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ADV Ryona [Rock Candy] Titty Punchan

Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

boob punching is nothing to get sad at.

try watching twiligh sparkle getting raped by rainbow dash whil being decapitated by a guilotine then pissing herself after twiligh sparkle was decapitated. all the while tears are flowing from twilight sparkles eyes and rainbow dash has a big smile on her face.

sad times....

*remembers its my little pony*

nvm i dont give a fuck.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

This seems to be a popular consensus with the majority of viewers, and indeed proves the selfish nature of such people.

What's so wrong with accepting what the artist created as is? Nothing and because as it's been stated a gazillion times over: it's not real. Yet people do it and of course because they feel it's their fantasy to own or whatever bullshit.

Learning the difference between fantasy and reality has nothing to do with manipulating the fantasy in order to make it acceptable to yourself. I'd even think that such an idea just blinds one from the facts.

If you truly understand the difference, then you'd have absolutely no problem with Rock Candy's flashes. Rather you like them or not, it doesn't matter.

Things aren't always black and white. In fact, they are almost never black and white. As I said before, fictional character in recreational media is often designed for the viewer or consumer to relate and sympathize with.

Do I not comprehend the difference between fantasy and reality because I got sad after watching/reading a particularly sad, albeit fictional story? No, I don't think so. Whether people like it or not, things they watch, read, or listen to affect them in some way, shape or form.

Yes, you can condition yourself, or become de-sensitized to materials that you'd usually find unappealing, that doesn't make you more down to earth, in my opinion.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

Things aren't always black and white. In fact, they are almost never black and white. As I said before, fictional character in recreational media is often designed for the viewer or consumer to relate and sympathize with.

Do I not comprehend the difference between fantasy and reality because I got sad after watching/reading a particularly sad, albeit fictional story? No, I don't think so. Whether people like it or not, things they watch, read, or listen to affect them in some way, shape or form.

Yes, you can condition yourself, or become de-sensitized to materials that you'd usually find unappealing, that doesn't make you more down to earth, in my opinion.

I very much agree in many ways. Connectivity is a key factor to all art. The point here is that it's controllable. We can easily manage our emotions, especially when we realize that fantasy is what started it.

It's this "control" that I think dictates why fantasy can't compare to reality through any physiological means. A picture of your mother being shot sounds awful, but of course it's fantasy good sir. In that case, you can just shun it off and move along - after you've realized the fact.

Yet if you were with your mother at the mall or something, and a robbery goes bad and your mother falls victim to a bullet to the head. The sheer fact that this actually happened will not only make it almost impossible to control your emotions, but you won't even be concerned about them. At least I would hope not.

Being able to manage this kind of control just makes you a rational thinker. =3
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

All this talk of fantasy and reality is nice, don't get me wrong, both of you have presented some good points.

However, need I remind you that people have been frequently institutionalized for their fantasies for over a hundred years?

Wether it's right or wrong I'm not sure I care, when my next door neighbor fantasizes about commiting rape/murder I just want his ass somewhere else. And what is the alternative? Wait untill he actually commits the act he's been fantasizing about for so long? Or just take him out behind the wood-shed and end his suffering?

Also, ballistixz, please stop trying to murder the english language.
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Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

Wether it's right or wrong I'm not sure I care, when my next door neighbor fantasizes about commiting rape/murder I just want his ass somewhere else. And what is the alternative? Wait untill he actually commits the act he's been fantasizing about for so long? Or just take him out behind the wood-shed and end his suffering?

That thought process is why we can't have nice things. There are plenty of things people fantasize about but will never do. By your own statement, everyone into RoR games or games with GoR are rapists waiting to happen. Or if someones into lolicon, they are secretly a pedophile who's just waiting to diddle a child.

What I'm trying to say is, there is a HUGE difference between fantasizing about something, and actually wanting to commit it.

In example, I enjoy RoR games, but I wouldn't ever rape someone in reality, because for one, it's just plain wrong, for two, I don't get off to actually committing the deed. Trust me, I had a girlfriend who was really into "fake rape" as she put it. IE, she enjoyed it when the guy was very dominant and would do whatever he wanted even if she said no. I just couldn't fill that fantasy of hers because It wasn't enjoyable for me.

Edit: An even better example. Have you ever had someone, maybe a bully at school, or a manager at work who was just being such a dick, and pissing you so off so much you just wanted to shove him off the grand canyon and watch him splat across the ground? Well, by your wording, your now a murderer waiting to happen!
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

All this talk of fantasy and reality is nice, don't get me wrong, both of you have presented some good points.

However, need I remind you that people have been frequently institutionalized for their fantasies for over a hundred years?

Wether it's right or wrong I'm not sure I care, when my next door neighbor fantasizes about commiting rape/murder I just want his ass somewhere else. And what is the alternative? Wait untill he actually commits the act he's been fantasizing about for so long? Or just take him out behind the wood-shed and end his suffering?

Also, ballistixz, please stop trying to murder the english language.

So in other words, every person on this forum is a rapist on some level or another?

Way to call it out Mr. smarty pants
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

this discussion about fantasy should not bleed this much in realty.., while it is true that imagination has no bounds, we are bound by logic and rationalities, an individual can simply filter his twisted thoughts thru reality checks (logic). .
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

this discussion about fantasy should not bleed this much in realty.., while it is true that imagination has no bounds, we are bound by logic and rationalities, an individual can simply filter his twisted thoughts thru reality checks (logic). .

with all this talk of Logic all I can think about is Star Trek now....thanks
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

Agh, here comes the Star Trek thoughts. They won't be gone for days.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

A fantasy, at it's core, is something that you want to happen isn't it? That is the way I would define fantasy.

As for the "every ROR or GOR player is a rapist waiting to happen", I don't know about everyone else, but I love games, and I love porn. When both are combined, I'm not sure I care about the format. Aside from those god-awful card-games that I can't understand. As well as the fact that just because someone enjoys watching something, doesn't mean they fantasize about it. One of my favorite movie settings is post-apocalyptic, however I don't want all of technology and civilization to be lost.

And we can't have nice things because there are over 2 billion people on the planet and we've all but successfully defeated natural selection so the stupid ones (we'll call them the majority) don't die off, and are allowed to breed creating more below average intelligence humans.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

As for the "every ROR or GOR player is a rapist waiting to happen", I don't know about everyone else, but I love games, and I love porn. When both are combined, I'm not sure I care about the format. Aside from those god-awful card-games that I can't understand. As well as the fact that just because someone enjoys watching something, doesn't mean they fantasize about it. One of my favorite movie settings is post-apocalyptic, however I don't want all of technology and civilization to be lost.

But that's exactly the point I'm trying to make. You love post-apocalyptic movies, but would not want to live in such a state. Some people love games that involve rape, but would never want to actually rape someone. To add onto that, you wouldn't play a porn game that involved fetishes that disgusted you, right? So, if you obviously don't like rape, you wouldn't play a RoR or GoR game. However, if you still play those games, it's either because A) Your into rape and are calling yourself a rapist, or B) You're indifferent to it and I don't understand why you're going through the effort of accusing people who ARE into it of being rapists.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

Actually I've played pretty much every game I have come across on this forum, aside from those with huge filesizes (a gig or more is too much for one game) or those with lolicon (I'm a little paranoid about loli) and of course the card-games after the third one I couldn't figure out how to play.

And maybe I didn't convey my thoughts properly. I had stated that if my neighbor were to FANTASIZE about raping/murdering, I'd want his ass gone. And you've agreed that enjoying watching something doesn't mean you fantasize about it.

Maybe if I put it like this :

Fantasize about rape/murder = gone
Enjoy watching something ≠ Fantasizing
Therefore : Enjoy watching something ≠ gone
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

It was ok, I liked his [Summer Sex at a Swedish Summer Cottage] much more though.

After reading her fiction bio I wasn't offended, but surprised. Why so much effort into something like this?

super_slicer said:
A fantasy, at it's core, is something that you want to happen isn't it? That is the way I would define fantasy.
Not me for sure.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

And maybe I didn't convey my thoughts properly. I had stated that if my neighbor were to FANTASIZE about raping/murdering, I'd want his ass gone. And you've agreed that enjoying watching something doesn't mean you fantasize about it.

I haven't agreed to that at all. When did I agree to that? You don't expect me to believe that in liking a fetish, you've never fantasized about it before.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

But that's exactly the point I'm trying to make. You love post-apocalyptic movies, but would not want to live in such a state.

So how is that not agreeing?

And for the record, I don't care what anyone on this board fantasizes about or wants to do. I'm just putting the instance of someone in close proximity to myself and/or family.

Also this is the definition of fantasy I'm using: An imagined event or sequence of mental images, such as a daydream, usually fulfilling a wish or psychological need.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

Gotta love the way you just what plays better with your understanding of the definition. :rolleyes:

You know what I'm "fantasizing" right now? Taking a dump in super_slicer's pillow.

Yet no matter how much pleasure the thought gives, the action will never take place. Why? Because it's not real. Actions I commit are done in reality and based on reality. Why is that? Because it is reality.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

Gotta love the way you just what plays better with your understanding of the definition. :rolleyes:

Allright here's the source I used :

And that's the way the english language (others too perhaps, I don't know) works. Words often have multiple meanings, so when it seems like you haven't conveyed your thoughts to someone properly it might be a good idea to specify what you mean. Perhaps you thought that I was attempting to restrict the use of the word fantasy to only the definition I had given, which was not my intent.

And I hate to burst your bubble but fantasy has had an effect on reality for a long time. Since it's already been brought up, Star Trek, a work of fiction, someone's fantasy (definition 1) has influenced technology, look at your cell-phone, do you think it would flip open if communicators from star trek hadn't?
Or even better yet, doesn't a stun-gun look alot like a phaser? (the next generation ones, not the originals)
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

Fantasy, reality, who gives a shit? At the end of the day, we all just punched a retarded catgirl in the tits. Just another day at the office...

Seriously though, I can see the thread starting to tip over to flames. I'm okay with the discussion, but keep it civil, people.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

Allright here's the source I used :

And that's the way the english language (others too perhaps, I don't know) works. Words often have multiple meanings, so when it seems like you haven't conveyed your thoughts to someone properly it might be a good idea to specify what you mean. Perhaps you thought that I was attempting to restrict the use of the word fantasy to only the definition I had given, which was not my intent.

And I hate to burst your bubble but fantasy has had an effect on reality for a long time. Since it's already been brought up, Star Trek, a work of fiction, someone's fantasy (definition 1) has influenced technology, look at your cell-phone, do you think it would flip open if communicators from star trek hadn't?
Or even better yet, doesn't a stun-gun look alot like a phaser? (the next generation ones, not the originals)

That's really the best example you can come up with? It just happens to be that the shell is a very good form for a cellphone, so yes, someone would have come up with it regardless. Same goes for stun-guns, I presume. I'm not arguing the point(to be honest, the argument does not interest me), but you could hardly have come up with worse examples.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

A fantasy, at it's core, is something that you want to happen isn't it? That is the way I would define fantasy.

As for the "every ROR or GOR player is a rapist waiting to happen", I don't know about everyone else, but I love games, and I love porn. When both are combined, I'm not sure I care about the format. Aside from those god-awful card-games that I can't understand. As well as the fact that just because someone enjoys watching something, doesn't mean they fantasize about it. One of my favorite movie settings is post-apocalyptic, however I don't want all of technology and civilization to be lost.

And we can't have nice things because there are over 2 billion people on the planet and we've all but successfully defeated natural selection so the stupid ones (we'll call them the majority) don't die off, and are allowed to breed creating more below average intelligence humans.
please don't confuse desire with fantasy. .

fantasy is just mental probability, you fantasize, you think about possibilities, it is your brains scenario editor at work, it is but a scenario your mind has come up with. . , you are also, not obligated to desire this "scenario".

you may have to fantasize about your desire,
but you don't have to desire what you fantasize