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Risky Business (Marie)

Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The girl still seemed to be almost infatuated by the young vampire as they turned to leave the inn. She didn't seem to need much in the way of urging to leave thankfully and she lead the way out into the cold night of the small town. She looked up and down the street before leading the way towards a side street as she turned and said.

"My fiancee promised to meet me at the crossroads just outside of town if the first plan somehow fell through..." The girl paused for a moment as she and Marie traveled down the dark side street towards the outskirts of town. "You see my father would never allow me to marry someone who did not meet his standards and so we were going to elope. It just seems that so many of our plans have been spoiled before tonight and I was beginning to worry it might not happen."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Awww, well we will see what we can do about that. Lead on." It was both to give the girl some more confidence and because she herself was not familiar with the town's layout. Marie did hope that it wasn't too far though. She was concerned, but did not have an infinite well of patience. This was turning out to be something that might cast even more suspicion on her, but this couple was sounding like a pair that might know some rumors, if they themselves were slinking around like this on a regular basis. Definitely worth checking out further.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The girl seemed far more confident with each new bit of encouragement that her new friend gave her. She swiftly led the way down the narrow side street, surprisingly unafraid of the darkness. Marie also relaxed in the darkness, though she did not understand the exact nature of her fear she knew that fire sent an unnatural fear through her now dead heart...weird...she had sworn the shadows of a nearby alleyway had shifted as they passed. Yet she could see no difference as she looked behind them.

Her companion must not have seen anything as she looked back at Marie, an expectant smile beginning to form on her face. Soon they were entering into the farmlands surrounding the village and up ahead Marie could easily see the crossroads, a lone tree stretched it's branches over the road.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie did her best to see if there was a figure by the tree, and while she was at it she strained her senses to detect if any other strange presence was about, perhaps following them. Not as if they were technically breaking any rules, though the girl's parents would likely be mad with this venture, but as always Marie was concerned about drawing attention. Who knew what else lurked at the night. Such things had only been recently illuminated for her, and Marie knew she was only beginning to learn...
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The girl continued on her fears of being followed largely gone it seemed, though Marie remained cautious. There seemed to be no one following them though she was positive that she had seen the shadows move in that alleyway. She could not see anyone near the tree either, yet the ancient oak was large enough that one could easily hide behind or among the branches.

As they drew near the girl began to whistle a short tune, which was unsurprisingly answered by another from behind the tree. The young man who stepped from behind the tree was utterly normal as far as Marie could tell. Her companion practically jumped into his arms and he spun her in a small circle, the grin of the pair of lovers was almost beyond belief as the pair became lost in the moment. forgetting about Marie standing awkwardly to the side.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie frowned slightly, though likely obscured by the dark. For seeming normal it was a bad sign that she couldn't smell or detect this man otherwise behind the tree. Maybe she was focusing on too many things at once. Either way she let them have their moment. If she spent this much time there was no sense rushing things now, and she didn't want to start off on the wrong foot either way. For now Marie would play the faithful lookout. No doubt the suspicious lovers would turn back to her soon, at which time a pointed curious glance would likely get the man to explain himself and why he was going to these extreme measures.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

After a few more minutes of spinning and giggling the couple finally stopped and the fiancee seemed to notice Marie for the first time. The girl also seemed to suddenly remember Marie standing quietly to the side and with a smile she quickly introduced Marie to her fiancee, Frederik. The fiancee certainly seemed human according to Marie's senses making some her worries melt away as he nodded in greeting after the introduction. Still something about the way he stared at her defiantly worried her, it was almost as though he knew what she was and he didn't trust her. Still he managed to sound friendly as he thanked her.

"Many thanks, milady. I...we were beginning to think it would never be possible that I might get Matilde here away from her oppressive father. He seems to have spies everywhere it seems and he's made my life a waking nightmare with his power. He's quite involved with anyone who is in power it would seem." He looked at the girl for a second with a happy smile before asking. "If you don't mind my asking though, why are you helping us?"
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Well, I am but a passerby here. No offense meant towards your village, but I do detect some... problems... It did not seem a reasonably safe place to leave the 'uninitiated', if you catch my meaning. It costs me very little to ensure trouble does not visit the undeserving." If this father-figure was the spying sort Marie very much could understand the mistrust at first. It was only reasonable to suspect an unknown. She really didn't have anything to hide in that regard though. She really wasn't that sort of spy. It also sounded as if these two had been caught up in intrigue before, too, which might mean they did indeed know something useful.

"I suppose you must know of these troubles more than I, however. I merely have a good eye for picking up on such things, and the experience to know not to dive head first into the fray. This case seems... something special though..." Marie might be overstating her experience, but it wasn't as if they could know. She didn't want to spook them by outright asking about what the devil was going on, but the insinuation that their town had a case of the creeps bad might be enough to get their words flowing.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"I see," The young man said as he continued to eye her suspiciously, though he did perhaps relax a little as he nodded his head. "I suppose I might know a little about what's going on in town, I am or I was a town watchman. The question is which trouble do you want to know about?

So which one is it the disappearance of all the sheep, the crazed preacher, or an entire town seemingly under the thumb of the local miller. I realize he's rich but he's more powerful than the baron it would seem.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie had not realized just how much the town had to worry about. To be fair, as she hesitated, she realized the things could likely be connected. She doubted "sophisticated" vampires did it, but she could see someone as deranged as the fake preacher needing sheep for one reason or another. Still, no need to rush, or push for too much. "Well the preacher certainly is the most visible thing going on. Though if some local notables are starting to exercise more sway, I am surprised they have not done anything about the problem..." The preacher was her focus, after all, but it did occur to Marie that maybe he wasn't working alone. Maybe it wasn't too much to ask to steer the conversation in that direction.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Frederik nodded his head as he slid his arm around Matilde's midsection in a reassuring way. He seemed to be relaxing more as the conversation went on though the pair would still occasionally glance about as though they expected someone to be after them.

"I suppose he is the most overt threat but to be honest I think he's just your average charlatan. He doesn't seem to be involved in anything shady at least so far as we guards could find out. Though Matilde's father sure seemed interested in him, which is why the guard's got told to look into him. If you ask me he's the real problem in the town, granted you could never prove it. He controls everything and everybody from the baron down to the town guards."

Matilde suddenly interjected, "You make him sound like some kind of tyrant, he's just stubborn and set in his ways is all. Just because he's trying to keep us apart doesn't mean he's an evil mastermind."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Even the Baron, eh?" Marie tried to mix concern with a feeling of mild, perhaps disbelieving sense of being impressed. "I guess I would say I can see your concerns, but is he acting out of the ordinary. Long term, I mean. We all have our moments. You would know better, obviously, but a few poor decisions does not make it impossible to work with someone. If it's a trend, however..." It might come off as some soft advice on how not to alienate one's parents, though Marie was more interested in how the former guard talked as if suddenly the miller was expanding his reach, would could be a sign of some unknown patron, caught up with the preacher still perhaps. She trusted this man to be honest, but honesty did not always mean someone was right, just that they believed they were right.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"I suppose it isn't out of the ordinary, Matilde's family has been the richest and most powerful since before any of us were born. Her father should by all rights be the baron but it seems like he would rather just control everything from the shadows. He does keep everything running fine but I don't know...I guess it's just the way he looks everyone in the eyes and speaks like he's giving them and order." Frederik said with a bit of exasperation in his voice. He certainly sounded earnest in his explanation though Marie sensed that a good portion of his disdain stemmed from keeping the guardsman away from his daughter. Still the miller certainly sounded like he might be involved in the supernatural dealings of the town.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie's lips curled downwards slightly. It wasn't a given, but that behavior sounded like some vampire elders may act, or so she imagined. Worthy of looking into herself, at least. She doubted these two could provide much more useful information, as they were too deep in the bias.

"What of the other trouble though? Sheep missing? As a traveler I had not heard of that, but that sounds like some sort of ominous sign if I ever did hear one..." Could be many causes, all disturbing, though not necessarily her problem. Hopefully the guards had at least developed a theory, or something more to go on."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Vampires!" Frederik said with an emphatic nod of his head. Matilde seemed to grow frightened at the mere word and pulled closer to her lover as he continued. "Granted we've only found one sheep carcass but it was definitely drained of blood. I never used to put much stock in the tales when I was younger but they've apparently been about these parts for years. Never used to come that close to town before now though, or at least that's what the older guardsmen say."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie did her best not to jump. Of course he wasn't calling her out, but it took a second of context to realize that. "Why that is preposterous!" Perhaps she was naturally defensive, but Marie had to admit it wasn't as if the idea was completely without merit. She tempered her reaction a moment later, not wanting to offend too greatly. "I mean, surely if such beings existed, they would not bother themselves with mere livestock, no?" She didn't have to fake signs of worry, with a furrowed brow. "I do not mean to dismiss your concerns, but perhaps something more sinister is at play here..." An idea was slowly forming in her mind as to how these two might still be of use, but they would have to take the bait...
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"You might call it preposterous but I saw the animal, drained of blood without a mark on it. It's face turned upwards like it had been forced to watch as the monster drained it's blood." Frederik answered with a quickness that told Marie he was telling the truth, or at least he believed he was telling the truth. Perhaps he was telling the truth though it had only been a few nights since she had killed that boar. She realized that she really didn't know as much about this new world as she would like but there was really only one way to find out.

Matilde actually seemed to be getting even more fidgety as the conversation turned to the missing sheep. Her eyes constantly looking about the small group as though she expected some monster to come leaping from the shadows.

"Look I know it sounds crazy but no animal on heaven or earth would simply drain the blood like that. Unless you've got a better idea, in which case I'm all for making the town a better place." Frederik added as he pulled Matilde reassuringly closer.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Well, perhaps there are dark creatures at work." Marie shrugged. "I would not be one to single out anything particular, at least without the facts. Forgive me, but I simply like to gather as many facts as I can. In that regard, I think there is a whole range of dark arts that may be involved. Blood sacrifice perhaps. With the appearance of the preacher, the timing is just very convenient. I do not think him as benign as you do. Perhaps even he could have formed a team with the creatures of the night." She shrugged again. "Either way, caution is of course always healthy. I too am concerned, after all. I just do not buy into thinking that something is out there to get us next. These things are always preceded by many many signs. As disturbing as things have been so far, I do not think the final act is upon us just yet. We should have time to do what needs to be done." Internally Marie admitted she was jumping to some conclusions herself, though to be fair she would be prepared to admit she was wrong too, if anything suggested that, but at the moment there was no proof the preacher wasn't behind the sheep as well, or for that matter that the rich miller was uninvolved as well, but it was probably best not to bring that up. Marie wasn't quite sure what role she was trying to play, or where she was getting this confidence, but she did know that confidence could be contagious, and it might calm the couple down. Still, she had to proceed carefully.

"Are the guards at least doing anything, investigating at the very least?" As a self-admitted stranger it really wasn't her place to impose or try and meddle in the affairs of the village. She could work her way in if she wanted or needed to, but not that obviously. Part of being subtle was not stepping on the toes of the "proper" authority, something anyone at the inn could appreciate.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Beyond the initial investigation we haven't done anything, Matilde's father must have thought us out of our league. He hired some kind of vampire hunter named Henri, of course he up and disappeared a few night ago with his pay." Frederik said as he seemed to relax once more, perhaps feeling a bit chastened by Marie's response.

Marie realized that she knew what had happened to the "hunter", which lead her to believe there might be something to the vampire rumour. She still didn't have all the facts though it was as though she were holding a bunch of strings that simply didn't connect yet. She doubted if Frederik and Matilde would be able to add any new information to the already forming idea. Still she wondered if Matilde's elopement would put her father on edge, she didn't want the whole town on alert for the countess' sake, much less her own.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Hearing that name was definitely quite the shock, and Marie was sure she could not have possibly hidden all of her reaction. Thankfully she was still thinking quick, and was adapting to this role quite quickly. She would have to say something to explain it, and keep the lies small. To be fair, Henri's demise likely was unrelated to this down. Ulfur wasn't the type to cause a ruckus, even from what little she truly knew about him, but it meant this town was definitely in deep, and perhaps safety was a concern. "Well then, I have some bad news. The last town we went through had a visitor named Henri... he has met a very messy and untimely demise..." Marie frowned deeply for added effect. There was another ulterior motive, though. It seemed like Henri's patron was going to need to be questioned, which would normally be a difficult task. Important men were not normally disturbed by random passersby. Now she had an angle she could work, though.

"While I think we can agree his actions as of late might be less than reputable, I fear I might need to seek an audience with your father, as this might be an issue bigger than us all... I promise to leave you out of it, mere instructions on where I might find him would be enough. I can easily say Henri had done so before he expired..." Marie quite liked how these faux-noble words flowed, even as her peasant nature and some bestial form inside thrust more blunt, direction forms of action as options to the forefront of her mind. She couldn't break the ruse now, though. Even though they seemed to trust her, it would just be poor form...