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Guilds of Ravnica - Lewd Edition (Charsheet Thread)


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score
~Post your charsheets below, creation rules:~

You'll start as lvl 1 characters, 27 point buy, for a calculator, Martial noncaster classes gain a +1 on any attribute -after- their point buy to balance bonus spells gained from guild allegiance.
You will be tasked with the mission of capturing and returning an escaped goblin criminal, but soon getting involved in far longer reaching plots. All character races are allowed, Backrounds need to be chosen from one of the Ten guilds, or a guildless (not recommended) A diverse skillset among the characters is encouraged, but not strictly necessary (can handle two fighters for example. :p )
(Changing guilds later is a possibility.)

Ravnica guild backrounds:

Plop "Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica"
Achieve relevant backgrounds

Charsheet code:
Name:                                                    *Character image here!*
Description: (If different from the picture)
Guild Affiliation:
Backstory: (Keep in mind, there’s no need to write multiple pages, but a good backstory should explain a character’s motivations, what they want to do and what matters to them in life.)

Bonus questions!
What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know:
Your character has been trapped in prison and is waiting for judgement, just or unjust, potentially lewd and including mental reconditioning, what do you do?:
You are faced with an enemy you realize you and your group can not defeat, what do you do?:

Ability Scores (+Modifiers)

HP:  Armor Class: Saving Throw proficiencies:
Skill Proficencies:
Class/Racial Abilities:
Feats and other stuff:
Equipment and items: (+Gold)
Attacks/Actions: (Attack bonus +Damage with chosen weapon)
Spellcasting: (Delete if your character has none)

Grade 1:

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
Character Sheet: Neela Idris

Neela, outwardly a loyal enforcer of the Orzhov Syndicate...
bodysuit_back_by_banyex_da8vivv-fullview.jpg da8vi7b-f988039b-edb9-4e29-aa3f-75f5666ad013.jpg
Secretly a brainwashed sleeper agent for House Dimir

Class: Fighter (1)
Race: Human (Variant)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
HP: 12
AC: 16
Strong Saves: Str, Con
Proficiency: +2
Initiative: +8
Str: 8 (-1)
Dex: 17 (+3)
Con: 15 (+2)
Int: 12 (+1)
Wis: 8 (-1)
Cha: 14 (+2)
Speed: 30 ft.
Feats: Alert
Skills: Stealth, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation
Proficiencies: All Armor and Shields, Simple and Martial Weapons, Disguise Kit
Background: House Dimir (False Identity: House Orzhov)
Class Features: Fighting Style: Duelist, Second Wind
Languages: Common, Elvish, Dwarven

Neela has luscious black hair that shines almost metallically in the light, and red eyes burning with desire for both carnal pleasure and knowledge, which are masked as a deep, calm brown when asleep. While in her daily cover, she wears revealing Orzhov clothes and armor and keeps her hair in a high ponytail, while when awakened her hair is let down and she wears tight dark clothes and armors to signal her true allegiance. She stands at 1.8 meters tall with a lithe and graceful frame.

Rapier (25 gp, 2 lbs) x2, Leather Armor (10 gp, 10 lbs), Shield (10 gp, 6 lbs), Longbow (50 gp, 2 lbs), 20 Arrows (1 gp, 1 lbs), Handaxe x2 (5 gp, 2 lbs), Dungeoneer's Pack (12 gp, 61.5 lbs), 3 small knives, her Dimir outfit (Common clothes), Orzhov Insignia, Black lingerie (Vestments), her Orzhov outfit (Fine Clothes), 1 Firebomb, 10 Sunrods

Money: 9.5 gp, 1 pp, 10 cp
Total load: ~90/120

Rapier - x1, 1d8 Piercing, ATK +5, DMG +5
Longbow - x1, 1d8 Piercing, 150 ft, ATK +5, DMG +3
Handaxe, Slash - x1, 1d6 Slashing, ATK +1, DMG +1
Handaxe, Throw - x1, 1d6 Slashing, 20 ft, ATK +1, DMG, +1

Neela was abandoned by her parents and raised by other street children in the slums of Ravnica. Living in such squalor and seeing many of her friends die violent deaths, she became determined to rise above, to earn wealth and power. At 8 years old, she became a helper in a small shop. When she was 16, the shopkeeper, her new mother figure, had strayed into the sights of the Orzhov Syndicate due to unpaid debts. Neela was approached and offered a deal. She would get to join house Orzhov, and a chance to become rich, if she betrayed her surrogate mother. Neela agreed without hesitation. Shortly after joining House Orzhov however, she was approached and seduced by an agent of House Dimir, and brainwashed into becoming a sleeper agent for the organization. As her late teen years went on Neela worked her way up the street-level hierarchy of the Syndicate, becoming a somewhat respected enforcer, making sure debts were payed and contracts honored.

Personality: Self-confident and aware of her imposing presence and alluring beauty, Neela is manipulative and demanding. Highly sexual in nature, she loves having her victims prostrate themselves before her, kneeling between her legs and pleasure her. She was selected by House Dimir for her sharp wit and strong will, though repeated mind control over the years has eroded much of her will and some of her mind. In her true mind, she is slavishly devoted to House Dimir and still very sensual, though she hungers for knowledge as well as pleasure.

Fetishes: Mind control and brainwashing, spidery things

Bonus Questions:
What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know: Neela enjoys her repeated brainwashing, but she'd never admit to anyone, perhaps even herself, that she wasn't always a devoted servant of Dimir.
Your character has been trapped in prison and is waiting for judgement, just or unjust, potentially lewd and including mental reconditioning, what do you do?: If she is captured by anyone except Dimir, she'd try to escape by subterfuge or seduction. If she were to be captured by Dimir, her sleeper personality would feel oddly calm about the prospect of being brainwashed, as if that was her destiny...
You are faced with an enemy you realize you and your group can not defeat, what do you do?: Retreat, sacrificing allies if necessary, and formulate another plan of attack with the knowledge gained from the first attempt, or shore up strength first.
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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
Reputation score
Name: Brianna (Bri) 26425
Class(es): Monk (1)
Race: Minotaur
Alignment: Chaotic Neautral
Description: She has big curly horns. Makes her ramming and goring people a bit more reasonable.
  • Campaign Goal: Make this minotaur into a domesticated dairy cow. Preferably with a cute mistress doing the domesticating.
  • Brianna's: Strong partners, man or woman. Anyone who can best her in a fight she'd happily join in bed. She also has a weakness for cute girls, who she'll make an exception for.
  • Fox's: Brainwashing, corruption (mostly any kind of switch), pet play, non-con, most things ^^
Guild Affiliation:
Backstory: Born the offspring of a Minotaur father and human mother she grew up only knowing the ways of the Gruul, Might makes right, order is the enemy of freedom. Two doctrines she took to heart. Though she acts out the ways the Gruul, she has inherited some of her mothers compassionate disposition. Finding herself caring for animals, injured clansmen, and on rare secretive occasions, she extends compassion to those outside the clan as well.
At a rather young age, her father decided it was time to prove he was the most powerful of there clan. He challenged the clan leader for dominance. Bri's father was beaten, beaten soundly and swiftly and ended up dead in the process. Though this left Bri alone, her mother having not been a part of her life, it cemented the idea that: The strong must rule, the weak must perish.
Redoubling her training, Bri dedicated herself to becoming stronger then her father ever was. Though she was still a youth, she scrapped with others of her clan, spent countless hours honing her fighting techniques. Eventually becoming known for her skill at fighting without club or mace, but with her body itself. This caught the attention of chief, who had taken an interest in the young minotaur since her father's passing.
Durring her young life she had few friends, one stood out to her. An odd human with pointed ears. The duo where inseparable, playing, fighting, and exploring together. However it was not to last, as this friend one day disappeared along with her entire family. The only explanation given was they had joined the guilds as cobble roaches. Bri understood. Order is the enemy of freedom, and that order had taken her friend. [This is suppose to be Ryders Character :p So I might adjust it a bit as they fill out there sheet.]
Bri has finished her passage into adult hood, being buried alive, leaving her past sins behind her. Though her compassion has never left her, she has never passed up on a raid.

Bonus questions!
What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know: She's allowed people to escape raids. Unable to bring herself to kill those who can't fight back. She knows this goes against her ideology, but still can't do it.
Your character has been trapped in prison and is waiting for judgement, just or unjust, potentially lewd and including mental reconditioning, what do you do?: Punch it. Punch the guards, punch the jail, ram mental reconditioning, and punch lewdness!
You are faced with an enemy you realize you and your group can not defeat, what do you do?: Might makes right, cowards die in shame. Bri will stand alone if she must and fight to the last.
ModTotalBase (27[BP] + 1 Bonus)RaceBonus
HP: 10/10 Armor Class: 14 = 10[Base] + 2[Dex] + 2[Wis] Proficiency: 2 Saving Throw Proficiency: Strength, Dexterity
Skill Proficiency: , Insight Intimidation, Animal Handling, Athletics
Class Abilities: ,
Horns: Your horns are natural melee weapons, with which you're proficient. When you hit with them, the target takes piercing damage equal to 1d6+your Strength modifier.
Goring Rush: Immediately after you use the dash action on your turn and move at least as far as your speed, you can make one melee attack with your horns as a bonus action.
Hammering Horns: Immediately after you hit a creature with a melee attack as part of the attack action on your turn, you can attempt to shove that creature with your horns using your reaction. The creature must be no more than one size larger than you and within 5 feet of you. It must make a Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. If it fails, you push it up to 5 feet away from you.
Menacing: You have proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
Hybrid Nature: You have two creature types: humanoid and monstrosity. You can be affected by a game effect if it works on either of your creature types.
Equipment and items: an explorer’s pack, 10 darts, A Gruul insignia, a hunting trap, an herbalism kit, the skull of a boar, a beast-hide cloak, a set of traveler's clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp (Azorius 1-zino coins)
To HitDamageBonus Attack
Fistsd20 + 4[2[Prof] + 2[STR]]1d4+2[STR]Yes
Hornsd20 + 4[2[Prof] + 2[STR]]1d6+2[STR]Yes
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
Reputation score
Name: Iris 26427
Class(es): Rogue Level 1
Race: Half Elf
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Description: (If different from the picture) Pic is accurate!
Fetishes: Non con, Bestiality, breeding/impregnation, and pet play are the major one though Iris is ready to do anything to try and further her mission.
My own: The 4 above are also my main, though Im down for basically anything :3
Guild Affiliation: (Currently infiltrating the Selesnya Conclave)
Iris grew up with two parents both from the Gruul Guild, yet she never felt a connection with their way of life, though she never made that obvious. She was afraid of disappointing then so she obediently settled in among the Gruul. That is until her parents died. Iris was old enough to be by her self for a little bit, so both of them joined a raid against another guild. By the time that raid came back in tatters, Iris was orphaned. Devastated and now on her own, Iris probably wouldn't have survived the next few years if it wasn't for some family friends, and her only real childhood friend, Bri! The two of them were always together, inseparable! Even after her parents dieing, Iris spent alot of time with Bri.

Over a year after being orphaned, Iris finally found something to do with her life outside of the Gruul Guild. She had accepted a job as one of House Dimir's couriers! Iris had expected that when the chance came to leave Gruul, she would have jumped at it, but it was harder than expected with Bri there. There had always been shady rumors about the guild, especially within Gruul, but from the recruiter she had talked with they didn't seem bad at all! And that feeling only grew as she did more and more runs for the guild! Slowly, and unknowingly as Iris spent more time within Dimir, she was being indoctrinated into the real guild. A comment here, a entrancing sight there, and in no time Iris was falling in love with the guild.

After that, it didnt take long till she was introduced to the real guild. She spent almost an entire year in training before she was set lose, a newly minted operative of Dimir!
Bonus questions!
What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know: A small and warped part of her hopes to one day be caught and turned into a slave!

Your character has been trapped in prison and is waiting for judgement, just or unjust, potentially lewd and including mental reconditioning, what do you do?: Iris would either seduce her way out or would use her magics to gain an advantage over her captors so she could surprise them and escape!

You are faced with an enemy you realize you and your group can not defeat, what do you do?: If it is mindless, try and manipulate it in a way I can use to the benefit of my mission, or try and escape with the knowledge of this enemy and plan around this threat.

Ability Scores (+Modifiers)
Str: 8 (-1)
Dex: 17 (+3)
Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 14 (+2)
Wis: 10 (0)
Cha: 16 (+3)

HP: 9 Armor Class: 14 Saving Throw proficiencies: Dex and Int Proficiency bonus: +2
Skill Proficencies:

Proficient: Acrobatics, Perception, Persuasion. Sleight of Hand, Arcana, Nature.
Expertise: Stealth, Deception.
Class/Racial Abilities:
  • Proficiencies:
    • Armor:Light armor
    • Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, long swords, rapiers, short swords
    • Tools: Thieves’ tools, Disguise Kit
  • Expertise (proficiency bonus is doubled): Stealth and Deception
  • Sneak Attack 1d6
  • Thieves’ Cant
  • Dark vision: 60 feet in dim light. 30 ft in darkness
  • Fey Ancestry: advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep
  • Skill Versatility: You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice.
  • Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Elvish, Goblin, Sylvan.
Feats and other stuff:
  • Iris: member of the Selesnya Conclave. (Secretly an operative of House Dimir). Jenny: A guildless, making her living though prostitution.
Equipment and items: (+Gold): 2 short swords, a short bow and quiver of 20 arrows, Leather armor, two daggers, and thieves’ tools, disguise kit, grappling hook, crowbar, A Dimir insignia, three small knives, a set of dark-colored common clothes, A Selesnya insignia, a healer's kit, robes, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 46 gp (Azorius 1-zino coins)
Includes a backpack, a bag of 1,000 ball bearings, 10 feet of string, a bell, 5 candles, a crowbar, a hammer, 10 pitons, a hooded lantern, 2 flasks of oil, 5 days rations, a tinderbox, and a water skin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it.
Attacks/Actions: (Attack bonus +Damage with chosen weapon)
  • Short sword, +5 (+2 Prof +3 Dex) 1d6
  • Short Bow, +5 (+2 Prof +3 Dex)
  • Dagger, +5 (+2 Prof +3 Dex)
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
26489 Name: Sikillia (Real name: Melia)
Class(es): Bard
Race: Changeling
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Description: Changes!
Fetishes: Humiliation, lewd things
Guild Affiliation: Rakdos
Backstory: Melia's family was Dimir...they had infiltrated the Cult of Rakdos, until they died in one of the performances. Melia hadn't really joined Dimir ever, so she grew up with the rest of her troupe, as a 'proper' member of the Cult of Rakdos. She however doesn't really believe that all the death is something you should go for...not when there is so much art that can be done! Surely her innovative performances will please Rakdos and change the rotten mentality of the cult!

Sikillia is Melia's usuall persona. She is rarly performing with that identity however, instead being the 'organizer' of her other identities performances. Her ability to change shapes is not general knowledge, but it isn't a well kept secret either, at least between fellow Rakdos Cultists.

Personality trait: I can't stand it when things are predictable, so I like to add a little chaos to every situation.
Ideals: Hedonism. Death comes for everyone, so take as much pleasure as you can from every moment of life.
Bond: I'm secretly hoping that I can change the cult from the inside, using my influence to help rein in the wanton violence.
Flaw: I throw caution to the wind.

Bonus questions!
What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know: She wouldn't want them to know her parents were spies...but well, most probably everyone knows, and most probably they don't care...
Your character has been trapped in prison and is waiting for judgement, just or unjust, potentially lewd and including mental reconditioning, what do you do?: Well, mental reconditioning is just changing character, and lewd is what she would already do...so she would complain about how unoriginal this play was, but wait for the possible unexpected twist!
You are faced with an enemy you realize you and your group can not defeat, what do you do?: Surrender! This always catches them off-guard!

Ability Scores (+Modifiers)
Str 8 -1
Dex 14 +2
Con 14 +2
Int 12 +1
Wis 10 +0
Cha 17 +3

HP: 10 AC: 14 Saving Throw proficiencies: +4 Dex +5 Cha
Skill Proficencies: Acrobatics, Performance, Persuasion, Deception, Intimidation, Stealth, Sleight of Hand
Tools: Calligraphy, Forgery, Poisoner's kit
Insturments: Drums, Violin, Death Whistle
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Giant
Class/Racial Abilities: Change Appearance, Unsettling Visage, Divergent Persona (Poisoner's Kit), Bardic Inspiration d6 (3/long rest)
Feats and other stuff: Fearsome Reputation
Equipment and items:
Dagger 2, Backpack 2gp, Bedroll 1gp, 5 Rations 2.5gp, Waterskin 0.2gp, Death Whistle 2gp, Calligrapher's tools 10gp, Studded Leather 45gp, 2 costumes 10gp, Manacles (fake) 2gp, poisoner's kit 50gp, 3gp 3sp

Attacks/Actions: (Attack bonus +Damage with chosen weapon)

Spellcasting [13 DC, +5 Spell Attack]
-Vicious Mockery
-Minor Illusion

Lvl 1 (2/day)
-burning hands,
-dissonant whispers,
-hellish rebuke
-Animal Friendship
-Detect Magic
-Silent Image

Other pics:
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Sex Demon
Feb 4, 2017
Reputation score

Karissa *Character image here!*
Class: Druid 1
Race: Wood Elf (+Shrooms)
(If different from the picture)
Fetishes: Corruption, Transformation, Latex, Infestation, Brainwashing, DOLLS AND MASKS Creepy monsters and associated breeding and TFs, cursed items/armor, picking up a TF 'souvenir' here and there until they're practically unrecognizable after a series of adventures
Guild Affiliation: Golgari
Karissa was never *good* at her job in the Simic combine, which is perhaps why she jumped at the opportunity to prove herself. There was need to research samples and notes from a ravine that had opened up near one of the holding pens. What she didn't know is that this ravine connected to a series of tunnels that lead to the undercity. Before she knew it she had been grabbed by a few Kraul soldiers of the Golgari (and after having their buggy way with her a few times) deposited her at the foot of the local gorgon, leading that sector of the tunnels..

She took a bit of a liking to the cum covered girl and decided rather than mulching her she was going to turn her into a pet project of sorts, seeing if she could be brought around to the proper way of things and made useful without going through the arduous necromantic rituals needed to keep an undead's mind intact. Plenty of experimentation, fucking, and mushrooms later Karissa is now sent out to prove herself once again, her mind awash with strange spores and memories she can't quite make sense of. Something seems terribly wrong but she can't put her finger on it! She just want's to be free of these damn mushrooms!

Bonus questions!
What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know: She's in love with her Gorgon captor
Your character has been trapped in prison and is waiting for judgement, just or unjust, potentially lewd and including mental reconditioning, what do you do?: "Oh god! Not again! I hope I can even recognize myself after this time..."
You are faced with an enemy you realize you and your group can not defeat, what do you do?: Sacrifice herself for the lot of them! It's not like she's as useful as they are right?

Ability Scores
Str 10 (0)
Dex 16 (+3)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 8 (-1)
Wis 16 (+3
Cha 10 (0)

HP: 10/10 Armor Class: 16 Saving Throw proficiencies: Int Wis
Skill Proficencies: Arcana, Nature, Perception, Religion, Survival
Class/Racial Abilities:
Keen Senses
Fey ancestry - You have advantage on saving throws against being , and magic can't put you to sleep.
Fleet of Foot - Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet.
Mask of the Wild - You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.

Feats and other stuff:
Equipment and items: (+Gold)
Wooden Shield
Hide Armor
Explorer's pack
Druidic Focus
Golgari Insignia
Common clothes
Poisoner's kit

Attacks/Actions: (Attack bonus +Damage with chosen weapon)
Club (+2) 1d4+0
Shillelagh (+5) 1d8+3
Thorn Whip (+5) 1d6


Thorn Whip
Spare the Dying
Dancing Lights

Grade 1:
Ray of Sickness
Detect Magic
Goodberry Goodshroom
Absorb Elements
Healing word

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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
Reputation score

Name: Missara Lightfoot
Class(es): Cleric
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral
Description: (If different from the picture)
Guild Affiliation: Selesnya Initiate
Feature: Conclave's Shelter
As a member of the Selesnya Conclave, you can count on your guild mates to provide shelter and aid. You and your companions can find a place to hide or rest in any Selesnya enclave in the city, unless you have proven to be a danger to them. The members of the enclave will shield you from the law or anyone else searching for you, though they will not risk their lives in this effort.
In addition, as a guild member you can receive free healing and care at a Selesnya enclave, though you must provide any material components needed for spells.
Backstory: (Keep in mind, there’s no need to write multiple pages, but a good backstory should explain a character’s motivations, what they want to do and what matters to them in life.)

Bonus questions!
What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know:
Your character has been trapped in prison and is waiting for judgement, just or unjust, potentially lewd and including mental reconditioning, what do you do?:
You are faced with an enemy you realize you and your group can not defeat, what do you do?:

Ability Scores (+Modifiers)
Str 11
Dex 12 +1
Con 12 +1
Int 10
Wis 16 +3
Cha 16 +3

HP: 9 Armor Class: 11 Saving Throw proficiencies: Charisma, Wisdom
Saving Throws: Str +0, Dex +1, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +5, Cha +5
Skill Proficiencies: Medicine, Persuasion
Class/Racial Abilities: Life Domain: 1st level (bonus heavy weapon proficiency and discipline of life extra 2+spell level in healing)
Feats and other stuff: Acrobatics +1, Animal Handling +3, Arcane 0, Athletics 0, Deception +3, History 0, Insight +3, Intimidation +3, Investigation 0, Medicine +5, Nature 0, Perception +3, Performance +3, Persuasion +5, Religion 0, Sleight of Hand +1, Stealth +1, Survival +3
Equipment and items: Selesnya sigil, robes and clothing, mace, dagger, pack, waterskin, holy symbol, rations 2 days, alms box, incense, tinderbox, candles 10, censer
Attacks/Actions: mace +2/d6, dagger +3/d4+1
Spellcasting: DC 13 +5 spell attack
Cantrip: Light, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying
Grade 1: Bless, Cure wounds X2, guiding bolt, sanctuary

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Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
Reputation score
Name: "Somnifer"
Description Additions: Dimly luminous cyan; eyes, tongue, genitalia, and tip of fingers and tentacles. Writhing mass of tentacles where legs should be.
Fetishes: Corrupting & Transforming others, Impregnation/Breeding, Oviposition, Bestiality(the slimier and scalier the better),
Guild Affiliation: Simic Combine, barely.

Backstory: Born and raised in the Simic Combine, Somnifer played her part without much need to ask the why or how in the tasks set before her. She carried them out dutifully, sometimes with a little too much enthusiasm, but never climbed high within the ranks of the Project she had dedicated her life to.

The day she volunteered herself to further the studies was the best day of her life. The day that followed? Far less so, but she grit her teeth and endured as she had all her life. And yet it was never enough for her superiors. Eventually they decided to dispose of her, to lock her away and keep her out of sight. Something snapped inside of her during her extended stay in the darkness.

That the Project ultimately failed, and one part of it resulting in the destruction of the facility she was kept within, gave her the chance to slip away amidst the resulting chaos. Time has passed now. Enough for her dare emerge once more.

And this time, perhaps she should start a Project or two of her own, once she finds some suitable subjects.

Bonus questions!
What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know: Her full involvement in a certain Project.
Your character has been trapped in prison and is waiting for judgement, just or unjust, potentially lewd and including mental reconditioning, what do you do?: Escape, by all means at her disposition, she will not be locked away and forgotten again.
You are faced with an enemy you realize you and your group can not defeat, what do you do?: Better them than her.
Race: Simic Hybrid
Background: Simic Combine
Class(es): Wizard 1
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Ability Scores (+Modifiers)
Str: 8 (-1)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 14 (+2)
Cha: 8 (-1)

HP: 8
Armor Class: 12
Saving Throw proficiencies: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skill Proficencies: Arcana, Nature, Insight, Stealth

Class/Racial Abilities:
Feature: Researcher
: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Underwater Adaptation: You can breathe air and water, and you have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.
Spellcasting Ability: Wizard, Intelligence, Spell Save DC 13, Spell attack modifier +5
Ritual Casting: You can cast a wizard spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell in your spellbook. You don't need to have the spell prepared.

Feats and other stuff:

Dagger, +4 to Attack Roll, 1d4+2 Damage
Currency: 7gp(Azorious 1-zino)
Equipment and items:
- Dagger
- Crystal(Arcane Focus)
- Spellbook
- Robes
- Simic Insignia
- Commoner's Clothes
- Research Journal
- Ink Pen
- Bottle of Squid Ink
- Manacles
- Scholar's Pack
Spellcasting: DC 13, Spell Attack +5
B = Granted by Background. P = Prepared. R = Ritual.

- Shocking Grasp
- Message
- Mage Hand
- Acid Splash (B)
- Druidcraft (B)

- Charm Person (P)
- Hideous Laughter
- Sleep (P)
- Shield (P)
- Feather Fall (P)
- Find Familiar (R)
- Expeditious Retreat (B)
- Detect Poison and Disease (R) (B)
- Jump(B)


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