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Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
The sun was high in the sky, beating down on the mountains to the North. On a high grassy hill, in the far South eastern corner of the valley, those dedicated to good gathered, there to await word from the embodiment of good in this realm.

The eternal battle of the realms would continue here, in this quiet, pleasant little valley. The forces of good seeking to end all corruption, the forces of evil seeking to spread it to all realms, and those chosen by fate seeking to maintain the delicate balance between the two.

(After all this time Jumpers is finally chugging into life. Everyone planning on playing has to post an introduction of some sort. After that you'll get your quest and descriptions of where you can go.)
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Lilliana stands on the hill, her clothes and hair blowing in the wind. Her bow draped over her shoulder, she surveys the land, tense with the upcoming war on her mind.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Siehydra was laying down with her head in her hands and legs crossed. She had one of her throwing pins sticking out of her mouth with a goofy smile on her face. The oncoming war didn't seem to disturb the green haired elf in the least, or maybe she was just too laid back to think about it right now.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Kaye's body is in constant motion, going through her martial forms to keep herself ready at all times. Her legs shift and her arms swing back and forth as she moves back and forth, as fluidly as water. Suddenly her arm shoots forward, fist out, only to stop just as suddenly fully extended in front of her. A perfectly executed lunge punch. She shifts back, her hands coming to her sides, then straightening out her light cloth tunic and pants as she breathes out.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva was leaning against a tree, her back resting against the oak with her eyes closed shut, keeping her energy high before the battle. Resting against the tree, seeming to be in a trance, or sleep, she awaited patiently for the order to move out, in order to engage in battle with the forces of darkness...
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Celes was training with her sword trying to reduce the anxiety than she was feeling.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

(Continuing the game, if miez or one of the extras still wants to play they'll join up later.)

An hour before mid day, all those gathered on the hill felt a calling to stand on the hilltop. There, a white angelic figure red appeared. "Gather, my daughters, and listen. This realm shall purified, and I shall tell you how it may be accomplished! Far to the North and West, one of my greatest servants battles with a servant of the shadow. They've been locked in stalemate for days now, neither able to best the other. You must go there, and assist her in defeating her opponent. Kill the champion of evil, so that this realm might be saved forever more from the forces of darkness. Beware, for both are mighty and close to ascension! It will be a difficult battle. You must not fail, or this realm will forever be filled with darkness and corruption! That is all, go now, and may the light shine on your path!"
And with that, the angelic form disappears.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

"Right then... off we go!" Lilliana exclaims. She quickly starts walking to the South East. Realizing no one is following her, she pauses. "Ahhh..." she mutters to herself, and promptly turns around and starts heading North West.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

After the angel disappears Siehydra gives a goofy salute with her left hand and says, "Aye, aye captain." She then wonders off aimlessly in the wrong direction realizing no one was following her after a few seconds she turned around to the group with her goofy smile and needle still in her mouth and said "Woops, I dunno the way..." She then waited for someone to lead them.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Kaye brings her hands together and bows to the angel. "As you wish," she says. As the others wander about aimlessly, Kaye kneels and meditates, waiting to see how the group wishes to proceed.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

After listening silently to the angel's speech, Shiva nods, and starts traveling to the North West, the direction she was told leads to where the battle was taking place, whether or not her silly comrades followed her or not.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

(Now that that's over with, time to introduce the movement system. Each round players vote on which direction to move, which can be North, South, East, West, or any of the combined diagonals. How long movement takes is dependent on the type of terrain you're moving into, which I described in the alterations thread. Movement stops for encounters.)

As the assembled group goofed around on the hill, they got a good view of the land around them. To the North and West were hilly plains similar to where they were now, easily traversed but not going in a straight line. Directly North West lay rocky hills, more difficult but also going in a straighter path. Farther North lay the foothills of a small mountain range, and to the far West a vast forest could be seen, as well as a wide lake.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Seeing the rocks causes Lilliana to pause for a moment and consider her actions. "I say we still go North West!" she announces to no one in particular.

(North West)
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Seeing the group start to catch on, Shiva looks back, and nods at Lilliana, "We're told they're fighting to the North West, so that is where we must go," Shiva notified her group.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Celes nods"North West will be" after that she follow the group
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Kaye silently stood from her meditative position and moved to join the others. "The fastest route between two points is not always a straight line," she said softly, "but time to consider our path may be a luxury we don't have. Let us head straight for our goal, to the north west."

(North West)
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

( I think we should bold our votes, might make it easier on Tassadar! :p )

Shiva shrugged at Kaye, "One luxury I would have liked is a map," she complained, "Then I'd see your point as a valid one, but the general direction of North West is indeed our best bet."

( Shiva votes; "North West" )
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Siehydra just shrugged and said "The angel lady said north west... sooooo north westtt weee goooo!!!!"

(North West)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

(NW it is, and just to help you along, the place you're trying to get to is in the middle of the map in the East/West spectrum, and at the very top in the North/South spectrum, and the group started in the South Eastern corner. You're unlikely to get a map, but I could be convinced to give you a sort of guiding spirit that can help give you directions.)

The group proceeds North West, sighting nothing hostile in their early travels. The terrain became increasingly rough, and as they passed into a shallow ravine between two cliff faces, they found both behind and in front of them blocked by groups of green-skinned humanoids clad in leather armor and wielding clubs and nets. A sight anyone in the realms would recognize, Orc slavers! There seem to be four at each end of the ravine.

(First combat! Ravine is 10 feet wide, 15 feet deep at its lowest where it is slightly muddy and the group happens to be centered, and 100 feet long with 4 orcs at each end. Since it's the first encounter and the enemy is a ways off, you get to determine initial positioning of the characters amongst yourselves.)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Siehydra's grin turned fierce as the group came across the orcs. She opened up her eyes to reveal they were as green as her hair. Her teeth clenched around the needle in her mouth as if she was trying to break it. She said to the group still in a goofy voice, "Weeell, dunno if they can be reasoned with. It sucks that we might have to kill them..." She considered stepping forward to try to reason with them and giving away their position, but thought better of it, "I'm a long range fighter.... sooooo maybe I should be in the back?" She asked like she didn't know if that would be the best place for her to be.

(( Tassadar made me realize I had to change it... That's why he made that post lol ))
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