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Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

As Mina followed Melanie inside, her cock somehow managed to get even harder, as she walked right behind Melanie.

As soon as Melanie bent over to search the drawers of a bedroom nightstand, that was it, Mina could fight no more against her desires. The inviting look of Melanie's ass and pussy drove her insane, as she quickly appeared right behind the petite blond, grabbing her breasts and squeezing them, her end of her cock in her clothes pushing against Melanie's pussy as she does this.

Mina whispered to Melanie, "Oh, god..." she whispered in a tone that suggested defeat and lust, "I want you so bad, Melanie. Please, let me fuck you, I'll make you feel so good..." she promised, her hands massaging Melanie's round perky breasts.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]



Melanie squeaks as Mina gets two handfuls of Melanie's chest - breast flesh bulging between her fingers as she gives a squeeze. ...and the cock pressing against her cleft through Mina's clothes would feel Melanie's dampness spreading around the fabric as she pushes. Still half bent-over, Melanie tries to steady herself against a nearby couch...

I'll make you feel so good... The words echo in Melanie's mind - and are reflected in the way her nipples are felt hardening against Mina's fingers..but..what if...there was a reason that this girl had superhuman strength? She seemed to need sex after using her powers....

Melanie's eyes widen at the realization...

W..wait, if she takes my energy...and..and with myself this low...what'll happen? I...I'll just...


"B..but..." ..Melanie reminds her unintentionally of the curves of her appled bottom pressed against her shaft....it'd feel *so* nice at the tail end of each thrust where Mina's front would meet it in a cushion...

Melanie whimpers. "U..uuhm..wh-why don't we ...h..have a 69....i-instead, maybe...? And..the winner can...force the other to a dare..? " Melanie mutters - desperately trying to distract Mina..though that was a task in itself..the way her warmth throbbed against Mina's shaft....
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Mina smiled, removing her hands from Melanie's breasts, then taking her shirt and pants off, revealing the long, hard cock, with a cute pussy under it.

Mina got behind the blond as she bent over a couch, and began to slide her cock up and down along the cute, pink little pussy lips that beckoned her. But, rather than the sensation she felt when she sucked the essence from someone else, she felt the opposite, only just as erotic, as she felt her energy begin to leave her...

Mina let out a huge, passionate sigh as she gazed over Melanie's body, sizing her up before she plunged her hard cock inside her, like a dog eying it's meal, "It's not the same..." she claimed when thinking of getting her cock sucked, "I want your pussy..." she said, staying true to her words as she rammed her cock violently inside Melanie's pussy, both her ass and her breasts were bouncing wildly as Mina forced herself in and out of Melanie rapidly.

(Melanie's orgasm status: Yellow)
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]


"W..wait! But..but..if you..." Melanie whimpers as she feels herself pressed against the couch - the head of her member massaging itself on her velvety pussy lips - nectar drizzling the head of her shaft.

C.crap! I need energy....not..having it taken from me! Melanie grits her teeth as she feels Mina's shaft straiing before plunging in..


"A..AHN!" the blonde cries out her fingernails digging into the couch - breasts wobbling as Mina begins to push into her - her juices slicking her shaft as it slides in and out...

"I....d..don't have muu-..uhn!!" Though Melanie tries to form words..it's very clear she's already getting into things..messy little wet echoes sounding with each thrust inside her warm tight depths...insides tugging at her shaft...
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Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Mina was breathing heavily as she shoved her cock in and out of Melanie in rapid succession.

"Oh, god!" Mina exclaimed as she continued to ram herself inside Melanie, draining her very life force away as she does, "You're so tight..."


Mina felt a painful sting at her heart, as her thrusts suddenly stopped for a moment, then continued to quickly shove the cock in and out of her new, "lover"


The sting came back again, only much more painful. Mina stopped thrusting, and pulled out of Melanie, taking steps away from her, even though she didn't want to, she wanted to fuck this woman until she collapsed.

Backing away from her, she said, "I... I can't do it..." she said breathlessly, backing into a wall, and sliding down it.

As Melanie looked back, she felt her own animalistic desire pour through her, not at the cock, but at the futa's pussy. For some reason, the cock didn't interest the sudden lust inside her, but Mina's pussy... Looked like fair game, as Melanie could practically see all of the energy that the woman collected radiating from it, and it beckoned her to come to it, like a freshly cooked meal would beckon one's nostrils.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melanie grunts as Mina's stiffened member slides loose of her with a wet pop - her creamy white thighs still decorated with her honey. Melanie looks behind her..half in relief ...half in want as that thing is withdrawn from her..

Uhn..she..took a good bit of my energy...I can scent it...I'm ..I'm going to go crazy...

Though looking at Mina's shaft and netherlips sent tingles up her spine - the way she was acting....she -belonged- to someone. This much was obvious.

Melanie grunts for a moment and staggers to her feet a slight bit weakly..

I won't ..drain other people..I won't..That way....we could have both drained each other..but...Melissa would be mad at me if she knew that I was draining her..girlfriend..

Melanie takes a few moments to sort out her thoughts ...before offering a feeble smile.


"It..it's okay....nobody said you had to..." Melanie mutters - staggering forward a few steps before catching herself and steeling her will.

Melanie presses a neatly-trimmed fingernail *hard* into her palm to snap her back to reality...and keeps it there while she rifles through the place for clothes again - trying not to bend over too provocatively to ..provoke further reaction from Mina or herself.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Mina got up from where she was sitting, and approached Melanie with an apologetic voice, "Melanie... I'm sorry... But, I really need to know that Melissa is okay with this... I don't want to hurt her..." Mina put a hand to her forehead, remembering how this whole thing started, "Look, I... I didn't mean to attack you like that... But... I just... Really like you..." she said slowly, her cock still hard as she stood there shamefully.

While Melanie digged around, she found a set of clothes left on the floor in the bathroom, it likely belonged to a woman who was just getting out of the shower...

All was quiet outside, even the moaning from inside the house stopped, rendering the whole area quiet around Melissa.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]


"It's okay...everything around you right now is a learning experience r-right? You have to follow your heart.." Melanie mutters offering a faint but weak smile as she gathers herself together....finding a bright white sundress on the floor - sleeveless - with a heart-shaped cut in the bust. Sliding it up over her top half - the size of Melanie's chest strains the front of the dress a bit. A red thong lays on the floor to the side - which she soon slides up one pale, toned leg ...and then the other before readjusting her sneakers - though the thing barely came down over the curves of her butt.

"It isn't exactly practical...but it'll do..."

Melanie mutters before turning to Mina.

"Did you find anything for Kali...?"

She can't quite meet her eye to eye...especially after the few moments they had only moments before.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melissa continues to sit outside, doing her best to keep watch, and try not to crane her head so as to listen in. Rocking, as the silence slowly ruins her composure.

"I-I did do the right thing, didn't I? I wasn't trying to push her away, or anything... why's it so quiet? I'll just, wait until they're done... whatever they're doing..."
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Mina shook her head, "N-no... What you have on was all that's here..." she stated, also keeping her eyes away from Melanie.

But then, Mina picked her head up, as if about to say something, but decided against it, going back outside, heading straight for Melissa.

She leaped against Melissa, wrapping her arms around her blue haired lover, whispering in her ear, "Oh, Melissa," she said, on the verge of tears, "I couldn't do it, I couldn't stop thinking of how much I was hurting you... I don't expect you to forgive me... But... I know... I know I definitely still want Melanie... I'm sorry... I just need to control myself... But she's so attractive..." she seemed to argue with herself, one side telling her to love, and respect Melissa, and the other that wanted to love Melanie as well.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melanie wobbles outside - having secured hopefully a set of clothing for Kali. Though a bright blush still envelops her cheeks - she looks a bit more refined now that she's clothed again...tugging lightly at the sundress where her chest stretches against the fabric - and trying in vain to keep it from creeping up over the rounded swells of her hips.


"I..uh..ahh..er..." Melanie isn't quite sure what to say with Mina in such a state - and wasn't about to try to move anywhere, unless Melissa moved first..
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melissa, distracted by the turn of her thoughts, doesn't notice Mina coming until she's been glomped, Mina crying in her ear.

"I-I'm sorry, Mina... It's my fault, I shouldn't have pushed you into it..."

Awkwardly she twists within Mina's arms, hugging her back. They stay like that, apologies whispering back and forth, for a timeless moment... then Melissa sees Melanie waiting in the doorway. She takes a breath, clearly calming herself down.

"I, um, I'm sorry, Melanie... I shouldn't've suggested what I did... I haven't seen any monsters since we got here... we should probably head home, I guess..."
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Mina looked over to Melissa before she picked Kali up from the ground, concern on her face, "Melissa..." she began to ask, "I... I'm... What if... What if you slept with Melanie... With me?" she immediately turned her head away in embarrassment, as if awestruck by what she just asked, "Ah! I-mean, or I d-didn't mean...!" she tried to explain.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melanie blinks at Mina's proposal..and eyes Melissa's body, too, for a moment.

I can't drain..shouldn't drain..but i'm so tired..it'd feel so nice..
Pressing her pearly white teeth into the pink flesh of her lower lip, Melanie's eyes meet Melissa a bit roughly..


"Y-yeah, le..let's...go...h-home.."
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Taking the excuse, Mina quickly shakes her head, "Y-yes! We should... go." she agreed, and began to walk ahead, for the hotel, not being able to help but inspect Melanie's body once more before walking far enough that she can force the blond from her view, trying as best she can to not be lustful.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Please let the walk home be uneventful... I have nothing left to give...

Melanie staggers a slight bit every now and then as she walks - feeling more than a little bit awkward after the last situtation with Mina. Every time her front side tips a bit - one hand reaches behind her, trying her hardest to keep her skirt down subconsciously...after all, she was still a bit..aroused and to say the least - nipples still poking hard against the front of her sundress....
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

It was uneventful, as no more monsters bothered the four girls as they walked back to the hotel for some much needed recuperation.

(Melanie's mental status: Orange)

As they reached the doors of the hotel, the guard let them inside. Several nurses quickly rushed to them upon seeing Kali, requesting that Mina give her to them so they can inspect her, and make sure she's alright.

Mina agreed, letting the women take her.

As Kali was taken by a stretcher, up the stairs, likely to a room where the doctors inspect women who have met unfortunate circumstances, Mina turned to Melanie.

"Um... Melanie?" Mina called to her, "I'm sorry about what I did back at that house... I hope that doesn't mean you don't want to see me anymore..." Mina hoped, a look of remorse on her face as she pleaded for Melanie to forgive her.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]


"It..it's okay, Mina. Everyone..everyone has their problems they have to deal with." she mutters, hands idly fiddling with the hem at the bottom of her sundress, near the edge of her thighs. "At least..we did well, right? None of us got hurt."

She hesitates for a moment, before glancing to Melissa. "Did..did you want to do anything else today? I..I mean, outside...or are you pretty tired? I..I'm pretty tired, but...."
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Mina jumped in, "I-I'd love to spend some time together!" she announced happily, taking a look back to Melissa, "Won't you come with us...?"

Deep down, she wanted them both, but she didn't want to hurt Melissa in the process. Although she knew it was a stupid idea, she couldn't help but try to get both of them together... So she could love them both, even though she felt absolutely horrible for being so greedy.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

(Yeah... my creativity bombed out. Sorry for not posting earlier.)

Melissa does nothing much as the group returns home, awkwardly standing to one side as the medical people make a fuss over Kali. Mina's earlier suggestion continues running through her head...

"I-yes, I'd like to. Maybe just have a drink or something, rest around the Inn... we have a bedroom, that'd probably be better than trying to hold a conversation in the lobby here."

(Um... RaptorJesus... pretty please can Melissa, and Mina if she still wants to stay there, have a bedroom thread?)