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[WIP - Full] [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English) -- ON HIATUS; UP FOR ADOPTION 2018 --


Sex Demon
Aug 27, 2011
Reputation score
Game Version: v1.16
Translation Version: @v0.220

News, 06/28/2018: The translation project is up for adoption, since I can't reliably foresee when I'll have the free time to translate SR at the moment. I still haven't finished the game yet though (lol), so if it's any consolation: if nobody's picked this project back up by the time I get my life back on track, I'll continue where Strange and I left off.

Recent changes:
- Updated to game version 1.16
- Partially merged with Strange's Translations: Item names, Item descriptions
- changed "Yuganaught"'s name to "Youganot" (the , also referenced as such in the scripts)
- Revised various Trait, State, and Skill names
- Translated a some more combat texts
- **other stuff

**For a conclusive and more detailed run down, you can find all noted changes in the included "Instructions and Credits.txt".

- Note: If you downloaded v0.163, please update to v0.180 or higher ASAP, first because of the likely crucial fix for two boss characters, and secondly because of the enemy name changes. If you contracted any succubi with the previous translation patch but didn't give them a name (or for bosses, you can't change their name anyways), they'll continue to have those extra spaces in their names. And since you can't change the names of unique succubi (bosses), bosses with those extra spaces in their names will stay that way, and you can't change them (unless you hack/edit your game). Changelogs in the .txt file and/or on github. I apologize for inconveniencing anyone's gameplay.

Needless Intro:
Heyo, just dropping off a quick partial translation of Wiz's( 's) , for those like me whom can't keep their hands from their pants when it comes to BF games.

For a quick rundown of the game, it's a "BF" game - from the "Battle-Fuck" genre of adult games. The BF genre can be explained as games the primary objective it to make your opponents climax before you to, in a RPG-combat-based fashion. Succubus Rhapsodia is precisely that - being the soul-successor of from circa 2006~2009.

If you've played any of , SR and SQ are similar to them, but with some emphasis on positions and holds. While characters in ROBF would generally execute sex skills without restraint, SR keeps track of each fighter's positions. For such reasons, SR's mechanics are significantly more complex at the coding level - enough so to potentially become a framework of a large line of BF games.

Do note that the game features a Male protagonist, who is (as of game v1.10) the only male BF character in the game. For those that dislike playing as a male, the game does support , and there's currently a mod on the JP wiki that excludes the male protagonist from the party.

Anyways, moving on -

These are my rough translations for SR so far, utilizing Strange's Translation Toolbox and skill names from his translations over in the main thread. Though as of this time of editing this post (01/10/2017) I'm not focused on this project, I intend to see the game in complete English, one way or another. Hence the [WIP - Full] tag.

If you're interested in helping translate, feel free to edit the extracted scripts over in the Github repository. The folder has the contents of the scripts.rxdata extracted for you to work on. I'll add them into the master after testing any committed changes.
- Note: since Oct. 2016, the repository has not been actively maintained. If you so wish to contribute, PM me (SFrame), and I'll get it updated to the latest translation version.


Translation Links: v0.220
- Instructions and Credits (just Strange and me so far...) are included in the .txt file

::Github Repository::
- Note: since Oct. 2016, the repository has not been actively maintained; therefore, the link has been moved in a spoiler'ed section. If you so wish to contribute, PM me (SFrame), and I'll get it updated to the latest translation version.
- (intended for translators/editors/testers, or as a final backup)

- Changelogs will be documented the "Instructions and Credits.txt"

- Important Note: if you use these translations with the wrong game version, you'll probably be fine, but prepare your anus for bugs.

- If you bump into any bugs, typos, or awkward translations, please feel free to leave a comment. Feedback is highly appreciated, be it positive or negative, so far as for the sake of providing better translations.


Known Bugs/Issues: v0.220
- none at the moment


Translation Notes:
- about the stats and their names:
- Charm (魅力): this stat increases the power of all your attacks.
- Endurance (忍耐力): this stat decreases all types of incoming pleasure.
- Vitality (精力): this stat increases the power of attacks that consume VP (e.g. Thrust, Lick, Devour, etc.). Now about the word choice: it was either "Vitality", "Energy," or "Strength". I ruled out Strength because I felt it silly to factor in a very generic physical attribute into sex techniques. I had strongly considered using Energy over Vitality since most RPG players are used to the idea that Vitality ("VIT", as it's often abbreviated) as a defensive attribute. However, I thought about it, and the more I did, the more sense it made to me to think of Vitality as a neutral attribute - something that, in general, factors into the energy/fatigue regeneration rate of a character - a resource that could be used either passively or actively - it stood on relatively the same ground as Energy. And then I looked at "EP" - Succubus Rhapsodia's equivalent of Health Points/Hit Points/HP. I neglected to read most of the in-game manuals and books, but I'm guessing that it meant "Energy Points" - which meant that the "Energy" term was already used for attributes. Also, being that SR has a demonically-themed setting, I felt it rather nice to use "Vitality" as one of the defining stats/attributes for a character. And so, I went with Vitality - even if my mind still takes a while to wrap out it not being a defensive attribute.
- Dexterity (器用さ): this stat increases the power and sensual stroke rate of your non-VP attacks. It also factors into certain skill-intensive, hand or mouth VP attacks, such as Devour. However, while I'm uncertain if it also influence the sensual stroke rate of VP attacks, I'd guess that it should.
- Agility (素早さ): this stat determines action order - those with higher Agility act first. I had considered "Deftness" for this stat's name, as deftness felt very appropriate as a love-making bedside attribute as opposed to the generic "agility". Deftness is basically defined as a dexterous quality with a speed component, as opposed to Dexterity, which just refers to accuracy and articulation - how skillful in the critical sort of why one is. However, I felt that some would have believed it much too similar to Dexterity in meaning, and would end up becoming confusing. So I went with "Agility" for now, but deftness is still on the table - so if anybody feels that it should be this, say so and it will be changed.
- Spirit (精神力): this stat increases the power of your magic skills and healing skills, and (I think) it also decreases incoming magic damage (also unsure if it increases resistance against status abnormalities; need to test). I once translated this as "Willpower", but willpower sounded much to akin to the other attribute, Endurance. So to make it sound more like a utility/neutral attribute, I went with Spirit.

- Control, or Self-Control (自制心): this stat reduces the damage taken from magic attacks as well as certain, particularly kinky or perverse attacks (and even some particularly innocent attacks, which I'd guess probably has to do with how they may induce perverse thoughts in the receiver's mind). This can be translated as "Willpower", but I felt Willpower didn't quite describe the attribute in a sensible way. Now, you can't actually see this stat in the menus - you can say it's a hidden stat, but it's really just the MDEF stat. It's actually used in the damage calculations of many skills, and it does reduce the damage of some skills somewhat. It's not particularly important to keep track of unless you're a math junkie, but I thought I should mention it.


Other helpful links:

Official game site:

Developer Wiz's Blog:




Main ULMF thread:

Japanese wiki:

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Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

[reserved, because character limit, and mild OCD]
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Well hot damn! Way to go man!
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Hey, nice to see that you found something you want to translate !

just a qucik question tho: how will you balance your lilitales project and this one ? working on what sounds the most interesting ? ^^
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

So hype. I've been trying to stumble through using machine translations, but man it isn't the same at all. Being able to actually read some of this game now is great.

Must have... more...
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Nice! I'm dead tired this evening but I'll try and dump the new stuff over the freeloaders'... No that there is much new for now.

Great job with breaking down the script - it was EXACTLY what I wanted to do - you saved me a truckload of trouble! We'll have to do this fore a few common events at some point.

I'd recommend working with as few rxdata files as possible (like now), so as to facilitate integrating further patches.

If you'd like my help with any task in particular, feel free to ask; I'm often just editing around like a headless duck.

I like to think that I'm good at identifying sarcasm and idioms, but I completely failed here... xD

But really - my curiosity is genuine. If there's a way to do away with the tedious editor, I'd wear a chastity belt for a month. I'm hoping to get some serious work done, and I believe communication's important. If you're detecting aggression, my apologies - that's me being anxiously impatient. :p
Your chastity (or lack of xD) aside, I was just trying to sound supportive... Which I obviously suck at. I'll stick to sarcasm and irony from now on :cool:

If you meant RPGM sucks at any kind of batch editing, I definitely agree. Breaking down stuff as you did was the right thing to do IMO. I'll integrate the same system for descriptions as for names, or we'd have to use this "tedious editor" each time they update items.rxdata or armors.rxdata :eek:

Well, I have an experimental version of my extractor which grab all lines containing japanese text instead of just the main strings.

I don't know if it could be used for that purpose.
Mmm... I'll see what I can do here. I'm definitely better at translating code than japanese... Not that I'm much good with the former :/
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Here are my contributions: (Used RPG Maker Trans) Tested with 1.10

There were a couple of items that did not show up using this method and still remain untranslated. Looks like most of them were done though.


Armors.rxdata 46KB
Items.rxdata 66KB
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Hey, nice to see that you found something you want to translate !

just a qucik question tho: how will you balance your lilitales project and this one ? working on what sounds the most interesting ? ^^

At this moment, I've given my dick a month-long free-to-go-anywhere pass. It'll be leading the helm - where it points, I go. :p

I'm giving it free reign over my life for the next week or so, up until the end of September, depending on how progress goes with SR. After that, I'll be fully invested on Lilitales' October release.

In the scenario that SR remains in a relatively partial state by the time this month is over, I'll carry on after I complete Lilitales' underground arc.

TL;DR: Lilitales is my primary project for the mid/long term; SR is a secondary project that has my focus for the short term. I want to get as much done for SR before returning to my main project. ;)

Here are my contributions: (Used RPG Maker Trans) Tested with 1.10

There were a couple of items that did not show up using this method and still remain untranslated. Looks like most of them were done though.


Armors.rxdata 46KB
Items.rxdata 66KB

Very nice work on those descriptions! They'll take a little bit of editing once we have a solid agreement over what the names will be for the skills, but you've saved us about 3~5 hours of tedium; thanks!

However for us to use the names, we'll have to go through the scripts to replace all instances of the original Japanese names with those new names - this is because the scripts call (look for) specific item/armor/skill name strings, such as this section, taken from Scene_Battle 2, line 489:
if actor.equip?("強き者の指輪")
          temp_exp = (temp_exp * 1.5).truncate 
          actor.exp_plus_flag = true

With the names of the armors changed, the game will think that the actor isn't wearing that armor, because it's only looking for its name, "強き者の指輪", not its armor ID.

Lots of devs go with strings because it's easier to read the code that way, without constantly checking what ID equals what skill/armor/item. However, we come across translation tedium such as this.

Unless you translate all references to armor/item strings in the scripts.rxdata, we can't use those files without breaking some stuff, but we can definitely make use of your description translations when we manually copy them over. :)

Nice! I'm dead tired this evening but I'll try and dump the new stuff over the freeloaders'... No that there is much new for now.

Great job with breaking down the script - it was EXACTLY what I wanted to do - you saved me a truckload of trouble! We'll have to do this fore a few common events at some point.

I'd recommend working with as few rxdata files as possible (like now), so as to facilitate integrating further patches.

If you'd like my help with any task in particular, feel free to ask; I'm often just editing around like a headless duck.

Your chastity (or lack of xD) aside, I was just trying to sound supportive... Which I obviously suck at. I'll stick to sarcasm and irony from now on :cool:

If you meant RPGM sucks at any kind of batch editing, I definitely agree. Breaking down stuff as you did was the right thing to do IMO. I'll integrate the same system for descriptions as for names, or we'd have to use this "tedious editor" each time they update items.rxdata or armors.rxdata :eek:

Mmm... I'll see what I can do here. I'm definitely better at translating code than japanese... Not that I'm much good with the former :/

Well, I've sort of been doing the same myself - if I see Japanese text that particularly irritates me (like, stuff I can't read right off the bat), I translate it, just because it was standing between me, a satisfying fap experience, and my penis.

But yeah, it's really inefficient. My lack of coding experience makes it impossible for me to do anything of that sort - I'm only good for translating messages xD. Your translation toolbox cuts down on a lot of unnecessary copy-pasting when it comes to names. So indeed, what you're doing at the moment, making those Uk_name proxies, is exactly what the game needs. :)

I'll be holding off on personalities, armors and items for you to proxy them via your toolbox. As planned, I will translate combat/talk messages in the meanwhile from my end.

For others: The Map events need translating. Basically, they're stuff related to the story and stuff that appears on maps to be read (like books). These must be accessed via the RPG Maker XP editor; I don't know how to extract their data in any other meaningful way. Their files are basically the MapXXX.rxdata files. If you see events on maps that have dialogue in them, go ahead and translate them; I'll review them later.
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Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Very nice work on those descriptions! They'll take a little bit of editing once we have a solid agreement over what the names will be for the skills, but you've saved us about 3~5 hours of tedium; thanks!

However for us to use the names, we'll have to go through the scripts to replace all instances of the original Japanese names with those new names - this is because the scripts call (look for) specific item/armor/skill name strings, such as this section, taken from Scene_Battle 2, line 489:
if actor.equip?("強き者の指輪")
          temp_exp = (temp_exp * 1.5).truncate 
          actor.exp_plus_flag = true

With the names of the armors changed, the game will think that the actor isn't wearing that armor, because it's only looking for its name, "強き者の指輪", not its armor ID.
Thanks. I mostly just used Google translate on the text files RPGMaker Trans made and just tried to make sense of it. Some I just left as they came back. I haven't got a clue how to modify the scripts files themselves, but I figured it would at least make for a good starting point for someone who does.
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Here are my contributions: (Used RPG Maker Trans) Tested with 1.10

There were a couple of items that did not show up using this method and still remain untranslated. Looks like most of them were done though.


Armors.rxdata 46KB
Items.rxdata 66KB
Thanks! You might want to share 'little' files like this as a zipped ULMF attachment. Mediafire is acting up with me, took me 5mn to grab the stuff :/

@SFrame: I'm calling dibs on the conversion, that's easy enough. Also made a fork over at Github (with not much to show to rouse your interest). I still haven't looked into what you've done, though.

edit: we'll want a 'fresh' fork with the initial (100% japanese) code. That can wait 'till 1.1 comes out, though. I'll try and set up that 'template' for talk stuff. I fail at sex-writing myself, so I'd rather do what I'm less bad at :p

In any case, all efforts with English words in them (probably) won't be wasted ;) Keep'em coming!
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Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Thanks. I mostly just used Google translate on the text files RPGMaker Trans made and just tried to make sense of it. Some I just left as they came back. I haven't got a clue how to modify the scripts files themselves, but I figured it would at least make for a good starting point for someone who does.

Well if you go into the script editor (F11), you can use Ctrl+F to search each section for a specific string (such has a Japanese armor name, which you can copy-paste into that search box). There's no scripting/coding knowledge required here. :)

@SFrame: I'm calling dibs on the conversion, that's easy enough. Also made a fork over at Github (with not much to show to rouse your interest). I still haven't looked into what you've done, though.

edit: we'll want a 'fresh' fork with the initial (100% japanese) code. That can wait 'till 1.1 comes out, though. I'll try and set up that 'template' for talk stuff. I fail at sex-writing myself, so I'd rather do what I'm less bad at :p

In any case, all efforts with English words in them (probably) won't be wasted ;) Keep'em coming!

Roger; seeing as it's already v1.10, I'll get a fresh/vanilla v1.10 copy of the extracted script sections in a fork.

Also, any script sections that are in that "Scripts - manually insert these" are generally the ones I've touched; I'm sure you've noticed I've tweaked some skill names to fit my flavor - and some of which I added spaces or kept double-byte letters in them (the game sometimes cuts off odd-byted strings in combat messages, so I've tried keeping them even-byted).

As for stuff I've changed outside of Scripts.rxdata:
- Classes.rxdata
- States.rxdata
- Enemies.rxdata
- Skills.rxdata

At the time, when you had just released your v1.03 patch, it didn't translate the enemies names in some cases; I went ahead and changed all instances of each enemy name across the Classes.rxdata and Enemies.rxdata files and Scripts.rxdata so that they would all be corresponding English names. If you wish to make a proxy for enemy names, I'll have to reinstate the old Japanese names across those three files.

The state names have been translated as close to what I believe they're supposed to mean - I had consulted somebody more familiar with kanji for the tricky ones like Adrift ("散漫") and Awe ("畏怖"). Note that we can change these pretty freely, since none of the script references states by string, only by ID :). However, a number of skill, item and armor descriptions will need to be changed to match the translated skill names; do note that as well.

However, there are some translation word choices I'd like to discuss here (as opposed to a PM, in case somebody else has some nice ideas):

On that note about Adrift and Awe - I'd like some of some input on what you think they should be.
- Adrift ("散漫"): I've considered changing this to "Dazed", but "dazed" felt like it implied that the character was stunned by some sort of trauma - there was already two other states for that purpose (Stun, Overwhelmed/"Severe Stun"). The meaning of the kanji describes a slow, lazy, cloud-nine-ish state of mind or habit. For the "cloud-nine" characteristic, I chose "Adrift". I also considered "Trance", but I felt that to be too general.
- Awe ("畏怖"): I saw somewhere in the scripts a comment that was like "消"- something, which further helped define what the dev was going for. It's actually a state of feeling dispirited and down - a sort of defeated or overwhelmed feeling. In English, "Awe" can also mean admiration for something, so I'm partial to this translation. I considered "Dispirited", but felt it's a little long - especially for a state that's going to be squeezed next to other states in the combat UI.

Once we decide on the state names, we'll also have to go over skill names too; they're kinda important, as they have to do with how the skilltext and statetext are translated.
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

To elaborate (since I had the same issues):

散漫 (adrift,tipsy?) is state 40 -> i thought of it as dazed, feeling light-headed?
- #hero の意識が朦朧としてきた……!
- resisted by 一心 (wholehearted?) personality
- attack/defense -2 levels

畏怖 (awe,soft?) is state 38 -> I thought of it as 'impressed by superiority' - dunno if physical-ish or dominatrix-ish
- #hero に威圧感を与えた!
- resisted by 胆力 (courage) personality
- it seems to cancel the mood defense bonuses and some mood +/-

This is a quick check, I suppose there's more to them.

Same question as in the game thread about personalities - many don't feel right:
"好色" -> "Lusty"
"上品" -> "Refined"
"高慢" -> "Proud"
"淡泊" -> "Frank"
"柔和" -> "Gentle"
"勝ち気" -> "Adamant"
"内気" -> "Shy"
"陽気" -> "Happy"
"意地悪" -> "Crafty"
"天然" -> "True"
"従順" -> "Obedient"
"虚勢" -> "Gutsy"
"倒錯" -> "Pervert"
"甘え性" -> "Addicted"
"不思議" -> "Strange"
"真面目" -> "Serious"
"腕白" -> "Naughty"
"冷静" -> "Composed"
"独善" -> "Conceited"
"気丈" -> "Headstrong"
"暢気" -> "Easygoing"
"陰気" -> "Depressed"
"尊大" -> "Haughty"
"高貴" -> "Noble"
"潔癖" -> "Subtle"
"露悪狂" -> "Crazy devil"
"未設定" -> "Undefined"
This will be for the 'polishing stage' later on... I'll bother sorting out which enemy is what (and who can use this state-inflicting skill... This is what I usually do when I just can't figure out the right word...)
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

一心 (wholehearted?) personality

一心 means "Determined" (what I translated the trait as), or Dedicated; Focused - focused on the task at hand, not distracted. In Chinese (my first language), there's an idiom "一心一意", which literally translates to "One heart, one mind". It's not far-fetched to say that the Japanese took the phrase directly from Chinese; as apparently it still bears the same meaning according to google.

畏怖 (awe,soft?) is state 38 -> I thought of it as 'impressed by superiority' - dunno if physical-ish or dominatrix-ish
- #hero に威圧感を与えた!
- resisted by 胆力 (courage) personality
- it seems to cancel the mood defense bonuses and some mood +/-

Whoa - Mood gives defense bonuses? O.O I had always thought I tended to die/come faster when the mood was high... wow...

If you remember where the code says that, could you point it out? There's still so much I don't know about the game, lol.

Same question as in the game thread about personalities - many don't feel right:
"好色" -> "Lusty" -> "Lewd"
"上品" -> "Refined"
"高慢" -> "Proud"

"淡泊" -> "Frank" -> "Aloof", ~Indifferent
"柔和" -> "Gentle" -> "Meek"
"勝ち気" -> "Adamant"
"内気" -> "Shy"

"陽気" -> "Happy" -> "Cheery"/"Merry", ~Bright
"意地悪" -> "Crafty" -> "Malicious
"天然" -> "True" -> "Carefree", ~Natural, ~Frank
"従順" -> "Obedient" ~Submissive
"虚勢" -> "Gutsy" -> "Deceptive", ~"Crafty"
"倒錯" -> "Pervert" -> "Perverse"
"甘え性" -> "Addicted" ~> "Lusty", ~Coaxing
"不思議" -> "Strange" -> "Mysterious"
"真面目" -> "Serious" -> "Earnest"
"腕白" -> "Naughty"
"冷静" -> "Composed" -> "Calm"
"独善" -> "Conceited"
"気丈" -> "Headstrong" -> "Tenacious"
"暢気" -> "Easygoing"
"陰気" -> "Depressed" -> Gloomy
"尊大" -> "Haughty"
"高貴" -> "Noble"

"潔癖" -> "Subtle" -> "Dainty", ~Neat
"露悪狂" -> "Crazy devil" -> "Diabolical", Evil, ~fiendish
"未設定" -> "Undefined"
This will be for the 'polishing stage' later on... I'll bother sorting out which enemy is what (and who can use this state-inflicting skill... This is what I usually do when I just can't figure out the right word...)

Alrighty - I spent some time to browse through the conditional dialogues, and reached my own conclusions personality translations:

I highlighted in green the translations I thought were very accurate/appropriate to the enemy/classes that have them.

The bold red highlights are what I believe should be changed, for accuracy and/or usage reasons.

The light-brownish highlights are for what I would suggest changing, particularly stressing those in Bold (though I'd change these regardless in my personal copy), but of lesser urgency than those marked in red.

In general, I looked at which enemy character had which personalities, and how they acted or spoke in the Talk messages. Some messages are enemy-type dependent, others are personality dependent.

The Nightmare, for example, generally have a sleepy expression to the way they speak and act. Also, the normal (black) ones have a 2/3rds chance of having the "淡泊" personality. From what I've seen, "Plain" or "Frank" only match Nightmare-specific dialogue to about a ~70% accuracy. It'd be more accurate to say that they were rather listless, or indifferent - "floating around with a sleepy expression" (roughly what they say in their talk messages). If you watch anime, they're basically "airheads". "Aloof" fits such a description to about a ~90% accuracy (imo). "Frank" doesn't quite do them justice as "Aloof" would. Little Witches, Witches and Familiars also have a 2/3s chance of having this personality. I haven't looked at their dialogue, but the "Aloof" personality seems to fit with their CG's facial expressions pretty well I'd think.

But don't just take my word for it; it'd be best if you reached the same conclusion yourself:
- Here's a detailed explanation behind what I think of each personality (will let you decide based on both this and your own preferences) (!MAJOR Spoiler Alert!, regarding bosses near the bottom):

"好色": this is the succubi's primary personality; other races have some of it as well. I see this as the personality that describes the Succubus family. The phrase roughly translates to "the types that wants pleasure", with a sexual tinge. "Lusty" is a pretty good choice, however it's very imprecise (more general, less specific) to the phrase, as lusty sometimes means "greedy" - not necessarily in the sexual sense. I had briefly considered "Promiscuous", because it matched the literal meaning perfectly, as well as the dialogues, but the word is too long. "Perverted" was considered too, but the "倒錯" already embodied "Perverse". I personally feel that "Lewd" is the most ideal translation - it's short, and it still carries the sexually lustful intent.

"上品": "Refined" is a good choice. There are some cases from the dialogues where "Elegant" would be more accurate, such as for Matango and Alraune, but not as much for others like the Little Witch and Witch. "Refined" strikes a good balance.

"高慢": "Proud" - also a good choice. "Arrogant" also does well, but the shorter the word, the better.

"淡泊": it's definitely not "Frank". The most accurate translation is "Indifferent", but that word is on the long side. "Aloof" sacrifices some literal accurate for compactness, while still working alright with characters that have this personality, such as the Nightmare and the Witch family.

"柔和": While "Gentle" isn't a bad direct translation at all (it's what I had initially translated it as too), I can say with certainty that "gentle" doesn't quite work with the stuff they say. Take a look at this, snippet, taken from Talk_Sys Text(Talk):
        m = "#{speaker}は、\m\n自らの身体を慰めている……!"
        emotion = ""
        case $msg.t_enemy.personality
        when "意地悪","虚勢","倒錯"
          emotion = "思わせぶりな表情で"
          emotion = "#{master}の間近で" if rand($mood.point) > 50
        when "好色","高慢","陽気","柔和","勝ち気"
          emotion = "注がれる視線を楽しむように"
          emotion = "#{master}に見えるように" if rand($mood.point) > 50
        when "淡泊","従順","甘え性","不思議"
          emotion = "行為に没頭するかのように"
          emotion = "#{master}の視線を感じつつ" if rand($mood.point) > 50
        when "内気","上品","天然"
          emotion = "恥ずかしげに顔を背けつつも"
          emotion = "顔を紅潮させつつ" if rand($mood.point) > 50
        case $msg.at_parts
        when "対象:胸","対象:口"
          if $data_SDB[$msg.t_enemy.class_id].bust_size < 3
            m = "#{speaker}は#{emotion}、\m\n自分の#{$msg.t_enemy.bustsize}を手で撫で回している!"
            m = "#{speaker}は#{emotion}、\m\n自分の乳首を指でこね回している!" if rand($mood.point) > 50
            m = "#{speaker}は#{emotion}、\m\n自分の#{$msg.t_enemy.bustsize}を揉みしだいている!"
            m = "#{speaker}は#{emotion}、\m\n自分の乳首を指でこね回している!" if rand($mood.point) > 50
        when "対象:アソコ","対象:尻"
          m = "#{speaker}は#{emotion}、\m\nアソコに指を抜き挿ししている!"
          m = "#{speaker}は#{emotion}、\m\n指でアソコをかき回している!" if rand($mood.point) > 50
        when "対象:陰核","対象:アナル"
          m = "#{speaker}は#{emotion}、\m\n自分の陰核を指で慰めている!"
          m = "#{speaker}は#{emotion}、\m\n指で陰核を擦り上げている!" if rand($mood.point) > 50
In the above example 柔和 is grouped with other personalities like the "好色"(Lewd) and "勝ち気"("Adamant", ~"Unyielding") - two personalities that are rather stronger than a "Gentle" personality. Also, if you look at who has this personality, only slimes and the dark angel have it; they're kind of gentle (except when the slime explodes her protective slime (underwear) off her body (according to the skilltext), but they're something more. They're rather coy - Meek. That's why I thought it should be "Meek" - it fits them perfectly imo.

"勝ち気": "Adamant" is accurate. I initially went with "Unyielding", but again, shorter word is better. ;)

"内気": "Shy" is perfect; it matches everything perfectly (used by Caster and Matango).

"陽気": I wouldn't use "Happy" because the skilltext sort of already has a happiness/mood twist to them (those if "positive" and if "negative" conditionals). I personally see "Happy" an emotional state, not a personality. It may be a little confusing to see a "Happy" succubus that's about to go rogue from hunger. However, "Cheery" or "Merry" describe characters that only tend to act happy or positive when they can, which is why I think these are better choices than "Happy". For some perspective, in Chinese, the 陽気 kanji phrase refers to one that's "energetic", or "bright-spirited" - which doesn't have to be happy. "Merry" or "Cheery" would be what I'd recommend.

"意地悪": again, calling from my Chinese roots, this translates to something along the lines of "with evil/bad intentions". While I do like "Crafty", the dialogue for those with this personality actually is sort of "Malicious" - a little on the mildly mean/cruel side; potentially dommy. I'd imagine "Crafty" to be villainous, but specifically for the intelligent, plotting type; it isn't expressed very much in the dialogues.

"天然": means to ~"go with the flow", to "go with what the heavens will it to be" - hence the "天", which means "sky/heavens". "True" isn't a bad choice. But for a less literal audience, it might be a bit ambiguous (I've certainly had moments where found myself scratching my head sometimes, wondering "what the hell does that mean" from time to time xD). "Natural" is a very accurate translation, but might also suffer the same problem as "True". "Frank" works far better here than it does with 淡泊, but this personality is also used by the special Nightmares (as well as the slimes and the werecat (who can sometimes have the ~Malicious personality). It doesn't quite fit them. Instead, "Carefree" fits all of them perfectly. I highly recommend going with "Carefree".

"従順": "Obedient" isn't bad. I felt "Submissive" was more accurate to the dialogue, but it's pretty long. So going with either each has their downsides; this one's totally up to you (I'll be using Submissive for my personal copy though - I found it more kinky, and fitting for the Slave to be submissive - it's not like she'll be obedient anyways during battle xP).

"虚勢": used by the Imp family and the werewolves. My Chinese didn't help me here, but I initially thought Gutsy was perfect for the Imp - it sounds so like her: trying to put up a brave front when it's actually really weak and inexperienced. But after looking at how it was used in the dialogue, it left me a little confused - it was grouped with a relatively wide variety of personalities across the Talk_Sys Text(Talk) section, such as "淡泊" (Aloof), "意地悪" (Malicious), "倒錯" (Perverse) and "甘え性" (~"Lusty"). I've eventually reached the conclusion that it's best translated as "Deceptive" - as though the personality is trying to imitate the other personality types, perhaps to mislead the player (presuming one that thinks he's experienced enough with the dialogues to determine personality type without using Check or Analyze). "Deceptive" might be a little long though; if that's the case, "Crafty" works nicely here too (although I personally prefer the former - "deceptive" sounds cooler than "crafty" to me xP).

"倒錯": This is mostly just my inner grammar/word-choice nazi speaking here, but "Pervert" is used more commonly as a synonym to a "lecher", or generally sexually lustful person. Also, it's a noun; whereas all the other personalities are adjectives. I recommend using "Perverse", especially because it implies a slightly darker, carnally twisted mind - which is reflected in some of its text.

"甘え性": it was really hard for me to think of an English word for this one, but it's like where a pet cat or bird brushes against you, asking for love/pampering, presumably in a friendly way. I really don't think "Addicted" does it justice though xD... My best (although not ideal) suggestion, based on what its dialogue conditionals make it say, and some , "Lusty" is more fitting. Just imagine a horny cat. (lol). You can also go with Coaxing, as suggested by the link - it works out with the dialogue pretty well too.

"不思議": "Strange" is an acceptable translation in most cases, but I found it a suboptimal. "Mysterious" would be my suggestion, because it's (ironically) more descriptive of the character with such a personality, and works more accurately in most cases. Also, "Strange" can be interpreted as "Unconventional", "Weird". No offense intended, but I personally feel that a "Mysterious Woman" would be more interesting than a "Strange, weird Woman" xD.

"真面目": This is one of the three personalities Laurat can have. "Serious" is fine, do note that compared to the other two available personalities, it's the "balanced" choice (balanced as for how easy/hard the RESIST minigame in either offensive or defensive situations). As it usually goes in RPG games, the hero is more often than not one with an honest and/or "Earnest" personality. Also, if you prefer to flavor Laurat as a Stoic type of hero, you can do that too. I already went with Earnest in the start-up opening scene dialogue though (the one with "Someone's voice"), so if we don't go with Earnest, we'll have to fix that up.

"腕白": "Naughty" is fine; I went with this as well; it's Laurat's offensive-type personality. Note that it's often paired up with "勝ち気" ("Adamant"/"Unyielding") personality when it comes to deciding combat text.

"冷静": I don't recommend "Composed", as there's both a trait/ability and a state that've been translated as "Composed" (trait #121, state #42 (opposite of Excited); might end up pretty confusing. "Calm" is the term I used. If you decide to stick with Composed here, I'd recommend making sure that the trait and state names are different from the personality, as the personality doesn't have much to do with either in the way of mechanics.

"独善": this is Fulbeau's exclusive personality. "Conceited"/Self-righteous fits very well with her.

"気丈": Rejeo's exclusive personality. In my opinion, "Tenacious" is actually the most accurate translation for the phrase and Rejeo's general personality, but I think "Headstrong" works pretty well with her too. I haven't gotten too deep into her dialogue to know her well enough, but I prefer to stick to the literal when there's uncertainty. xP

"暢気": Neijorange's exclusive personality; "Easygoing" is perfect - she's not exactly carefree, but she's pretty relaxed; "Easygoing" reflects this perfectly.

"陰気": I haven't fought Yuganaught yet, but this is her exclusive personality. Just from looking at the phrase though, I don't quite think it's "Depressed" - rather, it's just "Gloomy". It's a little tough for me to imagine a depressed person being in any way an eligible candidate for a boss-level battle fuck - especially not in any circumstance where she might be the aggressor, heheh... :x

"尊大": Gilgoon's exclusive personality. "Haughty" sounds about what I'd expect. ;)

"高貴": Sylphe's exclusive personality. I haven't fought her either, but if she's who I think she is, "Noble" is likely the most accurate personality for her.

"潔癖": Ramile's exclusive personality. I haven't fought her yet either, and nor have a looked into her dialogue (avoiding spoilers while trying to translate... lol me...), but "Subtle" doesn't sound right. The phrase describes one who cares a lot for tidiness and neatness, particularly to maintain a clean and presentable image. I'd imagine a noble house dressing their fragile, delicate daughter to be sent off to her groom. I'd imagine a clean, "Dainty" look to be what they're going for.

"露悪狂": Yeah - this one was a tough one for me too because it's apparently the Japanese butchering the Chinese language again, but I'm 95% certain that it means "Diabolical" - one with a mad and evil personality. As you probably guessed, it's another boss's exclusive personality. :p

A snippet from Game_Enemy (設定用), source regarding their personalities (and !Spoiler Alert!):
    # エネミーのクラスごとに自動設定
    case self.class_name
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Lesser Succubus ","Succubus","Succubus Lord "
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "橙" ; [1, "好色", "陽気", "陽気"]
       when "桃" ; [1, "好色", "好色", "好色"]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Imp","Devil ","Demon"
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "緑" ; [1, "勝ち気", "虚勢", "虚勢"]
       when "白" ; [1, "高慢", "高慢", "高慢"]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Little Witch","Witch "
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "緑" ; [1, "上品", "淡泊", "淡泊"]
       when "紫" ; [1, "好色", "好色", "好色"]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Caster"
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "黄" ; [1, "内気", "内気", "従順"]
       when "黒" ; [1, "好色", "好色", "好色"] 
       ability_group += ["女陰が性感帯/100"] if self.class_color == "黒"
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Slave "
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "紫" ; [1, "従順", "従順", "倒錯"]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Nightmare"
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "黒" ; [1, "淡泊", "淡泊", "不思議"]
       when "黄" ; [1, "天然", "天然", "天然"]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Slime"
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "青" ; [1, "天然", "柔和", "柔和"]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Gold Slime "
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "黄" ; [1, "柔和", "柔和", "上品"]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Familiar"
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "青" ; [1, "従順", "淡泊", "淡泊"]
       when "緑" ; [1, "倒錯", "倒錯", "倒錯"]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Werewolf"
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "黒" ; [1, "虚勢", "虚勢", "甘え性"]
       when "赤" ; [1, "勝ち気", "勝ち気", "勝ち気"]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Werecat "
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "黄" ; [2, "天然", "天然", "意地悪"]
       when "黒" ; [1, "不思議", "不思議", "不思議"]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Goblin", "Goblin Leader "
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "赤" ; [1, "陽気", "甘え性", "甘え性"]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Priestess "
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "白" ; [1, "上品", "高慢", "高慢"]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Cursed Magus"
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "黒" ; [1, "好色", "倒錯", "倒錯"]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Alraune "
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "緑" ; [1, "上品", "上品", "甘え性"]
       when "青" ; [1, "意地悪", "意地悪", "意地悪"]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Matango "
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "赤" ; [1, "内気", "上品", "上品"]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Dark Angel"
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "白" ; [1, "意地悪", "柔和", "柔和"]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Gargoyle"
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "黒" ; [1, "高慢", "勝ち気", "勝ち気"]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Mimic"
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "青" ; [1, "意地悪", "陽気", "陽気"]
       when "黒" ; [1, "不思議", "不思議", "不思議"]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Tamamo"
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "赤" ; [1, "好色", "高慢", "高慢"]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Lilim"
      personality_group = 
       case self.class_color
       when "桃" ; [1, "好色", "意地悪", "意地悪"]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    when "Unique Succubus ","Unique Tycoon ","Unique Witch"
      case self.class_color
      when "Neijorange"
        personality_group = [1, "暢気", "暢気", "暢気"]
        ability_group += ["胸が性感帯/100"]
      when "Rejeo "
        personality_group = [1, "気丈", "気丈", "気丈"]
        ability_group += ["口が性感帯/100"]
      when "Fulbeua "
        personality_group = [1, "独善", "独善", "独善"]
        ability_group += ["陰核が性感帯/100"]
      when "Gilgoon "
        personality_group = [1, "尊大", "尊大", "尊大"]
        ability_group += ["胸が性感帯/100"]
      when "Yuganaught"
        personality_group = [1, "陰気", "陰気", "陰気"]
        ability_group += ["お尻が性感帯/100"]
      when "Sylphe"
        personality_group = [1, "高貴", "高貴", "高貴"]
        ability_group += ["口が性感帯/100"]
      when "Ramile"
        personality_group = [1, "潔癖", "潔癖", "潔癖"]
        ability_group += ["胸が性感帯/100"]
        ability_group += ["妄執/100"]
      when "Vermiena"
        personality_group = [1, "露悪狂", "露悪狂", "露悪狂"]
        ability_group += ["女陰が性感帯/100"]

Hope this helps; if you find any of the suggestions inaccurate, I'd be very interested in hearing why you think so (i.e. if I'm wrong). :)
Last edited:
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Huge help... Really. <bows respectfully> Most of these are placeholders I had set when my roster had less than 10 little kittens in it :(

"好色" -> Lewd
Definitely. 'lusty' sounds old, MILF-y and wouldn't fit, say, the teen succubus. Lewd is 4-letter and clear as day. Lewd is cool. Lewd is life.

"上品" -> Refined
Compromise, compromise...

"高慢" -> Proud
I would like 'Arrogant' better, as well...

"淡泊" -> Aloof
I wanted to go with this 'indifferent, emotionless girl' feeling (think Yami/Golden Darkness in To love-Ru). 'Aloof' is the word that I had on the tip of my tongue. The best for me.

"柔和" -> mushy?
I'm not too fond of 'meek', it sounds too weak, somewhat passive, no? Would 'kind' work here as an all-arounder? If not:

docile? it would bring out the 'pettable', 'purr-y' feeling I initially had for slimes...
modest? it would emphasize the 'humble', 'calm' part
Why not 'huggy'? Or am I going too far away from the initial word?
In the longer words, I'd like 'affectionate'...

...After some thought, perhaps 'mushy' would be the best compromise, but I'm really unsure.

"勝ち気" -> Adamant
Let's go tortoise then :)

"内気" -> Shy
Alternative was 'coy'... I like that word.

"陽気" -> Merry
(doh, 'happy', what was I thinking? Fairy Tail or something? -_- 'Cheerful' is a tad longer, so...)

"意地悪" -> Shrewd? Devious? Impish?
I failed to understand this one... I went with 'crafty' because 'mischievous' was too long.
And I have no clue as for why it's in the same category as:
  def positive?
    case self.personality
    when "勝ち気","意地悪","高慢","好色","甘え性","独善"
      return true[\code]
'Shrewd would carry out the 'craftyness' most, while slightly evil-ish, cunning.
'Devious would lean more on the 'evil' side - though I'm unsure the lines carry that through.
'Impish would be less on the 'thinking', more on the 'playful' side of 'mild' evil. Perhaps a good compromise?
Only Neko, Mimic and lilims can have this, and OFE Alraunes ARE "意地悪". Decisions :/

"天然" -> ?
Actually, I understand that as 'feeling as one with the world"... But it is oh-so-very hard to convey/word that to a Judeo-Christian reader...
So, I'm not so hot about 'carefree' - in my mind this would belittle the "feel" here... 

I was thinking, 'wholesome' but it's long :(
How about a more complex term like 'blithe'? It conveys the feel, but that'll make one mark a pause, think about what the 'carefree-ness' actually means.

"従順" -> Submissive
This was also my first choice... It's only 9 characters intead of 7 after all...
My alternatives were:
'docile, meek -> sounded too weak... They DO fight back...
'complying -> was real good IMO, but 8 characters, so I went with the 7 one...

"虚勢" -> deceptive?
Same here... Happy with my 'gutsy' at first, but...
We would have 'sly' and 'shifty' as alternatives here... Unsure. It's hard to tell apart from 意地悪... 'crafty' might be too brainy, no?

"倒錯" -> Perverse
Agree 100%. Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil Grammar! Sieg Heil literacy!

"甘え性" -> needy?
Really hard to tell apart from '柔和' for me... I want a pet :(
Wouldn't 'needy' be the best fit? It's the word I was looking for back then.

"不思議" -> puzzling?
Yes, 'Strange' is unsexy. I've been told many times, I should know... Lately there's so many stuff in H-game I find 'weird' and 'abnormal', that 'only strange' is almost a relieving, welcome feeling... My bad.
Jokes aside, I think 'puzzling' will be the best compromise here. Noncommittal, accurate yet unprecise enough :)

"真面目" -> earnest
Definitely. 'serious' was basically a placeholder.

"腕白" -> Naughty
Playful was my 1st choice, but hey it's an H-game...

"冷静" -> Composed/calm (not a problem)
You might have seen from github state #42 is 'calm' for me... Fun time ahead syncing our stuff.
'Cool', 'serene', 'confident' would be alternative depending on the situation, wich I still don't grasp entirely.

"独善" -> Conceited
Thanks, I actually gave some thought on this one :) Fulbeua is my waifu :shy

"気丈" -> Tenacious
I wasn't too happy with "Headstrong"...

"暢気" -> Easygoing
Same as 'conceited', expect for the waifu part.

"陰気" -> Dark?
I'll go with 'dark' for now. 'gloomy' carries a passiveness in it, and she definitely carries her own weight in a fight. 'Depressed' sucked.

"尊大" -> Haughty
She's the tsun-tsun type you don't know whether to love or to hate... And you often end up doing both anyway...

"高貴" -> noble
Mostly for lack of a better word... 'refined', perhaps?

"潔癖" -> dainty?
'subtle' was placeholder... I'm still clueless here, even after darth cast event... I'll look into it later. I like 'dainty' much more, at least for now.

"露悪狂" -> evil?
Let's keep that as a placeholder for now... [/spoiler]

Damage calc is done in Game_Battler 4 (that's only part of it): 

[spoiler][CODE]        bs_atk = 0
        bs_mood = 0 if self.state?(38) # 受ける側が畏怖の場合、ムード補正を0に
        # 威力を計算
        bs_atk += param_rate * 5
        bs_atk += user.atk * 2.5
        # ★スウィング、グラインド属性を持つスキルの場合、精力を加算
        bs_atk += user.str if skill.element_set.include?(37) or skill.element_set.include?(38)
        # ★挿入属性を持つスキルの場合、更に精力を加算
        bs_atk += user.str if skill.element_set.include?(134)
        # ★ベースとなる相手防御力を算出
        bs_def = 0
        # ★相手が畏怖状態の場合、ムードが加味されなくなる(防御が高いまま)
        if self.state?(38)
          bs_def += (self.int * 2)
          bs_def += (self.pdef * 2.5) 
          bs_def += ((self.int * 2) + (self.pdef * 2.5)) * (100 + $mood.rate(self)
If I understand right, LOW mood give defense bonuses (so state 38 basically does mood = 100 for all damage calculations... So you take more damage when you're 'awed', right?)
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

"天然" -> ?
Actually, I understand that as 'feeling as one with the world"... But it is oh-so-very hard to convey/word that to a Judeo-Christian reader...
So, I'm not so hot about 'carefree' - in my mind this would belittle the "feel" here...

I was thinking, 'wholesome' but it's long :(
How about a more complex term like 'blithe'? It conveys the feel, but that'll make one mark a pause, think about what the 'carefree-ness' actually means.

Would "content" work? As in "content with your station in life"?
Just a thought...
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Doh... I might be overthinking this... According to good old jisho , 'airhead' might work... I'm lost here :( I'll leave this one aside for now.

Btw Sframe, I did something wrong yesterday at Freeloaders' place, and I created a fork, instead of sending you the changes... Should be fixed now...
2 hours lost... Need... more... Coffee. :mad:

edit: oh yeah, 'Neijurange' might also mean 'Neige orange' as in 'Orange snow' -> mushroom spore cloud... Just a side note. Unrelated to cuisine, this once.

edit2: I also went through the external talk files process. Just for the lesser Succubus, we'd have 358 text entries, most of them with alternates... That would be 500+ lines to translate for every enemy... More than I could chew without choking. Creating a templete might not be so useful at this point...
However, integrating the 'talk' in the scripts, though it's 10K+ lines, should be a good idea, as it would speed up the startup greatly. More about that later, it's no priority either.
Last edited:
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Would "content" work? As in "content with your station in life"?
Just a thought...

That's not bad... it also applies quite well to the dialogue. :)

The only concern I have is that "Content" is also a state of mind. That is to say, anybody could be Content, be it if they were Proud, Meek, Lusty, etc. For a completely fresh RPG player, somebody that just started playing the game might mistake "Content" for some sort of emotion system where the succubi could be happy or sad or angry of that sorts, when actually the game has no such thing. It's confusing because the main status menu UI doesn't label the personalities with any description - so whatever is here should be immediately understandable as a personality, not a state of mind or condition.

That's just what I think though; would like to hear Strange's take on it in the meanwhile.
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Doh... I might be overthinking this... According to good old jisho , 'airhead' might work... I'm lost here :( I'll leave this one aside for now.

Btw Sframe, I did something wrong yesterday at Freeloaders' place, and I created a fork, instead of sending you the changes... Should be fixed now...
2 hours lost... Need... more... Coffee. :mad:

edit: oh yeah, 'Neijurange' might also mean 'Neige orange' as in 'Orange snow' -> mushroom spore cloud... Just a side note. Unrelated to cuisine, this once.

Heheh, you should just adopt my suggestions ;D - I'll take full responsibility of degrading the translation quality.

I took a look at your fork; we need to discuss some of the changes I've made prior to yours, just to be safe. I'll PM you.

edit2: I also went through the external talk files process. Just for the lesser Succubus, we'd have 358 text entries, most of them with alternates... That would be 500+ lines to translate for every enemy... More than I could chew without choking. Creating a templete might not be so useful at this point...
However, integrating the 'talk' in the scripts, though it's 10K+ lines, should be a good idea, as it would speed up the startup greatly. More about that later, it's no priority either.

I'm not too worried about the external Talk files, but you're the coding master - if you can boost startup times, that's a service to entire SR community. lol

"上品" -> Refined
Compromise, compromise...

- Well if it helps give you a better idea of what it means, enemies with this personality are:
Witch family (normal): 33% chance 上品, 66% chance 淡泊
Gold Slime: 33% chance 上品, 66% chance 柔和
Priestess: 33% chance 上品, 66% chance 高慢
Alraune (normal): 66% chance 上品, 33% chance 甘え性
Matango: 33% chance 内気, 66% chance 上品
- In some contexts (like in the other game I've been translating, Lilitales), it means "high-quality" - usually describing a woman that's of high value. In Chinese, it roughly translates to "quality trade goods", or "the good stuff".

"高慢" -> Proud
I would like 'Arrogant' better, as well...

- I'll leave this up to you then. :p

"柔和" -> mushy?
I'm not too fond of 'meek', it sounds too weak, somewhat passive, no? Would 'kind' work here as an all-arounder? If not:

docile? it would bring out the 'pettable', 'purr-y' feeling I initially had for slimes...
modest? it would emphasize the 'humble', 'calm' part
Why not 'huggy'? Or am I going too far away from the initial word?
In the longer words, I'd like 'affectionate'...

...After some thought, perhaps 'mushy' would be the best compromise, but I'm really unsure.

- In my opinion, being "Meek" in a BF game is anything but weak - it's that submissively coy appeal that brings all the bros to the yard xD!
- Keep in mind that these personalities are intended to describe qualities beyond racial boundaries - Dark Angels have a 66% chance of being "柔和"... so "mushy" is quite a far cry from helpful advice you'd expect from using analyzing skills like "Check" and "Analyze"... lol
- It's not modest; there's no attempt at modesty or humility like a Shy personality such as Caster. 柔和 characters are neutral in their self-image, while being warm and tender in physical behavior.
- 柔和 in Chinese does go along the lines of ~"amiably docile", with a warm undertone. I went with "Meek" because I thought of adding the "Docile" and "Coy" elements together as implied by the talk_sys text(talk) dialogue.
- "Kind"-ness conveys the warmth, but the game itself has yet any mechanics to really emphasize the image of a "kind" succubus. If one were to express kindness at all in thsi game, they'd be more considerate in either leaving us alone or fucking us to death xD.
- I'm about 80% comfortable with Meek. If you went with plain ol' "Docile" I'd be 65% comfortable with it (though it really loses that feeling of warmth). I'm 20% comfortable with "Mushy" - hell I'd love a mushy slime - they're adorable xD... but it makes 0 sense with Dark Angels to me. lol

"内気" -> Shy
Alternative was 'coy'... I like that word.

- I liked coy as well, but that implies hidden confidence in one's self-image.
- The only enemies with "内気" are Caster (@66%) and Matango (@33%). Besides the personality-specific dialogue that both share, there's also enemy-type specific dialogue. However, they apparently share the same random idle dialogue. I can tell you that neither Matango nor Caster are express themselves as individuals with self-confidence - here's a snippet from skilltext that I had just translated a few hours ago:
        when "Caster" #
          action = premess + "\ is tidying up her clothes..." if not myself.nude?
          action = premess + ", as through having just realized,\n\ she quickly starts fixing her clothes..." if not myself.nude? and $mood.point > 25
          action = premess + "\ seems somewhat restless...." if myself.nude?
        when "キャスト" #
          action = premess + "服の乱れを直している……" if not myself.nude?
          action = premess + "思い出したかのように、\n\m慌てて服の乱れを直し始めた……" if not myself.nude? and $mood.point > 25
          action = premess + "何だかそわそわしている……" if myself.nude?
- Matango has the exact same lines (dev basically copy-pasted it).
- If we're to translate with accuracy in mind and fidelity at heart, "Shy" would be the best choice, hands down, no contest. ;)

"意地悪" -> Shrewd? Devious? Impish?
I failed to understand this one... I went with 'crafty' because 'mischievous' was too long.
And I have no clue as for why it's in the same category as:
  def positive?
    case self.personality
    when "勝ち気","意地悪","高慢","好色","甘え性","独善"
      return true[\code]
'Shrewd would carry out the 'craftyness' most, while slightly evil-ish, cunning.
'Devious would lean more on the 'evil' side - though I'm unsure the lines carry that through.
'Impish would be less on the 'thinking', more on the 'playful' side of 'mild' evil. Perhaps a good compromise?
Only Neko, Mimic and lilims can have this, and OFE Alraunes ARE "意地悪". Decisions :/

[B]- Google's translation of "意地悪" is actually accurate. It's most definitely [U][B]"Malicious"[/B][/U]. There is no better translation; "Mean" wouldn't be a far cry either. It's not "impish"; "意地悪" enemies are rather provocative; not particularly ""playful" or nice. It definitely not "shrewd" either - Shrewd implies keen observation skills and judgment - too caring, which makes it even worse a match than "Crafty" (imo). Mean people don't need to be intellectual or crafty; they don't need to take a deep or cynical interest in others - they just gotta enjoy making people feel inferior about themselves. xP
- Just imagine a girl grinning devilishly while stomping down on a dude's ballsack. I'm not into hardcore dom or BDSM material (hell, there's even footjob dialogue...), but it's certainly an established personality in Japanese adult doujin; I'm quite positive that "Malicious" is what the dev's going for.
- As far as I've seen, "[U]Devious[/U]" would fit the talk_sys text(talk) dialogue, but I need to look at the system/talk/*.rb files to have a better comment on this. So if you went with this for now, I'd be 70% comfortable with it (95% comfortable with "Malicious", 10% comfortable with "Impish", 85% with "Mean", 15% with Shrewd).[/B]

"天然" -> ?
Actually, I understand that as 'feeling as one with the world"... But it is oh-so-very hard to convey/word that to a Judeo-Christian reader...
So, I'm not so hot about 'carefree' - in my mind this would belittle the "feel" here... 

I was thinking, 'wholesome' but it's long :(
How about a more complex term like 'blithe'? It conveys the feel, but that'll make one mark a pause, think about what the 'carefree-ness' actually means.

[B]- Hmm. Alright - without assuming spiritual/religious stuff, have you heard of the song, "Whatever will be will be"? Regardless, "天然" (or "tian-ran" - a moderately well-used idiom in Chinese) summarizes that song, and the song explains it. If you're more familiar with speaking ghetto, this would be up the "I don't give a fuck bitch" isle. It's akin to one whom is relatively removed from the anxieties one'd find all-too-often in the modern world. Basically, "Carefree" is as accurate a word I know for the term. I'm 98% confident with this translation.
- Here are some examples of it being used:
        when "天然" #
          action = premess + "ぼーっと余所見をしている……"
        when "不思議","天然" #
          if target.holding?
            action = premess + "、\n\#{targetname}をきょとんとした表情で見ている……"
        when "天然" #
          action = premess + "ぼーっと余所見をしている……"
      when "天然"
        emotion = "とろんとした表情で"
      when "不思議","天然"
        emotion = "感心した表情で"
        when "不思議","天然"
          emotion = "屈託の無い笑みを浮かべ"
      when "天然"
        m = "#{speaker}は期待を込めた眼差しで、\m\n股を広げて#{master}を見つめてきた!" #前
        m = "#{speaker}は四つん這いになり、\m\n潤んだ瞳で#{master}を見つめてきた!" if $game_variables[17] > 50 #後
        when "内気","上品","天然"
          emotion = "恥ずかしげに顔を背けつつも"
          emotion = "顔を紅潮させつつ" if rand($mood.point) > 50
- Basically, the messages infer a content, somewhat indifferent or uncaring, dazed/laid back, or mildly enthusiastic sort of expression.
- Wholesome isn't wrong, but it's a little "off-the-plate" in terms of accuracy; I'd be 50% comfortable with this if it were shorter xD.
- Blithe isn't a bad alternative either, but it's a little too close to the "merry" personality; feels a little like a duplicate. (It's be ~55% comfortable with Blithe). I personally still feel that it can't beat Carefree xD though - carefree just hits the spot for me. The personality is literally "care"-"free"; "carefree" is a very common descriptor for characters.[/B]

"従順" -> Submissive
This was also my first choice... It's only 9 characters intead of 7 after all...
My alternatives were:
'docile, meek -> sounded too weak... They DO fight back...
'complying -> was real good IMO, but 8 characters, so I went with the 7 one...

- Here's a summary of who has "従順":
Caster (normal): 33% chance 従順, 66% 内気 (Shy)
Slave: 66% chance 従順, 33% 倒錯 (Perverse)
Familiar: 33% chance 従順, 66% 淡泊 (Aloof)
- So it's basically the Slave's personality. If it sounds like something a good Slave would be like, then it should work. :p
- As for sounding too weak - remember that this is a true BF game - there's no physical violence; the one that succumbs to their own desires is the one that's defeated. If you happen to be a sadist that digs weak and defenseless girls, then no matter how passive and weak they are, you'll probably cum first - which means you'll be KO'ed first, the "weak", passive girl takes the win. The girls do fight back, but even the submissive can fight passively and still come out on top - it really depends on the rules of the game engine and the text. The slave can still tighten her pussy and still stay submissive; she can gently/anxiously caress your chest all day and still act submissive. Weak, defenseless girls is a thing; they have a place in the game xP - and this goes for any personality, not just this one. At least that's what I believe.
- For the sake of shortening it though, "Complying" works too, or "Compliant" (75% comfortable with this). "Docile" is the ideal length, but we lose some of that Slave roleplay element. I'd still be fine with it though (~80% comfortable with this) (99% comfortable with "Submissive, it's just so god-darn long; try it and see if it fits without getting truncated; you can play around with the drawtext parameters to get it to fit, I think). :)

"虚勢" -> deceptive?
Same here... Happy with my 'gutsy' at first, but...
We would have 'sly' and 'shifty' as alternatives here... Unsure. It's hard to tell apart from 意地悪... 'crafty' might be too brainy, no?

- Hrm... now that you mention it, "Crafty" does sound too brainy for the Werewolf... grr..
- Deceptive is also a little too ~smartsy... so sad because it works great for the Imp family and all the other texts...
- take a look at these texts - they're the most problematic of the bunch if we are to go with something besides deceptive or crafty:
      when "虚勢"
        m = "#{speaker} doggedly spreads open her legs,\\n and shoots a provoking gaze at #{master}!" #前
        m = "#{speaker} thrusts out her ass,\\n and looks at #{master} with a challenging expression!" if $game_variables[17] > 50 #後
      when "虚勢"
        m = "#{speaker}は意を決したように股を広げ、\m\n挑発するように#{master}を見つめてきた!" #前
        m = "#{speaker}はお尻を突き出し、\m\n挑むような表情で#{master}を見つめてきた!" if $game_variables[17] > 50 #後
- There's some provoking going on, and some bluff-like challenging. "Sly" and "Shifty" have a hard time making sense with these texts.
- "Tricky" would sort of work, but it sounds kinda off...
- I fear that "Cunning" might stray from the original phrase a bit much, but it works well with the texts, and I can see wolves being cunning in the instinctual way (just not necessarily crafty/scheming in that brainy way). What do you think?
- If all is for nought, we can just go with "Bluffing". It's a direct translation from google translate, it's just the fact that it's a progressive adjective/verb that annoys me. xD

"甘え性" -> needy?
Really hard to tell apart from '柔和' for me... I want a pet :(
Wouldn't 'needy' be the best fit? It's the word I was looking for back then.

- Needy is quite precise on pinning the center of the definition target, but it sacrifices the cute, "yearning for love" aspect of it and replaces that with an annoying image of a horny poltergeist... lol
- Lusty also suffers from the same problem, because it didn't incorporate the "kawaii neko/inu!" warmth that I feel the phrase conveys. Instead it kept things sexually exciting, rather than annoying (which I'd think isn't what the phrase is supposed to be).
- Here's some text to help give you some perspective:
      when "甘え性"
        m = "#{speaker} looks expectantly, \\n watching #{master} as she spreads her legs!" #前
        m = "#{speaker} crawls down on all fours,\\n staring at #{master} with longing eyes!" if $game_variables[17] > 50 #後
      when "甘え性"
        m = "#{speaker}は期待を込めた眼差しで、\m\n股を広げて#{master}を見つめてきた!" #前
        m = "#{speaker}は四つん這いになり、\m\n潤んだ瞳で#{master}を見つめてきた!" if $game_variables[17] > 50 #後
          when "好色", "甘え性"
            action = premess + "#{held} exchanged a passionate kiss with #{targetname}!"
          when "好色", "甘え性"
            action = premess + "#{held}、\n\m#{targetname}と情熱的なキスを交わした!"
        when "甘え性" #
          if target.holding?
            action = premess + "興味津々の目で、\n\m#{targetname}達の行為を見つめている……"
            action = premess + "興味津々の目で、\n\m#{targetname}を見つめている……"
- As you can see, it can go either way. I'll leave it up to you though - I'm dry of ideas for this one, unfortunately. I'd be 50% comfortable with "Lusty", and "35% comfortable with "Needy" (would also be 50% if the fact that feelings of annoyance didn't kill my boner, lol) - neither quite hit the spot for me >.>.

"不思議" -> puzzling?
Yes, 'Strange' is unsexy. I've been told many times, I should know... Lately there's so many stuff in H-game I find 'weird' and 'abnormal', that 'only strange' is almost a relieving, welcome feeling... My bad.
Jokes aside, I think 'puzzling' will be the best compromise here. Noncommittal, accurate yet unprecise enough :)

- but... puzzling is unsexy too.... xD
- like, imagine you look at a girls face. And her expression is so Strange, so puzzling, that her face is like a rubik's cube.
- I mean, Puzzling is fine in term of translation accuracy - in fact, it's a near perfect translation if this was Chinese. But I believe this to be another one of those times the Japanese misused (or twisted) a Chinese idiom's meaning to their own tastes. In this case, I'm more concerned about the general player acceptance/satisfaction of the translation - I'm not so sure if players would be pleased to meet a succubus that puzzles them. I certainly won't be - I like to get what's going on, or at least be given the idea that the girl's trying to be mystical/mysterious. Downright frustration turns me off. Also, the progressive adjective/verb ("-ing") annoys me to no end, it makes it sound like it's a simple patched-on description rather than a true ("official-like") trait/personality. I'd actually be far more comfortable with "Strange" (80% comfort) than "Puzzling" (5% comfort). xD
- I'm under the impression that the personality gives a sort of sophisticated impression. This is the featured personality of the special (OFE) werecat and the special Mimic; the normal Nightmare also has a 33% chance of having this. As I see it, enemies with "不思議" aren't particularly puzzling in the crafty sort of way (however it does fit the mimic perfectly). The special werecat, I'd imagine, would be like a sophisticated sphinx, but black.
- Anyways, despite the atrociously long string "Mysterious" is my personal favored choice - it sounds like an actual personality (100% comfortable with it, it's just horribly long, but it's so perfect xD); I'll make it work in my personal version regardless. Just don't go with "Puzzling", I beg of you XD - I'd have Strange any other day of the week!

"腕白" -> Naughty
Playful was my 1st choice, but hey it's an H-game...

- by the way, just thought I'd also mention that it's come to my attention while translating some gsub strings that that "Playful" probably isn't what the developer was going for, since he's basically grouped some of its text with "勝ち気", Adamant....specifically for the Thrust and Piston and Grind skills. Have a look:
      when 32,35,37,41,47,34,38 #スウィング、グラインド
        action = premess + "腰を振った!"
        if $mood.point > 50
          case myself.personality
          when "勝ち気", "腕白"
          when "好色", "柔和"
          when "冷静", "意地悪"
          when "内気", "甘え性", "天然"
      when 33 #ヘヴィスウィング
        action = premess + "大きく腰を振った!"
        if $mood.point > 50
          case myself.personality
          when "勝ち気", "腕白"
          when "好色", "柔和"
          when "冷静", "意地悪"
          when "内気", "甘え性", "天然"
      when 32,35,37,41,47,34,38 #スウィング、グラインド
        if myself == $game_actors[101]
          action = premess + " thrusts his pelvis!"
          action = premess + " shakes her waist!"
        if $mood.point > 50
          case myself.personality
          when "勝ち気", "腕白"
            action.gsub!("thrusts","fiercely thrusts") 
            action.gsub!("shakes","violently shakes") 
          when "好色", "柔和"
            action.gsub!("thrusts","passionately thrusts") 
            action.gsub!("shakes","sensuously shakes") 
          when "冷静", "意地悪"
            action.gsub!("thrusts","undulatingly thrusts") 
            action.gsub!("shakes","undulatingly shakes") 
          when "内気", "甘え性", "天然"
            action.gsub!("thrusts","frantically thrusts") 
            action.gsub!("shakes","frantically shakes") 
            action.gsub!("thrusts","intensely thrusts") 
            action.gsub!("shakes","intensely shakes") 
      when 33 #ヘヴィスウィング
        if myself == $game_actors[101]
          action = premess + " powerfully thrusts his pelvis!"
          action = premess + " powerfully shakes her waist!"
        if $mood.point > 50
          case myself.personality
          when "勝ち気", "腕白"
            action.gsub!("powerfully thrusts","furiously thrusts") 
            action.gsub!("powerfully shakes","furiously shakes") 
          when "好色", "柔和"
            action.gsub!("powerfully thrusts","undulatingly thrusts") 
            action.gsub!("powerfully shakes","undulatingly shakes") 
          when "冷静", "意地悪"
            action.gsub!("powerfully thrusts","thrusts deeply") 
            action.gsub!("powerfully shakes","deeply fucks with") 
          when "内気", "甘え性", "天然"
            action.gsub!("powerfully thrusts","persistently thrusts") 
            action.gsub!("powerfully shakes","persistently shakes") 
            action.gsub!("powerfully thrusts","intensely thrusts") 
            action.gsub!("powerfully shakes","intensely shakes") 
- So yeah, I think Naughty was actually a better choice... :x

"冷静" -> Composed/calm (not a problem)
You might have seen from github state #42 is 'calm' for me... Fun time ahead syncing our stuff.
'Cool', 'serene', 'confident' would be alternative depending on the situation, wich I still don't grasp entirely.

- Ahh, I see. I kept Composed as the state and Calm as the personality because I felt that while "Calm" was a good definition for both a state of mind as well as a personality (like, "That guy's a pretty calm person!"), "Composed" felt a little off as a personality (as in "That's guy's a pretty composed person!").... or is it just me? xD

"陰気" -> Dark?
I'll go with 'dark' for now. 'gloomy' carries a passiveness in it, and she definitely carries her own weight in a fight. 'Depressed' sucked.

- Haha yup, like I said, I haven't fought her yet, so I don't know what she's really like. Dark sounds good - it could be seen as a little vague, but I kinda like how it adds another layer to the RP value :D.

"高貴" -> noble
Mostly for lack of a better word... 'refined', perhaps?

- Eh, Noble's as good as I could guess without actually knowing her. I'll comment at a later date if I think it's off. We'd need to change "上品" though if we make Sylphe refined.
- oh - and by the way: about your enemy name translations. I'm not sure if it was your intention, but you spelled "シルフェ" as "Syplhe"... I don't know if there's an alternate pronunciation key from other parts of the world, but where I come from, it kinda looks like a typo. :x
- and grr... we're indeed going to have to go over the skill names and enemy names after this... lol

"潔癖" -> dainty?
'subtle' was placeholder... I'm still clueless here, even after darth cast event... I'll look into it later. I like 'dainty' much more, at least for now.

- yeah... I wanna finish the game, but my translation drive usually relies on me having not finished the game I'm translating... I really can't comment on her at the moment. :x

"露悪狂" -> evil?
Let's keep that as a placeholder for now...

- well... evil's just slightly more of an alignment than a personality, but hec, these are spirit-like creatures; vices and alignments would make sense as personalities if I think about it on a deeper level, so it's not important at the moment. I'm preeeeeetty confidant that it's Diabolical though (like 99.99%) - willing to bet on it ;D. heheh


Haha, loved your comments; got a nice chuckle from them. I've Bold'ed my comments on each of our conflicts; it seems like we've sorted out the others. Sorry if it's a little much - I've... a lot of strong opinions; please pardon me >.<

Now just... everything else.... lol <xD

(splitting reply off; 25000 character post limit ftl)
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Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Damage calc is done in Game_Battler 4 (that's only part of it):

    # 命中の場合
    if hit_result == true
      if $game_temp.in_battle
        param_rate = 0
        param_rate += (user.str * skill.str_f / 100)
        param_rate += (user.dex * skill.dex_f / 100)
        param_rate += (user.agi * skill.agi_f / 100)
        param_rate += (user.int * skill.int_f / 100)
        # ★ベースとなる威力を算出(前述したパラメータ係数と魅力から算出)
        bs_atk = 0
        bs_mood = 0 if self.state?(38) # 受ける側が畏怖の場合、ムード補正を0に
        # 威力を計算
        bs_atk += param_rate * 5
        bs_atk += user.atk * 2.5
        # ★スウィング、グラインド属性を持つスキルの場合、精力を加算
        bs_atk += user.str if skill.element_set.include?(37) or skill.element_set.include?(38)
        # ★挿入属性を持つスキルの場合、更に精力を加算
        bs_atk += user.str if skill.element_set.include?(134)
        # ★ベースとなる相手防御力を算出
        bs_def = 0
        # ★相手が畏怖状態の場合、ムードが加味されなくなる(防御が高いまま)
        if self.state?(38)
          bs_def += (self.int * 2)
          bs_def += (self.pdef * 2.5) 
          bs_def += ((self.int * 2) + (self.pdef * 2.5)) * (100 + $mood.rate(self)) / 100
If I understand right, LOW mood give defense bonuses (so state 38 basically does mood = 100 for all damage calculations... So you take more damage when you're 'awed', right?)

Hrm... you left out the "/100" at the end, but no worries, edited your quote. Taking from that snippet:
bs_def += ((self.int * 2) + (self.pdef * 2.5)) * (100 + $mood.rate(self)) / 100

$mood.rate(self) = 10
self.int = 50
self.pdef = 50

...then punching in the numbers, bs_def should be:
== 237.5

Then, assuming higher mood:
$mood.rate(self) = 90
self.int = 50
self.pdef = 50

...evaluating that, we should have:
== 337.5

>> Analysis: bs_def when higher with greater $mood.rate(self). I feel like I've interpreted something wrong @.@...

Bleh, anyways, it's not important. I'll sate my curiosity later; translations more important. :p
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Actually, this 'damage' part was mood-independant; mood rate is set in mood_system via personalities:
  def rate(battler)
    n = 0
    # 性格に応じて基準になる(base_rateになる)ムード値、最大補正、最低補正を取得
    base_rate = 0
    # 計算する際のムードポイントの最低値を0に設定
    v = [$mood.point,0].max
    case battler.personality
    when "好色" #
      base_mood = 25
      plus_rate = 0
      minus_rate = -10
    when "上品" #
      base_mood = 50
      plus_rate = 20
      minus_rate = -10
    when "高慢" #
      base_mood = 50
      plus_rate = 10
      minus_rate = -5
    when "淡泊" #
      base_mood = 75
      plus_rate = 5
      minus_rate = -5
    when "柔和" #
      base_mood = 25
      plus_rate = 5
      minus_rate = -5
    when "勝ち気" #
      base_mood = 50
      plus_rate = 20
      minus_rate = -10
    when "内気" #
      base_mood = 50
      plus_rate = 50
      minus_rate = -10
    when "陽気" #
      base_mood = 25
      plus_rate = 0
      minus_rate = -5
    when "意地悪" #
      base_mood = 50
      plus_rate = 10
      minus_rate = -10
    when "天然" #
      base_mood = 75
      plus_rate = 30
      minus_rate = -5
    when "従順" #
      base_mood = 50
      plus_rate = 5
      minus_rate = -5
    when "虚勢" #
      base_mood = 50
      plus_rate = 20
      minus_rate = -10
    when "倒錯" #
      base_mood = 50
      plus_rate = 10
      minus_rate = -10
    when "甘え性" #
      base_mood = 25
      plus_rate = 5
      minus_rate = -5
    when "不思議" #
      return 0
    when "真面目" #
      base_mood = 50
      plus_rate = 5
      minus_rate = -5
    when "腕白" #
      base_mood = 25
      plus_rate = 10
      minus_rate = -5
    when "冷静" #
      base_mood = 50
      plus_rate = 5
      minus_rate = -5
      base_mood = 30
      plus_rate = 5
      minus_rate = -5
..So "awe" actually modifies the inflicted one's personality... Which makes sense. "Awe" still sound awful but bleh. Polish phase. Later.

Anyway, good points above... My answers over at github :p