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ranger Test Thread

Re: ranger Test Thread

She had no idea why, but for some reason Faye's admission that she slept naked caused a blush to briefly appear on the elf's cheeks. Despite her tiny size, the fairy was decidedly feminine, and something about the confidence to sleep in the nude, something that she had always lacked, was enough to inspire jealousy and embarrassment simultaneously. "Oh, uhhhhmm... I'll go back to the village, I think. I'll have to be careful along the way, and I think you ought to do the same, and be careful with Tia too. Whoever wants her will try again."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Faye sat on the edge of a saucer plate. "I see... Tia will be heartbroken if you leave without saying goodbye." Faye waited to see Revalli's reaction but was interrupted by the kettle starting to whistle. "Oh dear how time flies. What flavor for you this morning Reavlli?" Standing among the boxes of tea Faye awaited her choice if any at all. "No worries I think Ill send Tia away to train early... especially after lastnight." Faye sighed "Ill miss the little bugger but Ive been gone far to long from my real home. No doubt my sisters have taken all my things." There was a hint of sadness to Faye's voice as the farie spoke.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli was about to say that she would wait for Tia to awaken before departing before the kettle began to whistle. "Mmmm? Oh it doesn't matter really.... The same as last night, the honeyberry, I guess. If you're out of that, Badarian Grey," Revalli replied to the fairy's question about what flavor of tea she'd like. What Faye said next quickly caused the elf to frown, however, and she would eventually reply, "where will you send her? Who will teach her? And... How will that work? I thought you needed to pay for it somehow? You ought to try and stay with her, at least. A child shouldn't go without some sort of parental figure, and at this point you're just about all she has!"
Re: ranger Test Thread

Faye quickly got the package for Revalli and started to prepare the cup. "Well despite being attacked last night the trip wasn't a complete failure. I found a local sorcerer that would be willing to teach Tia. As for price well they where willing to teach Tia for free sense he has a child of his own about a similar age and thinks it would be good for her to have a playmate." Faye finished the preperations before bringing the cup over to Reavlli almost spilling it several times. "Oh thats heavy." Sitting down on her rump Faye let out a big exhale that russled her hair. "I would love to stay with her trust me on that Revalli but someone needs to look after her house. After all its the only thing she has left of her parents, and I can't trust those nymphs not to turn it into their love shack!"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Oh.... Well, I guess that's true. You are at least going to visit her, aren't you? I don't really know how long I'll be in the area," Revalli continued, taking her cup and sipping at her tea. "I mean, I'll be around for a little while, but.... Not forever. Just until the village is back together, most likely. Wait.... Who is this teacher you found?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Like they could keep me away." Faye smiled before adressing Revalli's other concerns. "As for her teacher a very old friend of mine who recently returned to the area after a prolonged stay at the Autumn court." Standing up Faye flew over to the window and looked out over the area of the house. "I will admit it will be lonely with out her here. But after last night I cannot let her stay. Its to dangerous." Turning back to Revalli Faye smiled. "Morning Tia!" Turning her own head Revalli saw the human girl still rubbing sleep out of her eyes and yawning slightly.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Well... Alright," Revalli said, accepting Faye's reassurances. Tia's arrival caused the elf to brighten somewhat, and she set down her cup and said, "good morning! I didn't hear you creep in, but I'm usually an early riser. Sleep well?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Um hummm" Tia walked over to a chair and sat down resting her head on the table. "Oh dear maybe not so well humm." Faye smiled and moved to touch a hand to the girls cheek. Tia smiled at the touch as Faye backed away and sat down looking gloomy. For a moment the farie looked at her adopted daughter before getting up and flying to a cubbard. "I think some warmed oats will be good today, after all she has a big day ahead of her."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli would smile somewhat feebly at the fairy and Tia as Faye flitted over to touch her cheek, but then the elf would rise. Smiling a bit more warmly, she would say, "I ought to get back to the village then, make sure they're doing alright. Goodbye for now!" She would offer Tia a hug and Faye a nod before heading out, humming quietly to herself as she journeyed back towards the human town she had stumbled upon.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli Hp: 47 Pp: 72 Ep: 69

Perception: 28 (4+24) vs 35 fail!

Maybe it was her imagination but it seemed that Tia hugged her feircely. Maybe the young girl sensed that this may well be the last time they would see each other. Then agian the world was a big place and the future still held endless possibilities. Seperating from the human girl Revalli made her way out. Stopping at the gate Revalli saw that both Tia and Faye waited just outside their door waving good bye.

Stepping threw the gate Revalli felt the spot where Faye had kissed her warm up slightly. Clearing the threshold the warm sensation stopped. "Bye Revalli come visit me okay!" Heading back towards the village was an easy task having made the trip with Tia Revalli reconized the path. Humming a little tune to herself she made great time untill the sound of gun fire interrupted her humming. Perking her ears it sounded like it was comming from the village.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"I will!" Revalli said, waving back at Tia and Faye as she walked away from the house. Continuing on her way, it was a while before Revalli heard something, and stopped in place to listen more thoroughly. Was that.... Gunfire? The elf wasn't intimately familiar with it, but the distant thunder sounded like how she'd heard it described.

Thinking that it would be better to be safe than sorry, Revalli opted to enact a few magical defenses upon herself and summon some creatures to assist her before continuing forward any further.

First, she casts Spirit of the Cat, a level 3 Summon Spell for 4 EP. DC 20 casting check against 38 + 10 = 48 Base Casting.

The cat has 10 + 2 + 4 = 16 Body and 1 AV per spell level, effective spell level of 4 thanks to Conjurer, meaning a total of 64 Body and 4 AV, plus Stealthy, Sneaky, and Quick.

Then she casts Lesser Luck Manipulation for 2 EP on herself, giving herself a 2d10 - 6 bonus to all rolls and to Dodge.

Finally, she casts Harsh Winds for 2 EP on herself.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli Hp: 47 Pp: 72 Ep: 61/69
Spirit kitty: Hp: 64 Av: 4 Dodge: 34 Stealth: 38
Harsh winds [Revalli] Creatures within 50 feet of the caster receive a -10 penalty to their Speed and attack rolls.
Luck manipulation lesser [Revalli]: (6 + 5 - 6) = +5 bonus to all rolls and dodge

BC for spells 1-3 20, 10 , 10. Passed Revalli's base casting laughs at their sillyness.

Revalli quickly brought her magics into being. First was her trusted spirit companion. The mystical cat seemed to leap out of nothing as its body formed from the natural energies Revalli had conjured. Next she dipped into the either to manipulate fate. It was a dangerous spell that could potentionally backfire but luck it would seem was with her today. Next she channeld fierce winds about herself causing the trees and plants to rustle as if caught in a storm breeze. This also had an effect on her cat but Revalli was in no mood to play games. Heading back the village at a slightly faster pace Revalli had a few moments to plan exactly what she wanted.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Her defenses cast, Revalli started into town, trying to remain unseen and keeping her cat well ahead of her, the spirit animal creeping along silently itself. She would divide her attention between maintaining her magic, watching her own step, and observing through the senses of the cat, a difficult task but one that was hardly impossible for the well trained elven mage as she headed towards the town, seemingly under attack again.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli Hp: 47 Pp: 72 Ep: 61/69
Spirit kitty: Hp: 64 Av: 4 Dodge: 34 Stealth: 38
Harsh winds [Revalli] Creatures within 50 feet of the caster receive a -10 penalty to their Speed and attack rolls.
Luck manipulation lesser [Revalli]: (6 + 5 - 6) = +5 bonus to all rolls and dodge

Perception Kitty: 30 vs 35 fail
Perception Revalli: 35 vs 35 passish

Sending her cat out ahead Revalli moved closer to the town a part of her annoyed that the place was under attack again. Still with her cat ahead of her not seeing anything as it apprached the outer part of the town made Revalli worry slightly. Still the gunfire was continuing but now that she had a pair of ears closer to the action she began to hear a pattern to the shots. For the most part they seemed to go off all together with a few a little early and some a little late but for the most part it was a regular steady fire break fire.
Re: ranger Test Thread

The pattern to the shots, rather than stop Revalli from worrying, made her more nervous. It could just be practice, of course, but it could just as easily be a firing squad executing the few people left in the town. She hurried her pace in her journey forward, though she didn't break from her cautious approach just yet. She wouldn't help anyone by being shot and killed herself, after all, and despite her apparent bravery Revalli very much wanted to avoid putting her life on the line if she could help it.
Re: ranger Test Thread

With her cat scouting ahead and at the outskirts of the town already she had eyes on the ground. Looking about the cat stalked out of the woods and startled a girl picking flowers. The resounding scream hurt Revalli's own ears as well as causing the cat to cringe ever so slighty. In a flurry of movement Sir Bladeborn came running around the corner followed by several of the villagers with rifles. Looking to the cat and then to the girl the knight smiled and picked the child up. "Welcome back Lady Stormbirth." It seemed everything was alright and she had prepared her spells for nothing. Though given the dangers of the woods in and of themselves any caution was a good idea. Not to mention with strange beings about.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Oh.... Hello," Revalli said awkwardly, blushing as she dismissed her spells. It was good that the village wasn't under attack, at least. "Did someone get my message last night? I didn't want to make anyone worry, but an issue came up that I had to see to."
Re: ranger Test Thread

The human knight smiled at her as she spoke. "Aye though I must admit speaking to a cat was... intresting." The man chuckled slightly amused at the event. "Did everything turn out well?" Revalli could report what she wanted to the knight and would get a considering nod from him. "I see we can discuss it more if you like over dinner." Smiling he lead Revalli back to the town proper.

The town was still abuzz with activity. Mostly it was reconstruction though Revalli noticed not all the houses where being rebuilt and several of the children and famlies where no longer present. For the most part however things seemed to be getting under way. Walking by an open feild she could see the source of the noise from before as several villigers including the woman practiced with rifles. Noting the look Sir Bladborn spoke. "The villigers wanted to be able to defend themselves if they where ever attacked again. I could hardly refuse their offer. Everyone should be able to defend themselves from attack."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Yes," Revalli replied simply, not wanting to get into a discussion about the details even though things hadn't exactly gone perfectly smoothly. Sir Bladeborn's reminder that they were set to have dinner in turn reminded herr that one of the last times she'd seen him, he had been naked, so it was probably a good thing that he turned just then so as not to notice her sudden blush. "Errr... Right. Yeah."

Following him into town, she found the townsfolk practicing with the rifles presumably reclaimed from the dead orcs and working to rebuild the battered town, though some places were being left ruined. Were there not enough people to do all the work? Or had those families simply been wiped out? Either way, Revalli would frown, her blush fading, but Sir Bladeborn's comment would earn her attention back to him.

"Yeah.... It's too bad that it cost so much to spur this though," she said sadly, again shifting her gaze to the villagers. "How many.... How many were lost in the attack?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"A few but many have moved on. They don't feel safe here anymore and I can't blame them for it. Though I doubt their lives as refugees will be much better." Sir Bladeborn walked a little while longer before stopping to set the little girl down who ran to her mother. "I think I may come back here after I return to Endus to deliver my report. These people need a little more security and in the light and without screaming orcs everywhere its a pretty little town. Theres not much left in Endus anyway all the infighting there is only making it worse."