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Section 13: Headquarters

Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Reaver lets out a whispered laugh that came off more as a wheeze than anything else.

"Friends? Oh no, am I becoming more social?" Reaver says in a mock voice before letting out another laugh. "No, I'm merely gauging how long they'll all stay alive once we enter the battlefield."
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"Well, you should stop that. How long they survive will depend on if I can get into their heads." the child says, grasping Reaver's coat and climbing up the back until his head was sticking out over Reaver's shoulder "Is everyone here, Smelly?" he asks, smiling as he looks amongst the different members of the team
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"I believe they are, Takeshi. Unless someone died along the way here. Here's hoping." Reaver sighs. "I wouldn't expect much from them though, especially the foul-mouthed whore." He nods in the direction of Zenna. "She appears to overestimate her little gang's strength. I plan on popping that balloon as soon as I can."
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"Leave it be. Our job isn't to break up a few women labor operations. On that note." Takeshi says, then turns his attention to the table, where a remote lay. He would squint at it, then it would shoot up off of the table and into his hands. "Our mission today entails a threat that was delivered on Japan's Prime Minister several days ago. It was an audio file, given to the prime minister through a series of hacks and backdoors that allowed the hacker to monitor the prime minister's computer, and deliver it the instant he activated it." Takeshi says, pressing a button on the remote as a slight static sound comes over the speakers in the room, followed by words that sounded highly robotic in nature.

"You have corrupted our government, and prostituted us to those who would seek to control our country. For this, you will die." is all that is heard from the audio before Takeshi hits the button again, looking back over the group. "The Prime Minister is responsible for opening relations with America, and is the reason John is with us on the task force today. We have him in hiding, but he is scheduled to make a speech today in Tokyo. We are going as security, and to make sure that nothing goes wrong. Any questions?"
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"Is the president to be in attendance?" John asks hesitantly hoping there wasn't a threat to his commander and chief.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"No, he will not be here. His meeting with our dear Prime Minister was postponed until we find the assassin." Takeshi says as he turns to look at John with a smile "We wouldn't put him in danger."
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

He nods and says "I know you wouldn't at least not intentionally. Although our current president seems to give the secret service fits. He doesn't seem to know the meaning of the word safety."
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"So I've heard." Takeshi says, hopping down off of Reaver and walking to his chair in front of a large screen designed to display evidence and the such, climbing up onto it and sitting with a sigh before looking across the table at John, his eyes barely peeking up over the edge. "Does anyone else have any questions about this operation?"
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Suzy, who had until now simply been staring at the child, and being completely shocked by the mature and intelligent way in which he spoke, recovered herself enough to ask "Have our positions already been allocated? Or are we just looking around of our own will?"

(Decided I don't like writing speech in Bold...)
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"The positions are already assigned. Suzy, you will be on personal guard duty. Meaning you're going to be with the Prime Minister in case the assassin attacks with a melee or close-range weapon." Takeshi says, taking a breath and looking over to Reaver. "Reaver will be the sniper on this mission, positioned on the roof of the Ministry building in Tokyo. Zenna, you'll be on crowd control with Robert. Make sure that if the assassin attacks from the crowd of reporters, he doesn't get away. John, you'll be on backup with me to chase down the culprit. If the ground team can't catch him, we'll run him down. Understood?" Takeshi asks, looking around at the room of operatives with a smile on his face, hidden under the table
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"Perfect, just where I wanted to be," Reaver says, his whispered voice taking on a somewhat creepy tone. "My rifle will be pleased too, she hasn't gunned down anyone in a while."
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"Yeah I got it, are we being supplied with radio's?" Suzy says.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"Depends on if you have a cyber brain. If so, then no. If you don't have a cyber brain or neural connection implant, then we'll provide you a radio you can use to communicate with the others." Takeshi says, his eyes closed as he leans back a bit and disappears from view "Reaver, how's the van? Is it fueled up and ready?"
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"Oh that old thing? It was ready about three hours ago, with extra weapons just in case they're needed." Reaver then glares at the others. "And dont you all think about stealing the front seat."
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

About to restart her argument until the child steps in Zenna backs down for a bit, figuring the child had their actual boss feeding his words through him. There is no way the little twerp can be their boss. Still, she eventually chimes in, I'll need a radio then. Oh, does it matter if the stick-in-the-ass chatterboxes get hurt when we go after the fucker as long as we don't kill them?
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"I'll need a radio, sir. And will we be in among the crowd, or taking up positions to watch it?" Robert says, seemingly unperturbed by his CO being a child.
"Also, if we get a shot, can we take it, even if we risk collateral damage? Or should we just paint the assassin and wait for Reaver to get a clear shot?" He says, phrasing Zennas question a little more delicately.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"Try to be subtle. We don't need bad publicity, after the whole ordeal with Section 9. And Reaver, did you make sure the computers are still working onboard?" Takeshi says then asks, leaning forward so his eyes are visible once again "As for the radios, they're in the van. The operation will begin in ten minutes, so if you have any questions, then you'd better ask them now." Takeshi says, hopping down from the chair and walking towards the door "I'll go down and make sure the computers are working at maximum capacity." he says, looking back at Reaver "Lead them down to the garage when they've been given their beacons. It'll keep the local police from shooting them for having guns."
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"Hold on, I left my rifle and pistol back in my quarters, tell me where to meet and I'll go fetch them." Suzy says, flushing a little, flexing her hands.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"Meet us on level 1 of the parking garage." Takeshi says, then exits the room and shuts the door, heading for the elevator.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Having left her own weapon, Zenna also heads off to her room to get it. However, on the way out she makes a small comment. Why does the boss send a kid in here and relay all his words through him? She asks before leaving.