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Ryu (Ryu)

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Nov 12, 2008
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Ryu wakes up and surveys his surroundings. He quickly notices the note tied to his wrist and quickly looks around. The first think he notices is that he has been changed in his drugged induced stupor. He is wearing a loose t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants.

Looking around the dimly lit Labs, Ryu notices a doorway to the south.

Search the area
Travel south
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu sighs, holding his head. His face gets a look of utter confusion when he realizes his clothes are different, then proceeds to read the note attached to his wrist, hoping it explains things. After that, he would stay where he is, looking around for anything his quick glace before may have missed.

(Search the Area)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu ruffles around in some nearby boxes and finds a worn Jeans. It is slightly small for Ryu, but he manages to get them on. Feeling slightly embarrassed in his tight jeans, he thinks that there won't be anyone here to judge him and moves on.

Search Again
Travel south
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu sighs again, grunting as he gets used to the tightness of the new pants. With a shrug, he decides to move on, and hopefully find a way out.

(Travel South)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu opens the door and steps into a dark hallway that travels to the East. closing the door behind him, he looks into the darkness trying to see what he can see. Suddenly a door opens to his south and a small, large chested woman dressed as a security guard. "You there! Freeze!!" she yells in a suprisingly deep and disturbing tone for her figure.

Guard's HP: 3

Flee East
Flee North (backward)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu does indeed freeze, hearing the voice. He looks the woman over, staying where he was, in case she had a gun to go with her uniform should he disobey.

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

"Rrrrr, the Doc sure knows how to pick 'em," the guard says while seductively walking toward Ryu. "You do know why you are here yes?"

The Guard begins to rub her hands under Ryu's shit. "You need to be searched." Ryu notices that the guard's clothing is extremely tight for someone to be an actual guard. He also notices that the guard is reaching around her back for something...

Ryu DEF: 4
Ryu CONS: 3
Guard HP: 3

Flee East
Flee North (backward)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

"Searched for what? If you know the doc sent me, then you should also know he took everything from me first. And maybe you'd like to remind me why I'm here, since you seem to think I'm aware of it. it would be... reassuring to hear it from someone else." He reasons, but sighs, allowing her to go through with her search unhindered. At least for now.

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Re: Ryu (Ryu)

"Don't sas me boy!" She says, suddenly much less seductively. "If you are going to back talk me, you will need to be restrained."

She pulls her hand around from behind her back and produces a pair of handcuffs. She backs a step or two away and says "Now, TURN AROUND!"

FleeN/S/E (50% Success)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

"I didn't mean to 'sas' you. I was just inquiring as to why a search was needed if you knew why I was here. I'm sorry." he sighs, still agreeing and putting his hands behind his back, which was now facing her. He knew well his strong point was his legs anyway.
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Quickly, even more quickly than Ryu imagined, she cuffs his hands behind his back. Ryu expected this, what he didn't expect was the then sudden knee to the stomach. Doubling over on the ground he looks up at the guard.

"Boy that was easy, time for some fun!"

She kicks Ryu again, and he lands hard on his side. Curled up and expecting another attack, he ponders his next move.

Ryu DEF: 3
Ryu CONS: 3
Guard HP: 3

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Re: Ryu (Ryu)

(*He* kicks me again?)

Coughing from the blow, Ryu grunts, quickly using the momentum from the fall and aiming a kick at the guard's legs, now quite sure that resisting would be no worse for him than letting her(him)? continue.

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

(sorry, typo ^_^... it's a she)

Ryu swings his legs as hard as he can, connecting with the gaurd's calf right below her knees. Unsuspecting a fight, she falls to the ground. Quickly taking the initiative Ryu uses the wall to quickly regain his footing and stands back up. The guard rolls over, still shocked at her captive. "What the hell?! You are going to pay for that!"

Ryu DEF: 3
Ryu CONS: 3
Guard HP: 2

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

"You had no reason to handcuff and knee me like you did. My blow was only in response to your own. Attack me again, and you'll receive more punishment. Now, would you please uncuff me so we can talk like civilized adults?"

(Attack if she attacks me again, but otherwise wait)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Lying on her side, supported by one arm, she looks defiantly up at Ryu. "oh no, you don't understand, I'M the one that will be giving orders here!" With that, she stands back up and lands a swing on Ryu's exposed stomach.

Ryu, expecting some sort or retaliation, braces the best he can and immediately attempts to counter with a swift knee to the guard's mid-section. Unfortunately for Ryu, the guard sidesteps and knocks Ryu's othe leg out from under him, sending him to the ground yet again.

(In review: She attacked successfully, then countered Ryu's attempt)

Ryu DEF: 1
Ryu CONS: 3
Guard HP: 2

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu coughs up blood as he's sent to the ground again, not bothering to get up again or respond to her taunts. He instead aims another kick at her from the ground, this time aiming higher, expecting her to expect him to go for her legs again.

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu swings again connecting with the guard's lower back. He hears a pop and simultaneously notices a look of confusion on the guard's face. She lets out a small moan as she falls to the ground. Ryu looks at the guard an notices that she is sill breathing, but is unconscious. He quickly turns around and feels for her keyring. Finding the key to his cuffs, he releases himself, and stands up.

(crit hit)

Ryu DEF: 1
Guard HP: 0

Search guard
Search area
Travel N/S/W
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

After releasing himself from the cuffs, he decides to keep them(and the key of course), deciding to give the guard a thorough search for anything else he might find useful.

(Search Guard)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Searching the guard, you come across a note:

"Whatever you do Deb, make sure Ryu does NTO find the Northeastern stairs. -D."

Pocketing the cuffs and the note, Ryu moves on...

(If a human enemy is knocked down, you will have the option to cuff them, further reducing their HP by 1)

Search area
Travel N/S/W
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu chuckles at the note, crumpling it into a ball and tossing it at "Deb" before deciding to head South, thinking the note an attempt to trick him into going the wrong way should he defeat her like he did.

(Go South)
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