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Saving Christmas!

Name: Fiona Silver

This year , she was: Good

All you want for Christmas is: To become someone’s pet harpy!

Yawning and stretching her arms, a lone girl looked bleary-eyed at her surroundings and checked the clock. Geez, it’s already been two hours? She hadn’t even expected to fall asleep like that… Fiona sighed and slouched in her comfy sofa chair, staring up at the ceiling, and the mural she had paid good money to have painted there, at the glorious, fictional sky and the majestic birds that soared through its heights. How she wished she could just jump out the window and fly far, far away…

Yes, most anyone who gazed upon her would call her rich and privileged, and they would be right. She lived in the comfort of a small mansion while others lived day to day fearing they wouldn’t make the next rent payment for their crummy apartment. She was aware how many would kill to be in her position, and she will readily admit, life as a starlet had many, many perks. But there was still one thing among the commoners that she envied.

At least the salaryman didn’t have to wear a disguise to go get a burger, lest he be swarmed by rabid fans and have a hundred photos taken of him, his dietary choice posted online for mockery or marketing material. At least the waitress didn’t feel unseen eyes on her at all times, the paranoia of a dozen camera lens and microphones waiting to catch her at an unflattering moment and define her forever with it for a boost in traffic. At least a cab driver didn’t need bodyguards.

But that was the life she was born with, and one takes the good with the bad. She didn’t begrudge her father for pulling her into the business, it was the life he knew afterall, and it was a job she honestly enjoyed, sometimes. Still, she couldn’t help but wish she could get away from it all sometimes; to become a beautiful, adorable dove and fly free, away from her obligations, from the constantly judging eye of the public. Better yet, one of those cute harpy girls in those weird animes that’s getting popular lately, she was quite proud of some of her human features afterall, and harpies don’t get preyed on by bigger birds or evil cats. Even better yet, a pet harpy, belonging to a loving owner who’d pamper and take care of her… but that’s getting a bit too wishful. Oh well, a young woman can dream, can’t she?

After a moment of daydreaming, Fiona decided it was time to return to reality and start being productive. First order of business, cleaning out the stack of mail. The weird, creepy ones aside, reading through fanmail was still something that could fill her with a little warmth, even if the hundredth verse was still the same as the first. Putting the pile on the table and seating herself by the warmth and convenience of the fireplace, the bored starlet got to work.

Let’s see… Fanmail, fanmail, pamphlets go in the fire, fanmail, fan… wait, no, that’s the bills, into the Dad pile it goes. Anyway… fanmail, aww, this one’s got a crayon smiley, this one should be cute. Fanmail with stuff in it, that’s gonna be exciting. Fan… What’s this?

Raising an eyebrow, Fiona looked over the address again. The North Pole? Seriously? But that’d mean it’s from… Wow, out of all the years she’s sent those letters as part of the annual charity drive this is the first time she actually got a response. She was sure the whole bag of children’s hopes and dreams just got thrown in the furnace somewhere afterwards… W-Wait, that means someone read her letter, doesn’t it?! The girl’s face went red with embarrassment. She wrote that silly wish there on a whim and even put her real name on it! FUCK! W-Well, it’s not like anyone would actually believe it was hers even if it got put on the internet, r-right? There’d be jokes, sure, but no one can prove anything. Heck, she might even get some cute fanart out of this…

Steadying herself, Fiona put the sorting on hold and opened the strange letter. Its contents were even stranger. “What the… Christmas postponed indefinitely? Santa missing?” She read the letter incredulously. She had expected a lot of things up to and including blackmail but this wasn’t it. And what did it mean by burning the letter if she wanted to help?

...Y’know what? Screw it, why not?” The girl shrugged as she tossed it into the fire. What’s the worst that could happen?
DefiniteSin-497727-Press_Start_to_Play.png Name: Leah Dawson
This year, she was is: Sexy
All you want for Christmas is: To become a perfect gynoid

Leah groggily awoke. That had been such a nice dream... still, something felt different. There was something wrong with her vision. She looked down on her body and gasped: pale synthetic skin, broken by lines, blue accentuated erogenous zones, glossy black arm and leg actuators. She could feel the electric motors whirring throughout her new body, her mechanical muscles flexing with every little twitch. This was perfect! She was a ! Leahbot sat up. So this was what the machine meant with sex robot? She roamed her glossy black hands over her body, feeling the supple and soft synthetic flesh and the pulsing machinery beneath. Torrents of ecstasy ran through her, the realization of what she had become forcing new parameters into her mind. Her body was perfect! She was perfect! The perfect sexbot! She was horny and ready to be used, to be fucked! No more responsibility, no more worries! Only pleasure! Santa or not, her Christmas wish had come true! The only regret was that she hadn't been awake for the transformation.
"The single most wonderful and important thing to happen to me, and I wasn't present..." she sighed.
She looked around, for a way out. A whole world of sex awaited her! Plus, if she found spidey and a cute, nice owner, she could live the dream she just had for real, and ever!
@ Fiona

Thick white smoke pours out from the burning letter, filling the room almost instantly! It doesn't choke you or anything...it almost feels like a sweet tasting cloud! Only it is not up in the sky, but inside your room...

...or is it? As the smoke clears, you find yourself somewhere colder. A cold wind brushes against you, logically it will dispel the mysterious fog in a few seconds!

"Oh, welco...." you hear a sweet female voice calling, only to be interrupted by a second voice "Aahhhhh....hold the laddder daaaaaam" followed with some anxious screams, and then...something falling on Fiona's head, making her fall flat on the snow! Wait...snow?

It was kind of cold...but at least her face was warm. The soft thing that had landed on her face, was limiting her vision, but at least it was warm...and soft like a pillow...hmmm...who was throwing pillows around? And it was also making weird moaning sounds when her hands played with it...but it was a bit heavy for a pillow, wasn't it?

Suddenly the pillow was pulled up! And surprisingly...it hadn't been a pillow at all, but a blushing elf!
"Ah~!! Pervertttt~~~!" the elf cried, before starting to run away covering her face with both hands!

f405bbe1625b9dffa1700af3d72aa99a.jpg "No wait....I need your help!" a cat-girl (?) cried trying to run after her, but ending up stumbling and falling face first on the snow!

"Damn, Mary, why did you leave the ladder!" she complained towards a scantly dressed elf!

"But you were also holding it..." Mary explained innocently.

" 50fdf80086217173acfdb4b468ee36d0.jpg Like I was saying, welcome Fiona! I am Mary, and I am very thankfu..."

"Ahh! You have wings! She has wings!" the cat girl cried happily, waving her tail happily.

"Can you help me?! Please?! Pretty please? Pretty please with cherry on top? Ple-ple pleaseeeee~"
the cat girl asked with puppy eyes!
@ Raja

When the detective knocked the door, Mrs. Claus voice was heard from inside the house. "Please come in!"

Was it directed towards Raja? Maybe. Probably. Hopefully. Well, the door wasn't locked so...

Time: A little while later.
Location: Kitchen

Mrs. Claus had her butt towards Raja, as she was pulling something out of the oven.

"Here you are again! The pie is ready, do you want to try some, darling?" she offered, pulling a nice smelling pie out.

"So, why are you here again? I really told you everything last time...what? Why old Tom would slander me like that?! This was totally uncalled for! I mean sure, I don't handle the reindeer, but that's not my job to begin with!" she complained.

"Some cookies maybe?" she offered "They have been pre-soaked in milk. Innovations are the future!" she explained proudly.
@ Leah

The conveyor belt brought Leah through the wall-hole...and back on the first floor!

"Quick, wrap this one before she runs away!" one elf cried anxiously

"When are those guys stopping? Even with upstairs helping it's a bit too much!" an other elf complained.

"More wrapping less complaining! Wait, there is the clockwork mouse you have been looking for...damn it got away..." he sighed "...why does this sexbot look so familiar?" he pondered.

"Hmm...familiar? No, it's a new model, trust me on that." an other elf confirmed, stroking his chin like he was some kind of sagely expert on sex-droids!
Name: Raja Deren
This year she was: Naughty, again, propably.
All you want for Christmas is: Answers.

The smell of freshly baked cookies reminded her of the best times with her grandmother. The Sight of Ms. Claus' ass reminded her to apologize to her grandma for something unrelated and emberassing.

"Hmn. I'm suprised, really. I thought you'd be able to handle everyone's.. problems at the north pole."
She manipulated. She tried not to think about the implications here. Things were at stake. Trish, a hospital bed. An arm hung up in a sling. These hospital beds had no privacy. How could you celebrate christmas like that?

"Oh well.." She shrugged, pulling out another cigarette. ".. no thanks on the cookies."
She subtly declined. It made her think of her lover.. cookie dough... and very inapropriate applications of kitchen utensils..

This place was getting to her.
"Guess I'll go look for this person that's .. better at handling things than you, what's their name and where can I find them?"
She provoked. Subtly, she hoped. She glanced out of the window. The heavy fall of snow had only worsened. At this rate any chance of finding Santa would be burrowed under a white-sticky blanket of..

Damn, this whole place was really getting to her. Perhaps if she returned to Trish's hospital bed and the two of them were very quiet.. maybe a second blanket.. She was getting annoyed at no one's efforts to find Santa. And a little frustrated in other areas.
Name: Fiona Silver
This year , she was: Good
All you want for Christmas is: To become someone’s pet harpy!

There was barely time for Fiona to yelp and fall over in shock as the letter erupted into smoke that filled the room. What did they make that letter out of? Was this smoke poison?! It felt weird, not like the usual sooty sort that burned her nose and throat. In fact, it felt almost… soft, like she was being enveloped in a fluffy, sweet-smelling cloud…

Then a cold breeze blew the fog apart, and the first thing the girl noticed was that she was no longer in her living room. The second thing she noticed was that it was FREEZING COLD! “W-What the hell?!” She yelped as she immediately hunched over and hugged herself trying to stay warm. Something felt different as she did so, but she didn’t have time to think on that as the voices of strangers caught her attention. Just as she turned around to see what was going on, something fell on her head and sent her crashing backwards into the cold, wet, but soft ground.

Groaning and unable to see a thing, Fiona was just thankful that whatever had fell on her it had been soft and hadn’t bludgeoned her skull open. Her mind was also starting to catch up and realize she had somehow found herself in a snowy land, though how that happened she still had no idea. Another thing she had no idea about was what was currently smothering her. …Did it just moan when she tried to push it off? And her hands felt weird, like her fingers weren’t listening to her…

All of a sudden the object lifted off of her on its own, and Fiona could finally see what it was. Or rather, who she was. Fiona could only look on dumbfounded as the very festive, very sexy elf ran away; scanning her surroundings again, she found what she could only describe as what Santa’s workshop would look like. If it was a porno, considering the work attire. She could only presume some kind of elf magic was keeping them warm. “…Wow, is this what drugs can do? I’m starting to get why they’re so popular…” She murmured, getting to her feet. She… is high, right? That or dreaming from a drug-induced high. That’d make more sense than her actually getting teleported by a mysterious letter to the North Pole…

She was just about to consider whether to ask this ‘Mary’ how she knew her name or if she should just presume drug dream magic, but that was interrupted by the cat(?) girl’s strange words. “Huh? Who has wings? Me?” She pointed at herself, and it was only then that a large feather appeared in her view, that finally drew her gaze down to inspect herself.

Fiona’s jaw dropped.

Wha- What the?!” She exclaimed in shock and awe, looking at herself. Her arms had been transformed dramatically, coated by a layer of fluffy white down and expanding into massive wings big enough to lift someone like herself into the air. It was no wonder her fingers felt so weird earlier; they were gone, all except for her thumb, now changed to a somewhat unwieldy talon. She’s gonna have a tough time handling more intricate tasks on her own like this.

Her legs had changed as well, the fluffy down coating her thighs until it reached her knees, where she now had double-jointed bird legs that felt more powerful than ever, her feet ending in intimidating talons. She had even grown a bird’s tail, feathers fanning out above her butt that she could flap and wiggle around.

Completely entranced by her transformation, the now-harpy nudged herself with her fluffy wings, not wanting to pinch herself with that claw of hers. This feels so real… Did her mind really just imagine something this detailed and perfect up, or was Santa and magic real? Honestly, she really hoped it was the latter.

It took her a moment to even remember the others present. “O-Oh, sorry. What do you need? I’ll help you if I can.” She responded a little distractedly. Well, this was half her wish. She wondered if the other half would come true…
Name: Leah Dawson
This year, she was is: Sexy
All you want for Christmas is: To become a perfect gynoid

Leahbot jumped off the conveyor belt as soon as she saw the elves approaching. "Hands off! I'm a present for myself!" She yelled as she bolted for the door, only to turn around and look for any sign of spidey among all the presents here. She shouldn't leave the cute thing behind as she went on with her mission. But what was that again? Finding Santa? But Leah's wish had already come true! She was a gynoid now! A sexbot! Then it dawned on her: She needed to find a Mistress! That was it! An owner! Someone she could serve with spidey! But how? If she let herself wrapped up, who knew where she would end up? With some fat guy in rural Germany? Maybe she should continue searching for Santa. Make her wish to have a loving Mistress! Yes! And to have spidey back, if she didn't find him or her now.
"Yey!" the catgirl cheered.

"Drugs are bad for your health...you aren't dreaming either...you really are at the North Pole! You burned the letter, right?" the not so well-dressed fairy explained "This is a magical place, and most who come here have their wishes granted to them, sooner or later. Still it is a bit unexpected, for something like immediately growing wings to happen..." she pondered, licking her oversized sugar cane. "...but he couldn't have made a mistake, right?"

"Well, whatever. I am Mary, and she is Catianna Clumsycat. She has been distracting me for a while now...so if you help her it wouldn't be bad...do you want some too?" she offered her candy towards the harpy girl!

"Yes! Help me is good!" the cat jumped eagerly "The Mistress asked me to check up the tree, and put the star at the top!"

"The old one fell down last night." Mary explained, because it was clear that the impatient kitty had no plans to do so.

"However, I am afraid of heights, and I am bad at climbing! Also, I fall down all the time!" Catianna explained.

"So, here is the star...if you could put it on top of the tree, it would be the best! Thanks!" she said, giving her a shiny decorative star, and a warm lick on the cheek!
"Oh, come on, we gotta pack all those toys...can't you just let us pack you? Since you were created, it means that there is someone who wants to have you really bad...are you just going to run away, and make them sad?" the elf tried to persuade her, approaching with a friendly smile, while 'hiding' an oversized box behind his back!

Yes, that was right...for the elfs, she looked like a toy! If she didn't explain herself, or persuade them to let her go, every elf she met would want to grab her, and put her in a box with a nice ribbon! Then she would never find her spider friend again too! Who knows if they had already packed the little spider either! She couldn't open *all* the boxes, to find it...! Not to mention, that while she was wasting time the poor spider would be sad and alone inside a dark box...she would have to persuade the elfs, one way or the other! It was the only way!
"Oh, so cute..." Mrs Claus reached, and unless Raja tried to dodge, stroked her purple hair lovingly "...don't be shy!"

But if even after this, the detective was still resisting the sweet-smelling cookies, she wouldn't insist.

"What kind of problems could the reindeer have? Rudolph is up to something again?" she guessed "She has turned little too arrogant lately." she sighed disapprovingly "Supposedly because of her red nose she has to go at the front...I say it is the old mans trick for motivating the other reindeer to move faster."

"If there was someone who could solve the problem better than me...would be Santa, the old man." she nodded "But I need to know more about it...also it is my day off, so if it can wait..."
Name: Raja Deren
This year she was: Naughty, again, propably.
All you want for Christmas is: Answers.

Raja's hair was rustled without consent, making her mieep slightly. Still, having seen the woman naked earlier, she was unwilling to take risks right now!

"Yes, but he is missing and I seem to be the only one more deeply concerned."
She huffed, annoyed at the adultering elderly. She was minorly suspicious that Ms.Claus herself was Krampus, but then again, she acted too.. attention gathering. Well, Raja had checked all over for Santa, except for the last and largest building, so that was the one left over. Well, the jolly saint-wife didn't want to be helpful, almost didn't seem to want her husband back. She'd share some stern words with the man if.. when she found him.

"Laters Ma'm."
She nodded, stepping out, igniting another cigarette and approaching the workshop. By process of elimination, Santa had to be there.. or somewhere out in the snow.
Going out, Raja found herself again under the huge Evergreen...and now it seemed that besides Mary, there was also a cat-girl and a harpy there! Perhaps other investigators...or perhaps...suspects...?
Name: Raja Deren
This year she was: Naughty, again, propably.
All you want for Christmas is: Answers.

Raja's took a look at the new suspects. EVERYONE was a suspect after all. One feathery. One furry. She approached and cleared her throat. "Alright.. have any of you seen Santa? Because no one around seems to care or be of much help."
She added, annoyed by now. 't was a snowy night and the cigarette tasted extra cheap today.
Name: Leah Dawson
This year, she was is: Sexy
All you want for Christmas is: To become a perfect gynoid

Somehow getting the idea to try to explain herself, Leah spread her arms and pointed towards herself. "Hey, it's me, the girl who came in just before! The one the spider took a liking to! I got... transformed, but I'm not a present! I still wanna find Santa! And spidey! So let me go! You have enough other toys to package! But not spidey, please!"
Name: Fiona Silver
This year , she was: Good
All you want for Christmas is: To become someone’s pet harpy!

I’m still not sure if I can believe this is real or not… but I want to believe, so I think I’ll just roll with it for now.” Fiona remarked with a smile. No point dwelling on it, if it turns out this is all a dream then it’s all the more reason for her to enjoy it now.

The girl decided not to comment on the fact that the half-feline’s family name was literally Clumsycat, and politely declined tasting the candy cane. “It’s alright, you can keep it, thanks.” She shook her head. She would’ve been interested in a little candy, but… not one that was already a few licks in.

Receiving the fallen ornament and giggling a little from the ticklish lick, the harpy looked up at her destination. “Alright, you just need this back on top of the tree, right? Shouldn’t be a problem, just let me get used to my wings first.” She said, holding onto the gold star with one hand and spreading her wings wide, crouching down and hopping into the air with a mighty flap. It wasn’t very graceful, but with a few more wing flaps she managed to reach the top of the tree, hugging onto it and wincing a little from the sudden sting of the bristles on the pine tree. The ornament had almost slipped from her grasp, her new ‘hands’ being far clumsier for gripping with only a thumb talon, but she managed to hold onto it and gingerly place it on the tree top where it belonged.

Her task done, Fiona leapt off rather than slowly climb back down, using her wings to slow her descent until she landed safely back on the snowy ground. “Yeah, that’s gonna take some practice… But there you go, all done. Is there anything else you want me to- Huh?” She glanced towards the purple-haired newcomer, surprised. “I know I haven’t, I just got here. I guess you also got invited over to help look for Santa, huh? Name’s Fiona, by the way.” The harpy extended a hand to shake. Or, well, a wing. “Any leads so far? If you need someone to look a little further, well, a flier could probably help.
Name: Raja Deren
This year she was: Naughty, again, propably.
All you want for Christmas is: Answers.

"No leads."
She sighed, at least grateful that one wanted to try.. even if this one looked rather flighty. Plus offerin to help out could be a trick, naturally!
"Nothing substantial. Only the surrounding area and the toy-workshop remain. And the Reindeers are uncooperative."
She nodded, deeply inhaling from her cigarette, taking a closer look at the birdy and the kitty. There was an idiom here but it escaped her.

"Mrs. Claus is a waste of time, but if you feel confident in convincing Reindeers, maybe you'd go further."
She shrugged.
@ Fiona

(After flying up to the top of the evergreen, Fiona would notice some broken branches...as well as a Santa hat, hanging unsteadily from one of the lower branches. It didn't look like a decoration...more like something that ended up there by mistake! )
@ Leah

"It's you? For real? What happened to you!" the elf asked shocked "You looked a bit familiar...but this! Ah, a workplace accident?" he shouted in realization.

"Damnations! That's why everyone should wear the proper workplace hattings!" he lamented "I guess then, the spider also was sent back here? But we didn't see it...hmmm..." he pondered stroking his chin.

"Probably he went to the second packaging floor, upstairs...you will have to go there and ask! But first, wear a Santa hat...otherwise everyone will assume you are a toy now!" he explained, giving her a hat!

Taking the weird slide that with some weird physics took her upstairs, Leah found herself in a room similar to the one below...ok nothing like it. There were countless gift boxes, wrapped with different colors, and fancy ribbons! Piles of them, small and big!

LustFire-476920-Elf_in_Crisis_Crisis_Point_Extinction.png In the middle of the room, there was a gigantic machine, with two spooky hands and a mouth with a conveyor belt 7th-Heaven-474385-Gift_for_you.jpg as a tongue! It was like a giant ape, jumping between the conveyor belts, picking up toys and eating them...no actually, as it 'ate' them, they got instantly boxed, wrapped, ribboned, and thrown on the pile as it 'pooped' them! There were few elfs running around in panic....and it was easy to see why, judging by some unfortunate victims nearby! Maybe the friendly spider had a similar fate?!
@ Fiona, Raja
f405bbe1625b9dffa1700af3d72aa99a.jpg "Hey! No I work here! I am Catianna! Nice to meet you!" the cat-girl meowed, licking her paw, before hugging Fiona "Thank you, thank you, you are the bestieee!!!" she purred as she started licking her face! She seemed really happy to have this task completed!

"We be best friends now and forever! Hmmm...what things you like? I like pudding, you want me to bring some?" she offered "Mistress will be so pleased with me, so I have to give you a thank-you gift! But what...? Hmmmm..." she scratched her nose as the kept thinking!

"Hum, the reindeer are meanies! Especially Rudolf!" the kitty complained "They aren't properly trained, that's why...that's what mistress said, so it has to be true!" she nodded with great conviction! It seemed that whoever was that 'Mistress', had in important role in this cat-girls life!