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Servant of the Blade - (Helvorn/Pervy)

[Maybe she could give in a little?]


Riana frowned and licked her lips as she regarded the virile, dominant elf warrior and his undoubted large cock as well as the bad news that he brought. Should Riana be punished then, spanked, tied up and then ruthlessly fucked for allowing the vampire to distract her while the necromancer summoned this lady back from the dead? "Ahhh... I am sorry that I could not prevent the enemy from summoning this evil lady. I should be..." Riana gathered herself. "I will aid you... yes... but first I have to atone for my errors... to pray..." She dismounted and handed the reins of her horse to Gwin. "Keep the horse for now, pray and prepare yourself Gwin'en while I muster my strength for the coming battle."

Turning to the warrior Riana resisted the urge to kneel and suck his cock then and there. There were... proprieties... She took his hand. "Come with me warrior. You can aid me in my rites to grant me the strength to defeat the foe. Please..." she tugged him with surprising strength toward a low point near a small creek that was sheltered by trees.

"No, M'lady, really, you could not have predicted any of this." The elf warrior raised a calming hand, whilest Gwin'en nodded, smiling in admiration of her hero and leading the horse away..

"Aid you in your rites? Very well, Kingsguard." The elf nodded, accompanying her, his brow half raising as a suspicion he dared not speak aloud about grew with her leading him aside to a secluded place, his eyes wandering over her form.. and then, his hand, impacted her bottom!

"I think I know exactly what rites you have in mind, mighty hero." He grinned, once they were alone, his sense of propriety slowly melting away on his end. "There are stories about you among the men.. praytell then.." He grinned down at her. He was a well trained soldier, but Riana could likely easily dispatch of him for his insolence with her demonic sword.. a shame then, that the same sword only pulsed in waves of subserviant desire, encouraging her, to give in to her desires,.. just a little more, each time. That was all the demon wanted.. needed.

Riana felt a surge of arousal as the sexy elf warrior followed her. She could sense his eyes on her and it was only with the greatest of efforts of will that she avoided stripping nude and offering herself to him right in the open. "Oh!" she reacted to the slap, almost orgasming from the sudden pain as the pent up arousal in her body surged to the fore. Her Master of the Blade had trained her well, conditioned her and subtly modified her body to respond to pain as well as pleasure. Riana blushed under the dominant gaze of the warrior, her nipples hard and proud and her knees weak.

She wavered before him. Her body, her mind and the powerful influence of the sword urged her, demanded that she kneel before him and offer herself to him in every possible lewd and depraved fashion. Riana told herself that she could not afford to confront the necromancer and his ultimate champion so hot, bothered and distracted. She had to give in to her desires, quench her own lusts and then she could do her duty.


Riana knew that her duty was to serve... to serve... to serve hard, handsome, dominant elf warriors... she would serve the nation... serve their hard cocks...

She knelt.

Service... she would accept his insolence... glory in the submission and... service to his cock...

She opened her blouse and removed her breast plate... dropped her skirt to display her nude, shaven sex... her pussy aching, swollen and reddened with the need to serve...

"Yes... let me... "

Riana reached forward and unbuckled his trousers and pulled forth the cock that would master her.

"Let me serve you... I must... take me... I offer myself to you... take me..."

Riana leaned forward and placed the head of his cock in the soft, sweet and warm embrace of her puffy, cock sucking lips.

"What's wrong champion. You are Quivering." He declared, a glint in his eyes. "Do you require my cloak?" he asked, tugging it off to offer it to her.. only to proceed to his leathery chest plate.. and then, his belt, and then.. well that didn't have much potential to warm her at all..
And yet, it heated up her body quite a lot.

Riana wasn't a slut. Not when she started out, anyway, but now, where her body had once whispered to her what it wanted, now it shouted so loud that her own thoughts barely got through. The most insidious part of her demons work was not that she was doomed, but that she wanted to be.
And the next step down that path stood, strong and nude and pure of elven blood before her, long, slightly dusty hair brushed back to take in the sight of her purely.

It didn't help that by now the largest part of Riana thought of this as a honorable service, rather than something demeaning. She encouraged him with her body, rather than kneel, demeaningly and eagerly, like a breeding sow before her master.

"Such a needy.. champion." He grinned, and the inflection of the word somehow made the elf feel dirty.. not as dirty as the battle-sweat covered cock pushing past her lips however, although once more the sharp taste of it was mellowed out, no.. turned into something desireable, under the influence of the demonic sword.
Quickly, he sped up, began thrusting into her mouth, using her for his pleasure, trusting that just being used alond would be enough for her to enjoy her servitude.. and he wasn't even wrong..

Raina held the cloak in one hand even as she knelt before him. "I'm quivering with anticipation of the battle to come." She might have been talking about the sounds of conflict that could be dimly heard but her eyes were locked on the throbbing, shapely elven-cock dangling from the smooth groin of the warrior before her. Riana could not resist giving herself to him, not whoring herself to the warrior in the most abject and erotic fashion but strengthening his will to fight and resist as well as her own. Riana was lost in her need for not only had her mind and body been thoroughly trained and conditioned by her demonic master but the deep use of the power of the sword to resist the vampire had opened her mind to the lusts of her body just as her own desires had caused her sex to throb and flower open in need. But this was good and right; Riana knew that while the powers of the sword were deeply evil and corrupting that she would ultimately master it in the service of all that was good. The ends would justify the means in this instance as after this last battle she would give up the sword and join the priesthood in eternal meditation and service. Certainly Riana had thought before many times to give up the sword but there had always been another enemy to fight... another cock to suck... no! She would focus on the enemy... and the massive elven cock...

Thick, puffy lips made slick with a saliva that was strangely thick and certainly drooling from her mouth wrapped around the hard cock. Raina cupped the swinging balls and stroked the bare skin of his sack while her other hand slipped between heated thighs to rub her swollen, needy button. She took the warrior deep, bobbing on his shaft in time to his hard, quick thrusts. Tongue, lips and throat caressed him even as she moaned her pleasure...

Elven cocks were so beautiful. And Smooth.. And tasty. They were the best, propably.. she should try some other cocks to compare. Was it the sword that was making her think of the rod of meat before her? No... it was just her biological interest and instinct.
Giving herself to this pleasure was neither wrong nor evil. It was but a means to an end and just like the demonlord wanted to use her, she would use him, before relinquishing all this pleasure..

Yes, she could still do that, most assuredly. After all he had made her strong, trained her so good and she would definitly use all that against him. That's what Riana told herself, as she bopped up and down on the elf-warriors cock, moaning like a whore on her knees before the master that owned her.
The elfish warrior moaned in almost suprise.. The mouth before him felt hand-crafted for nothing more or less than his utmost pleasure, the lips, the tongue, the warmth, even every thick strand of Saliva felt designed to drip and warm and drizzle to please him.

It took not long for his body to tense in arousal, his hips to shiver, a jolt to go through his body, a tensing that the well trained Riana recognized.. and immediatly took as encouragement to sink herself down on that thick, full cock, slurping and draining the deliciousness before her with a wanton, eager moan of satisfaction and fulfillment.

Riana felt his balls tense, before filling her, with warm, rich cum. Not a drop of which she'd waste of course, no matter how whorishly she was drooling upon the shaft just a moment earlier. Her thoughts spiralled away with the thoughts of cum.. no wait what was she cock.. cum.. think... cock.. slave.. whore.. obey master..

"M'lady?" A shout shook her out of her spiral of desire. Gwin'en. She was looking for her. "I hate to ah.. disturb your meditation, but we should get going soon.. where are.. oh are you by those trees?"
Slow, curious footsteps approached the~whore~ hero Riana.
Oh.. right.. it was propably time to.. fight.. on.. yes. Fight on so she could be rewarded with more cock... Once she defeated this dangerous, undead menace, so much worse than any demons, after all, undead didn't even have nice cocks to suck for the most part, right?

(let's swing back to not giving in and continue the action? ^^)

Riana regarded the warrior for a moment, thinking of the large elven cock and the heavy balls full of virile sperm. She squirmed in her saddle as her needs warmed her belly. The sword was warm as well with a subtle pulsing that matched the throbbing of her clit. "Ahhh..." Riana was about to suggest that the warrior join her for a private session of 'prayer' but then a surge of shouting from the distant front lines hardened her resolve to immediately take the fight to the foe. With the news of the new undead noble lady leading the Lich's forces Riana knew that her aid would be needed to break the foe. Then and only then would she satisfy the need of each and every surviving warrior for slick, tight pussy. Maybe even Gwin'en might also serve?

"Let us go then warrior. Take me to the general so that I can best support the army."
Riana exhaled deeply, calming herself and trying her best to forget thoughts about wonderful elf-cock and the men around her, as the warrior brought her along.

No! She was a strong heroine, those men should be the ones to obey her, not the other way around!
She assured herself, a little futiley, with the whispers of the sword, as the elfish leader explained the situation to her.

Apparently, the lich that had started this war had gained a powerful ally, an undead, raised in the deserts, far east of here. It was this long dead beauties magic that bolstered his troups, his army against the lands of the living. If Riana struck her down, a true assault against the lich could be lead, to destroy the evil undead, and save the elven lands, like a mighty, beautiful, obediant heroine like her deserved to do. Then she could return to court, finally rid herself of the coursed sword, and offer herself to the king, having proven herself as worthy wife and concubine.

Riana got the information she needed about the mission, a small troupe, her, and (she insisted) Gwin'en would try to assault this mummies pyramid, a facsimile of it's true home in the desert, whilest the main army challenged the lich. If Riana could break through the mummies unholy magic the lich would be vunerable, and fall under the might of the elven army, falsly trusting in his immortality.
Riana was resolved. Too many men had given their life to gain the information about the lichs weakness to fail now. Even if she had to give herself to the demonblade, she would succeed and fell the vile mummy.

In the morning, they would ride. She just hoped she was prepared, as she envisioned the large stone pyramid, and the mistress of undeath within...

Riana resolved that this truly would be her last adventure, not only the culmination of her life so far as a servant and protector of the Elven kingdom but the trigger that would allow her to shake off the horrid cursed sword and regain control of her life. She would dedicate herself not to combat and battle but marriage and family as her fertile womb bore the Elven King a large brood. Riana would nurture life and love not only of herself but throughout the kingdom as the sword was replaced by the arts of peace and fertility of plants, animals and the elves themselves.

Now though it was time to fight, time to face one last hurdle to protect the kingdom from this foe. Now she summoned Gwin'en to her tent to plan and meditate to strengthen their hearts and bodies for the upcoming attack.
There was an odd lack of opposition in her mind from the demonsword, almost as if agreed with most of her fantasy.. this would be her last journey.

She'd been aware of the threat of the evergrowing undead armies, but clearly, it had escalated. A worthy cause for Riana, the hero of this age to be remembered by, before birthing a new bloodline of heroes to the royal courts.

Gwin, the younger, but eager elf-knight squire joined her eagerly, clearly happy to learn from any scraps of knowledge and wisdom falling from Riana's every words. She was just a little suprised that they'd have to meditate naked, but it quickly made sense to her.

It didn't take long for both of the elves to sit in what would to most look like a debased, kneeling position, slowly touching themselves and humming in calming, mind-numbing meditation. The sword whispered to Riana that she was doing well, raising a new generation of sluts.. she'd create many more.. or she'd raise her replacement.
It should have sounded worrying but it wasn't. Infact, it felt encouraging. More sluts for her demon master that..

That was ....

It was wonderful, right? An army of obediant elf-slaves, her own daughters, raised to serve a demonic master? The idea sounded wonderful, especially as she whispered it in the entranced Gwin'en's ears whilest slowly circling her breasts.. those certainly had to grow!
But still Riana found herself oddly struggling to accept this nice, loveable truth during her nightly meditation. She couldn't worry about it too much. She had to be ready to face her foes tomorrow.

Riana was a bit uncertain as the Demonsword remained dangerously passive and even accepting. She felt herself warming and tingling as the thought that her actions pleased her Master flowed through her loins. But another part rebelled and threw up what barriers should could as anything that the Demonsword wanted was bound to be evil and corrupting. Yet... yet... this was the last of the battles... she would retire to a life as Royal cock slave and breeding whore after this battle... No! No! She would be consort, wife and mother of a nation... her fertile loins would yield a large crop of heirs for the king... her master would fuck and breed her... No! They would be joined in love and respect as she was bound, punished and forcibly impregnated by her Royal Master...

"Ahhhh..." Riana moaned and shook her head. She motioned Gwin into her tent and quickly stripped. "Let us undress each other as a service. We must be humble in our meditation." Riana helped Gwin undress, her hands moving over the body of the svelte and slender young Elf maiden until they were both nude. "Hush... think deeply, focus inside yourself Gwin. We must center ourselves and reach for strength." Riana sat up on a soft pad with her legs spread in a V. She drew Gwin in to sit back against herself and wrapped her legs up and over Gwin's. This left Gwin pulled in tightly into Riana's plush breasts as Riana's strong legs held the girl in place. "Shhhh... relax..." Riana whispered softly as she felt the slow, subtle flow of the Demonsword move through her own body and flow into Gwin through as Riana's hand massaged and Gwin's breasts. Slowly Riana pulled at Gwin's pert mounts and perky, small nipples as the warm, wicked energy seeped into Gwin's flesh.

Gwin'en happily assisted in undressing her hero, thinking nothing perverse of the act, and soon, both stood nude and pure, just as requested. Well, one was pure, the other...

Where once Riana's mental barriers had been mighty walls of stone and iron, now they were clay and mud and the wetness from her loins was slowly melting more of what remained. But even mud could slow down and halt an invasion, given enough of it. One final effort, a brief meditation, slaying a few mighty undead and then,.. and then.. sweet release. Her own thoughts a greater trapping than the demon sword could provide.

The young, blonde elven-maiden looked at and smiled at her teacher trustingly, not knowing how much of a pervert Riana had already become, what dark, twisted desires she wished to share with her companion.
The young elf moaned ever so slightly in their soothing meditation, not resisting at all, trusting Riana too much as an unholy marking, a lesser version of what painted Riana as slave to her sword, appeared on her teased tit, a circling around her nipple, as she pushed forwards, sighing and quivering.

It did not take long for Gwin to double over and pant and moan in a shocking climax.. Riana had not been much different, she remembered, before she had learned to endure... to resist her masters mighty demon energy. He did not want to destroy or break the elves, no, they would be reforged into willing vessels by slow, steady application of demon-energy.
And they would learn to love it.

Riana continued teaching and teasing Gwin throughout the night.. they had a hard day ahead of them..

What Riana did not see in her desire filled dreams was Gwin'en, getting up, eyes empty but smile wicked, caressing along the demonsword, picking it up and lifting it over Riana.. only to lower it again. The young elves will was easily bent, but she was not yet ready to take out her beloved hero, even if Riana should somehow reject the swords guidance before she was ready...
Oh well, for now, she made a more than adequate vessel.

Riana awoke, with Gwin purring happily ontop of her, nude, but asleep. Normally it would be time for some purification rituals in the morning but there were undead to deal with up ahead in the Necromancers lands and Riana felt more ready then ever.. even as her hand wandered to push into Gwin's snatch, awakening her by pumping in and out of her slowly and rythmically..

Riana suckled and kissed Gwin's breasts tracing the new markings that had appeared on her squire's body with joy and a lingering doubt and horror. Surely this was right that Gwin would carry the mantle of heroine as Riana retired to allow the king to plow her fertile loins and plant the next generation of heroine-sluts. As the pleasure washed over both of them any worries were swept away in the intense rituals of meditation and sacrifice.


Finally awakening Riana moaned softly as she felt Gwin's soft, slender body nestled against her own lush form. She leaned up to kiss Gwin even as her fingers began to slowly ravish the young elf. "Awaken Gwin, awaken. It is time to dedicate our bodies and souls to the Elven nation."
Gwin did indeed awaken, blushing a little under Riana's attention.. but there was no time to dawdle, it was time to serve obediantly.

The Hero of the Elves was brought before the armies commaner, a grim man but honorable, in his own right and quickly learned that the enemy had summoned their own stronghold, a vast pyramid, to the east of the necromancers own abode. Whilest the army would concentrate an attack and thus occupy the evil undead wizards forces against his fortress, all of it would be for naught if not the undying pharaoh queen was defeated, for the spies had found that the female undead was currently holding the lichs phylactery. Only through besting her, and destroying it, could the evil wizard be vanquished reliably.

Of course he knew that, and his servant would retreat the moment he fell... and the army lacked the resources to siege both places.

However, a single, powerful, determined individual could sneak past the undead lines, infiltrate the pyramid.. and dispose of the creature. Or so the plan went.

And thus, Riana found herself approaching a large Pyramid, almost seeming to have grown out of the ground, cracking through the landscape, a strange, foreign relic, if not for it's menacing apperance.

Countless undead guardians and lesser mummies patrolled the area, but, clad in darkness and deception magic forced out of her demonic sword, Riana and Gwin carefully approached the main entrance, staring down into a corridor decorated by multiple hieroglyphs on the walls, Riana wanted to make haste, for every moment of maintaining the spell she felt the weight of the swords will upon her growing heavier.. more lustful. But then again, she could not risk running into traps or drawing attention carelessly, what should she do?

(For now, let's make haste and then return to a .. more cautious approach! Uwah!)

Riana accepted the mission to defeat the undead minion with stoic determination. Her loins were churning with heat, her breasts heavy and her nipples achingly hard with desire but lately she always felt that way during times of great adventure. Certainly this was no different yet the depth of her Heat worried the corrupted paladin of the elves. Yet this was the last hurdle, the final battle after which she could take her well earned reward at the side of the King of the Elves.

During the approach to the pyramid Riana squirmed on her saddle and moaned softly but kept her focus on maintaining the power of the sword to protect them. Now as they dismounted at the entrance to the huge crypt Riana drew a deep breath. "Let us advance cautiously but with bold courage. The power of the gods will protect us as it has already." She looked at the open passageway and shook her head. "This entrance is watched, guarded and likely trapped. We will secure the horses out of sight and then scout the rest of the structure. Every entrance will have it's guards but hopefully our approach will be less anticipated." Smiling briefly at Gwin Riana led her horse off to the side and then headed up to the pyramid. She went with the most hope toward the section to the right where the structure had collapsed somewhat. Perhaps there a shifted stone might allow entrance into the interior.
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EDIT: Choice #1 of options at this stage

Riana accepted the mission to defeat the undead minion with stoic determination. Her loins were churning with heat, her breasts heavy and her nipples achingly hard with desire but lately she always felt that way during times of great adventure. Certainly this was no different yet the depth of her Heat worried the corrupted paladin of the elves. Yet this was the last hurdle, the final battle after which she could take her well earned reward at the side of the King of the Elves.

During the approach to the pyramid Riana squirmed on her saddle and moaned softly but kept her focus on maintaining the power of the sword to protect them. Now as they dismounted at the entrance to the huge crypt Riana drew a deep breath. "Let us advance cautiously but with bold courage. The power of the gods will protect us as it has already." She looked at the open passageway and squared her shoulders. "This entrance is watched, guarded and likely trapped. We must be brave and bold but careful. There is no time to waste in seeking another entrance. There will be risks but we must face them." Drawing the sword Riana started off cautiously down the entrance into the pyramid.

The Pyramid was imposing, but each minute Riana wasted could mean the death of a dozen elfish soldiers. Not to mention the quivering and digging and tugging at her very soul by the demonsword. Even just riding her horse felt.. enticing, by now.
Yes, this was the final battle, and after it.. release. Perhaps this was what drove her on with more haste than caution.

Gwin'en followed close behind, only to eep ever so slightly, as two dried-bandage covered creatuers jumped at them. A swift strike dispatched of one, burning away in demonic power, and whilest the other grabbed onto Riana, a kick and cut later, and it too was pushed back, the elfish hero advancing past the guards, stepping over a suspicious stone on the ground.. only to see two of the (kind of lewd) wall paintings light up in a purple-blue glow! Gwin'en gasped, reaching out for Riana, but it was too late..

She found herself falling into a sudden pit, only to be caught by twisting, winding ropes, roughly digging into her limbs and speading her open in some sort of underground torture-chamber trap, torches igniting left and right, as little hope of escaped remained, the mechanism closing above the now trapped elfish beauty, her companion crying out in worry above..

Riana had her own troubles however, because beyond the ropes, another thing was digging into her.. a , currently digging uncomfortably sensually in between her legs, riding up between them.. what kind of pervert build a trap like this?!?
Worse, she'd lost grip of her sword in the fall, now finding herself half-restrained in the dangerous, potentially magical ropes holding her lewdly in place in the perverse trap.

Riana felt a slight sense of encouragement as they defeated the first of the guardians yet she knew in her heart that they would face far worse dangers. Her own misgivings were realized as the passageway lit up with ghastly light as the twisted murals painted on the walls began to glow with an unearthly aura. She twisted as the ground opened up underneath her and darkness swallowed her. "Gwin'en, stay strong! Keep the faith!" was all the Champion could call out as she was bound and trussed in a flurry of sentient seeming ropes. The sudden surge of light from the scattered torches did little to reassure Riana for her fall was suddenly arrested not by the impact of her booted feet on the dusty floor but an intimately painful assault on her tender, womanly flesh. She wriggled and jerked in her imprisonment, the impaled and permanently puffy and slick folds of her pussy scraping lewdly along the devious and cruel instrument of torture. Riana strained against her bonds and grasped with desperate futility to reach the sword only to slump back in pain and twisted erotic pleasure at the intense pressure of the wooden pyramid.

"Curse you! Release me and show that you can defeat me in combat oh fiend!"
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Riana's struggling only served to help the wooden contraption dig deeper in between her legs, somewhere between pleasure and pain. On close examination, those ropes had a strange coloration, like old, withered paper perhaps, wiggling about before the elven maiden realized no, not paper.

Riana found herself trapped and writhing on the object, but that was less worrying. What was worrying was a subtle glow of magic on the device she was trapped on, but whatever it was, whatever it did to her.. that realization filled her with subtle concern, but she could not tell if anything was different.. right now.

Her demands for a proper challenge were finally answered by a half-naked, beautiful, but also dangerous looking lady. Dark, long hair hanging a bit disordered over her luscious frame, bandages covering her more or less modestly, a dangerous smile spreading over a face that had a slightly unhealthy, unnatural hue to a darker taint.

"Look at who has wandered into my trap so recklessly.." She cooed, approaching with ease through and past the bandages into the trap-chamber, extending a hand to caress along Riana's cheek, almost tenderly, although her fingers were cold and their nails long.
"You will be a treat to play with.."

Riana found the combination of pleasure and pain from the bondage to the cruel device to be both arousing and repulsive. She had been well trained by the spirit of the sword to crave punishment and sensuality together as it raised her skills and power in a harsh and demanding fashion. Yet this was different; she was locked and imprisoned rather than free on the field of battle or training grounds to work and serve the master. She tried to stop writhing and wriggling but found herself locked in a slow, steady movement that brought a pleasurable glow of pain and desire from the horse and her strange bonds.

When the woman entered the room Riana growled in anger. At least she was facing her captor. As the woman approached Riana jerked her head back and away from her touch. "Undead fiend. Release me and see if you dare face me in combat. I am the royal champion and no plaything of a corrupt being." She knew that her words were shear braggadocio but currently her voice and spirit were Riana's only weapons.