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Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Mina quickly set the blue haired girl down, then quickly did a back flip as numerous tentacles reached for her.

(Melanie attempts to escape)

Melanie quickly tries to get away from the masses of tentacles, but quickly finds herself dropping front first, into the ground, as the other tentacles that were in pursuit quickly wrapped around her, encasing her, making sure she couldn't get away...

(Melissa attacks, aimed shot)

Melissa's aim was Extraordinary!

Melissa's shot pierced through several tentacles in one shot, as the ones from the man hole shuddered in pain, the pink, cock shaped one appeared, seeming to be in just as much pain.

The tentacle's cohorts, however, seemed to be unaffected from the shot, likely they're from different creatures.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melissa lets herself feel a moment of triumph as the group of tentacles shudders.

"Yes... now I gotcha..."

She jacks another round into the chamber, tracking the pink tentacle and preparing to splatter it like its fellows...

(Aimed attack - pink tentacle)
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]


Melanie cries out as she feels her footing go awry - and feels her front half thump against the ground - being dragged back towards the tentacles - the dragging motion pushing her shirt up to expose her bare , plush, creamy-white orbs..a little bit larger than a handful. Her hands grip at anything she can find - a bench, telephone pole..anything to try to tug herself loose....lips letting out a faint whimper as she squirms...toned hips waggling tantalizingly as they twist from side to side, the damp spot in her shorts still ever-present..
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

(Melissa attacks, aimed shot)

With one more bullet, she destroys the pink tentacle, as all of it's accomplices suddenly stopped all movement...

(Melanie attempts to break free)

Melanie couldn't manage to grab anything, as the tentacles dragged her close to the sewer grate, and began to work their way into her clothes, ripping them apart in quick succession, exposing her petite breasts and cute pussy, as a pink tentacle appeared, and reared itself close to her crotch, aiming to insert itself...

(Mina attacks)

Mina quickly grabbed at one of the tentacles reaching for her with both hands, and bent it as hard as she could. The tentacle gave a good snap, as she broke it's structure like a twig. A pink tentacle reared it's cock-like head shortly after, seeming just as stunned as it's friends due to Mina's action.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melanie's eyes go wide as the tentacles swarm around her body - letting out a squeal as her shorts snap in two, leaving her bare hips exposed..worst of all....she was still horny! Her little pink pussy lips glisten with moisture as tentacle after tentacle swarms around her body....bare breasts dangling out as tatters of her shirt flutter to the ground as they're ripped off her chest - bare orbs flouncing out - and glasses hanging haphazardly off the edge of her nose

With a tentacle dangling dangerously close between her legs, Melanie starts to look more than a little panicked...even though some inner part inside of her ...kind of wanted things right now..
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Having finished her first target, Melissa takes a quick look at how her partners are doing... seeing Mina tying knots in the tentacles, causing a pink tentacle to appear, and seeing Melanie being tied in knots by the tentacles, a pink one appearing to take advantage of her.

"Cut one down, and two more take its place..."

Deciding Mina's got her situation well in hand, Melissa draws a bead on the other pink tentacle as it waggles over Melanie's slit. This'll be a tricky shot...

(Aimed attack - pink tentacle assaulting Melanie)
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Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

(Melissa attacks, aimed shot)

With another skillful shot, the phallus attacking Melanie met Melissa's bullet, as all of the tentacles that bound the blond let go, freeing her, as she stood to her feet, feeling the wind breeze along her private areas...

Mina began to retreat a little, as the tentacles kept trying to overwhelm her. She managed a weak chop at the pink phallus, but only seemed to excite it more.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Seeing the tentacles holding Melanie drop, letting her free, Melissa turns to Mina, sighting in on the last pink tentacle. With two-thirds of the tentacles now lying limp - was it two-thirds, it's so hard to tell with them wriggling about - this seemed like the last of the monstrous mound.

"Almost... there..."

Reluctant to distract Mina by calling to her, Melissa waits for the melee to give her a clear shot at the penis...

(Aimed attack - pink tentacle)
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melanie heaves a deep breath - her naked form crawling away on all fours from the tentacles - a frightened squeal pushed out of her lips as the gunshot takes out the thing between her legs - knowing that a stray bullet could have.......

Melanie tries to cover her bare chest with her hands - the pink of her nipples just barely visible through the web of one hand's fingertips as Melanie scampers over to where Mina had laid Kali - to make sure she was okay..
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

As Melanie inspects Kail, the girl seemed to be strangely peaceful, sleeping on the cold, hard concrete.

(Mina attacks)

Mina beat Melissa to it, fighting through the tentacles like some kind of warrior, she grabbed the pink tentacle, and slammed it against the ground with her knee, squishing it so much that it split in half. All of the green tentacles went limp...

Holding her arms up like she was some kind of powerhouse, Mina shouted, "Woo! Yeah! Ha, ha!" she exclaimed, turning to Melissa and Melanie with a big grin, "Did you see that? With my bare hands! These monsters don't stand a chance with me around!" she claimed confidently, swinging her fists at the air, practicing her punches and kicks.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Seeing the mass of green lying still on the pavement, Melissa lets out a sigh of relief, lowering her gun and starting to breathe deeply as she let her tight control over her body go.

"Yeah, great job, Mina!"

Melissa turns to check on Melanie, finding her crouching beside Kali's still-unconscious body. A few last shreds of cloth still hang on her body, framing her otherwise-nude torso - Melissa looks away, blushing.

"Er, um, if you want we could probably take a look inside one of the buildings here... see if we could find another set of clothes for you, Melanie..."

Her hands automatically begin reloading her rifle while she waits for a reply.

(Reload rifle (ammo count: 10 in rifle, 7 in backpack))
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]


"I..I don't know if I want to risk it.." The naked Melanie murmurs - looking down to Kali....Worst of all now, it was *very* plain to see Melanie was still horny - smatters of honey decorating the inside of her lips - and moisture shimmering on her pussy lips.. Her other hand was still attempting vainly to cover the swells of her breasts.

"If..If you think we should check inside.....m-maybe we should go ..b..but..we..we shouldn't waste too much more of our supplies though, right?"

Melanie's cheeks were -burning- red at this point - breasts dangling out, barely concealed by one arm. "M..maybe I should carry Kali? I-I mean..I'm naked..and..I..I don't have any weapons....unless Mina still wants to...it..it's really easy for her, it seems."
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Mina was staring hungrily as soon as she looked at Melanie's naked body. Her cock got stiff as soon as her eyes caught sight of the blond's nude shape.

She managed to keep it to herself, but she couldn't help but whisper it in her mind, "Melanie... Oh god I'd like to fuck you... I'd love to feel you on the inside, your warm pussy wrapped around my cock..." she thought, a little bit of drool dripping from her mouth, like a hungry animal eying up it's prey.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

(Yeesh, quit tormenting each other, will ya? Fine - I'll give Mina and Melanie a nudge.)

Melissa realizes both Mina and Melanie are trying not to ogle each other, Mina's penis perking up her pants, Melanie's hands fluttering over her bosom. She steps close to Mina, half-turning away from Melanie to keep her voice low.

"Um, Mina... I won't be unhappy if you, um, sometimes find another partner..." she whispers.

Then she steps back, her voice returning to normal.

"Why don't you two go check out that building, see if you can find a couple sets of clothes for you and Kali? I seem to remember Jesse saying that they're running low on clothes, so if we can find some more, that'd be good. I'll keep an eye on Kali out here..."

(There. I'm not jealous, really. :p Though it'll be, um, interesting to see whether Melanie drains Mina or vice-versa.)
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]


"A..are you sure?" Melanie gives a glance to Mina - who was glancing at her - with that rock hard shaft...

Her pretty blue eyes turn back to Melissa....obviously not quite understanding her gestures or where she was leading things. Melanie wasn't the most adept at social graces.

"D..don't you think you should at least come inside?"
..Dirty minded Melanie's cheeks flutter pink for a moment, until she mentally chides herself, thick eyelashes batting against her cheek bones.

"I mean, what if you get attacked down here, or...I mean, you're the only one with a weapon, though Mina is -really- strong...."

Melanie looks for Mina to guidance - as if wanting her input on things...
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Mina breaks her stare in surprise, looking at Melissa with a guilty expression, she whispered, "I-I'd never...! You know I love you... But I can't help myself... I'm just as mindless and horny as the very monster I killed..." she lowered her head in shame, "I'm not any different... Maybe someone will kill me, the same way I killed it" she gestures towards all of the dead tentacles.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melissa gets a little redder as she tries to encourage her love, whispering in her ear.

"Mina... don't ever think you're mindless, or deserve to die... you didn't choose to be sex-mad, but you ARE choosing with whom to fulfill yourself, you CARE about your partner, how she feels... and Melanie wants this too, now that I think about it, she's been ogling you ever since, well, the gargoyle tore your pants off."

She raises her voice again, trying for confident in her tones.

"Don't worry... my rifle is better used where I can see things coming, like out here. If a monster comes along, I'll shout - and if you find a monster in there, you shout too, okay?"

An airy wave accompanies the last, as Melissa shoos them towards the house.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Mina blushes, then looks over to Melanie expectantly, her eyes going wide as she dives into her fantasies...

As her day dream begins to come to life in her mind, she was bending Melanie over a counter in the kitchen, thrusting wildly into her pussy as Melanie's love juices coaxed her to go faster, and faster, as she imagined Melanie screaming in orgasm, and herself as well, as Melanie was filled with her spunk, some of it gushing from her pussy as Mina finishes pumping her with her love.

Mina snaps from her dream, noticing a little bit of pre-cum leaked from her cock. She looked to Melanie, lust still apparent in her face and voice, "Melanie... Let's go..." she asked, awaiting Melanie to join her to walk inside...

Her heart was beating heavily, the tiny human part of her was telling her to stop was she was thinking of doing, but the vast margin of monster told her that if Melanie resists her, she'll rape the blond inside the house in a pure rage of lust and passion, feeling on the verge of going animalistic.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]


"We..we're going in? Okay, I suppose it can't hurt.." Melaie mutters , hands still trying vainly to cover her breast. Unlike Mina, Melanie's main motivation to go inside..didn't seem to be a warm place to shove boy parts. Melanie shifts inside the building first - hips having that cute little feminine sway as she shuffles inside, despite her nakedness, showing off her taut little bottom...and even moreso as Melanie begins to shuffle around the house, rifling through dressers and in piles of debris for relatively decent clothing.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melissa busies herself moving Kali over to a convenient patch of grass, checking her over for obvious wounds, trying not to fantasize over what she just encouraged.

'If you love someone, let them go... and if they love you back, they will return...'