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Riddle (Burning Gold)

Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

He smiles showing his fangs again. "Wonderful." He releases Dawn and sits down on the throne. "I thought I felt something special, that's why I requested death to pull you out of that tour. Come my dear, have a seat." Like magic a throne that's Rosaline's size appears next to his.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

( lol you called Rosaline Dawn. )

" Death, what..? " Rosaline said in a confused and meek voice. Hearing the mans sudden request and seeing a throne her size suddenly appear like magic she didn't press questions. She obeyed the mans request, walking over to smaller chair and taking a seat on it. A nagging voice in the back of her head was saying that this was a bad idea, however the woman seemed to ignore the voice and its warning.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

She hears a voice from behind the curtains before the man in the suit walks out. "Indeed, and I will gladly fetch this girl Dawn for you master." A scythe suddenly appears in his hand and the man turns into a robes skeletal figure before flying out into the moonlight. "I suppose this reveals me as much more than a simple actor yes?" Dracula chuckles and runs a hand through Rosaline's hair.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

( Does death look like a skeleton in a suit or something? Also, does Dracula look the way usually does ?)

" Ah, yes. I must say, you had me fooled until the very end. Have you considered a career in Hollywood? " Rosaline said with a nervous laugh. She tried not to show it, but on it inside she was completely and utterly shocked and even somewhat terrified to be in the presence of count Dracula and the angel of death. She couldn't help but be surprised and think about how she got caught up in this situation, and what was going to happen next.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

(Death was disguised as a normal man in a suit then turned into normal death and flew away, dracula looks like he did in symphony.)

Dracula chuckled, "You said you would do anything for your friend. Are you willing to accept her living in undeath over her slowly dying in pain completely helpless?"
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

Rosaline replied, her voice rather sad sounding. " Yes, I am. I know how much she is suffering, when I last saw her she begged me to find a way to end her pain. I know she'd rather become a vampire then continue her painful suffering..."
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

"You are a very special woman, you stare into the face of evil and don't flinch....I think I might ask you to remain here..." He puts a hand under Rosaline's chin, "You are truly willing to betray everything you know for your friend? Touching."
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

Her pale face blushed slightly at the man's complement and touch; " I couldn't live with myself knowing I had a chance to help her and didn't use it." Rosaline said. It would truly cause her endless grief and sorrow knowing that Dawns final moments alive were spent rotting away in horrible pain, and that she had a chance to save her from it. " Dracula, is there any way I can repay you for saving my friend?" Rosaline asked. The soon to be former nun was positive there was and was certain she knew what the man had in mind.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

He grins "Indeed, I've ruled the night for 600 years alone....I'd like to change that. After I save your friend I will collect my payment. I must sleep though, I do not yet have enough power to cover my castle in eternal night yet." He stands before leaning over to tease Rosaline with a kiss on the lips and vanishes into the door beside his throne.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

Feeling overwhelmed by everything that had happened, Rosaline decides she'd like to get some sleep as well. " Lord, please forgive me..." she said, praying that god would forgive her for what she was going to do and had already done. Getting up from her chair that was created for her she proceeded to head back to the dining room, from there she would go to the room she was given to sleep in for tonight. Once there she'd simply go to her bed and sleep, not even bothering to take her hood or shoes off.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

Rosaline somehow has a dreamless sleep through the entire day and feels something call to her when she wakes and finds Dawn laying on the floor of the throne room asleep and still ill.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

She didn't know how she wound up in the thrown room again, nor did she know what had happened whilst she slumbered, but the moment she saw her sick friend laying on the cold floor of the thrown room Rosaline instantly rushed to her side, checking Dawn's pulse was the first action she took.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

Dawn appeared pale and she opened her eyes which shined like rubies now, "Rosaline? Where am I? Did I die? I don't hurt anymore...."
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

A sad looking smile formed on the woman's face when she heard the now pale girl speak. ' She must be a vampire now... Oh Dawn...' she thought to herself. Rosaline pulled the girl into her arms then, cradling her as if she was a small child who needed protection. Whilst holding the girl with one arm she used her free hands to feel the girls neck, searching for bite marks. " No Dawn, you're not dead..." She said in a soothing voice, rocking the girl back and forth. " I found a way to save you... Just like you asked me to... You'll never hurt or feel that horrible pain ever again, sweet child..." As she held her friend she expected a certain someone to come and collect their payment. Before he showed up Rosaline wanted to savor this moment until the very end, not even wanting it to come to an end.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

"What happened Rosaline? What did you do?" Dawn blinks puzzled by her friend's reaction. "Why do you sound so sad?"
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

" Shh... That doesn't matter right now Dawn. " Rosaline cooed to the girl, " Ill tell you everything that happened later, but for now, please just let me hold you like this in silence." She made her hug tighter, holding Dawn with both arms now, planning on remaining like this until Dracula showed up.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

Rosaline feels a hand on her head and Dawn gasps in fear, "I am glad to see you are enjoying the company of your friend again. Of course you both will have plenty of time together now..." Dawn looks between Rosa and Dracula. "Rosa....you didn't..."
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

( And here I thought you had forgotten about me. :p )

" Yes... We will..." Rosaline replied to the vampire near her, a strange sad but accepting tone in her voice. The young woman lifts Dawn, placing her off of her and on the ground, propping her so that she'd be sitting down. She then stood up, ready to pay up. Rosaline was positive that Dracula was here to collect his payment. The former nun wouldn't fight him over it, he had help up his end of the bargain, he was getting what was owed to him.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

"I'm glad you're willing, thats required for what I want, it isn't as simple as biting your friend." He hands her a glass of red liquid and motions to an altar that rises in front of his throne. "R-Rosa....you didn't have to sacrifice yourself for me." Dawn looks down with a guilty face.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

She smiles lightly as she looked down on the girl, " You were more then worth it Dawn, please don't feel guilty. " Rosaline replied to the blond girl. Holding onto the glass of strange red stuff she went over to the alter that had just appeared. Having accepted her fate she was ready to embrace whatever Dracula had in store for her.