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You mean extract the file of the game, so you can see the pictures?
Sure you can, you just need the tools RPG Decrypter (for the game RPG Maker VX).
FYI, ramza got in touch with the dev and is now working in a somewhat official capacity. I don't know too much other than hearsay though, so take that with a grain of salt.
Sooo any news on this game at all? The other thread seems inaccessible, along with the robfs4u and robf threads actually now that I just checked. Seems to be no reliable way to talk to people about these games anymore, anyone know what is going on here...? I thought that the game creator was finally working on english translations for these games but I haven't heard any news about it since then and now the threads are gone.
How about it was all a ruse? Can you really go from anti-west puzzles interrupting the gameplay for your intended audience to " i love you westerners. let me translate my work for you"?
Wondering if there was a guide at all anywhere? Im stuck in the cave after the quiz. Got the first companion, but not sure what to do next. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.
i got past the first cave but once the map opens up I have no idea how to progress the story lol
you have to do side quests. talk to the girl in the office building at juno, she'll give you a bunch of quests. after you do some of them you'll unlock more of the main story
The devs last release had another translation puzzle, so it's a little hard to take his supposed turnabout seriously.
Especially given some of the things he's said in the past have been beyond xenophobic.
Has anyone heard anything from ramza?
Hah. I called it. Honestly that was pretty smart on his part. I don't think anyone will be translating this anymore.
This one?
Probably not.
His new one?
Someone will almost certainly translate it, it pushes all the right buttons, it's not as text heavy as his previous stuff, and the translation tools are soooo much better now.
wait, you guys playing the eng or using partial ?
They played us like a damn fiddle!

This one?
Probably not.
His new one?
Someone will almost certainly translate it, it pushes all the right buttons, it's not as text heavy as his previous stuff, and the translation tools are soooo much better now.

Meh. It doesn't have the art direction the RO parodies had. And the blonde girl looks generic as fuck.
Will i be able to solve the puzzles for the bought dlsite copy of Robfeoy without knowing japanese?
Will i be able to solve the puzzles for the bought dlsite copy of Robfeoy without knowing japanese?
No his puzzles require a pretty decent level of Japanese and it changes between playthroughs so we can barely even help and its more than one puzzle honestly your better off not suporting him
I'm pretty sure he's asking about that AFTER it's been translated.
No his puzzles require a pretty decent level of Japanese and it changes between playthroughs so we can barely even help and its more than one puzzle honestly your better off not suporting him
Well thats unfortunate, i really loved the game before the dumb fucking puzzle.