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Saving Christmas!

Name: Fiona Silver

This year , she was: Good

All you want for Christmas is: To become someone’s pet harpy!
While she clung onto the top of the Christmas tree and tried to put the star on, Fiona happened to notice a few broken branches that definately weren’t her fault. Odd, but minor damage like that had any number of causes. It was just as she placed the star that she spotted something else as well, a santa hat hanging haphazardly on the other side of the tree. A broken branch here and there may be natural, but that didn’t look it.

Hopping off the tree and back to the ground, the harpy was interrupted from her investigations by a very friendly catgirl and what seemed to be a fellow outside investigator. “I don’t know if I can speak bird now, but I’m pretty sure I can’t speak reindeer.” She told the purplette, hugging the catgirl back in the meantime. She didn’t usually like cats, but catgirls are just fine! “Also I love pudding! Just, uh, make sure it’s not pre-licked.” She whispered that last part to Catianna before letting go, looking back towards the tree. “By the way, gimme a sec, I think I saw something earlier…

With that, the harpy went back around to the other side of the tree, leaping up to snatch up the santa hat and returning with the iconic headwear. “So, I saw a few broken branches up there and this hat kinda just hanging off a branch. This wouldn’t happen to be THE Santa Hat, would it?” She asked, showing the others what she found. She didn't question who this 'Mistress' of the catgirl's was, simply assuming she must've meant Mrs. Claus. Who else could it be?

Name: Leah Dawson
This year, she was is: Sexy
All you want for Christmas is: To become a perfect gynoid

Seeing the chaos and the boxes, including several elves that clearly were not meant - or happy - to be presents, Leah took a deep breath. Did nothing in this joint work as it should? How was she supposed to find Spidey like this! Or Santa, for that matter!

Still, seeing the girls struggling in their wrappers, her empathy subroutine booted up, and Leah rushed over to unbind and ungag anyone she saw struggling or crying. To each she freed, she made a plea: "Help me look through these boxes and the workshop! I need to find a 'living,' I think, blue plushy spider!"
Name: Raja Deren
This year she was: Naughty, again, propably.
All you want for Christmas is: Answers.

Raja exhaled heavily, blowing out a warm wave of her breath cooling in the winter air. Eyes wandering to her flighty èncounter. Not Flighty, but literally winged. Briefly she wondered how it felt to have those feathers. Was it comfortable? Was it uncomfortable once you had to scratch your nose?

Judging by the lack of extreme sluttiness, the harpygirl was actually a recent arrival like her.. peculiar. More peculiar was the headwear she had aquired.. red like candlelight shining through burgunder, she extended a hand, examining it up close. "May I?" Closer, if allowed.

"Hmn.. I think we'll need to get to the stables."
She declared, saintly headwear aquired for herself, tight in her determined grasp as she turned. "Rudolf -has- been quite haughty and I believe someone has been as they would say around here..

She nodded, approaching the reindeer stables once more, pushing open the door.. and tossing the hat at the lead Reindeer. "Talk."
She demanded, narrowing her eyes. Judgemental, like one would be with the fine wine she wanted to sip with her lovely, healthy companion by the side of a crackling fireplace. Get a little drunk together. Embrace one another. Whisper dark secrets none should hear. Not entirely like the secrets Rudolf had to be hoarding. That hat wouldn't get ontop of the tree without someone flying it there... or if someone was trying to frame the rangiferini, the red nose better had some answers as to whom it might be.
@ Fiona, Raja


"Oh right! Pudding time is later, but a hat gift is also a good idea!" the catgirl cheered, putting her own black Santa hat on Fiona's head!

"The hat is special! Mistress gave it to me! You will like it!" she assured. Indeed it was a good hat. A good hat for a good girl. She was a good girl, wasn't she? She should thank her Mistress for her gift, that's what good girls should do. But her Mistress wasn't here...she was kind of lonely without her Mistress...but thanking the kitty was a good start...

"Wanna come and find the Mistress for our reward? Or wanna go after the purple-haired cutie?" her collar bell jingling as she hopped around.

The cold air rushed against her face, as Raja stormed the stable. It was cold but not as cold as the hearts of people could be. Or reindeers, perhaps.

Rudolf was still on that haystack. They said it was hard to find needles on a haystack, but perhaps it could also be a good place to hide a corpse...

The Santa hat landed on her face, but she didn't even bother to stand up. She just left it resting on her face, as she was lazily laying there.

"So...why are you throwing hats at me again?" she asked. She sounded innocent like she had no idea what this was about. They always do, don't they?
@ Leah

It was a messy battlefield! She kept untying the unlucky elves, however, the giant packing machine kept repacking them! She herself was almost packed too, and would have been if not for her fast reflexes!

In the end, an elf came up with an idea to save the day!

"Everyone lets go together at the packing machine! While it is busy packing some of us, we have to turn it down, the switch is on its butt!" it shouted!

It was a fierce battle but in the end, the packing monster was closed! It was a fortunate thing, even if it meant more chaos on the floor below.

"Thank you for the help, sex-doll friend! I think I saw the spider on a big green box?" one elf tried to recall.

"I think you are going senile...it was clearly a blue one!" the other replied.

It seemed that finding the spider would take a bit longer...
A dozen or so opened boxes later, Leah found one that was shaking, as if there was something inside it!

NickEronic-764162-Pleasant_surprise_on_Christmas.jpg "At least! Someone found me! Help me get out, I have an important top-secret mission to do, given directly by Santa!" the boxed elf chirped happily!

Before adding with some doubt "Wait, you are not an elf?"
Name: Fiona Silver

This year , she was: Good

All you want for Christmas is: To become someone’s pet harpy!

Fiona had no reason to deny her fellow investigator the hat, and it looks like the purplette had already located a suspect in the time she was here before the harpy. Fiona intended to follow at first, but stopped when the catgirl placed the hat on her head, reaching up to touch it curiously. She wasn’t normally one for hats, but it was festively appropriate, and stylish! It felt good on her too. It made her feel good… Mistress is so nice, giving her a gift like this! If only Mistress was around so she could thank her…

It’s lovely, thanks! O-Oh, you can take me to Mistress? Let’s go!” Fiona smiled, eager to meet her Mistress. W-Well, the Mistress, but… Either way she wanted to thank her for the gift, and it looks like Raja had things well in hand. Who knows, maybe Mistress has some useful information too?

Name: Leah Dawson
This year, she was is: Sexy
All you want for Christmas is: To become a perfect gynoid

The battle was long, hard and glorious! Leah jumped on the deactivated machine and let out a cry of victory and havoc!

Leah's heart sank when she didn't find Spidey in that shaking package, she thought she had lost him or her forever, but then her heart started beating faster as an idea. Santa! If she could find and rescue Santa, surely she could wish for Spidey back!

"Err no, I'm not an Elf. I'm a Sexbot!" Leah declared proudly, pleasure rushing through her circuits and her nethers leaking aromatic lubricants. "It's a long story. But do you know where Santa is?"
Name: Raja Deren
This year she was: Naughty, again, propably.
All you want for Christmas is: Answers.

Raja looked over the reindeers, those brown, furred creatures of aerial transport. She'd get answers, one way or the other. "Cut the crap."
She stepped forwards, grabbing the blonde leader reindeer by that flimsy, lacey piece of clothing that passed for a collar for her. She wasn't angry, at least not outwardly.

"I'm not as dumb as you pretend to be. The only way for that hat to get up the tree is if someone flew over it."
She determined with grim determination. That Reindeer smelled of cheap perfume, hay, and something else. It was propably guilt. Guilt with a touch of frustration.
"Or tossed it, to put the blame on you, but frankly, you are doing enough of that yourself. I think you're at best an accomplice."

"You thought that once Santa was gone, Ms. Claus would be bored enough to fuck you all, didn't you?
What'd you do with him. Talk!"

She demanded, shaking Rudolph for good measure, if that long red-nosed aerial stag put as much effort into defending herself as trying to hide her lewd, dirty deed, anyway.
@ Fiona

"Great! Pudding reward, and a new friend! Best day ever~!" Catianna purred as she rubbed her face against Fiora's chest! "Let's go! Mistress will be happy! Yey!"

The catgirl would rush forward to show the way, but she would always return to Fiora to tease, lick, and encourage her to keep following, before going a bit ahead, only to repeat the same process over and over!

It seemed she was leading the harpy girl to a door at the side of the workshop...weird, was it there before? It even had a small path leading there! But this didn't matter, what was important was meeting the Mistress, and getting her reward for being a good girl! Being a good girl for Mistress was nice!

70985ce8d80ecd8d95063e1c25338f88.jpg "Hmmm...kitty is taking a long time. It couldn't be that she got lost again?" the dark elf pondered. She was Mistress! Fiora could feel it!

"Nyaaa~ I am here Mistress! Mission.....suceessss~!" the cat girl cheered, barging in the room!

"And I also brought a new girlfriend! She is very good and helped me with the super-secret mission too!

"Oh, you look new here?" the Mistress pondered, investigating the harpy girl, groping her butt and then her chest as if to get her measurements! Getting touched by Mistress felt so good! If only she would also pet her on the head? If she was a good girl...maybe she should try extending her head a bit...but what if that displeased Mistress? She had to be a good girl and patiently wait for Mistress to give the right reward...or...maybe she could be a bit naughty too...maybe...maybe Mistress would give her a...little loving punishment?! Being a good girl, or a naughty girl...what a hard choice!

"You seem familiar. Oh, wait, you are Fiona, who wrote that letter?!" the Mistress realized her eyes shining!

27e9b5f908b597614fb86edb7eb060ec (1).jpg "How lucky, and what a good girl, to help my kitty! If you want, you could be my pet...if you are a good girl I will reward you....but if you are a bad pet, I will have to punish you...like those two over there!" she pointed at the two elves that were waiting obediently on the bed!

"Otherwise, I will be a bit sad, but I will still help you find a nice, caring owner..." she promised. Mistress was so caring, how nice it would be to stay here with her...or at the very least visit her during the holidays...

"But first, I have to reward you..." she said, picking a spoonful of pudding from a plate on the table, having a little taste herself, and then putting it between her breasts.

"Kitty likes to lick it," she explained "If you want, you can lick too...or since you have no hands, I can spoon feed it to you!" she offered

"Wait, how silly of me, birds do mouth-feeding!" she realized. "Would you like that instead?"

"Or...if you want, I could punish you too. I know you have been thinking about some improper things. I am willing to let them go, but do you want me to go lightly on you?" she asked. Of course, Mistress cared for her training...she should probably be a good girl and take what she deserved, both the reward and the punishment...?

"Hmmm...do you want to lick some too? I can share half with you~!" Catianna offered, not very bothered about the punishment discussions, being eager to start licking her reward instead!
"Yes, I know!" the redhead elf claimed, surprisingly! Could this be the end of the mystery? Or...?

"Santa came here last night, looking rather upset and anxious! I offered him a blowjob, but he was in a hurry," she explained.

"I knew something had happened, but I wasn't really worried. However, I realized things were really, really bad when he even declined a quick-blow!" she nodded with a very concerned expression, as she finally managed to get out of the box!

BloadEsefo-393929-Christmas_elf_loves_her_gift.jpg "I mean, my blowjobs are the best around here, I will have you know. That's not just bragging. Look at Frila over there, she knows how to suck a cock, yes." she pointed over at an elf who gave a celebratory blowjob to a big-gifted elf "However, she gets lost in it and at the end, she ends up torturing the guys for hours!"

Dirty-Parsa-562313-Merry_Christmas_2.jpg "Or take for example Rika over there." she pointed towards another direction. "She can suck a pussy...but frankly, she only uses her tongue. I not only use my tongue, but I also use my nose to great effect!"

"So, when I say I am the best, I really am! We can have a competition if you doubt it!" she bragged.

".....Or right, Santa! I then asked him what was going on! And he told me...." she did a dramatic pause "...that a team of elves had been abducted! And not only that, the sleigh had been stolen too, so he couldn't go save them easily!"

"He told me to tell the others if he hasn't returned come morning...but while I was masturb...preparing for today, I started the Packer, and I got packed!"

"He told me he would be going towards the old house since Krampus probably was behind this...but without a flying sleigh, it would not be an easy trip!"

"Oh, right...the old house is where we stayed before he hired more elves from other stories, to help with the ever-growing population of kids! No one lives there anymore...except Krampus and his evil elves!" she explained.
Name: Leah Dawson
This year, she was is: Sexy
All you want for Christmas is: To become a perfect gynoid

Leah felt almost challenged by the elf's pride in her blowjobs. She was certain she could pleasure pussies and even cocks much better than this ditzy hissy! Still, there was no time to lose! She had to find Santa fast to get back Spidey!

"Thanks! Say, where could I find this cabin where Krampus lives?"
1345066-Reindeer_hi_res.jpg Rudolf gently but dismissively stroked Raja's head! Cleary an underhanded sneak attack...

"It's ok, relax, take it easy." the female reindeer said with a calming-sleepy voice.

"Santa will be fine. You will find him, you are very smart to..." she suppressed a yawn "Ok, tell you what, I'll tell you what I know, union strike or not, so you let me sleep afterwards, k?"

It was a dark and cold night. The reindeer were busy playing cards and smoking, greatly annoying Rudolf who tried to sleep.

She was about to go downstairs and kick them out of the stable...but then Santa Claus came in the stable. She had assumed that Santa would stop the gambling and the noise-making...so she went back to sleep.

This wasn't the case. Santa joined the game, and soon he won the sleigh on the cards. Nobody really cared because it was his sleigh to begin with, so no one really cared when he left with it. Everyone assumed he was drunk.

Santa returned again later that night...asking where the sleigh was. Rudolf told him he is a drunk, and he is the one with the red nose, before telling him to go to sleep and not cause more trouble here!

Santa then left, presumably seeking more alcohol. Then, Rudolf explainsed he probably got lost somewhere in the woods, drunk as he was, and will return later. Maybe she should ask one of the mousies to track him down?

As for hats on top of the tree...Rudolf would explain that the sleigh is the thing that is doing the flying, not the reindeer. So, it was impossible for it to fly..unless that stupid doggie did the pulling instead. The doggie could be found loitering in the elf residential area - but it was somewhere only those who had Santa hats could find or enter. Santa hats were a magical thing around here, not to be taken lightly!
Name: Raja Deren
This year she was: Naughty, again, propably.
All you want for Christmas is: Answers.

Raja raised a brow, like Santa seemed to raise his tolerance for alocohol. She aquired the santa hat back from the lazy reindeer and, demonstratively, put it on!

A Mouse to help her drack down Santa. If the mice around here were as reliable as the people she'd rather not risk it, neither did she know where to find one. It was a conundrum, growing ever more complex. Perhaps she'd meet a mouse on the way to checking out this canine lead.

She nodded to the narcoleptic reindeer and absconded, noticing with the crinkling of disappointed paper in her hand that her cigarettes had been all used up. Trish would be happy. 't was a bad habit anyway, she kept saying. So was asking questions, some would claim. Raja couldn't quit either.

The Detective pushed her way outside into the snow again once more (regrettably she wasn't paid for feet walked) and made her way to elf residential. There were dogs to interrogate. And after all, why should mouses noses be better than dogs detections?
Name: Fiona Silver

This year , she was: Good

All you want for Christmas is: To become someone’s pet harpy!

Fiona blushed a little as the catgirl nuzzled against her boobs, but she allowed it, following Catianna as fast as she could, which was not as fast as usual as she had to trudge through the snow. The catgirl was, ironically, like an excited puppy, regularly running ahead only to bound back to the harpy to play and tease before running off again. It was honestly really adorable!

As Fiona continued on, she noticed where Catianna seemed to be leading her, and felt a twinge of suspicion. Was that door and path there before? Granted she hadn’t taken a thorough look of the place before, but… Oh well, it wasn’t really important, as long as it led her to Mistress.

Entering the room, the harpy’s attention quickly zoned in on the gorgeous dark elf; something in her immediately told her that she was Mistress, and Fiona felt her heart beat faster. “A-Ah, yeah, I got summoned here to help look for Santa…” She answered shyly, standing at attention as Mistress physically inspected her body. She felt like she should be embarrassed by such intimacy, and she was, somewhat, but it also felt like it was okay. It was okay for Mistress to grope her as she pleased. Mistress’ touch felt so good, so comforting… If only Mistress will pet her too… She wanted to stick her neck out a little, try to emphasize her very pettable head, but she also didn’t want to appear impatient. She wants to be a good girl…

Mistress’ next words shocked her out of the pleasant, moaning haze she fell into. “Huh? Yeah, I’m Fiona. Y-You read the letter?” The harpy’s face grew a little redder, as she realized Mistress knew about her secret fantasy. That was fine though, right? Pets don’t keep secrets from their Mistress. Her embarrassment, but also her excitement, only grew as Mistress proposed to adopt her. Is this it? Is she getting her wish come true?! “Well, I-if you’d have me, I’d love to be your pet…” Fiona answered with a shy smile, fidgeting, barely having even considered it before committing. She didn’t want to disappoint Mistress, not at all! A moment after she said it, she did wonder how she was going to deal with her normal life if Mistress is adopting her, but she’s sure things will work out. Christmas magic just has a way of doing that. She also threw a nervous glance at the two naughty girls currently being punished, or maybe waiting for their punishment. Fiona didn’t want to be a bad girl, but being punished didn’t look like such a bad thing neither…

Before she could think about what she’s just agreed to further, the harpy perked up at the mention of her reward, and watched as Mistress prepared the pudding. Fiona waited patiently as Mistress spoke, her emotions a turmoil of eagerness and nervousness. She wasn’t used to all this lewdness, but she just couldn’t help but feel excited! If this is her Christmas wish come true though, maybe she should just indulge as much as she wants…

I, um, don’t know what improper thoughts I’ve been having, but if I’m gonna be your pet harpy from now on then I wouldn’t mind if you trained them out of me…” Fiona averted her gaze and fidgeted with a blush, but her shy smile showed how eager she really was, whatever it was Mistress had in mind for her ‘punishment’. “Also, I-I am a bird afterall, so from now on, I’d… like to be fed like one, if you don’t mind… I-I mean, mouth-feeding, not… eating bird food or anything like that.” She quickly elaborated. She was a starlet afterall, she had delicate tastes.
Hmm...good girl!" the Mistress praised when Fiona agreed to be her pet harpy, petting her fluffy head! It was surely worth it! Yes, being a pet was the best choice ever!

"I will take good care of you, and train you like a responsible pet owner!" she promised! The mistress was so good! she really cared about her! It felt as if her heart had also acquired wings, and was flying around happily! This has happiness from having a caring owner!

"My name is Vera, but you can call me Mistress." she explained before turning to the pair on the bed "You two, I want you to introduce yourselves to the newest member of our family! You can get the rest of the punishment tomorrow." she ordered.

"Thank you, Mistress, for your punishment!" the two of them said at the same time!

"Hello, little sister! I am Lucy!" the blonde elf introduced herself, after she had stood up from the bed, rubbing her nose to Fiona's! "Nice to meet you!"

"Hi! I am Azula!" the dark elf introduced herself with a similar greeting. "We are family now!" Of course, they were family...but secretly Fiona knew she had to prove herself to become the Mistress's favorite! Yes, she could do it! No bad feelings, this was a healthy competition! May the best harpy win!

ey! I want you to be my older sister, however!" the catgirl rubbed her head on Fiona's fluffy plumage!

"Can I be your younger sister, Fiona? Pleasee? Pretty please? I will do the chores for you too!" she offered, with some puppy eyes!

"Hmm...I should prepare some food for you then! Of course you won't be eating worms and insects, but we can't just feed you everything!" Mistress nodded seriously.

"You have to take great care of a pets diet, especially since you are a celebrity! Also, I have a gift for you...just wait me for like...count to a hundred, no cheating!" she ordered, rushing to the kitchen!

"Mistress I can help!" the kitty run after, before sounds of things breaking was heard from the kitchen...

"Ah! Just wait outside too! We will play later!" Mistress shooed the kitty back to the room with the others!

Mistress returned, with a disc and a few plates, just in time! There was a nice, collar with a bell, and a matching Santa hat on the serving disc! They were even Fiona's favorite color! And there also some plates with food!

Grapes, strawberries, chopped fruits, spaghetti, and even fruit juice..!

"Hmm...this collar is for you, same with the hat! Catianna gave you hers, but it is the Mistress's job to provide those!" she explained, putting the disc on the bed, and helping Fiona with wearing them! Yes, now she really looked great! Everyone would know where to return her, if she was ever lost! And this hat was better than the other one, for sure!

Mistress then sat on the bed, and patted her lap. "Come, Fiona. Lie here...I will feed you!"

"What do you want to eat first?" she asked, before starting with the mouth-feeding-kissing! while making sure to stoke Fiona's hair "Ah, you are so cute...I did ask for a cute pet this Christmas too! I don't think I have the heart to punish you today...you are just too cute!"

"Am I cute too, Mistress?" Catianna asked by the side! "Yes, you are very cute too! You are all very cute, and you are all my pets!" she assured everyone, before going on with the mouth-feeding!


Finally, Fiona had finished her dinner! But right at that time, she heard some familiar voices from outside of the apartment...maybe it was time to investigate? If she helped found Santa, Mistress would be proud of her!
@ Leah

"Hmm....I think you don't believe me! But anyway, I guess, if you want to find Santa where he went...you would either need to fly above the forest, or you would have to ask our doggie to help you investigate!

@ Raja

Raja did find the secret elf base...who knows what other dark secrets this place held...surely those things wouldn't be secret if the elves didn't have something to hide...

Step after step, she followed the tracks of the suspect doggie. After all, everyone was a suspect, until proven guilty.

On the way, a familiar figure. Changed. Less human...if that can ever be a bad thing. Raja's detective senses told her it was Leah...

(Nova don't open this:) And the blue spider sleeping on her head, it's little blue legs poking from beneath her Santa hat!

@ Both + Fiona, if she comes out!

The doggie's home was right at the third door. (Fiona is in the door opposite to that!)

A female voice could be heard from the inside...not very surprising since it had been left open ajar.

"Yeah, I am a filthy reindeer slut who took your job...fuck me like I deserve..." the voice moaned.
*happy barking*
"A reindeer with a red nose, I always drive drunk...such a whore I am...I got the job because I fucked Santa...to persuade him to give me the job...yes..." (more moaning)
*happy barking*
"I am a slut that's only good for getting bred...fuck me with your superior doggie cock...being your cocksleeve is the only thing this useless reindeer is good for..." (more moaning)

thumb (1).jpeg

Hey...maybe the dog would get stuck in her if it came? But was it ok to interrupt them?
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Name: Fiona Silver

This year , she was: Good

All you want for Christmas is: To become someone’s pet harpy!

The harpy made a happy noise almost like she was purring as her mistress petted her, filled with a sense of warm fuzziness. She doubted she would ever get tired of this feeling.

Yes, Mistress~” Fiona nodded with an adoring smile, feeling her mistress’ love and care for her. She greeted her affectionate new sister pets as well, a little surprised by how they rubbed noses with her, but quickly accepting that that was their greeting among pets. “Hello, big sisters! Please take good care of me~” The harpy smiled, basking in familial love. Of course, they were still her competitors in being mistress’ favorite, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t love them back! The kitty nuzzled her as well, Fiona happy to pet and pamper her with soft fluffy wings. “That’s okay, I can be whatever you want~” She said, happy to have a little sister to adore as well.

Of course! Don’t worry, I’m not much of a big eater anyway.” The harpy remarked, wondering what her daily diet will be like from now on. It’ll probably involve lots of pudding. Her eyes lit up at the mention of a gift though, and as eager as she was to see what mistress had prepared, she remained an obedient pet and patiently waited outside, giving the catgirl warm hugs to keep her busy. She counted down internally, but didn’t hold her mistress to any real time limit. Mistress will be ready when she’s ready.

The dark elf returned exactly on time though, and Fiona’s eyes widened in glee as she stared at Mistress’ gifts. “They’re so pretty…! Thank you so much, Mistress!” The harpy beamed, barely able to contain her joy as Mistress collared her and helped her don the beautiful santa hat, a perfect sunset orange. She gently touched the band of leather sitting snugly around her neck, poking the little bell on it and hearing it ring. She felt so secure, so loved…

Things only got better for her as she happily sat down on Mistress’ lap, suggesting the fruits first and waiting in anticipation as Vera chewed it up before locking lips with her, Fiona feeling like she was in heaven as she kissed her mistress and let the sweet fruit mush slide into her mouth and down her throat along with the dark elf’s saliva, all while Mistress’ hand petted her comfortingly. She could feel a damp spot growing on her panties, and wondered if Mistress will play with her there too…

It was then though that she heard something from outside the room, familiar voices from the other side of the door. It was that detective girl, and someone else too… That did remind her that she was brought here for more than just fulfilling her fantasy.

Umm… Mistress, I don’t wanna interrupt, but… I was brought here to help look for Santa, and I feel kinda bad about just enjoying myself before that’s done…” She began reluctantly, fidgeting a little, but it had to be said. “So, if you’ll allow me, can I go help out? It sounds like the others are right outside. Maybe they’ve found something.

If Mistress would allow, Fiona would thank her and promise to return as soon as possible once the job was done before reluctantly leaving Mistress’ embrace, heading for the door. She emerged right as the other two investigators arrived, and the harpy looked in surprise at the figure she didn’t recognize. There was that detective girl from earlier, and beside her… was that a sex bot? Maybe someone else had some kinky wishes granted.

Oh hello, did you two find anything?” The harpy began to ask, before hearing something else coming from behind the opposite door. Something… quite obscene. And also barking, for some reason. Fiona peeked in and then backed off, blushing heavily. “Uhh… You two can go first.” She said, averting her eyes. That felt like a bit too intimate a scene for her to just barge into, but if the others wanted to they are welcome to do it.

Name: Leah Dawson
This year, she was is: Sexy
All you want for Christmas is: To become a perfect gynoid

After asking the elves where to find the doggie, Leah made her way to the other building. The cold didn't bother her at all, but she missed Spidey terribly. It was so bad, she imagined he was still with her...

She climbed the stairs and immediately knew she was in the right place: The sounds of fucking and begging for doggie-cock were tell-tale clues. Santa's whole establishment being so lewd was kind of funny. If only all those concerned parents knew where the toys came from...

However, she wasn't alone. The dark-skinned girl was there too, and a bird-girl? "Hiya there!" She greeted them quietly and with a wide smile. "Have you found something about where Santa is?"

Upon looking into the room, Leah turned to the others and pulled the door closed. "We should let them finish. It would be rude to interrupt."
Of course, sex involving a dick wasn't sexy, so Leah did not really care either way. On the other hand, the bird girl was cute. She ran her rubber-clad fingers over the feathers. "Hi, who are you, and are those real?"
Name: Raja Deren
This year she was: Naughty, again, propably.
All you want for Christmas is: Answers.

"Huh. That's cute. Cute costume." She noted, checking out Leah briefly. Very lifelike costume. how'd she put it on so quickly?

She exhaled, and looked at the others. a perky harpy and an eerily realistic rubber-droid.. thing. This place was going downhill, fast, and only Detective Raja could solve the case now.
"I've encountered a lot of unproductive nothing. But the trail leads here."

She was less hesitant about interrupting punishing fucks, slamming open the door and demanding. "Alright, dogfucker, where'd you fly Santa to."
With the most accusing glare she could muster. It was a cold, accusing glare. A glare that was cold, yet accusing. She had no qualms about ruining this reindeers ... action if she had gotten Santa into some sort of accident.
"Where is the jolly man?"
Of course, Mistress did allow Fiona to go and investigate, mumbling something about little birds leaving the nest eventually...Mistress was so supportive!

Detective Raja slammed the door open with great expertise! Sure it wasn't even locked, but even if it was it's fate would be just the same. The number of doors the detective had kicked open couldn't be counted in just one hand...

Predictably, the guilty faces of the dog and the reindeer were instantly filled with shock...and maybe guilt! Ok, actually those perverts were just staring at them surprised...but not surprised enough to put a stop to their immoral actions. Either they were not guilty...or they were hardened criminals...

The half-white half-black haired girl, however, looked a bit interested in Raja's words.

"I-ah not...not a real reindeer. This..ahhh...this is a costume!" she explained, between her moans.

At that time the doggie's interest was picked too, as it barked questioningly, pausing it's fucking for a moment.

"they are looking for Santa...I told you you should tell...now our fun is ruined..." the elf sighed, knowing that she would have some explaining to do...

It turned out, that doggie had seen Santa last night! It had been loitering around, looking digging for mammoth bones (sadly it hasn't found any yet!) when it encountered Santa.
Santa was carrying along his big, red sack, filled with toys to the brim! Not that he saw the toys, but what else could be hidden in there? On the other hand, Santa was pulling his sleigh.

The sleigh was magical...when pulled by an animal, it would fly along with them! Once upon a time, before reindeer were around, doggies did this work...till those idiot reindeers showed up, and stole their jobs! In any case, Santa asked doggie to fly him around!

Doggie was happy, and it immediately agreed! Mammoth bones wouldn't go anywhere!

However, it had missed flying, and it went around the village one full circle to enjoy the feeling, before going to where Santa asked it to. Santa never minded for things like those, posing and laughing with loud 'ho-ho-hoes' instead. Otherwise, why would he even put so many bells on the damned sleigh?

But this time, Santa got angry! He told doggie to stop wasting time! Doggie was spooked, and almost crashed on the evergreen!

Long story short, Santa was not going to deliver gifts that night...he was going to his old house instead! Without even a simple thanks, the doggie had been shoo-ed away! Of course, it wasn't too willing to help find Santa after being treated like that...

If they would agree to ask Santa to give him a big bone for Christmas gift, the doggie would be more than eager to lead them to Santa's hideout!
And so the doggie did! After traveling through the snowy forest for a while, the group led by the doggie arrived before a big, Christmasly decorated house! It was Santa's old home-sweet-home!

7d95c55aecf29be72fe35d70ce8aa2c7.jpg However, in front of the house....a strange sight!

A group of elves, tied in very compromising and uncomfortable positions! But why would someone leave the poor thing here, outside of the house, tied up in lewd positions like those...

The poor things were cold, and in no position to speak! If their body temperature wasn't raised up soon...who knows what could happen!

The main door of the house was waiting for them on the background of the lewded girls, ominously. Did they really dare to kick this door open? Some secrets were better left unanswered...like why Santa even did these horrible things, to those poor elves!

It seems that you found more than what you were looking for!

In the first room of the house, there was not one...but TWO Santa's! Both of them were tied on sturdy chairs, sitting opposed to each other, with only an end table with a glass of milk and a plate of cookies between them!

58b778431b3dabbbb3f5191226676d37.jpg " CyYyHPCVEAAvsJW.jpg Help me! He is trying to pretend he is me!"

"What? You are the one who does that! Just because you shouted first, it doesn't make you less of a liar!"

"You dare call me a liar? You...you! You are a liar, and also smelly! Come on, girls, untie me...there is little time left to go deliver the gifts..."

"Don't listen to him, I am the real Santa! He wants to drop charcoal and poke people's condoms with a needle. Don't trust that villain!"

"Only your dirty mind could think something like that!" Santa argued!

"You told me earlier about your plan! Don't believe him, he is a liar!" the other countered!

But which one was the real one....?