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Ravnica - The City of Sluts Campaign


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Neela is about done with a long day of enforcer work.
It's simple work, to be clear. Remind people of the necessary church tithe of the orzhov, as well as it's raise last week, collect the money, note down any.. problems in your little ledger, make sure to take your cut, no one admits it but everyone does it. Of course you also ask people if there's been anyone troubling them. No one is allowed to cause harm to your flock after all, as long as they pay.

You are on your way back, when you freeze up. You don't know what's going on, but the shadow of the igniting street-lamps shining through the lights overhead, it almost... makes you think of something. Something.. you almost remember.

A robed woman steps up from the shadows to the dazed sleeper agent, extending a hand to her head, pulling out a blue-glowing line, reviewing it briefly...

Compliance is mandatory. Your personal interests are unimportant. You will obey.


Carefully, she pulls out a small strip of blue from her own head.. before inserting it among the longer strip of runes. Waving her hand, like a playful snake-tamer, the line of messages sneaks back towards and right back into Sleeper Agent 271's Head. Briefly hesitating, the robed woman smirks, extending a hand and giving the girls breast a good squeeze from behind. "Ugh.. stuff Orzhov plating. A necessary evil for you, isn't it, sleeper-slut."

You will forget about this. You will go to the Tenth district jail. Find a man named Nassius Ven. Assist in the task he has for you to the best of your ability. You will obey.

Neela shales her head. Nah, this was just her imagination. She really has no time to waste daydreaming either way. She needs to go to the jail.

(I'm taking your physical dimir-signet from you because it makes no sense for a sleeper agent. Instead, there's a tatoo on your chest that seems cute and decorative, but can be used to identify you as guild-sla.. servant of the Dimir.)


"THAT'S IT GROR! I'LL KICK YOUR ASS IN THE FACE!" "Go ahead, I've been waiting for a proper good time fireface."
Fire plays over the staff of the Gruul-mage's staff as she glares at a minotaur, standing steadfast before her. That Minotaur was a tough one. Gror skullsmasher. Brianna knew he was tough, because he'd just been through kicking her butt. Wielding two clubs larger than either him or her made it hard to get into his melee range, and she was burning for a rematch. Although.. Juira, the flame-shamans claims were also interesting... if a bit rediculous.

"Trust me. The Izzet got some serious BOOM. And we ought to get our hands on it. They waste it breaking little Shitgoblins out of jails, rather than BREAK THE JAILS!"
The flame-shaman fist-pumped. This was an entirely reasonable question of course.
"Alright, how about this.. Bri. You go check out that jail. See if you can find the BOOM Fire-face is talking about. All we know, she's been indulging in too much fire-mead again. I'd go myself, but I can't get close to any azorius-buildings, you see, they are really pesky to deal with and.. wha..."

Things went downhill from there, and although Bri kind of wanted to watch the fight, she suspected it would end as the last fight of these two had.. an outcome for which the two needed some privacy. Well, they did not, unashamed to do it in the wildernis like true gruul, but Bri needed some privacy from the drunk shaman shouting about Minotaur Dick. Perhaps she should check out this jail and what happened there instead?

Iris carefully watches the streets. She's finished her letter-deliverances for the day.. now, it is time for the real guild duties, a letter to herself, opening up before her, as usual, they were simple instructions.
Iris, my loyal servant,

Go to the Tenth district jail. Find a man named Nassius Ven. Assist in the task he has for you to the best of your ability. Do well, and you might be rewarded.

All hail Dimir.

p.s. Due to the potential importance of the matter, a sleeper-agent from another guild will be present to assist you, use her as you see fit. Identifying the sleeper agent correctly will be part of your tests.

As a suprise to no one, the letter slowly fades away, disintegrating with a flickering of black decay-magic, as if it had been aged for centuries in a mere moment, as soon as Iris finishes reading it. Failing her benefactor feels.... innately bad. She does not want to disappoint them, and that's definitly not just the indoctrination of house dimir speaking, here. So she makes her way down the back-alley streets of Ravnica, subtly slipping towards the tenth district


"NICE ASS!" The devil hollered at Sikilla from behind, ready to dodge retaliatory attacks. "Seriously though, cutie, I got good.. and bad news for you. Both at once. A fuckin' Bloodwitch wants to see you.. Maybe you'll be in her next performance.. or maybe you pissed someone off.. maybe both!"
The devil chuckled, waving his forked glaive and accompanying Sikilla,.. if she let him.


"Hello there cutie! Love your hair!"
The blood-witch greeted, looking up from carving a skull. Into a skull. Said skull hummed ever so slightly with hellfire magic. Best not to ask for a demonstration. Unless Sikilla felt curious. "Good news, it's time for an assignment! Now before you give me any lip, ask the last one how it went."
She lifted another, more bloodied skull in one hand, it's jaw in another, to have it exclaim: "Oooh boy howdy, disagreeing with you sure was a stupid idea miss, I am mighty sorry!"
The witch tilted her head, observing Sikilla for a long moment, before nodding with satisfaction. "The Azorius got their panties all in a tussel about a jail-break incident. Now normally, we don't bother them, they don't bother us, but change of pace! You'll check it out, report back to me once the matter's resolved, one way or the other. Tenth district jail, talk to a.. Nasus... nassi.. whatever.. a pompous Vedalken. Actually, you don't have to talk to him, if you can find out what the Azorius are so fidgety about without him." She shrugged.


Life has been.. different, ever since your Gorgon captor decided to.. spare you. After seeding you with soothing, mind controlling mushrooms. Being from the Simic, you were not as intimidated by bodily changes as most, however, the.. smell, the rot of the undercity where the Golgari live, it was hard to get used to.. and harder to get used to not minding it anymore now.
Your mushrooms pulse, briefly lighting up in an eery, green glow of gulgari magic. Your body pulses with arousal. You begin to hear the aroused whispers of your own damned self. Yet you did what you knew had to be done to survive, and the essence of those lewd mushrooms is contained within you.. for now.
You pray that you can become strong enough to contain their influence and keep their control over you at bay.

Although the gorgon-mistress of the Golgari is not touching your body anymore, you can still feel them, clawing their way up from the deep recesses of your soul. Fighting to retain control, your thoughts turn towards the tenth district on the surface, perhaps there, within the imposing prison of the Azorius, you will find an answer... or perhaps, salvation...

Missara is shaken out of her afternoon meditation upon the green soil of Selesnya's temple gardens by a warm, gentle hand upon her shoulders. Someone getting this close to her during her meditation.. she opens her eyes to see a beautiful Dryad stand above her!


There is a strong urge to kneel, to embrace, to show the mighty dryad Missara's appreciation for the gentle attention brought upon her by the true-child of Mat'selesnya, but Missara does not.
There is no need to kneel, as they are all equal. A gentle nod of the Dryad after she thought that thought encourages her to stand.

"Beloved sister of ours. I come to request your aid. If it pleases and you wish to consider it."
The dryad nodded warmly. Of course Missara would consider doing anything for someone this kind.

"The World-tree speaks of several of the other guilds taking interest in a matter of the Azorius, a jailbreak, in the tenth district. Whilest we think nothing much of it, if you could look into this matter, just to ensure the safety of all, it would fill my heart with great joy."
She nodded encouragingly, waiting for Missara's answer. Of course, the human could refuse her superior if she wished to, with no reprecussions whatsoever, unlike there would be among some of the crueler guilds in the cityworld. She is free to choose, but to defend her beloved family here, agreeing to go on this mission would certainly be better.


"Aha finally! The simic mage enthused, upon seeing Somnifer. It seemed she was not going to get far, in her escape-plans.. judging by the mages insignia, this was a higher ranking one, so combat would be a bad idea, and.. before she could think on, the mage continued, whilest also trying to restrain an angry worm-snake critter with scratches on it's underbelly.

"I've been looking for some help, and you've clearly been optimized for that. Rumour through the frog-vine, great invention of mine actually as an aside..
Rumour has it that some experimental weaponry was used on Azorius turf in the tenth district to facilitate a jailbreak. Now, I am pretty sure it was the Izzet's fault, but I've been working on a new breed of frog using sonic based weaponry and well, we do -not- need that kind of heat right now. I need someone to go and make sure things are.. clear.. yes.. hoo calm boy.."

She tried to soothe her critter, only to have it jump off of her hand. Chasing after it and cursing, Somnifer was left to her own devices. But what else did she have to do?

(As usual, please tag your posts with your character picture in small size, your character name and a link back to their charsheet, as well as Tag:ing folks you want to address.)

Tenth District,
Tag: All, Introduction

Life in the Tenth District is never dull. A hub of constant activity, it always offers a new opportunity, a new challenge, a new intrigue. It is a place where a promising adventurer like you can find your path to glory, riches, or power through your allegiance to your guild.
It is now the late evening, almost dusk as a mild breeze rushing through the streets of Ravnica's tenth district as you find yourself standing before the functional and unremarkable Sawtooth Prison, an azorius-guildmark decorating the front door:


The door appears currently locked tight. By its side hangs a stone slab, dictating several rules of conduct for visitors of the jail.

But before you can ponder the particularities of the jail and just what happened here, you notice you are not alone, for several other figures, none high ranking but all seeming to bear the equipment and signs of several different guilds gather alongside you...
ddbgr8k-e7ca22b1-dbef-4417-a9c7-9f60233dcbb9.jpg Neela, Orzhov enforcer?, Location: Prison, Tag: All, Status: None, Mood: Tired and slightly confused, intrigued
Neela walked through the streets to the prison. Being so deep in another guild's territory was mildly concerning, but she had done such trips before. The reach of the community was wide, and some... restraint still prevailed.
Neela was somewhat tired from a long day of work and fun, part of her wanted nothing more than to return to her guildhall and go to bed, maybe take a cute neophyte girl with her... But she had to go to the prison. She didn't know any details, couldn't remember where she heard it, but this was important. Why was she here? It was some request... one that would pay handsomely, yes! That had to be it! She was always chasing opportunities, always wanting to come first! To get ahead. That was what drove her here so far into the day.

At the prison, she was surprised to see no one outside, and a sudden influx of visitors. Were these people looking for the same contract she was? Neela decided to ignore them for now, instead knocking on the door. "Hello? Anyone inside? I am a servant of the community, I am here to speak to a Nassius Ven!" She yelled through the door.
Name: Sikilla, Tag: Everyone
HP: 10 AC: 14

Sikilla didn't have much reason to deny the Bloodwitch.

"Oh, thank you for the compliment...you are pretty sexy too, if I dare say so!" Sikilla gave a curtsy.

"Why would someone argue about your orders, is beyond me...maybe they expected a different kind of punishment?" she pondered.

"In any case, I will perform the task you gave me...talk to Nessy, return when things aren't messy!"
Name: Karissa, Tag: Everyone
HP: 10 AC: 16

Karissa stumbles against the sewer wall, algae and slime coating the side of her face. What day was it? How long had she been walking?

Where even was she?

She coughed as a puff of glowing green escaped her mouth and she took in her surroundings. The glow of the mushrooms was less here, but the brightness of the exit let her know why. She- she had to go to the tenth district. It was hard enough keeping the shrooms under control with her magic and focus. She stumbled forwards again, her hand trailing along the slick cobbles of the wall. The tenth district, Azorious prison... She felt her pussy clench under the black hides and kraul chitin she wore as she thought of it. Yes, that sounded good, maybe she could get help? Maybe she would finally escape.

Karissa kept the shadows, as best as one could covered in matted hides and phosphorescent mushrooms. Still the Azorious kept their realm well lit and she finally stepped forward before she was accused of something, she was sure. She didn't want to trade one prison for another. Why was she here? She hated tapping into the fungal magic that infused her but a stroke of her pussy and a moment of weakness should invite more... information from her mistress. Her wonderful sensual gorgon mistress~

"H-hello? Do you know what is going on Miss? I'm not bad- I'm good I swear." She asked Neela, still looking around with shifty eyes. Despite her promise she'd still ward off any attempt to get too close. She had no idea if her mushrooms her infectious!
26504 Name: Sikilla as 'Reilida Goldleaf', Tag: Everyone
HP: 10 AC: 14

The almost naked half-elf also approached the prison district. This would be her greatest performance till now, she was sure of it! Art was about telling a story...and she would tell a good damned one!

She didn't care at all about the lewd stares she got on her way there. It was part of her plan after all. She just acted like nothing weird was going on.

"Oh, hello there lady servant! And not bad lady!" she greeted the one who just spoke.

"I am Reilida, and I have been told that my beloved Azorius had a problem! Hey misters in there, can I help? I really, really want to help...maybe if I can help well enough, I can also join? It has been my childhood dream to join you guys...but like, I don't know why you keep saying no..." she sighed.

"But this is a super important thing, right? If I help can I join? I don't need to like really join either, if I can just hang out with you guys I will be happy~! Mr. Nessius are you there? Don't deny me, please-please!"

(18 int check for shattergang brothers, who were they, where they operated, maybe if I could find the other one)
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26505 Brianna, Gruul Fisticuff Enthusiast; Tag: Everyone; Mood: Confident;
HP: 10/10; Armor Class: 14; Speed: 30ft.;

Set around the arena the young Minotaur girl watched a fight getting ready to unfold. Gror, in particular, held Brianna's attention. Though both were minotaurs, Brianna was small by comparison, fleshy human skin in place of Gror's magnificent blood-caked pelt. Her long auburn hair tied up in a small bun, where his was short and bristly. Though she knew of the league of difference in appearance, the two where both minotaurs and Bri wouldn't let her smaller frame allow others to call her weak, she had challenged the brut to combat, as she had many times before, him with his tree trunk sized clubs, and her using nothing but her bare hands. The sparing was exhilarating, but she'd lost fairly. Now, with so much energy, Gror was getting ready to start something with the Shamen Juira. Brianna had little time for magic, she'd respect of the shamans, and their wisdom, but conjuring elements to do the fighting for you? Boring. She quietly watched the duo, arguing about some boom and how the Izzet were wasting it.
"Sure," She smirked, knowing how the fighting would go, "I'll check out this boom, but Juria, if you're wrong about this, I say you buy me and Gror a few rounds." She didn't need a response, so she just turned to leave, "I'll be ready for that rematch when I get back Gror!"

The jail with the boom wasn't hard to find, they probably didn't want a Gruul Minotaur showing up on the front door, asking politely 'May a please have your boom?' Brianna cracked her knuckles, sun glinting off her two sizable horns, two massive breasts still jiggling. She was not the 'asking' sort of Minotaur. Though... There seemed to be seven others standing around, "Damn it Juria, how many others did you tell about this..." She sighed, "Ok, you can't all be here for the boom. Who's letting us in, and who needs knocking around?" She asked, wondering if she should give her name... then remembering that the cobel roaches probably didn't care, so she'd just leave it at that, get her boom for Juria, then head back and have her rematch.

It seemed three of them where already engaged in trying to open the door. Brianna looked over the others, seemed they where busy. Maybe they'd open the door and save her some time? "Oi, you getting the door open?" She called over to the trio.
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Name: Iris Location: Entrance to Prison Tag: Undercover agent
HP: 9/9 Armor Class: 14 Initiative Bonus: +4 Saves: Proficent in Dex and Int Speed: 30ft Proficiency bonus: +2
Initiative: Conditions:

Iris clutched the paper in her hands, a small smile coming over her as she read and analyzed it. Information was power, and the more information she could gleam from this the better. This was a big break for her, her first mission that might actually have a real impact rather than doing missions that were only small parts of the whole. And she had a sleeper agent to use! Those sluts were always fun to play with once you got their minds twisted around your finger, at least that's what she had heard when in training.

Iris had gotten used to switching identities like a set of clothing, and now that she was done with her courier run, she needed to slip back into the role of a Selesnya Initiate. First she headed back towards the Selesnya district, and in a dark ally near the district's border she donned an initiate's clothing, and put on some small touches of makeup to complete the look. Now was the time to start her trip to the prison in district 10. It was important to lessen suspicious towards her, and the small details mattered. A Selenya initiate coming from the direction of their district was less suspicious than other wise.

"Oh my, there seems to be quite alot of you here for this Nassius fellow. I better see why this fellow is so important, for the safety of my family." As she spoke like one of those peace loving Selesnyas, Iris's eyes was carefully watching each person as they showed up. Surely the guild knew this was going to happen, so the question was which one of these girls were the sleeper agent?
Name: Karissa, Location: Entrance to Prison Tag: Everyone Mood: Apprehensive;
HP: 10 AC: 16

A real group had assembled, more than she had expected to arrive and more varied as well. She kept her distance from the group, listening to them speak and trying to focus despite the glare the sun caused for her eyes- still not quite adjusted to the light again. It began to make more sense as she listened to them. They all had a similar purpose for being here, which meant that she likely had the same as well, despite the lack of instruction. Which meant... she had to get closer to them.

She pulled her hood over her face, hiding the small fungal growths and ventured out into the bright bright sun to join them. It was strange to admit but she enjoyed it's touch on the scarce parts of skin that were left uncovered; had she missed this? "I think we're all-" She looked over at the elven bimbo with them. "Mostly here for the same reason? I'm Karissa. It's very pleasant to meet you all." She nodded, still a good five feet from anyone else.

"Do none of us have an in with the Azors? Can we knock?" She directed her second question at the minotaur, she ought to be the most effective 'knocker' here.

Name: Missara Lightfoot, Location: Entrance to Prison Tag: Everyone but Iris in particular Mood: Curious
HP: 10 AC: 16

Missara resisted the urge to bow to the blessed of Mat'selesnya but rose and inclined in just a small acknowledgement. She gladly agreed to accept the mission in support of the church and the World-Tree. Surely she would be able to interact with others and show them the joys of joy and compassion.


So it was that Missara found herself approaching the entrance to the prison. Already a number of others were gathered around the heavy doorway. Already it seemed that one was knocking on the door so the elegantly dressed and well formed priestess instead looked around at the group. Clad in veils and diaphanous shawls Missara gladly revealed the blessings of her womanly form as a joy of Mat'selesnya. She wasn't as outwardly near-naked as the elf woman but there was little doubt as to Missara's smooth and delightful beauty. She perked up as she saw another in the robes of the church.

Speaking to Iris Missara swept forward in a graceful, near dance to give her a hug. "Sister, sister... it is so good to see you in the darkness. May the blessings of Mat'selesnya be upon us both." She kissed Iris on both cheeks, her full bosom pressed against her supposed sister before she pulled back a bit, both hands still on Iris' hips. "I am Missara Lightfoot but I am surely only a junior priestess and not as experienced as you are sister."
Tag: All

The hammering at the door is quickly answered by a man in bulky armor, with a displeased look on his face.


"What is this ruckus, Orzhov.. you are aware that according to article 17-B City order proclamation, E271, this could be construed as the creation of noise that intentionally or not although not accidentially has the potential to disturb other people's evening, correct? Show me your paperwork!"
If you had to guess, you would presume the man was a Lawmage of the azorius and he gave a suspicious glance, focusing especially on the gruul woman on the backlines, but ignoring the disguised Rakdos-entertainer.

Then however, there was a rustling behing him, you see a male vedalken in well-tailored clothes. His deep blue face bears a gentle but concerned expression. He raises his hand to hail you and speaks in a low tone as his eyes take in your group and the nearby environs. With a nod to the Azorius, he dismisses the guard, before stepping outside the prison, the door rattling closed behind him with a hollow echoing.


"My name is Nassius Ven, envoy of the guildpact. I hope you are here to help us find something?"
He looked about, before opening a satchel hanging by his side, producing a few bundles of paper, small dossiers, which he hands out to everyone willing to cooperate.
As he gets to Sikilla, his six-fingered blue hand aciddentialy brushes along her rump along the way.

"We have need of your particular skills to assist in the retrieval of a convict who got loose just before sunrise this morning. He escaped during his transfer to Udzec, a maximum-security prison where he would have spent the rest of his days." He explains, his words calm and measured as he seizes you up, before continuing his explanation:

"His name is Krenko. He's the boss of a large gang of goblins that operates around Foundry Street. He was apprehended to answer for a long list of crimes, including murder. He allegedly incited a riot that led to the deaths of a guard and two inmates at this prison a week ago. The warden decided enough was enough and put through his transfer."

As you listen to Nassius, the clouds grow thicker above and daylight fades as the sun sets behind the spires and towers of the city, shadows grow long and begin eating up the last remaining daylight.

Item added: Sawtooth prison dossier:

The dossier starts off with the image of a smug, tough-looking male goblin on it.

  • Krenko has been a goblin mob boss for several years. His turf was around Foundry Street. He has been a person of interest in numerous crimes befitting a mobster but managed to evade the law—until recently.
  • Krenko was brought into custody by Gideon Jura, a freelancer working with the Boros Legion at the time. Krenko was found guilty of murdering Dargig, one of the Shattergang Brothers, and of assault with a deadly weapon against Gideon Jura.
  • The weapon on his person at the time of arrest was a magic shiv (a prison knife). Reportedly, it could punch through force barriers. It isn't known how Krenko obtained the weapon.
  • Krenko's notable associates include the mysterious Mr. Taz (no other information provided) and a renegade Izzet weapons inventor named Falish (female human, seen around Tin Street). Both are also persons of interest to the Azorius.
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ddbgr8k-e7ca22b1-dbef-4417-a9c7-9f60233dcbb9.jpgNeela, Orzhov enforcer?, Location: Prison, Tag: All, Status: None, Mood: Tired and slightly confused, intrigued
Suddenly Neela found herself in the middle of a large assembly of... attractive interlopers. For some reason, she felt herself drawn to one of the Selesnya Initiates, a girl with blond hair and piercing eyes...
And they all took the scrolls offered! They were after the reward too! Wait... there was something gnawing at her mind. He hadn't said anything about a reward yet!
"Is this a bounty contract, or a special service with a special compensation?" She asked, shifting her weight.

Location: Tenth District
Tag: All

Little bubbles of discontentment grew and popped by the sides of her pursed lips as she moved through the streets towards Sawtooth Prison. Her attempt to snake her way back into one of the Clades had not gone unnoticed, but neither had it raised alarm... As far as she could tell. A little errand had fallen in her lap, and she might as well make the most of the opportunity it presented.

Draped in oversized dark robes that carried no distinct markings of any Guild allegiance, Somnifer briefly raised her arms to pull down her hood a little further as other figures were heading the same way as her. If only she could as easily hide the unsightly potrusions of black bone that jutted out of her upper back, and the back of her head, not to speak of the damage it caused to her garments. At least the garments were much too large for her, covering her means of ambulation, and fortune willing no one would pay heed to her 'steps' making little sound save for the faintest of wet squishes.

As the small congregation of different people clustered before the Prison doors, Somnifer joined in the back of the lot. She saw no need to raise her voice, to draw everyones attention. As the Vedalken showed up and took center stage, Somnifer listened attentively. As the dossiers were presented, she reached a sleeve-covered arm out and murmured a brief incantation; soon an invisible force would draw one of the paper rolls and carry to the back where she prefered to remain.

The same unseen grasp would be used to unroll the paper and hold it low for her to gaze down upon, as to not raise her hood, and the only sound she made was a small displeased gargle as the nature of the target was made apparent. "Goblins. It had to be Goblins. Nasty little things."
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Nassius, Tenth District, Sawtooth jail, Tag: All, primarly Neela and Iris

Nassius nodded at the Orzhov's question. "We need you to track down Krenko and bring him back alive. Then we can interrogate him and keep him off the streets for good.
Besides you helping the community in taking a dangerous criminal off the streets, I am prepared to give you ten zinos right now to cover any expenses you might incur during your investigation. Upon delivery of the criminal, you'll receive one hundred zinos and my gratitude, which I will convey to your guild leaders..."
There was a brief glance over to the gruul at that. "Under no circumstances should you attempt to question Krenko yourselves."
He then however hesitated, clearly considering who might be the most trustworthy to handle everyone's finances... before approaching Iris, with a small pouch.

"I must say, the turnout is higher than expected, I could have sworn I send messages to only five guilds.. Anyway, I trust in you dividing this fairly and as necessity dictates."
He nodded.
(10 gold added to Iris pouch!)
26534 Brianna, Gruul Fisticuff Enthusiast; Tag: Everyone; Mood: Confident;
HP: 10/10; Armor Class: 14; Speed: 30ft.;

So much was going on, so many people, so much talking. Contracts, sluts, goblins. She just wanted the Izzet's boom. "Kay, so we just need this little shit goblin?" She glanced over the paper, not paying attention to anything outside of the picture. This had to be the goblin that Juira mentioned. Feeling the Azourious eyes glace over to her she looked up from her paper to meet his gaze head-on, "Don't worry so much Blueberry," she smirked. Stuffing the paper into her satchel.

Seeing the prep fee divided out to Iris shrugged, "You keep my share Blondy. I don't need it, we should probably get going if we wanna find the little guy though." She looked at the mass of people, 7 for one squirt? Ya, that wasn't going to work, "We should probably split up. Too damn many of us and there are plenty of places to start. I'm going to Foundry street to knock some goblin skulls around, in case anyone wants to join me," She offered. Though she wanted to just leave and take care of this herself, the way her Gruul pride demanded, something thing told her at least trying to work with others would be the best in the long run.
Name: Sikilla
as 'Reilida Goldleaf', Tag: Everyone
HP: 10 AC: 14

'Reilida' purred as the Nassius's hand touched her.

"Hmm...do I have to read it? Can't we, like, go to a place...and explain it to me good?" she sighed, but at the end deciding to take a brief look at the folder.

"Ow...this is...a bit complicated. It's ok Reilida, you can do this..." she cheered herself up.

"I hope the reward will be....big!" she said, sneaking a lewd peek towards Nessy.

"Uh....ok...well, I guess going to the foundry makes sense...right, it is first on the list! I am coming with you minocow lady!" she decided cheerfully.

"But are you sure we have to split up? Goblins are...I have heard they abduct pretty girls and breed with them...I mean, I don't know...we could split up, I guess...." she mused.

However, she would prefer to go with others...after all, she needed an audience!
26565 Brianna, Gruul Fisticuff Enthusiast; Tag: Sikilla; Mood: Confident;
HP: 10/10; Armor Class: 14; Speed: 30ft.;

A bit shocked that anyone would so readily agree to follow her, Brianna turned her attention to Sikilla. The woman was nearly naked, didn't seem overly strong. Maybe she was a mage? What guild crest was that? Bri had never bothered to learn them. "We are looking for one goblin as seven people who have never met before. They'll know we are coming ages before we get near the little mite. Not only that, but we can't count on teamwork or companionship, we've never shared a battlefield, so the larger we are, the more we get in each other's ways. I'm sure some of you have your fancy ideas, and your welcome to them. Simple solutions work for me, find the goblins gang, knock 'em around, get the leader."
Name: Sikilla
as 'Reilida Goldleaf', Tag: Everyone
HP: 10 AC: 14

"Oh! I knew following you would be a smart idea!" Reilida did a little happy jump, throwing her papers in the air scattering them in celebration!

"You have a plan already! Amazing! I thought we were just going to check door to door till we found him!"

"But, like, if we find his gang, he will be with them! How didn't I think of that?"
she mused, clearly excited.

"Um....I guess I should pick the papers...no littering around, right!" she smiled at the Nessy!

"But practically we have this almost solved already! Oh, I know! We could have one of us abducted by the goblins, and then they would take us to their hideout! And then you come and beat them up! That's, like, my greatest plan ever!" she bragged, snuggling close to the minocow!

"I am so inspired! I think being around you makes me have good ideas too! I knew coming here was amazing idea!"

Nassius, Tenth District, Sawtooth jail, Tag: All, primarly Brianna and Sikilla

Nassius cleared his throat at the.. unconventional suggestion.
"While.. it might work, let me be clear that this is no laughing mater. Krenko has made a lot of enemies, but the Shattergang Brothers are his biggest threat. They're a rival goblin gang specializing in illicit weapons, and they want Krenko dead in reprisal for the murder of one of their lieutenants. The dead lieutenant also happens to be the youngest of the three siblings that run the gang. They'll tear apart the neighborhood to find him once they know he has escaped."
He informed, glancing especially at Brianna, as if his calm, determined demeanour could convey the severity of the situation to a Gruul gal. - Although he kept his attention on Sikilla too.. for entirely different interests perhaps...
Last edited:
26571 Brianna, Gruul Fisticuff Enthusiast; Tag: Sikilla; Mood: Confident;
HP: 10/10; Armor Class: 14; Speed: 30ft.;

A bit of a sucker for praise, Bri blushed as the scantily clad dancer pressed her body up against her body. "I, erm," She paused for a few seconds, "T-thank you." She said softly, "Though if you want to get captured by Goblins then I don't know if I'll join you for that step..." She smiled softly, her hand lightly brushing against the dancer's body, "My name is Brianna, by the way. What's yours?"

Seems that her idea of splitting up for the search was shot down quickly enough by the blueberry man. "Fine, we can stick together, need a few people to kick those Shattergang brothers around too. If you think-y types have a better plan, then go for it. I'll handle the smashing." She relented easily enough, though she was maybe a bit distracted, one hand holding Silika closer too her, resting on the girl's exposed rear.
ddbgr8k-e7ca22b1-dbef-4417-a9c7-9f60233dcbb9.jpgNeela, Orzhov enforcer?, Location: Prison, Tag: All, Status: None, Mood: Tired, intrigued
Neela sighed. What did she expect? Still, better than nothing... "Your down payment is... accepted." She replied to Nassius. "The contract is thus sealed."
She turned and eyed the group, not knowing what to make of them all together. Clearly, the Azorius had cast their net far and wide.
Without any further introductions, she wasn't quite sure who to approach. She wasn't going to do this alone, that was for sure. With a sigh, she approached the two Selesnya priestesses. They might be reasoned with, and there was something about the blonde one that made Neela tingle below...
"Greetings in the name of the community. I am Neela Idris, and I was wondering about your intent. If you wish to partake in this hunt, maybe we should... join forces. Just... keep your hippie talk to a minimum, please. Anyway, I think instead of looking for his rivals, a better first step would be to look into his associates. I have some knowledge of the local markets for experimental weapons, let me see what I can recall about this Falish. (Intelligence: 19) If you were to help me, you would of course receive your fair share."