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RP Awards and "Level ups", The Post RP wrap-up thread.


Jun 18, 2009
Reputation score
This is an open thread where players may recommend their RP Partners for rewards. Please do not post award recommendations until an RP is finished so it can be reviewed.

When recommending someone, please include:
Link to the start of the RP.
Why you think your partner deserves an award.
Favorite parts (Links to each, and a brief description).

Awards Given thus far:
Laughing Hyena:
GM! Due to LH's excellent dungeons, knowledge of the system, helpful manner, and general awesomeness, LH has been given the position of a GM!
The "Almost" Game Over Award (Villain).
Follow-up Dungeoneer (Villain).
The Non-Rolled Encounter (Villain).

GM! Xivvix's approach to roleplaying and having wonderful, creative posts, while understanding that winning isn't everything, combines with knowledge of the system and general awesomeness. Xivvix has been given the position of a GM!
Wardrobe Malfunction (Adventurer).
Never Give Up! (Adventurer).
Both Sides Award (Adventurer, with Pheonix).

Just Give Up Already! (villain)
You won't be needing that shirt anymore... (Villain)
Both Sides Award (Villain, with Xivvix).

List of Awards and their benefits:
The "Almost" Game Over Award (Villain).
Once per dungeon, the Villain may choose a failed roll and do 5 additional damage to turn it from a "mild" injury to a near-GO type attack. The Adventurer will be given a 5 point recovery potion to restore this extra lost damage, for the stat injured.

The Follow-up Dungeoneer Award (Villain).
After playing with an Adventurer that defeats the Villain's dungeon, this villain may now spend an additional 30 points more than normal on the next dungeon made for facing the adventurer, loosening the restraints of the system and giving not only more to work with, but also a higher chance of winning. As always, the Villain does not NEED to use this, but may at his or her own choice.

Wardrobe Malfunction (Adventurer).
Useful for playful banter and creative situations where losing one's top is most inconvenient! This award allows the Adventurer to negate 3 damage to any one (non Willpower) stat, and take 2 damage to Willpower instead, if the poor Heroine loses her clothes. (Which she can cleverly find replacements for, but that's another matter.) Encouraged to give descriptive reactions to unexpected nudity and the results that follow.

You won't be needing that shirt anymore... (Villain)
A counterpart to Wardrobe Malfunction, the villain may negate 3 damage to any one (non Willpower) stat, and deal 1 damage to Willpower instead (yes, 1 only for this one, so Villains can't abuse it). The results will, same as Adventurer's award, encourage nudity, awkward social situations, and general sexyness dealing with Adventurers.

Never Give Up! (Adventurer).
Sometimes an Adventurer just doesn't know when to quit. This award lets an Adventurer have an easy victory over any boss or miniboss she has failed at least once at. The result is one round with an automatic roll of 1 on all challenges (resulting in a lot of damage possibly, and a great opportunity for a Near GO scene, as this includes ALL Primary AND Secondary rolls for the round). If this roll would result in the Adventurer running out of willpower, after the round is over, she will have 1 willpower left.

After the round, the next round will be at -6 from where it was last roll (instead of the usual -2 per round).

Just Give Up Already! (villain)
The Villain counterpart to Never Give Up! Rules and usage are identical, except an adventurer must have failed at least once... AND the roll result of the 2nd round must also be a failure. When this skill is used then, regardless of what the roll was (as long as it failed), it is now considered a 1 that cannot gameover the Adventurer.

The following round will be rolled at a -6 from where the last roll was. (Example: After round 2 fails again at -2, the next round would be at -8 to the difficulty checks.)

The Non-Rolled Encounter (Villain).
A special encounter villains may insert in their dungeons with the express intent of allowing a pass or fail based on the Adventurer's roleplayed actions. Typically awarded for creative traps and puzzles during a dungeon, that are fun for the Adventurer to try to solve. Best used only once or twice per dungeon to keep rolls and random results coming.
The well designed offering of rewards for players, at the potential risk for tougher challenges has been a constant struggle for many players to wonder which one to take. With this award, LH may now place a special room in any future dungeons, marked *RPed, Not Rolled*. And will be allowed to award any value he deems fit, from a 1 to a 20, based on how well the player has roleplayed out dealing with his encounter. This should be encouraged specifically for situations that can have creative or unique solutions.

(Simple guidelines: 1- Horrible RP reply or utter failure to meet the challenge. 5- An ok reply, but may not live up to the task. 10- A good reply, meeting the challenge adequately (may still result in damage, but usually not much.) 15- A great response, likely able to topple the challenge even with poor stats, sheerly through clever means. 20- An amazing response to the challenge. Nothing else needs be said about it.)

Decision of value to use is left to the Villain's choice if this option is used on a challenge. May be judged not only by RP quality, but by the character's actions. Even a great reply may not be a great character response ;)

Both Sides Award.
This is a special award that offers no bonuses or penalties. No ups or downs. It's just a seal of approval that the dungeon was excellently run and excellently played. It was a great read and everyone looks forward to more dungeons of this pair. Consider this one of the highest honors, and awarded specifically to good pairings, rather than just individuals.
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Re: RP Awards and "Level ups", The Post RP wrap-up thread.


I think laughing deserves a bonus because each and every post he made was incredibly descriptive and detailed, there were a dozen times I thought about giving up just so I could read the ending for losing at that point!:D I don't think I've enjoyed getting ass raped (litterally and figurativly) in a game and enjoyed it as much.

Favorite parts: The whole thing.

Kathy's Evaluation:
For a first dungeon, his creation was a little shaky as he got into the system, but the end result was magnificent. A wonderfully detailed roleplay that showed how the system takes the stress and guesswork out of wether the heroine passes or fails. For one of the first RPs run like this, I thank Laughing Hyena for doing such a great job.

Special points of interest and awards given.

The sharp failure of the Adventurer against the Incubus leaving her raped and collared, but still with the willpower to go on. A beautiful example of a near-gameover. For this, I give Laughing Hyena the "Almost" Game Over Award (Villain).
This award is an approval by the GM that this Villain knows how to be diabolical and evil to an Adventurer, without ending the game.

From now on, Laughing Hyena may choose to "fudge" a roll once per dungeon, doing 5 additional points of damage to an Adventurer who has failed a roll in order to create an "Almost" GO situation when the roll would otherwise just be a mild injury. In return, the heroine will simply find a 5 point recovery poition to restore her lost health, after the near-GO.

I also especially like the way that the after-dungeon RP has quickly resolved itself and led up to two possible future dungeons, both in attempting to capture the incubus, and in his brisk approach of a town under attack with the heroine of the moment called into action. This approach of offering new dungeons at the end of an RP and encouraging the Adventurer to play more is exactly the kind of lead-ins that keep good RPs going. I am awarding Laughing Hyena with a new award: Follow Up Dungeoneer (Villain).
This award shows that Laughing Hyena wants Adventurers to keep going after winning, and wants to give them new goals to strive for.

From now on, Laughing Hyena may make follow-up dungeons for Adventurers who have beaten his dungeon at least once before, with up to 30 points more energy to work with. This will allow bigger challenges, greater foes, and less haggling over smaller numbers for our Villain. Best of luck on your next encounter!
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Re: RP Awards and "Level ups", The Post RP wrap-up thread.


I had fun running through Pheonix's dungeon, the situations our young prodigy went through were interesting, so much so I kept wondering what would have happened if she had failed :D. Pheonix also did a good job rolling with whatever I came up to create a unique response to my post.

Favorite Parts: Falling into eels and losing bits of clothing one scene at a time ;)

Kathy's Evaluation: (Sorry for a bit of long wait on this one.)

Wow. Just amazing job, both of you. The back and forth you had. Mr. Shellington even made me grin. The end fight especially showed how the system can balance out in the long run by just having a final boss slowly sap away an Adventurer's life bit by bit, yet she can still pull out on top.

Consider this a double-reward post, because I just have to give xivvix some too for this.

To Xivvix, I award: Wardrobe Malfunction. This award is for the constant losing of clothes only to cleverly get them back again at another point. I couldn't stop grinning each time our poor mage Adventurer whined about losing all of her favorite outfits.

To Xivvix, I award: Never Give Up! This award is for going so many rounds against the end-boss and keeping each round fresh and exciting, always having a fresh approach.

To Pheonix, I award: Just give up already! This award for continually battering the Adventurer with a boss over and over in horrible ways.

To Pheonix, I award: You won't be needing that shirt anymore... This award for repeatedly stripping and generally molesting the Adventurer even in non-naughty challenges.

To both, I award: Both Sides. This special award is a bonus for an outstanding dungeon run by each of the players, culminating in what I'm sure was a blast to play, and was fun and exciting to read as well.

I'd award more, but if I gave out everything on your first dungeon, there'd be nothing left for the future ;)
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Re: RP Awards and "Level ups", The Post RP wrap-up thread.

Thank you for such high praise from those whom have explored my first dungeon. I honestly love the details I can put into the dungeon and it gives me a lot of expression so Im more then happy to keep going.

The next adventure is already in the works and I will eventually upload it for all. But for now I want to see more turn out for this.

Now down to what I thought of Archer during her stay.


Whilst her posts may have been short, she enjoyed going through options that I didn't expect but she played very smart, picking her spots and saving the skills she knew she was gonna need for the very end.

So I thought it was a very good move on her part to avoid the minotaur just because she was weary from the incubus encounter and picked the trial of vigilance because she wanted to save her mana.

Sure her post were short but they spoke well of details and her reactions and the speed of her posts were fantastic. I would expect more of her in her posts next time but I admit she played the game well and she won in the end.

Favorite Parts: When she started exchanging witty banter with the wizard-kings ghost I had a smile going because of how it played out so well and the timing to the ending was perfect.
Re: RP Awards and "Level ups", The Post RP wrap-up thread.


Like Archer said, Laughing Hyena is very good at making descriptive posts. The choices also made it difficult to decide, sometimes, which route to take.

Favorite Part: The super close call with the minotaur!

Kathy's Evaluation:

More wonderful play from LH. I adore his dungeon to pieces. If I could award him the same things all over again, I likely would, but that's a bit of overkill. For now, let me just say how wonderfully LH has been doing and that even with similar basic posts given, it's just mixed up enough that it was fun to read again.

Added bonus, LH has been using the RP bonuses to help heroines get by some encounters, and has shown that even though victory may have been at hand, encouraging RPing was more important than clasping a fleeting win to notch his belt (so to speak).

I am awarding LH with one of the awards I had passingly mentioned back in the original thread for Both Sides.

The Non-Rolled Encounter (Villain): A special encounter villains may insert in their dungeons with the express intent of allowing a pass or fail based on the Adventurer's roleplayed actions. Typically awarded for creative traps and puzzles during a dungeon, that are fun for the Adventurer to try to solve.

The well designed offering of rewards for players, at the potential risk for tougher challenges has been a constant struggle for many players to wonder which one to take. With this award, LH may now place a special room in any future dungeons, marked *RPed, Not Rolled*. And will be allowed to award any value he deems fit, from a 1 to a 20, based on how well the player has roleplayed out dealing with his encounter. This should be encouraged specifically for situations that can have creative or unique solutions.

I look forward to seeing how LH handles this new ability ;)
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Re: RP Awards and "Level ups", The Post RP wrap-up thread.


Alright, Now that the first game is finished, I'll say that Xivvix was fun to send through the tower basement. One of Xivvix's best things was when Xivvix filled in the little details about the experiences I pour Kirika through, helping flesh out the bits that I didn't want to take too many liberties with.

Hopefully the follow-up adventure will be fun as well.
Re: RP Awards and "Level ups", The Post RP wrap-up thread.

Will no one conquer that dungeon(s)? Seems difficult to get out with that mirror. Meanwhile Archer has effectively retired Lisa yet somehow she still won out with a surprising turn of events. And I just had to run with it cuz it got some really good RP out of it.


However my third dungeon is on its way and its going to be as awesome (hopefully) as the last one. Though maybe with a bit more victory for the villain on a losing streak.
Re: RP Awards and "Level ups", The Post RP wrap-up thread.


Vela has a new toy. (I rather liked the game)
As did I. :)

And I just noticed that the awards Kathy gave out on our previous game now have effects and can be used! Too bad I didn't see those earlier, or our poor young prodigy might have succeeded over the naughty sorceress (if that last roll had been 1 point higher she would have had another turn!)
Re: RP Awards and "Level ups", The Post RP wrap-up thread.


As many other have said LH gave very descriptive posts that really allowed the atmosphere of the dungeon to stand out. It was quite hard to decide on which choice to go for, each one was appropriate for both the area and how my character would've acted.

Favorite Part: The final fight, especially how close it got at the end was wonderful to play.
Re: RP Awards and "Level ups", The Post RP wrap-up thread.

First dungeon complete. Definitely have to hand it to Termite here - he took my suggestions and setups and really made the story work. Got the hang of my light touch very nicely, I had a real blast - even if I completely failed to seriously endanger Maria at any point ^^

Favourite part has to be the fight with Carnassus at the end. There was a really visceral sense of the poor girl's absolute terror to begin with, and Termite's inventiveness for getting out of each new torment, each one theoretically worse than the last, was definitely great fun.
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Re: RP Awards and "Level ups", The Post RP wrap-up thread.

Just popping in to agree with Zenath, I'm having a blast with these dungeons and the entire system in general. I also really like the end to Ghosts. Maria's going to have a lot of restless nights either staying awake waiting for Carnassus to ambush her or dreaming about prehensile tongues.

Favorite part: Sickbay. I saw the approach and was convinced that the Doctor was going to be a mini-boss with a high combat score, but the situation was just too compelling. If Zenath had been a little more evil he definitely would have won.