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ADV Ryona [Rock Candy] Titty Punchan

Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

People who are drastically "hurt" *cough cough* from a fictional idea/image/whatever are prolonged in their experience because they lack the proper knowledge of the situation.

I'm sorry, but just because somebody is harmed by a fictional idea or thought, does not mean that they lack knowledge of the situation, subject, or ideal involved. That's just plain bullshit, I cannot exaggerate that enough.

As an example, just about everybody knows for a fact that the chances of having a catastrophic accident on an edgy looking ride are pretty low in comparison to other things they do frequently. Yet for some perfectly intelligent, logical, and over-all quite generally "Good" people will get shakey at the knees at the thought of going on the big rollercoaster, even though they've been on a couple before, and have never come out of it worse for ware.

I myself know that my friend's pet garden snake isn't that venomous, and that if I don't freak out and act like a moron, it won't take a nice bite into my finger. Doesn't stop me from getting the chills at the thought of it happening.

Is this because I lack knowledge of the subject? No, I'm perfectly experienced with snakes as far as pet snakes of the kind go, and I've seen a couple of em' in my day.

That's the whole reason we have psychologists - to inform people about certain facts that they otherwise would never have known. This ultimately would lead them to a recovery.

You say this as if you're really that experienced in the field. Psychology isn't so simple, and I won't pretend to know enough about the practices of Psychiatrists or the like to speak of the subject in detail, but I'm fairly sure it's safe to say that you can't just reason with a madman about "The Facts" of the matter. Nor can you reason with a chemical or health related lack of balance.

It's the same reason people are diagnosed with conditions like Coulrophobia. A person who suffered a traumatic experience with a clown(s), only did so because they lacked a major amount of information in regards to the truth of the experience.

But you see, the knowledge that they lacked then, they have acquired now in plentiful supply. Are they less scared? No. Are all people with these phobias and illogical fears inherently less intelligent? Absolutely not.

Just because I recoil at the thought of having sex with my own mother, does not necessarily mean I actually think it could ever happen. These little tidbits of information happen within the subconscious, which, while can be manipulated by the conscious mind, is not DOMINATED by the conscious mind whatsoever.

PS: I never entered this debate in the name of people who are "Drastically" hurt by fictional material, I entered it in the name of people who are affected in minor emotional ways by fictional material.
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Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

Every character in Rock Candy flashes/movies, etc, are actually just normal characters; Rock Candy just happens to create porn in which are then applied to these characters. I'm pretty sure if this person never learned to draw a penis, we'd be watching animated skits with poor voice acting on Newgrounds. Zu would still be handicapped, and everyone else would still probably be slutty. Only difference being every three voices would be Rina-Chan and Egoraptor. If you think Rock Candy did it specifically to fap to retards then maybe it's just a case of wishful thinking, I'm just saying..

Fictional or not, it's not hard to be swayed by a character's pasts, motives, and future. The difference between reality and fantasy is that we haven't met someone who's gone through the experience yet. But it doesn't matter, in this exact current situation anyway, because fiction or not, you discriminate when you get turned off because she's mentally handicapped, but you're just a plain asshole when you get off on it.
In the end, you should all just give me your money and leave me alone.

Personally, I wasn't a fan of the beat down, so I just ended up >NOT DOING IT< (that's a new one, right guys?) and proceeded to smear cum all over her. Gotta love the aural sex though, made me laugh more than the button.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

I'm sorry, but just because somebody is harmed by a fictional idea or thought, does not mean that they lack knowledge of the situation, subject, or ideal involved. That's just plain bullshit, I cannot exaggerate that enough.

As an example, just about everybody knows for a fact that the chances of having a catastrophic accident on an edgy looking ride are pretty low in comparison to other things they do frequently. Yet for some perfectly intelligent, logical, and over-all quite generally "Good" people will get shakey at the knees at the thought of going on the big rollercoaster, even though they've been on a couple before, and have never come out of it worse for ware.

I myself know that my friend's pet garden snake isn't that venomous, and that if I don't freak out and act like a moron, it won't take a nice bite into my finger. Doesn't stop me from getting the chills at the thought of it happening.

Is this because I lack knowledge of the subject? No, I'm perfectly experienced with snakes as far as pet snakes of the kind go, and I've seen a couple of em' in my day.

Those analogies make plenty of sense because the situations are a reality, not a fantasy. Try seeing what happens to people who would imagine those examples but will never experience them. It still doesn't disprove the idea that understanding facts are what control our emotions. It's possible for a cart to derail on a roller coaster, and that simple fact can easily manipulate one's emotions. Same goes for the snake. If you knew that the snake would never bite you under any circumstances (the chance is 0), then I highly doubt you'd be afraid - just like you're not afraid to stomp an ant with your shoe on.

You say this as if you're really that experienced in the field. Psychology isn't so simple, and I won't pretend to know enough about the practices of Psychiatrists or the like to speak of the subject in detail, but I'm fairly sure it's safe to say that you can't just reason with a madman about "The Facts" of the matter. Nor can you reason with a chemical or health related lack of balance.

I never said psychology was simple but to "inform people about certain facts" is definitely a starting line. I'd imagine a lot of therapy probably has to deal with constructing a format in which your patient can understand before you begin to explain, or something rather more psychological.

But you see, the knowledge that they lacked then, they have acquired now in plentiful supply.

Say's who?

These little tidbits of information happen within the subconscious, which, while can be manipulated by the conscious mind, is not DOMINATED by the conscious mind whatsoever.

I'm not suggesting it is dominated. I'm saying it's controllable.

PS: I never entered this debate in the name of people who are "Drastically" hurt by fictional material, I entered it in the name of people who are affected in minor emotional ways by fictional material.

You can't play coy now. In order for your point to make any sense, then being hurt on any level must be possible.
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Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

Alright, to start off, as for the people who have been fed knowledge of their illogical fears and what is right, plenty of people will try to tell them the truth regarding the situation, only for it to fall on deaf ears. A simple approach will RARELY work on somebody who has had negative experiences of the like with something in the past. It's a natural human function to label something as dangerous, and then subconsciously idealize it as bad, or scary in the future. The fear of heights is literally bursting with logic, and getting a little goosebumps on your arm because you had a conscious daydream about falling off a cliff earlier in the day doesn't mean you don't understand that the moment was fantasy. The fact that the fantasy can relate to your real life makes it logical in a way.

As for some examples of more fantasy related analogies, there is a world wide disgust relative to Cannibalism, both culturally and inherently, the thought of eating the flesh of another human being disturbs most young people, until they've been desensitized to the idea. There is a logic behind this fear, YES, but even in fantasy , the idea still disturbs people new to the concept. DISREGARDING THE FACT THAT IT'S FICTIONAL. The fact that it could happen, and probably is happening somewhere is enough to curdle your stomach just a bit, before you move on with the day.

That doesn't make you any less intelligent to the douchebags who'll look down their nose and say , "Oh, well you're not hard to upset, HUEHUEHUEHUE" Just because they have seen an example of the idea once or twice, and have gotten used to it.

So here we go onto a very , very relative analogy, down to the base of the point. A large amount of people find the idea of kinky sexual actions perverse, and disgusting, even in fiction. Although a lot of the people here at ULMF have no qualms with Enema's, I'm fairly sure there are still quite a few that dislike the idea of "Poop-Play" even in fantasy.

Why does this idea disturb them? Well it involve's poop, which throughout history has been marked as an unsanitary piece of waste only useful for growing plants and toilet humour, it could lead to disease, ill health, and other problems. In a way, you are right, knowledge of a subject makes you less passionate about it over time, but you really don't have to be bright to make small discoveries and become dispassionate about something. It is literally something everybody does every day, whether they like it or not.

So yes, in closing, knowledge and information about a fictional, or REAL subject will make you less passionate or caring about it over time. You can manually manipulate such a thing with the conscious mind, but really, why should I be compared as any less intelligent , just because the idea of a girl getting raped and taken advantage of because of her mental handicap, and race, still turns me off?

I shouldn't. Naivety isn't necessarily a bad thing, in the world of human beings. Just because I don't have my guard up twenty four hours a day, and have compassion for people in unfortunate situations, does not mean I am any less logical, or intelligent, than you are. Even if you might have been in a better mood for what, two hours? Yeah, I'd rather be a bit passionate than mentally separate from every piece of possibly negative fiction in the world.
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Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

I'm sorry. I don't mean to imply that being unintelligent is a reason for your disgust, fear or hate. It wouldn't make much sense, considering how I & others can get aroused from the same idea.

I think the key here is it doesn't matter what emotion because in the end, the effect should be negated. If fantasy is what started it, then there's no reason for the brain to utilize the effects... unless of course you want to deceive yourself from what is real. So feeling the anger or the love is one thing, but to continue and believe that these feelings (based on that content) are necessary for your life, then you're just ignoring the facts (or don't know them).

I personally don't like Guro. I think it's pretty nasty and gives me the chills when I look at it. Yet what I feel for it is irrelevant because it's a fantasy. I think there's a step (so to speak) after feeling something. This step being disregarded is how we can enjoy fantasy without becoming murderers or rapists.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

Jesus Christ. Reading through this whole thread felt a bit like reading through a textbook, which is to say that I think I might of actualy learned a bit here (I learned something from reading a hentai thread, go figure).