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Selestine (Alias)

Re: Selestine (Alias)

With one last glance at Selestine, the youngster charges at the native imp, landing a solid punch to his midsection. The bigger imp looks surprised at the youngster's temerity, and promptly responds with a thump on his head.

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 9/100
  • Imp 1: 3 HP
  • Enemy Imp: 3 HP

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
  • Imp 1
Re: Selestine (Alias)

Selestine moves forward, interested in the fight and seeing how it proceeds. She narrows her eyes, wondering which would win out.

[Selestine: up 3]
[Imp 1: attack]

[So K-level means no matter how many times she lets her imp-children rape her, her corruption will never go past 10? Or is that like a cumulative, no one single child will do more than 10 corruption damage to her?]
Re: Selestine (Alias)

[So K-level means no matter how many times she lets her imp-children rape her, her corruption will never go past 10? Or is that like a cumulative, no one single child will do more than 10 corruption damage to her?]
(The former. Keep in mind that enemies are not restricted by K-level, and if her corruption goes above 10, having sex with an imp-child won't reset it back down.)

The two imps continue scuffling, smacking at each other with fists and claws, then break apart. Both are panting, and seem equally injured.

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 9/100
  • Imp 1: 1 HP
  • Enemy Imp: 1 HP

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
  • Imp 1
Re: Selestine (Alias)

[Okay thanks for the clarification. Going to take three turns if you don't mind, since it seems pretty predictable at this point and none of the enemies can get in range even with optimal rolls, let me know if I have to fix something]

The imps seemed equally matched, and Selestine could tell that they were both weakening. However, when her imp landed its next attack, the enemy creature simply ceased to exist with a small pop. She moved forward to investigate the status of her imp.

[Imp 1: attack]
[Selestine: left 1 up 2]

As she got closer, she could clearly see that it was badly wounded; it was covered in blackish bruises and struggling for breath. She almost felt sorry for the thing, but she was more concerned with how much trouble she knew she was in. The imps were too fast for her. She couldn't fight them head on. Her encounter with the first imp told her as much. It seemed she could use her children to combat them, but she would need more of them, as this one seemed about to expire. Her lips twisted as she remembered how the first imp had fathered this one. She wondered if it worked that way for all of them, and surmised that it must. If she were to have any chance of getting out of here alive, she would have to submit to... it. She stared at the thing's painfully obvious genetalia, reaching up to rub her eyes. Well... she thought to herself. Being dead is worse than being raped and spawning demon-children, she supposed.

She moved up to the imp and sat down, wishing she had found some way to cover her nudity as her bare ass connected with the warm stone[?] floor. "Come on, little creature," she said, gesturing the little thing closer. "Let's see if you can father your brother..." She shuddered as it came within her, her face screwing up in pain. Even though it couldn't have been much bigger than a single finger, she didn't think she could be aroused by it even if she wanted to. Still, it was more uncomfortable than actually painful, and it was over quite quickly, to her relief. She bit her lip and bore it, knowing it was her only chance of survival... and revenge against the one that put her here. She smiled to herself as she fantasized what the kid's reaction would be when she showed up at his doorstep with a horde of imps that would put him through what she'd been through, choosing to focus on that rather than what was happening within her.

[Selestine: up 1 left 2]
[Imp 1: left 2, attack]

She remained there a moment, waiting for the inevitable. She could already feel it moving inside her. Thankfully, it wasn't nearly as painful as it should have been; somehow the rapid stretching of her womb was deadened. The imp slowly wandered around her, as if concerned for her well-being. Touching, she thought to herself, grimacing.

[Selestine: no movement]
[Imp 1: left 1, down 1]
Re: Selestine (Alias)

(In just a bit of a hurry, are we Alias? Daddy-imp random-walks the turn after he impregnates. Also, imp genitalia aren't any more obvious than a prepubescent boy's - no hair, minimal scrotum.)

The injured imp wanders giddily away, pleased with itself, even as Selestine mentally devises punishments for the person who sent her here. Her pause is brief - her latest baby is born just as quickly as its father was.

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 10/100
  • Imp 1: 1 HP

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
  • Imp 1 (top)
  • Imp 2 (bottom)
Re: Selestine (Alias)

[Not really. As I mentioned, there's really no point in waiting for you to post when I know exactly what's going to happen. Or if you don't want to click the link:
As for imp genitalia, they're more obvious than the usual person she encounters in everyday life, given that people generally move about wearing clothes.]

She looked around and noticed that the remaining two ordinary imps seemed to be sticking together - she'd need more minions if she wanted to kill them. She moved over to the rock next to her and sat down again, putting her back to it. "Come on," she called, gesturing to the imp next to her. "I need you again." She closed her eyes as she let him do what he wanted, still trying her best to block out what was happening.

[S: up 1, left 2, imp 1 attack S]
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Re: Selestine (Alias)

Selestine's newborn looks appropriately mournful at its mother walking away from it, while her eldest's gleeful grin gets even wider at the renewed invitation.

He does his best to be noticeable, rubbing his cheek against Selestine's bosom, tweaking her skin with careful fingers. The actual sex, however, is just as forgettable the second time.

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 10/100, Pregnant: 1 turn
  • Imp 1: 1 HP

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
  • Imp 2 (bottom)
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Re: Selestine (Alias)

Selestine mentally shrugged at the creature's attempts to gain her attention, still blocking what was happening out of her mind. She was only doing this to get out of this place, and for no other reason. She would happily sacrifice this little thing that was violating her, and was going to do so as soon as she had a better team of minions.

[wait until birth and then have imp 1 impregnate her again if possible, you can have him move however he needs to to get close
Re: Selestine (Alias)

Sure enough, after one last rub at her breasts, the injured imp goes wandering off with a foolish grin on his face. The imp-child he'd fathered is equally quick about being born.

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 10/100
  • Imp 1: 1 HP

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
  • Imp 1 (top)
  • Imp 2 (bottom)
  • Imp 3 (middle)
Re: Selestine (Alias)

She didn't like her odds against two ordinary imps and a fat imp with her current little army, so she sighed and gestured them to follow her, then told the original injured one to father yet another child.

[Selestine: left 1, down 2
Imp 1: down 3, attack S
Imp 2: left 2, down 1
Imp 3: down 2, left 1]
Re: Selestine (Alias)

(You don't have to kill everything - just what's between you and the exit.)

Selestine's rather casual jerk of the head at her eldest brings him running. Unfortunately, he decides that rather than wait for her to turn around and ignore him, he's going to knock her over and take her from behind.

Only the quick hands of her youngest keep her from smacking her chin on the ground.

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 10/100, Pregnant: 1 turn
  • Imp 1: 1 HP

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
  • Imp 2 (bottom)
  • Imp 3 (middle)

(Okay, me go sleepy now.)
Re: Selestine (Alias)

Selene kept moving toward the boss imp, keeping a wary eye on the others.

[Selestine: left 3
Imp 2 and 3: left 3]
Re: Selestine (Alias)

Selestine's walk, and her wariness, are interrupted when her latest offspring arrives in the world. Fortunately, neither of the common enemy imps seems at all interested in her part of the cavern.

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 10/100
  • Imp 1: 1 HP

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
  • Imp 1 (top-right)
  • Imp 2 (bottom)
  • Imp 3 (middle)
  • Imp 4 (left)
Re: Selestine (Alias)

She motioned to her little army, a smile creeping across her lips as she imagined what havoc they would wreak against the elder, fatter imp. She would throw one of the ones that was at full health at him, but didn't really care how many died; she was hoping the light was the exit.

[Imp 4: ULL
Selestine: ULL
Imp 3: ULL
Imp 2: ULL
Imp 1: ULL

If none of the extra imps notice them....
Imp 4: LLL
Selestine: U
Imp 3: LLL
Imp 2: ULL
Imp 1: LLL]
Re: Selestine (Alias)

Selestine and her little army make their way towards the boss imp. Conveniently, the two common imps are still wandering around, chittering at each other, in the far corner. The boss imp, however, does notice the approach. He growls at the first imp-child, who scurries a little faster as he passes by.

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 10/100
  • Imp 1: 1 HP

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
  • Imp 1 (top-right)
  • Imp 2 (bottom-right)
  • Imp 3 (middle)
  • Imp 4 (left)
Re: Selestine (Alias)

Selestine's eyes narrow, and she commands her minions to attack the stupid fat little creature that blocks her way to freedom.

[Imp 1: LL attack
Imp 2: ULL attack
Imp 3: U
Imp 4: UU attack
Selestine: UL]
Re: Selestine (Alias)

At Selestine's gesture, the imps still look hesitant. Finally, she grabs the injured one, and throws it at the boss imp. He squawks, getting bowled over by the flying body and scratched by its claws, then tosses the poor imp right back at Selestine. Too slow reacting to avoid the flying body, she gets knocked painfully on her back, unable to catch her breath until the imp on top of her abruptly vanishes - and then the smoke it leaves behind gets her coughing.

Her other children take advantage of the boss imp's distraction to get in their blows.

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 10/100
  • Enemy Fat Imp: 4 HP

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
  • Imp 2 (middle)
  • Imp 3 (right)
  • Imp 4 (top-left)
Re: Selestine (Alias)

She took a nasty hit in the chest and face and fell backward, further dirtying her already grimy body. When she sat up, her face levered right into the puff of smoke the imp left behind after death, and she hacked up a dreadful cough. It felt like someone had took a long drag from a cigarette and blown the smoke right into her face, multiplied by ten. She wiped her eyes, trying to get her breath back, still coughing somewhat as she tried to get a handle on what was happening before her.

[Imp 3: up, attack
Imp 1: attack
Imp 2: attack]

[When I'm taking (3) minions with me do they have to go into the exit first? or can I just teleport them with me no matter where they are on the map?]
Re: Selestine (Alias)

[When I'm taking (3) minions with me do they have to go into the exit first? or can I just teleport them with me no matter where they are on the map?]
(An important question... I hadn't thought about it. I'm gonna go with "they teleport when the heroine leaves, and then the player gets to choose three to continue on with".)

Selestine wipes her tearing eyes, hearing yelps and scuffles going on right in front of her. She blinks her eyes clear just as the boss imp vanishes in a larger puff of smoke, causing her trio of children to cover their eyes and shy away.

A scratching noise gives warning that one of the remaining enemies had drawn near - although he apparently still had no idea of Selestine and her band, being behind the nearby rock.

Character Stats
  • Selestine: Corruption 10/100

Characters To Move
  • Selestine
  • Imp 2 (bottom)
  • Imp 3 (right)
  • Imp 4 (left)
Re: Selestine (Alias)

[Cool, so I can use my minions as a wall while my hero makes the getaway?]

Selestine cast her eyes to the side, then turned around hurridly. "Move," she commanded; she needed to get out of there... fast.

[Imp 3: D
Selestine: LLU]

[Don't care what happens next turn. Selestine Up until escape.]
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