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Section 13: Headquarters


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Within Japan, many different government-run organizations operate to remove terrorist organizations and any viable threat to Japan's security. This building houses the thirteenth section of the anti-terrorist/anti-crime organization. It stands out quite well, being a full forty stories tall, in the middle of Nagasaki's Business district. Most of the floors are offices for the many detectives and cops that work here round the clock, whilst other areas serve as room for the employees to sleep. In the basement of the building, there resides a small garage for the employees to park their transportation vehicles, stretching downward a full five stories of parking spaces. The top 35-40 floors house the main fighting unit of Section Thirteen, led by one Takeshi Omaeda. This unit is comprised of many different operatives, ranging from snipers to hackers to foot soldiers.

The meeting hall on the 40th floor sat vacant, the team that would normally use this hall as a briefing room gone. Most of the members hadn't arrived yet, nor did they know who this "Takeshi" person was, only that he was going to be their leader.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Fucking government pricks. If it wasn't for them I could be helping Devon break in some new spoiled bitch to her new life as a whore. Damn those fuckers. "Life in jail or as a guinea pig. Don't worry if you don't fucking die we'll just make you one of our bloody dogs." Fuckers. Now I even have to deal with my own damn special version of morning wood. I have bloody fucking trees grown in my damned shitty bed while I sleep each night. A woman looking more dressed for a trip to a nightclub than a government run job rants quietly to herself as she walks into the room her pink streaked blond hair contrasting violently with her vibrantly lime green and deep blue skimpy outfit. Well, quietly at first, by the time she reaches the bit about trees, she's practically shouting. She actually has a bit of moment going and might have ended up going on for a while if it wasn't for what happens a few feet inside the room. Simply put, her relatively new chip reacts to her anger and adrenaline to form a small branch of wood angling out of the ground in front of her right foot. After subsequently tripping and doing a face plant, her rant switches over to a wrathful exclamation of pure irritation. BLOODY FUCKING SHIT ON A DAMN COCK-SUCKING BITCH! STUPID FUCKING TREES GROWING FROM EVERY FUCKING PLACE WITH NO FUCKING WARNING! IF I EVER CATCH THE FUCKER WHO DECIDED TO GIVE ME THIS DAMN CHIP I'M GOING TO GROW A STICK SO FAR UP HIS ASS HIS FUCKING BITCH OF A MOTHER WILL FEEL IT!
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Suzy can hear a woman shouting muffled profanities as she approaches the designated meeting hall, dressed in her usual affair of soft, dark grey, long sleeved T-Shirt, grey fingerless gloves, with Guns N' Roses emblems on the back of each hand, dark grey cargo trousers, dull boots, and bandanna. She had brought her earphones this particular day and was listening to I Am (All of Me) in one ear, while the swearing fills her other ear. She hears a small thudding sound. What in the blazes is going on up there? She wonders as she gets nearer the meeting room, taking out her earphones and storing them in one of the multiple pockets in her trousers.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

NOW YOU! YOU DAMNED LITTLE FUCKING STICK! I AM GOING TO TEAR YOUR BLOODY FUCKING WOODEN LENGTH OUT AND THEN BREAK IT INTO SO MANY PIECES THAT THEY WON'T EVEN BE ABLE TO START A FUCKING SHITTY FIRE WITH THEM! Zenna shouts out at the stick as she turns the focus of her anger back to its most direct source and something she could channel her fury against. Slamming her foot down onto the stick, she breaks it at it's base with a loud cracking sound. She then snatches it up and starts trying to break it with her hands and against the wall.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Suzy can hear louder and louder swearing, and in addition there are now cracking and snapping sounds. She stops where she is and thinks to herself: Maybe these guys aren't as professional as I thought, although soldiers do tend to swear at nothing I suppose... Still, I don't like those cracks.... she fingers a small Swiss Army knife in one of her pockets. Maybe I should have brought my pistol...
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

James frowns as he listens to the woman rant. His cop instincts going into overdrive. 'Obviously this woman is some kind of hooker or pimp.' he thinks after watching her rant. His hand goes to his gun holding it but not drawing it as he takes in the situation.

"What's wrong? Perhaps I can help you." He asks her giving a small genial smile while also sizing her up trying to decide if she were a threat.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Suzy, upon hearing the man talking in a calm voice, drops the knife back into her pocket and enters the meeting room to see an angry looking woman holding a few shards of wood, looking like she was preparing to go to a disco or dance of some sort, and a tall-ish man trying to calm down the obviously very angry woman. Suzy makes herself known by asking the party-woman What's with the sticks?
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

MY DAMN FUCKING CHIP IS A FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! Zenna rages out in answer to both individuals before turning to the man. You saw whats fucking wrong! The damn, shitty chip's acting up again and causing me to fucking trip! If you want to fucking help then take this and start breaking the bloody thing apart in retribution. She growls out as she hands the man one of the largest remaining chucks of wood.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Retribution? It's just a bloody stick! Suzy exclaims upon the womans outburst, shaking her head in disbelief. Maybe you could deal with it better if you calmed down friend.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

It fucking tripped me because the chip I have is a fouled up government piece of experimental shit. Besides, I would bloody pre-fucking-fer to beat the living shit out of some fucker instead, but my damn community fucking service length is long enough as it shitty is. Zenna replies, fuming. Besides, the shitty piece of crap decides to fuck with me every fucking damn day. Each morning, because of the damn thing I have to deal with literal morning fucking wood and it isn't even the bloody fun kind either.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

I can see that may be a problem, but surely you can calm down about it, aren't we supposed to be meeting our boss in a while? Suzy enquires.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

John nods his head in agreement with Suzy. "Getting angry never helps anything. Why don't you take a deep breath and calm down?" He asks soothingly. "I can even give you a massage to release the tension. What do you say?" He asks wryly.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Oh? I should be calm and fucking placid so the big man in bloody charge can feel all warm and fuzzy? I don't fucking think so. The damn government head honchos can take what's left of that bloody stick and shove it right up their fucking little assholes along with the other sticks already in there. As for a damn massage, I don't feel like having a nice little sensual time with some uptight asshole who loves to suck the government's collective cock. Zenna says in response to the two.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Suzy merely shakes her head and withdraws to the side of the room, taking off her bandanna, allowing her fiery hair to fall down, and using it to clean a bit of dirt off her earphone, waiting for the other woman to calm down a bit, or the boss to arrive.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Growling slightly Johns hand flies of it's own accord as he smacks the obviously enraged woman trying to shock her into being calm. "I'll have you know that I gave up on government when I was layed off for getting injured in the line of duty. Say what you will you cheap whore but make sure your facts about me are right." Staring her hard in the eyes.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

The slap and the following words only seem to piss Zenna off even further. Cheap...? I am not a fucking whore you self righteous asshole! The only whores I deal with are the stuck up, spoiled bitches who I lead back to the Den so that me, Devon, and a few others could break them and them mold the into perfect little cock-suckers! Besides, you fucking say you don't like the bloody government, but you came here willingly didn't you? I had to do this fucking shit and get that damn chip plugged into me or go off the the fucking big house for life! Zenna replies.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

John starts spouting a long and very impressive string of curses in both English and Itatalian before trailing of in the ones he learned in Japanese after he finishes his impressive display of venacular he growls at the woman. "So you're a she-pimp then are you. Are you proud of what you do?" He looks her up and down and smirks. "I ate woman like you for breakfast when I was part of the New York City Vice squad. Now calm down and shut up before I cuff you to a bed and give you a taste of your own medicine."
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Suzy drops her knife and swears quietly as she nicks her right index finger upon hearing the woman's talk of breaking other women, she picks it back up and stares coldly at the woman, already disliking her, but choosing not to say anything right now... Her mechanical hand made barely audible creaking sounds as she clenched her fist.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Robert walks in, a cup of coffee in hand, and sits down. He doesn't say a word, preferring to listen, and sips his coffee. All in all, he was glad to still have his job, so he decided he'd wait for his new CO to show up before he made an ass of himself to his new co-workers. Though, the loud woman was getting quite annoying.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

What's fucking wrong about it? It's damn fun and selling and working the bitchs gives some good pay. Plus it's not all that hard to find someone who'll hire you to lure the bitches for 'em. Oh, and I know your type, mister. You 'good guy' pigs are so simple. You talk it up in public threatening me and all that, but all we have to do is give you a few free rounds with the bitches every so often and you're fucking happy. Zenna says, apparently the act of taunting the man calming her enough so that she doesn't have a swear almost every other word.