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Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

This forum is the ~best~ forum EVER! I laugh cry get off and spend hours being an dick and no one cares! http

//www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/534242 :3
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Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

This forum is the ~best~ forum EVER! I laugh cry get off and spend hours being an dick and no one cares! http

//www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/534242 :3

Go die in a fire. I'd negrep you, but I already did in another thread and I'm lazy.
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

Go die in a fire. I'd negrep you, but I already did in another thread and I'm lazy.

I wonder if i can be the idiot i am, and not have people think im doing it to annoy them?

I just want to act stupid. Is that so much to ask?
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

OK, at least you had the decency to tell me.
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

Seriously. I deal with enough stupid people every day without having them act stupid on purpose. It's not cute, it's not funny, it's just obnoxious. You want to act stupid, do it on your own time - go bungie jump without the cord or something, don't waste other people's time with it. Personally, I come to this forum because the average intelligence level is higher than your basic vbulletin forum.

Frankly, I'd be willing to lay money on you being underage, based on the fact that you're so amused by something so base.
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

So... every one comes to a site...that is for a porn game...for a legitimate conversation?

Is that what this site is for?:eek:

I never would have guessed with the 100+ people in the hentai forums at any given time.
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

Yes, the vast majority of us use this site to get/discuss porn. But as you can plainly see by all the topics in Everything Else and by the RP's we do enjoy talking to each other, which makes up most of the activity of this forum.
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

I never would have guessed with the 100+ people in the hentai forums at any given time.

And what section are you in right now? That's right, the one that's NOT the hentai section. Weird, huh?
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

Yes, the vast majority of us use this site to get/discuss porn. But as you can plainly see by all the topics in Everything Else and by the RP's we do enjoy talking to each other, which makes up most of the activity of this forum.

I can't argue with that without making myself more of an idiot.I get it now. So to everyone's relief, I'll make my way back to sanity.

And ditto for Alias.
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

This site isn't exactly for a porngame. Yes, the first forum was made because of Linemarvin. But we're so far beyond that now. The hentai board is more like background to the real forums. We all like Linemarvin, but that's just what brought us here. What binds us together is that we can trust the people to be mature and act mature, too(save Obe).
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

This site isn't exactly for a porngame. Yes, the first forum was made because of Linemarvin. But we're so far beyond that now. The hentai board is more like background to the real forums. We all like Linemarvin, but that's just what brought us here. What binds us together is that we can trust the people to be mature and act mature, too(save Obe).

Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

Ok so rule:

#1: Don't be an immature prick

#2: Respect Your fellow users

#3:I need to get my head out of the flood of negative I.Q.'s around the web if i want to be able to visit this site.

So i can't be an idiot now.

I need to grow a pair, get the stick out of my ass, and realize This is more than a forum. It's the Internets last stand for intelligence, and im rotting that out from the inside.

I know i wont get a clean slate but ill get back on the right track after this.