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Ravnica - The City of Sluts Campaign


Name: Iris Location: Entrance to Prison Tag: Undercover agent
HP: 9/9 Armor Class: 14 Initiative Bonus: +4 Saves: Proficient in Dex and Int. Speed: 30ft Proficiency bonus: +2
Initiative: Conditions:

Iris felt a bit of pride as she found the hidden door and saw the dark passage way hidden behind it. Pride, and a bit of anxiety. It sounded and smelled, like the passage way lead into the sewers. How far could Falish get from them in that maze? Could they catch her? "We need to catch up to Falish now." Iris voiced her anxiety and entered the passage!

Sometimes just a bit of luck could turn the tides of a hunt. Three wererats were accosting Falish at the end of the passage, and one even was getting ready to claim her own prize! Drawing her short swords, Iris approached the wererat attempting to mount Falish and sends her swords stabbing at its back!

[Initiative = 9]

[Attacks = 22 & 22. Since Falish is an enemy of the were rat, I think she counts for me getting my sneak attack dmg off.
Damage = 10 (5 & 2+3) and 4 (1 & 3). If no sneak, then take off the 2 & 3.]
ddbgr8k-e7ca22b1-dbef-4417-a9c7-9f60233dcbb9.jpgNeela Idris, Orzhov enforcer?, Location: Workshop escape tunnel, Tag: Iris, Missara, Status: In Combat, Mood: Determined

Neela followed Iris down the tunnel, blade drawn and on the lookout. She found herself quietly admiring the blonde girl again. She should follow Iris' commands. Clearly she was a better leader than Neela. Neela's heartbeat sped up as they stumbled upon a person being attacked right in front of them! This had to be it! She wasn't quite sure what to make of the lean person forced into a rather lewd position before them, but one way or another, they would have to fight! Neela grinned as she felt her blood surge. Finally, this chase was getting interesting!

Neela lost no time charging in, running past the other two, closing the gap and thrusting her rapier at one of the rat creatures.

(Initiative: 28)
(Attack against Wererat 1: ATK: 13, DMG: 6)
Tag: Sikilla, the Gobbo slut

The goblin gal looks about an realizes, with reasonable concern, that her backpack whilest still there has been pilfered through! Goblins have no respect for privacy. She should launch a complaint.. wait, she's Rakdos, she doesn't respect privacy either.

The door opens, and for a moment, she sees a tougher looking goblin, who shrugs and seems to more or less ignore her, moving along.. could this be.. Krenko? The problem is she is naked and all on her own, should she risk taking him?

The male goblin besides Krenko is the one that steps in, looking at her..
"You're a Rakdos slut, aren't you? Well as long as no clients were tortured.. Anyway, pack up your things, we are currently in a .. situation, so much as your heheheher.. talents are welcomed... we got things to do.. Not even time for a goodbye suck."
At that he cast an annoyed glance over to his left where the other goblin had went.


Neela disagrees with what the wererat is doing to Falish. Not on principle, but she needs the artisan in a questionable condition. .. Not a condition of questionable nature, but able to answer questions..
Neely stabbed at the rat, who barely parried the strike, diverting the blow.. at least this semeed to have gotten it out of the mood of raping Falish.

Missara reacts quickly, perhaps al ittle too quick, her supportive magic blasting over a ratmans hat.. it seems to not appreciate the gesture, and now they are aware of you!

The crafter struggles up, backing off and holdiner her exploded right fire-arm glove thing, as she reaches into a backpocket, pulling out something, but seeming to hesitate for now..

The first Wererat pays Neela back by pulling a page out of her book, stabbing a filthly looking dagger into her! the cut is shallow but itches with unpleasant warmth.. (3 damage and roll a constitution save, DC 3!)

The second Wererat, still injured and now dodging divine magic also readies a dagger, and goes for Missara.. but luckily, this one is far too distracted to land a proper blow.

Iris took her time getting into position.. but it pays off. Her two daggers dig into the back of the rat and cut into at least something that is important,.. going by how the first rat sinks like a sack of potatoes.
However. This leaves her own back exposed for a return of the favour, a wererat daggers sinking into her as well, spreading an itchy, filthy feeling... (3 damage and a constitution save, dc 3!)

Initiative: Neela(Injured) -> Missara -> Falish(moderatly injured), Wererat II(moderatly injured) - Iris(moderatly heavily injured), Wererat III:
ddbgr8k-e7ca22b1-dbef-4417-a9c7-9f60233dcbb9.jpgNeela Idris, Orzhov enforcer?, Location: Workshop escape tunnel, Tag: Iris, Missara, Status: In Combat, Mood: Determined

Neela winced as the dagger scratched her. "Congratulations, you've signed your death warrant. Should've just run!" With a quick thrust, the enforcer embedded her rapier in the rat-creature's chest, then pulling it back out, watching with a satisfied grin as the body slumped lifelessly to the ground. (Attack against were-rat 1: ATK: 18, DMG: 13) "Who wants to join this one?" She called out.
-Combat results!-

With Neela cutting down the second wererat swiftly, the third... considered it's options, and indeed fled, leaving you alone with Falish, who cleared her throat..

".. Aaalright! Thanks for... the help.. err... Fancy.. meeting you...?"
She tried, voice making clear it definitly was a she. At least she didn't seem to want to run off further for now, deciding to end the sewer-adventure soon.

"On closer examination you aren't Azorius arresters.. huh.. so..."

Name: Missara Lightfoot, Location: Underground Tag: Iris, Neela, Falish Mood: Curious and cautious
HP: 10 AC: 16

A bit flustered by the miss of her bolt and the sudden counterattack of the rat man Missara was more than happy to let the rat folk flee as their morale broke. She looked to her comrades and felt the sudden urge to heal them. Yes, she would heal them thoroughly! "No, no... we're not here to arrest you or molest you in any way... unless you want us to..." Missara let that last trail off as a half statement and half question. "We have a few questions but let me heal you first."

Walking... well swaying... over Missara reached out and cupped Falish's breasts, massaging them a bit as healing warmth spread from her hands. "May the holy power of nature heal you."

OOC: 6 points healed

Name: Iris Location: Entrance to Prison Tag: Undercover agent
HP: 9/9 Armor Class: 14 Initiative Bonus: +4 Saves: Proficient in Dex and Int. Speed: 30ft Proficiency bonus: +2
Initiative: Conditions:

[Cons save = 9, DC Passed!]

Iris had felt a small amount of pride as she knifed the wererat with her shortswords, but that pride was very quickly vaporized when she felt a rusty and crappy dagger slide into her side! Iris cries out in pain, staggering back and was about to knife the bastard back, with interest, when he turn tails and runs! Hissing in pain, Iris holds her side, and tries to pay attention to whats going on with Falish. Missara sure worked fast, already molesting the flat chested women!

"Yes, questions. And... gruhh, maybe some help with some things." Iris grunted out.
ddbgr8k-e7ca22b1-dbef-4417-a9c7-9f60233dcbb9.jpgNeela Idris, Orzhov enforcer?, Location: Workshop escape tunnel, Tag: Iris, Missara, Falish, Status: none, Mood: Determined

Neela smirked as the last were-rat showed some sign of intelligence and fled before it met the same fate as its companions. She turned around.
"You're Falish, aren't you? No, we're not Azorius. In fact, we're not even after you. If you help us, we might let you go." (Deception: 8 Neela wants to hand off Falish to whoever will pay a bounty or ransom for her.)

Falish, Sewers, Tag: Neela, Missara, Iris

"Ho.. hoi.. ahmnn.. that's nice.." Falish shifted and bit her lower lip, flexing her arm under Missara's ministrations.

"Alright, sure, you seem like a trustworthy individual after all." She nodded to Neela..

"But perhaps not in the middle of the sewer, let's return to my workshop."
She nodded and, quickly you found yourself standing in the crammed artificiers place, a fiery-spitting bracer placed on a table with an annoyed grunt, the artificier patting down her soot covered arm. "Tried tinkering on these things.. a pain.. the compactor's all busted..

So anyway, what did you want to ask me?"

She tilted her head at the three of you. "Wait, let me guess. It's about Krenko isn't it. I knew he was hot stuff, but he's an old customer.."

Name: Missara Lightfoot, Location: Underground Tag: Iris, Neela, Falish Mood: Curious and cautious
HP: 10 AC: 16

Missara kissed Falish on the cheek and then followed the others back to the workshop. She stepped behind the artificer and began to massage her shoulders. "You're tense after the attack and the breakdown of your invention. Let me sooth you a bit while we all talk." She nodded to her comrades to continue. "Certainly we have no desire to see you come to harm. Otherwise why would we rescue you and heal you." Missara sighed at the mention of Krenko. "Yes, it's him. He's been a bad boy. He killed one of the Shattergang Brothers and now Dargig is after him to kill him now that he's escaped. It's go back to prison where he'll be safe from Dargig or die. We want to get him off the streets, help him and help ourselves of course. If you can point to where he might be we'll keep the rest quiet." Missara leaned in and nibbled on Falish's ear. "Very, very quiet. My promise sweetheart."

Name: Iris Location: Entrance to Prison Tag: Undercover agent
HP: 6/9 Armor Class: 14 Initiative Bonus: +4 Saves: Proficient in Dex and Int. Speed: 30ft Proficiency bonus: +2
Initiative: Conditions:

Having some training in pain tolerance, Iris was starting to throw the pain from the knife wound to the back of her mind. The sting was still ever present, but she could focus on the conversation at the very least. "Mmmh, as she said, Krenko has got some unwanted attention on him and some powerful people want him back in prison. It would be in your best interests to help us get him back in there peacefully. Or at least without too much difficulty." Seeing Missara trying a much more physical approach to persuasion, Iris leaned in to help, giving Falsih a kiss on the cheek before Iris flashed a cheeky grin her way.

[Persuasion roll = 14]
Last edited:

Falish, Sewers, Tag: Neela, Missara, Iris

"I am tense because my arm almost got blown up." She nodded, clearing her throat a little with the earlobe-nibbling!

"Well, Krenko contacted me for some equipment.. explosives, magical support. We have a drop-point for the things on Foundry Street, outside of the Smokehouse in. I was going to prepare the drop for sunset today."
She explained, before blushing..

"I.. ah.. uh.. Krenko's propably planning to launch a pre-emptive attack on the Shattergang, to let them and everyone else know it's him. I suspect his hideout is pretty close to the drop-point he suggested, I know there's some passages in the sewers there, I'd look for a sewer grate that's guarded by a goblin lookout or two, they've never been all too subtle. Uh.."
She sighed a little, with the rather hands-on interrogation. exhaling softly.

Name: Missara Lightfoot, Location: Underground Tag: Iris, Neela, Falish Mood: Curious and cautious
HP: 10 AC: 16

"All the more reason to let me relax you," Missara purred as she nibbled along the long curving shape of Falish's ear. Her tongue flicked out to tease and stimulate as she softly blew a little stream of warm air over the sensitive flesh. "Mmmm... sunset... plenty of time to relax then and feel oh so much better..." Missara pressed her warm, soft breasts against Falish as she massaged the other with her entire torso, hands slipped around to the front to rub the belly and then cup the underside of her breasts. "Well, that's the perfect plan then. We'll do our thing and help Krenko while you can keep the rendezvous although it might be moot once we persuade Krenko to let us help..." at the word help Missara found the nipples and pinched them lightly. "Can you provide us with some... toys that might help get into the hideout... for a price of course..."

Name: Iris Location: Entrance to Prison Tag: Undercover agent
HP: 6/9 Armor Class: 14 Initiative Bonus: +4 Saves: Proficient in Dex and Int. Speed: 30ft Proficiency bonus: +2
Initiative: Conditions:

"Oh, so are you willing to help us with Krenko?" Iris asked as she gave the molested Falish another kiss on the cheek. "Im sure we can make sure you aren't prosecuted against for helping him get out in the first place if you do." This time Iris grabbed either side of Falish's head and pulled her into a kiss on the lips!

Falish, Sewers, Tag: Neela, Missara, Iris

Falish.. gasped a little under the Selesnyan assistance. She shivered and actually leaned back into the gentle priestess lustful handling, before clearing her throat. "Ahnnn.. haah.. err.. what were you asking again?"
Although, Iris request had her more.. rattled:

"Yeah, let me help you topple one of the toughest goblin gang bosses around, and after that, I'll go armwrestle Borborygmos.
Alright what I can tell you err.. since you are so.. friendly is that I think you don't need to wait the day.. Krenko and his allied goblins have a droppoint in the sewers, but that's only because their hideout is propably pretty close. You could likely find it over the sewer-pathways. Few people go there.. well... except for the wererats."

Falish nodded, still wiggling a bit in Missara's hands.

"I ah.. yes, I can also offer you some good weaponry at a fair price. But I'm not getting involved in any of that danger you want to hop into."
She decided, amidst the molestations!

Name: Missara Lightfoot, Location: Underground Tag: Iris, Neela, Falish Mood: Insistent and sexy
HP: 10 AC: 16

Missara continued the booby back rubbing by massaging her breasts and torso against Falish. Even as they discussed plans and attacks on terribly dangerous criminals Missara's attention was focused on the warm handful of breast-flesh and the hard little nubbin of a nipple currently being twisted between her finger and thumb. "Mmmmm... " she hummed into Falish's ear, her tongue licking along the sensitive arch of her ear lobe, teeth nibbling just a bit. "I think we should take our time and talk about it while we get to know each other better." Missara slipped her other hand further down over Falish's belly, teasing the belly button a bit before tangling with her belt buckle. Missara worked at the buckle even as she cupped and loved the perky breast and whispered into Falish's ear yet loud enough for her comrades to hear. "No, we don't want to put you at risk either directly by helping or indirectly sweetie. We'll keep quiet about whatever help you give us."

Popping open the buckle Missara's hand dove down under the waistband to rub the soft mons. Expert fingers found the feminine cleft and Missara applied a deft, eager pressure at the base of the hard little cylinder of the alchemist's clit. "I do hope we can have some long and intimate negotiations for whatever you can sell us darling. I'm sure a genius alchemist and mechanic has some very interesting... constructions... that need a thorough demonstration."
ddbgr8k-e7ca22b1-dbef-4417-a9c7-9f60233dcbb9.jpgNeela Idris, Orzhov enforcer?, Location: Workshop escape tunnel, Tag: Iris, Missara, Falish, Status: none, Mood: Curious

While Missara worked her charms on the rogue Izzet, Neela sauntered through the workshop looking over the tools and parts, the amount of documents and finished gadgets, to get an idea as to how far Falish's contacts reached, and what her capacities where. (Investigation: 19) Maybe there was something here that would help her expand her own contacts. She was on the lookout for anything that stood out, anything that seemed out of place.

Finished with her survey of the workshop, Neela turned around to find Missara and Iris almost on top of Falish. While at first bemusedly shaking her head, Neela felt the throbbing need between her legs. She sauntered over to the trio, forcing her way into the tangle of bodies. With a lewd grin, she put a finger under Falish's chin. "You know, we saved your life. I think you belong to us now. Mind, body and soul. I'm sure you can do better than just some transactions... Let's start with your body..." (Persuasion: 15) She leaned in for a passionate kiss, licking over the girl's soft lips as her provocatively dressed body started to grind against Falish. Her lips were so soft, Neela noticed. So delicious. Even apparently modest women had such nice lips... It'd be a shame handing her over to the authorities after this was all done, but well, business was business.

Name: Iris Location: Entrance to Prison Tag: Undercover agent
HP: 6/9 Armor Class: 14 Initiative Bonus: +4 Saves: Proficient in Dex and Int. Speed: 30ft Proficiency bonus: +2
Initiative: Conditions:

"Even if we dont wait till sundown, we still have plenty of time to play together and go find this hideout before it gets dark out..." Iris said in a sultry voice. As Neela joined in and started to make out with Falish, Iris's hand snuck down Neela's pants and panties,slipping a finger into her sex while Iris herself leaned forward and slipped one of Falish's cherry nipples into her mouth! She rolled it around with her tongue, sucking on it!

Falish, Sewers, Tag: Neela, Missara, Iris

Falish continues to mieep and squirm a little more under the priestess exploring hands, before sighing, giving herself to Missara's gentle, experienced hands, leaning backwards to kiss her softly, as the priestess explored her warm, sweet wetness.

Neela meanwhile peered around, finding an assortment of mundane weaponry, there was an annoying lack of contracts however, perhaps Underground black market traiders weren't fond of a paper trail?
Falish moaned softly under the kiss, although she seemed to disagree with the idea of being owned, perhaps Neela could convince her to join a church-sermon later, that'd be fun too...

The underground merchant was soon panting and moaning, quite enjoying the groups ministrations. Soon, she was.. encouraged to offer each of you a high quality weapon of your chosing, although not better than what you currently had, a firebomb each (2d6 fire, +1d6 splash damage), and as many sunrods as you could carry for your.. benevolence. Falish encourages you to come visit her again, seeming quite interested in getting to know you better, especially Missara and her gentle, loving hands..

But as much as you wanted a good thing to linger, eventually you will have to find Krenko and it's time to meet up again...

Tag: All

There it is.. a large, abandoned warehouse near a sewer-access grate. Following Falish's advice as well as your Rakdos-shapeshifter who'd seen several goblins head towards the supposedly abandoned location, you find yourself facing a single task.. how do you get in and apprehend Krenko, without fighting a swarm of angry goblins?

The large, soot-stained wooden building with a faded symbol of the Boros Legion sits at the edge of a canal, its timbers cracked and singed. A closed bay door faces north toward the water, and a wooden track runs from the building all the way to the edge of a pier. A similar bay door faces south toward the main street. On the alley sides of the building are two doors—a double door on the west side, and a single door on the east side.
Each door is watched by a grumpy looking goblin guard..

Name: Missara Lightfoot, Location: Warehouse Tag: Iris, Neela, Iris Mood: Cautious
HP: 10 AC: 16

Missara let the sexy time linger with the alchemist. She worked every bit of her skill and passion to make Falish and her fellow adventurers pleased. It was after a long and pleasant encounter that Missara washed herself and Falish clean of sweat and girl cum giggling all the while. Then as they left she kissed Falish and promised to come back again for more.


Now gathered with her comrades near the warehouse she looked carefully. "Let's seduce and surprise the guard near the small door in the alley. I can distract him and the rest of you can sneak up and immobilize him."