyone else. He boasts that when he is king he will force the women of the country to serve in his harem, and makes lewd remarks about his little sister. Basically, if he becomes king the country will be ruined. So the sister takes back her decision to waive her right to challenge the dungeon - she will challenge it, and beat her brother's record.

The princess' servant explains about the town of Zeven as they travel there. In this world, "gods" are built up from people's desires - desires of protection create protector gods, and so on. The town they are travelling to is under the protection of the sea god - the servant explains how other than ships from Zeven, merchant vessel invariably get attacked and sunk by krakens. The princess assumes the sea god is nice to protect his people from the krakens, but that's not it - the krakens are his creation. He actively seeks out and destroys people other than those under his protection. He is made up from people's wicked and lewd desires. As such, his aura emanates from the sea gods cave - it makes all the men of the town horny, and all the women unable to resist their sexual urges. As such, all women have moved away from the town - the only people who travel their are greedy men who want to take advantage of the blessing merchants get to make their fortune there. And the men know that women who enter the town are unable to resist them, so can be freely raped.

A fairly recent magical technology has been able to create the effect of divine blessings within people (it's been known for a while how to put them into clothes and weapons and so on). The princess has three such blessings - protecting her from being touched with lewd intent without her permission (anyone who tries gets zapped), protecting her from all forms of mental magic, and from pregnancy. The servant says that the mental magic protection should also protect her from the lewd atmosphere the sea god's shrine creates, and indeed that is the case. So the princess is able to enter the town without issue. In the town she finds the lord of the town is a corrupt court magician who was banished from court. He resents being sent here, and has been scheming with the younger brother to earn him the crown, so he can get back into the court. With a disregard for the laws of succession (that they had to make it to the deepest level on their own), he helped the brother by summoning monsters from deep in the dungeon to protect the brother, so he could just walk to the deepest point without fighting. And to obstruct the princess he has summoned boss monsters at each level that she has to overcome.

The game, then, is split into two sections: challenging the sea god's dungeon, and interacting with the townsfolk. The dungeon plays out a little like a roguelike. Each floor in randomly generated, and a different array of enemies appear depending how deep of a hierarchy you are on. Most hierarchies also have their own rules - like, the fire level might damage you each step you take, or what have you. You find random weapons and items in chests, and look for the stairs on each floor to head lower, with bosses guarding each new hierarchy. In the town, the townsfolk, affected by the lewdness emanating from the dungeon, will try to pervert the princess at every step, finding ways to get around her protections and steal her chastity. Giving in to their advances nearly always gives a benefit back in the dungeon - you can let the weapon seller see your boobs so he gives you better weapons, let the magician paint a spell so you resist damage from one of the hierarchies on your body, show some skin to get a better price at the underground auction, bathe naked in the men's baths to remove the curse the dungeon puts on you, and so on.

If you want to try for a full pure route, the best advice is to never return to town (until the game forces you) - that way you avoid receiving the curse and being forced to go to the hot springs, If you want to go for the full lewd route, you should exhaust every scene before challenging the next hierarchy down, since you get items and skills that help with each hierarchy.
OP updated, thread moved back and reopened.
anyone can you tell me the password of the underground auction i can't processed any farther i have unlocked the 11 of 12
In other news it looks like Kagura Games is putting out a Full English release of this slated for Q3 this year.
Oh geez, Q3 is gonna be a nightmare for me when it comes to games. Too many to choose from...
Okay. so here's the problem I had with this game. First time through I went for the pure route, avoiding every lewd scene I could. This mostly involves never leaving the dungeon if you can help it, so that you don't get hit by the curse that forces you to go to the bath house to remove it. (At a later point in the game it forcibly teleports you back to town, but it seems to skip the curse trigger by that point). Played that way the game is fine; a little grindy, perhaps.

Next, I tried to play the way it clearly intends - getting all the lewd scenes. And boy, is it a chore. The way it's set up, the lewd scenes tend to lead into each other for each hierarchy, with the final ones giving a buff for that particular hierarchy - so you are highly incentivised to complete all the lewd scenes per hierarchy before even entering the dungeon, then finishing the whole hierarchy at once. And every single scene is ridiculously long and drawn out. That means the flow of the game ends up as a brief jaunt through the dungeon followed by hours of wading through sex scenes. Then a quick jaunt through the next hierarchy, and back to hours of sex scenes. It's terrible pacing! Granted, you could just hold down the skip button and ignore all the text, but when I play I like to read everything. The game just becomes glacially slow.

You can look at the CG room to get some idea of this. Remember, each individual scene is very long and drawn out... 12 scenes in a row, then you can do hierarchy one, then 15 scenes in a row, then hierarchy two, then 16 scenes, in a row, then hierarchy three, then 22 scenes in a row, then hierarchy four, then 32 scenes in a row, then... gah!
In other news it looks like Kagura Games is putting out a Full English release of this slated for Q3 this year.
Heh adjusts glasses Looks like those unemployment bucks were worth saving after all B)
Okay. so here's the problem I had with this game. First time through I went for the pure route, avoiding every lewd scene I could. This mostly involves never leaving the dungeon if you can help it, so that you don't get hit by the curse that forces you to go to the bath house to remove it. (At a later point in the game it forcibly teleports you back to town, but it seems to skip the curse trigger by that point). Played that way the game is fine; a little grindy, perhaps.
Just to ask regarding this, is the curse referring to the first time we go in then return from the dungeon after she gets all her money and sword stolen?
Would it still be possible to go for a virgin run after that if I just try to avoid all major h-scenes (except some like the stripping at weapon shop to upgrade weapons, bunny waitress working at bar to sleep 1 night in inn, exposure events)?
Because I was thinking whether it's viable to grind while also being able to return to town occasionally to heal up and upgrade/restock.
Just to ask regarding this, is the curse referring to the first time we go in then return from the dungeon after she gets all her money and sword stolen?
Would it still be possible to go for a virgin run after that if I just try to avoid all major h-scenes (except some like the stripping at weapon shop to upgrade weapons, bunny waitress working at bar to sleep 1 night in inn, exposure events)?
Because I was thinking whether it's viable to grind while also being able to return to town occasionally to heal up and upgrade/restock.

You can certainly still get the virgin finish that way (you have to progress quite a few events to lose that), I was just trying to get an absolutely minimal lewd scene run. (So I also avoided stripping at the weapon shop, sleeping at the inn or visiting the hot springs).
You can certainly still get the virgin finish that way (you have to progress quite a few events to lose that), I was just trying to get an absolutely minimal lewd scene run. (So I also avoided stripping at the weapon shop, sleeping at the inn or visiting the hot springs).
Thanks for the confirmation!
The minimal lewd run seems difficult though since it requires having to power through the dungeons without upgrade, supplies, and resting.
Thanks for the confirmation!
The minimal lewd run seems difficult though since it requires having to power through the dungeons without upgrade, supplies, and resting.

I got pretty lucky on finding an overpowered weapon early on. There are campsites halfway down each hierarchy where you can recover HP and MP, and the orb at the end of each hierarchy warps you back to the start - so you can run the same hierarchy over and over to level grind and get items.
Anyone have a save file shortly after the dragon on floor 3? I can not get the tool shop dialog to trigger after that boss I've tried reloading an older save and everything its just broken for me.
Anyone have a save file of the 6 hierarchy or close i lost my save T-T