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Saving Christmas!


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Christmas is coming! A time for all the nice Christmas stuff!

However, something strange happened this time around...this time your letter to Santa got a reply!!!!

A strange one...

"Dear [your name]

Christmas this time around has to be postponed indefinitely! Santa Claus is missing, and someone stole his sleigh too!

We are looking for volunteers to help us find Santa and the missing sleigh! Sadly, we are just too short on time!

If you wish to help us, please burn this letter in a fireplace! Otherwise please be patient!

Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience!
Sugarplum Mary."

Oh, no! What will you do!


[IMG align="left" width="248px"]https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/10/05/22/37/blank-profile-picture-973460_960_720.png[/IMG][B]Name:[/B] [Your char's name]
[B]This year , he/she was:[/B] [Good/Naughty]
[B]All you want for Christmas is:[/B] [perverted things!]

(Obvious note, you are all 18+!)
Looks like I have time for 1 short post!

Name: Leah Dawson
This year, she was: Good
All you want for Christmas is: To become a perfect gynoid!

Leah's breath caught. This had to be a trick, right? Some joke, or marketing thing... Still, something felt off, a strange tingle in the air, a curious excitement burning in her chest. Why the hell not burn it?

So she threw it into the modern fireplace, more of a decoration for special occasions rather than an actual heating device, and huddled before the flames, watching them dance.

She was alone at home this late evening, her little sister already asleep. Mom and dad would come home tomorrow, hopefully, just in time for christmas eve. She had turned on the fireplace on a low setting, the machine automatically dousing a small pile of wooden bricks with gas to create a long-lasting, dim flame. It fit her miserable mood. The light of the flames reflected, danced on her shiny full-body latex suit. She had had a fetish for it since she first hit puberty. In the cold darkness of winter, all alone with her thoughts, being wrapped up like this provided some comfort. But it didn't quite soothe her melancholic soul, for since earlier this year, she was dreaming of something different: cold metal and plastic wrapping around her, encasing her, transforming her. A shell to block out everything she didn't like. Eternal comfort in a mechanical cocoon. If there was any higher power in this universe, Leah hoped it would hear her whispers of longing and grant her her wish. To leave cruel humanity behind, and become something simpler, yet happier.
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Lost in her own thoughts as she were, Leah suddenly noticed that something was going wrong with the burning piece of paper! It was making too much smoke!

Thick, white smoke that filled her vision...and she could swear that it tasted a bit like cotton candy! So much smoke!

However, just as fast as it had appeared, the smoke dispersed...and Leah found that she wasn't in her comfy house!

She wasn't even somewhere indoors! There was snow everywhere! There were snow-loaded trees all over the place, surrounding a clearing with four huge buildings that were placed all around a huge Christmas tree! Under the tree there were piles of wrapped gifts!

The buildings also had signs above their doors.

'The Workshop'

'The Stables'

'Santa's House'

'Happy Hour Tavern!'

But more importantly, there was a figure standing right in front of her!

50fdf80086217173acfdb4b468ee36d0.jpg "Oh, hello there! You must be Leah? I am Mary!" she offered, her chest jiggling happily.

"I am so happy someone was willing to help! We don't know what to do! Do you think that you could help us?" she asked licking her finger anxiously.

"I think others may come too...but you are the first! What should we do? There is no time to lose!"
Name: Leah Dawson
This year, she was: Good
All you want for Christmas is: To become a perfect gynoid!

Shit! This must have been a prank after all! Leah thought as she coughed and rolled up, trying to crawl out of the expanding smoke cloud. The sweet smell was strange, but probably not good for her health. However, her gloved hands suddenly gripped something softer, something cold, and she looked up to see she was suddenly somewhere else!

Is this a dream, or have I died?

Leah got to her feet, staggering a few steps through the snow before finding her composure again. She looked around. Something about this place was eerie.
"Hello? Anyone here?" She called, without quite knowing who she expected to answer. She walked towards the tower of lights, her latex suit creaking like the snow under her feet as she walked. As Leah got closer, she started to realize she was walking towards a christmas tree, and a huge one at that! Much larger than the little branch her family got every year. The girl looked around again, before noticing movement, stumbling back in alarm as someone else approached. She fell unto her backside, looking at the figure in the snowfall. "Aren't you cold?" Leah blurted out, before realizing she was being talked to.

Damn, she's hot!

Leah felt something warm in her belly at the sight of the skimpily clad figure before her. Maybe this was one of those dreams?
"Errr, hi Mary, yes, I am Leah... I... so err, I'd like to help, but, erm, I don't even know where I am or how I got here..."
Name: Raja Deren
This year , she was: Naughty, again, propably.
All you want for Christmas is: Answers.

It was a dark and stormy night. A night like every other. Had been ever since she'd gone to the Hospital. Trish. Too damn beautiful for this world. Not that she's gonna leave it. Not if Raja had any say in it. The burned paper smelled of cheap glue and candycanes. Of better days, spent with her lover. Some bloody teleportation magic. Detective Raja adjusted her hat and sighed. Here we go again.

Detective Raja blew a plum of smoke and looked around. Some scantly clad hussy. Little doubt about her professions. Laugh-lines drawing marks upon her skin. A younger looking gal by her side. New to this place, guessing by the snowflakes fallen around. Clothing a little too tight. Hint of a musky smell.

Raja flicked a match and ignited a cigarette, taking in the sight of ramshackle buildings, impressive as they may be, stinking of joy and consumerism. "Cut the crap."
She demanded, brushing her purple hair back. The glimmer of her cigarette burnt a snowflake as she exhaled.
"Until I know better, everyone here is a suspect. Tell us what you know. I'll be getting the big man home."
She nodded, flicking her half-smoked cigarette away, a trail of smoke, hissing to death in the snow.

She was annoyed. Each year she'd sent the big man a letter requesting a peaceful life, had worked out reasonably well. Now she felt she had to hold up her end of the bargain. Back at home, cheap cookies became stale and dry and good milk began to turn sour. Still, it was a good transaction, so much as she wanted to be smelling Trish's scent upon the bedsheet, she'd have to deal with this first.
"Oh...of course not! Are you are cold? You look cold...wait, let me fix it!" she offered, leaning forward and softly kissing Leah's lips! Indeed, it seemed that the cold went away, as even her ears started heating up and turning red!

"Raja! You were a bit naughty this year...but now that you are here I think maybe you can save us!" she cheered "Do you feel cold too? I can make it go away..." she offered with some concern.

"We are at the North Pole, obviously! Well...I guess you read the letter. Santa Claus disappeared last night. We have looked around, but he is nowhere! No one knows where he is!" she explained.

"At first we thought that maybe he got lost or something...but the sleigh is missing too! And no, we are sure he didn't just go out for a ride...the reindeers are still in the stable!" she said, giving a lick at her candy cane "Oh, sorry, do you want a lick too?" she offered, before continuing the explanation.

"It is really hard to find out where Santa went...more importantly, everything is so chaotic with Santa missing! Everyone is going crazy trying to get ready before the deadline...but without Santa it's all pointless! What to do, what to do!" she complained!

"Maybe someone has seen some clue...but it is so hard to make sense of what is going on! Mrs. Claus said that the old man will be fine anyway, and took the day off too...ah...so unfortunate!"

"There is little time...maybe you should split up and look around? I don't know!" she said scratching her head and making the Santa hat fall slightly at the side.
Name: Leah Dawson
This year, she was: Good
All you want for Christmas is: To become a perfect gynoid!

Leah blushed and gasped as warmth flowed from the site of the kiss through her body. It felt so nice... There was no way this wasn't a wet dream. Before she realized it, her hands had shot up and cupped the woman's tits, cool latex rubbing over warm skin. She smelled and tasted so sweet... Leah had never been a 'jolly' girl, so part of her wondered why her wet dream would be like this, but then the heat became too much and she just melt into the kiss.

As the two girls broke the kiss, Leah looked around slightly dazed, noticing that there was suddenly another girl there! "Where... did you come from...?"
She breathed out.

Mary started talking again, and Leah found her gaze fixated on the Christmas girl's bosom while she listened. "I think looking around is a good start, but err, when did you last see Santa? Did he say anything? Did anything out of the ordinary happen recently?" She asked, briefly remembering marathons of watching NCIS before her mind lazily spun around the candy cane like a washing machine drum around its axis. This dream got weirder by the minute, but it was still hot... Maybe she should take a lick... Maybe she should lick Mary... A thin line of drool started to flow out of the corner of her mouth,
Name: Raja Deren
This year she was: Naughty, again, propably.
All you want for Christmas is: Answers.

A north wind rustled the tips of her hair. Well. She figured. Every wind was a north wind here.

She lit up another cigarette as she watched womanly lips smacking together. Bad habit that. she wanted to kick it, but the distant memory of motor oil and cheap roses drew her back in every time. "No. The only thing that makes the cold go away for me is bourbon and.. r.. really there's no need!" She clarified, waving her hand frantically at the offer of a circulation kicking up kiss.

She took a step back and collected herself. Red ears. Circulation was increased. Feeling of warmth but body cools out faster. Estimated time of death due to hypothermia: T- 38 minutes in this cold. For now, the kissing girl asked her questions. That was good. "Where I'm from doesn't matter. Only that I can help."
She noted. Considering how to befriend this girl. Judging by the posture, she had to say something outlandish to gain this hikikomori as an ally?

"Cigarette?" She offered, whilest deriding the lusty woman: "Sorry love. I've got a candycane waiting for me at home."
She hesitated, realizing she had lied. Not on purpose. She was too used to getting home and getting her nice candycane for christmas, she'd almost forgotten the hospital.

"Let's get this over with. I've got somehwere to be on christmas." She determined. A loosening of her fingers sent the cigarette spiraling onwards, before the stomp of a heavy boot crushed out it's live for good in her path. Detective Deren inhaled the cool air, a clear goal in her mind. A suspect. A question... as she crept up to Santa's own abode.

Why was Ms. Claus so certain everything would be fine? The Detective wanted to ask her that, but questions wouldn't get her what she wanted. Calm eyes wandered over the snow, glistening like frosting on the cake Trish loved to eat. She hated hospital food. Too many footsteps in it. Pointless to hope to find Santa's trail without first knowing what his boots looked like and where he could have started out.
And if he wore boots.

That was actually the first thing she checked, through the windowsill. The shoestand. Old and worn and dirty or fresh but unused. Trove of information. Hopefully not tampered with. Few people cared enough about boots. Unlike her. Wasn't her fault. Trish had to wear those large, tough workboots for her job. One day, complaints, almost one of the rare arguments between them, leading to a demand to shine up her shoes if the dirt was that much of a problem. It was. That damned woman would be the death of her. The way she made one enjoy shining her goes throughoutly. It took a lot longer when she was wearing them, but that wasn't a bad thing, all in all.
"Hmm...last night before he disappeared. He said: 'Ho, ho, ho, good work everyone! Sleep well!' like he always says! After that I went to sleep!" she explained.

"There are lots of crazy things going on, but I don't know if they are related...maybe you can ask around at the workshop?" she pondered, her chest jiggling on the wind.

Raja on the other hand approached the window of Santa's house. Indeed, the shoestand...was filled with boots! What was going on? Five different pairs...all different sizes! One of the pairs obviously belonged to a woman...Mrs. Claus? While the other four...hmmm?

There was the faint sound of giggling and talking coming from upstairs. The window was not properly locked too...then again, she hadn't tried politely knocking the door...but it could possibly give the culprit enough time to hide evidence...
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Name: Raja Deren
This year she was: Naughty, again, propably.
All you want for Christmas is: Answers.

Detective Raja counted the boots. Ms. Claus. Mr.Claus, two guests? She'd have to investigate further. Unlocked window. Entry like a thief.. but she'd done some things she wasn't proud of this year. Hospital bills. Who'd have thought that one compound arm-fracture and a follow up surgery would be so bad.. Focus on the present, Raja.

She climbed into the window, thinking about how much the additional boots - what shoesize did santa have anyway- reminded her of investigating a questionable couple.. The scent of another ladies perfume on his coat.. she'd known right away, but no proof.

The window gently pried open, she carefully snuck in.. and upwards, to investigate the source of the noise, leaning heavily against red-and-white painted walls, ducking under the sharp edges of old pictures, memories of christmas gone by..
@ Raja

The silence of the cold and snowy night was only interrupted by the giggles and the laughs. Too much happiness for a possible widow, hmmm? There were clothes all over the stairs. A sweater with a happy looking snowman. An other depicting an unfortunate evergreen, it's corpse decorated with red balls, and presents under it...the line of clothes led up to the bedroom door that was waiting for Raja ajar. Peeking inside was inevitable at this point...

3412120 - Christmas JiangShi Mrs._Claus.jpg "Hmm...yes indeed, it is so unfair, Santa always gets all the milk. I think you deserve some milk too..." a heavy voice said

"Ah, thank you, since it is a gift, I can't deny.." the woman giggled.

"But you may have to work for it a bit..." the other interrupted, shaking his junk around "...you gonna have to take it straight from the hose, slut."

"So...why don't you unwrap your presents already?"
a third one asked, coming closer.

"Hmm...don't mind if I do! I wonder what's in there...hmhm~" the woman laughed, trying to undo the red ribbon with her mouth...and succeeding on the first try! She had some skills, that's for sure...
Name: Raja Deren
This year she was: Naughty, again, propably.
All you want for Christmas is: Answers.

A breadcrumb trail up the stairs. Except the bread was fabric, and the smaller crumbs were all coming near the top of the stairs. One glance later, one dire insight and possibility revealed. The room felt heavy, like her head after two glasses of eggnog.

Adultery. The sin of the pretty and rich. Raja felt her faith in humanity shattered once again. She leaned back and against a wall, shaking. Her faith in the Jolly family deeply disturbed. Alright, ok, so considering some of the presents she'd gotten ever since meeting Trish she knew that Santa had an eye for these things..

Alright, so there was a motive. But something didn't make sense. Nagging at the back of her mind was.. Even if Ms.Claus would have made her husband disapepar.. Why now, when it would cause the most trouble? No, something was missing.

She glanced again into the room, this time looking past the naked, manly bodies and their centrepiece, trying to take in the surroundings.. there had to be a clue..
64155474_p0.png Name: Leah Dawson
This year, she was: Good
All you want for Christmas is: To become a perfect gynoid!

"I see." Leah simply responded, trying to pull her mind away from Mary's jiggling tits and focus on the task at hand. "Yeah, I guess I will ask around. I'm not really a detective, or anything. Err, say, where's Mrs Santa?"

After promising she would return once she had talked to the others, Leah walked towards the building labelled as "workshop" and knocked on the door, ready to enter once she either was called in or heard no response. The outside had looked rather deserted, and she had no idea who was supposed to be around. Elves? Or something more... lewd?

Part of her looked forward to getting into a warm, dry place, and she sudden;y realized that she felt warm and not bothered by the cold and the falling snow at all. Either this kiss was one hell of a drug, or this dream was really nice. Maybe both. Though above all else, Leah felt horny, filled with a strange tingling sense of expectation, as if she was going to find something in here...
@ Leah

"Hmm...I don't know? Probably in her house,baking cookies I guess?" she scratched her head "But she is in vacation, she won't talk to you, probably." she nodded.

Opening the door, Leah found herself in a noisy workshop! Toy airplanes flying around, mini-giant robots fighting each other,tiny cars racing around...but even more chaotic were the elfs, who were running around trying to catch the toys and put them in their boxes...even while new toys popped up from the toy-production conveyor belt!

Suddenly something landed on Leah's head!

"Ah....wait, wait, don't be scared! It's just a toy!" one elf cried running towards her!

"Ahh...ah...come down...spid-spid-spid...spid-spid-spid..." the elf tried to lure the spider down with some sugar cubes.

However, the spider just rested on Leah comfortably!

"Ah...I guess it likes you" the elf complained giving up "...wait, there is no time! We have to stop the toy production, and we have to put those toys in their boxes! Can you go downstairs and tell them to stop it? Or please go upstairs and call over the special gift-warping task force?" it cried anxiously! It seemed that as things were, it had no time to talk about Santa at all!
@ Raja

Raja peeked in the room. She just had to avoid looking at the lewdities happening inside.

She had to take notice of things like the carpet. It had...probably some hidden important clue. It's color or something?

Yep. She just had to avoid looking at her licking passionately those big, black cocks. There was no reason to look there.

The curtains behind...definitely suspicious. Like...who has red curtains? Good color to hide the blood...

Speaking of blood, she could feel her blood rushing to her ears...just what depravities were happening in the room...maybe she should investigate those too? There was something wrong with the way she coiled her tongue around the third guys tongue...while serving two others with her hands...she had some skills for sure...

"Hmm...hey, you wanna join in, or what?" a voice called. Wait, they were talking again...maybe some important clue...no wait, he was talking to her! She had been discovered!

"Mmmhm?" Mrs Claus asked with the cock still in her mouth...but she didn't look bothered or angry. If anything it was as if she approved of the mans words.

Maybe she should join? Adultery is a sin...under conditions....maybe if she took care of a cock or two, she could lessen Mrs. Claus sin...after all, Trish didn't mind as long as she brushed her teeth afterwards...or maybe she could ask some things first...but that cock looked so sad without someone sucking it...

Name: Leah Dawson
This year, she was: Good
All you want for Christmas is: To become a perfect gynoid!

Seeing the chaos all around her excited a childish sense of glee in Leah. She raised her hand to prod the spider on top of her, rather unfazed. It felt too soft to be real. Besides, this was a dream anyway, right? If it let her, Leah would carefully scoop the spider up on her smooth, latex-clad hand and bring it in front of her studying it, giving it a playful cuddle.

The elf's shrill voice brought Leah back, and she nodded. "I'll go down. Where's the stairs? Or ramp, or Elevator?" She asked before rushing towards the stairs down, making sure the spider had a safe hold on her. First, she'd tell whoever was working below to stop the machine. She idly wondered why the elves didn't do that themselves, but chalked it up to being a weird dream. Weird, but also rather sexy. She was wrapped in her favorite latex suit, Mary was rather hot, the other girl too, though she hadn't paid Leah any mind. Maybe after she saved the day, they would reward her?
The blue spider purrrrred happily when Leah cuddled it. Even if it was fluffy as a toy, it looked very alive!

"The stairs? Take the slide, over there!" the elf pointed at two holes at the wall. "Take the left slide! The right slide takes you upstairs!"


Conveyor belts everywhere! They appeared from holes on the wall, and also ended up on other holes! Half made toys moving on them, waiting patiently their turn to get finished! No wonder they were so eager to play around when they were finished and sent upstairs!

wintonkidd-562394-Merry_Christmas_from_workshop.jpg There were some elfs here too...fixing some kind of big toy at the side while singing? No, wait, they were doing something else...

"Hmm...do you think it's big enough?" asked one of them.

"Ah, ahh...almost...I am not sure...keep going a bit longer..." the testing elf moaned

"I think we should, like, add some barbs or some veins or something..." the other chipped in.

"Sigh...look,we have too many dildo orders...we have to decide!" the first one complained.

"But we can't sacrifice quality!" the second one argued "we have to do proper testing!"

"Look at her, she is just enjoying it! It's my turn next!"

"Ah...no...I am...objective...just a little more at the left...ahh...there, thereee...."

"You are even worse than her!" the other argued back, even though it didn't stop fucking the tester with the dildo!
Name: Raja Deren
This year she was: Naughty, again, propably.
All you want for Christmas is: Answers.

Suspicious curtains. A suspicious carpet. VERY suspicious black cocks. They were almost as nice as Trish's... Which was of course the only cock which she would suck! 't was only respectful.

She was found out.. but that didn't stop her! She pushed the door open, and rolled in, slightly stumbling as she got back up. That would intimidate those creeps!

"Mrs. Claus.. it seems you are not too concerned about your husband missing. Infact! I believe you have motivation to have him disappear.. I see three good, hard motivations err.. standing right here! Confess, what did you do around the time Mr. Claus went missing?"
She demanded to know! nice, big black dicks would not dissuade her. She needed Santa's present more than any year before. She didn't want to spent christmas at the hospital after all...
"Oh...are you alright?" one of the men offered to help her up after her stumbling.

"Hmfmf mff!" Mrs.Claus replied, before removing the cock from her mouth!

"Come on, I can't enjoy my vacation in peace?" she complained "Ugh...so annoying. Ok, I will tell you...just give me some time to finish those off, first..." she argued, in a very authoritative tone!

It seemed some more awkward spectating was unavoidable!

3412121 - Christmas JiangShi Mrs._Claus.jpg And finally, it was time for questioning. Or almost.

"Hmm....good work boys...why don't you go at the kitchen, and prepare...to help me make some pie...." she winked at them, giving a spank on the butt of the last one as they hurried downstairs.

"Ok..." she said, picking some of the 'milk' off her with her finger, and tasting it. "...hmm...want a taste?" she offered.

"Anyway. Not much to say. The old coot told me last night he wanted to check something at the workshop, because he had a bad feeling or something." she recalled.

"I told him, come on dear, don't you want to watch those black studs breed me all night long? But he insisted he had to go." she sighed clearly frustrated at the memory.

"Then I saw him as I was pressed against the window...but he went to the inn first! I got angry because he lied, so I picked the boys and we went to the tavern to continue there." she nodded.

"However, when we arrived there, he had already left. At that point we just decided to have a round at the tavern, and then come back home." she nodded.

"But whatever...it's not the old man can really get hurt or anything. He is a saint, you know. He can miss a Christmas once or twice too, no big deal!" she concluded, scooping some more 'milk' with her finger.
Name: Leah Dawson
This year, she was: Good
All you want for Christmas is: To become a perfect gynoid!

Leah allowed the spider to crawl all over her smooth, cool surface as she rode down, it was so fluffy and cute. Then, her thoughts returned to the pulsing, wet need between her legs as she saw what the elves were doing on this floor instead of manning the machines.

Leah gasped and moaned as she beheld the girly elf writhing on the floor, the others pushing a big dildo in her. She should do something! She should rush over there and take the dildo away! Use it on herself, let her needy slutty pussy be fucked, yes! But her suit had no crotch zipper, and she didn't wanna damage it. She always rubbed herself through the latex when she was alone wearing it. Yes, that was it. That's what she had to do. One hand reached between her legs, rubbing her needy lips through the fabric as she watched the action going on with low moans of her own. Yes, that was what she should do. Make herself a horny, wet, desperate mess. She shouldn't cum. She would just tease herself right up until she was on the edge, and then ask them to stop the machines, yes. That was a good idea.