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Sexy Waffles - A strange World - Campaign thread

27151 Nix the changeling, Eleanah the rogue.
HP: 9/9 AC: 13 Conditions: Shapechanged into Eleanah
Tag: all

Nix was slightly surprised when he suddenly kissed her, though she kinda should have expected that, he had after all made it quite clear that he thought that was a good reward. After that she stayed kind of quiet, letting the others talk since they seemed to have an idea what to ask about, and she was still surprised by the kiss honestly.

As they continued talking Nix listened and got her clothes and equipment, she at the same time considered what the others were saying and decided on what she thought was best. "Personally I'm not in a rush to see this queen, now I don't know whether "the master of tricks" is telling the truth, but I do know I don't like being around people who can control minds with magic." She said, looking around at the others.

'Master of Pranks', Riding Coach, Tag: All

"Great, great.. off you pop from the prison cart.. also, Master of Pranks, young lady.
Anyway. I guess I should tell you something like.. ooh wander to the far off-forests, to escape from the wicked queen and seek shelter among the wildernis oooh there you will find the sage of truths.. and your true desires!"

The Prank-Master chuckled.

"Not so loud.. geesh, horny," He sighed at Zameia. "You need to switch to decaff.. err.. it's a druid joke, they brew this thing out of beans... I can be lots of fun, once you get to hmnn.. know me." He winked. "But don't worry, I wont travel with you, my power is not unlimited, you know."

He just grinned a smirk-filled smile at Davia's philosophizing. "Oh but what if I tell you that I am always lying, even now? I get it, you want to be the boss bitch of this little squad and that's fine by me.. I just want you to give fun a chance!"
He gave a thumbs up, before finally, turning to Rain.

"Huh. You are smarter than that hair makes you look cutie. Perhaps I did forget it. I tend to do these kind of things. Perhaps more nefarious forces are afoot. But really, who would want to corrupt your dreamworlds and invade you to take control of you in such a sinister way, turning you into flesh-puppets of their own desires...
Now that I say it out loud, might have been me after all.. potentially.
Anyway, whilest she has, I do believe you have neglected to answer my question! Duck it is!
Qua-quack-quarack-Quack Honk!"

He incanted..and with that, he cracked his knuckles, twirled a multi-rooted staff at Rain who.. suddenly noticed that everyone around her was growing, as her form shifted into..
A pretty, ordinary looking white duck!

The good news is, you gain flight, although being unused to it, you need a dex check to make it work for anything more than angry wing-fluttering about.

The bad news is, you can't speak outside of duck noises and lose your arms.. no spellcasting in this form!

Only the magical panties you purchased have melded with your current form.. someone will have to carry your stuff!

"Oh geesh.. expanded most of my power now, didn't I." He huffed.. "Guess I'll be disappearing.. now's your chance to run while my power still keeps the guards senses obscured, if you want to stay, good luck explaining the guard and the duck.. oh and Duck, the spell should fade in a few.. minutes.. yes I think it was minutes. Or decades.

Anyway.. feel free to explore this world and become as perverted as you want to be, that's all I want, really. If you need me, Just call for the Master of Pranks three times infront of a reflecting surface, Best of luck you all!"

He gave a thumbs up, before his wings began kind of.. tearing and fading away, like ashes scattering on the wind, his feet as well, slowly dissipating. Whilest he could seemingly still listen and speak, he would indubitably soon fully disappear...

((If you want to, jumping off the still driving prison wagon is a dex check, DC 10. Failing it will deal 1d6 falling damage to you. Duck-Rain auto succeds thanks to flight!

Whatever all of this was, the whole ordeal has left you feeling more experienced. You reach level 2!))
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d1bbv8o-15520793-bd14-4649-9063-3c3c981086ec.jpgDavia Darklighter - Drow Arcane Explorer

Health: 5/5, AC: 13, Status: freed, Mood: anxious, annoyed, Tag: All

"What in tarnation..." Davia sputtered out as Rain was transformed. She shot a dark look towards the self-declared master of pranks, and was about to remark that her slaves were hers alone to abuse, but decided against it, instead stroking Idriana's collared neck. "Slave, be a dear and carry your slave sister's belongings, will you?"
She leaned out of the driving wagon, watching the surroundings fly by. "I guess if everyone agrees to leave, now is the time! Everyone, jump! This carriage won't stop for us!"
With that, she leapt out and gracefully landed on the ground nearby, not even shaking through her component pouch and backpack.

Zameia Steelfist - The Muscled Monk
Tagging: DM/All
AC: 16, HP: 11/15, Ki Points: 2/2
Active Effects:


Zameia couldn't react quickly enough once Rain was turned into a duck, still confused by everything going on around her. Which meant that the creature disappeared before she had a chance to get angrier at him. "Remind me to kick his teeth out if we meet him again..." She muttered, angry once again once someone would do that to one of her allies. She hated 'trickster' types. The Orcish way was to face people head on and either get beat up or win, they didn't deal with trickery and deception, that was the work of cowards. And while she had grown out of most of that, it still irked her when people acted tricky and lied to her rather than just face her head on. But trying to punch through the carriage or shouting about wouldn't help her or the group whatsoever. Now was the time to get out of here, and maybe figure out how to get away from all this madness.

"We'll figure out how to undo this Rain... And get him back at some point." The monk would promise, not wanting to just let him get away with something like that. So she'd nod and hop out of the carriage (Acrobatics Roll: 7)

Apparently her anger was negatively affecting her, as she misjudged the jump slightly and her foot would catch on something on the way out, sending her off balance and heading towards the ground. Thankfully she moved herself at the last moment and hit the ground a bit better, only scraping her arm as she landed on the ground (1 damage. HP now 10/15). Though once she had her wits about her she'd hit the ground in aggravation, another annoyance building on the frustration that had been plaguing her for quite a while now. Part of her wanted to punch a tree or just go back and pick a fight with those guards again to let off steam, but she was smart enough and had enough self-control not to just go off attacking things. "Fucking FUCK! Bullshit guards, Bullshit trickster fuck, Bullshit imprisonment, and BULLSHIT STUPID FUCKING ME SCRAPING MY DAMN ARM!" Apparently she didn't have enough self-control to keep herself from a swearing tirade in Orcish...

But she'd once again steady herself, breathing and doing her very best to keep herself calm, sighing a bit, steadying herself once again. "So where are we even going at this point? The sooner we get out of here the better." She'd ask, not really sure what their next step should even be.
Duck-Rain looked at the little imp angrily, considering if she should peck his cock. But at the end she decided against it...it wasn't a good idea to antagonize people who could turn you into a duck. Still, she shot him an angry stare with her left eye, before following the others in jumping down the carriage! As for what to do afterwards...she was also at a loss. Not that she could tell the others, even if she had an idea...

Name: Idriana Starseeker the Do Gooder
AC: 14, HP: 11/11
Tag: All
Conditions: None

Idriana smiled and nodded to Davia. She gathered Rain the Duck's gear along with hers. She leaped from the carriage and then quickly donned her own armor and checked her weapons. Idriana walked over to the duck. "Rain, can you quack once if you can still understand us? We can use the one quack yes and two quacks no for now if you can't speak. You can also hold a pen in your beak and write if that is possible."
9863026.jpg Nix the changeling, Eleanah the rogue.
HP: 13/13 AC: 13 Conditions: Shapechanged into Eleanah
Tag: all

"Personally I'd be up for going to look for this sage of truth, not really interested in going where the guards were taking us." She said, doing a quick once over on the guards to check whether or not they had anything valuable she could knick. "Forest does make sense too, harder to look for people there than in a city, even if I am better at hiding in those."
Tag: Nix

Nix checks the one knocked out guard over, finding a heavy iron club and an interesting looking pouch, that she can either try and grab or leave be, as she realizes that all the others have already jumped off the carriage, which is happy to drive on, now about 50 ft ahead of the others. Huh, Davia's theory on the carriage seems to have been correct, as the carriage steers around a corner, the horses seemingly knowing just where to go, passing some flag-poles on the way.


Tag: Idriana, D-Rain, Zameia, Davia

You land, more or less gracefully, by the roadside, making bewildered/Angry/duck/obediant noises upon landing.
Zameia punches the ground and annihilates some daisies. They propably had it coming, being all flowery and whatnot.

You are standing by the roadside, a small, but withered bridge leading on over a brook, merrily rushing along, uncaring of your plight. Now that you look around there are small withered stones, some with markings, all along your path. The only other signs of civilization are two flagpoles by the roadside, displaying what you presume is the sigil of that queen you'd been hearing about. Whilest the Master of Pranks told you to search out the Sage and even gave you directions, without a map and compass, or at least some magic to help you orient yourself it is awfully useless, even if you consider his account trustworthy.
Well, it is propably wisest to avoid sticking to the road, seeing as you are now fugitives and all that. At least you have a good chunk of the day remaining, it must be about noon now.

Looking around, you spot trees, and more trees. A slope slowly inclining to the right of the road, lined by rather beautiful birch-trees with long branches rustling in the wind. Which is a little peculiar, as it isn't that windy. Did one of those long dark branches just beckon you closer? That's propably not possible.

To the left, by the brooks side, there are more trees, as well as a small cave. Looking over there you spot two small humanoid creatures of a small stature with bright red hats. They've spotted you back as well, currently seeming to be discussing with one another, too far away to be heard properly.

One of the creatures gestures towards your group, whilest the other bops it's red hat up and down, rubbing it's littly chin.

You also notice a tiny, green clad creature, hiding under a mushroom and observing you lot with big eyes.

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9863026.jpg Nix the changeling, Eleanah the rogue.
HP: 7/13 AC: 13 Conditions: Shape changed into Eleanah
Tag: all

Nix decided that the mace probably wasn't anything for her, too big and clumsy, but the pouch, on the other hand, those one could always use more of, after all, what are pouches for if not holding money, yep yep. Grabbing it and then jumping off the carriage to follow the others. That though did not go well, jumping off the carriage Nix somehow managed to completely mess up her landing, her pants and panties falling down around her knees and tripping her up and making her fall down. And as if that it wasn't enough when she landed she suddenly felt her ass hurt like hell, a tree root or something having gone up it when she landed "UNNNNNGHH!"
Rain decided to refrain from quacking and other noises that could draw attention, but otherwise she would have complained loudly about the whole mess. Who jumps from a running wagon? Someone could die!

"Quack" she declared, looking towards the red hatted gnomes. Probably becoming a duck was the fairy king's plot for something...well, hopefully. He did look like the kind of guy who would do something on a whim.

She would follow along the others, however keeping a safe distance from any gnome...just in case they wanted to make a soup out of her or something.
d1bbv8o-15520793-bd14-4649-9063-3c3c981086ec.jpgDavia Darklighter - Drow Arcane Explorer

Health: 8/8, AC: 13, Status: freed, Mood: anxious, annoyed, Tag: All

As the others started to land, Davia took stock of their surroundings. The forests didn't look too different or even dreamlike, but the strange gnome-like beings ahead made her uneasy. Just when she noticed Eleanah wasn't with them, she heard a yelp of pain from farther down the road.

"I would love to study these lands, but perhaps we should first find a safe place. Rain and I will look for Eleanah, you should find out hat to do about those... things over there." Davia casually commanded, easily slipping back into the manners and effortlessly commanding tone of a noble.
She picked up Rain, holding her in her arms as she walked over a slope to where she heard the yelp from. She pressed the duck lightly against her cleavage, allowing Rain to immerse her head between those soft, dark globes. Her hands stroked through the feathers, especially at the underside, fondling the duck's rump. "Does that feel good? I have never pleasure a duck... body before. Dont worry, I'll take good care of you. You're still mine, after all, aren't you? Still addicted to me." She reached int her panties with one hand, playing with herself to get wet, then brought the moist hand back up, giving Rain a good whiff of her heavy, exotic, sweet musk, before stroking over her head with the wet hand. "I take good care of my slaves." She whispered as they approached Eleanah. "Are you alright?" She asked the girl.

All the while Davia watched her surroundings, looking out for more living beings and things that stood out. She also watched the sky, hoping that it would remain cloudy for another while. If the accursed sun were to come out, Davia would keep to the trees' shade to protect her skin and eyes. (Perception: 13)

Zameia Steelfist - The Muscled Monk
Tagging: DM/All
AC: 16, HP: 10/15, Ki Points: 2/2
Active Effects:


Zameia would take a few breaths, steadying herself some more after dealing with so much in the span of only a few hours. A few deep breaths, a moment of focusing on herself and pushing the distractions out once again. "Shoulda just stayed in the last town when they offered me a job there... Though they never did tell me what they meant by 'servicing' people... You can't service people on the side of the road..." She would mutter to herself, regretting the fact that she was out here. But she'd eventually stand up and dust herself off, adding the 'Master of Pranks' to the list of people she wanted to punch... after the guards and the guard captain. But now wasn't the time to stew over thoughts of revenge... holding onto shit like that was bad for you. So she'd put herself back together and nod in agreement with Davia. "Somewhere safe is a good idea... Patch up some of the scrapes and bumps I've taken... and it sounds like Eleanah has taken now... Let me know if she's okay... Sounds like she took the fall worse than me." She would mention, not wanting to get into a fight just as banged up as she was a few minutes ago. And hoping that one of her allies hadn't gotten too hurt from that fall. A fall out of a moving carriage could break one's neck afer all... And not everyone could be as lucky as her to come away with only a scraped up arm.

Though as she took a look around she seemed to notice a small creature hiding under a mushroom. And... well she had to admit that the little creature seemed kinda cute. Zameia would crouch down on the ground, looking at the creature curiously. "Err... Hello there... I promise we're friendly.... Some too friendly... But friendly. Uh... despite the flowers... Sorry about that... Would you be able to talk to us about some things? We're a bit lost out here..." She made sure not to speak too loud, considering that her voice likely sounded louder to the tiny creature, and not wanting to scare the small thing off.

Inconspicious red hatted men, Tag: Nix

With nix taking root away from the others, one of the small, dirty creatures approached her, whilest the other scuttled back into their cave. It croaked something at her in a language she didn't understand.. before readying some sort of net!
(Initiative for Nix, who is prone. he has a 4!)

Tag: Davia, Rain

Aside from the movement of the red-hatted ones, Davia didn't see any acitivity in her immediate vicinity.. although watching where Zameia was leaning to, she too would notice the tiny sprite-like creature.
Davia notes that the weather is cloudy, with the occasional, but bearable ray of sunlight breaking through the clouds. She fears there might be a sunny afternoon coming soon!
The duck and drow duo move to check on their elf companion, unless Rain objects to the duck-groping along the way.


Zameia meanwhile investigated her little friend, which used the mushroom as a futile defense-barrier to Zameia's gaze. "Ah! Hello, violent mistress. I'll tell you what I can, if you aim your violent first away from me and the mushrooms. Worry not about the daisies, they were quite the mischievous lot anyway.

I heard you seek shelter earlier? You've picked a bad spot for it. Between the willowmen up the hill and the redcap's territory down ahead, you'd struggle to find a shelter, oversized as you are."
The little thing crossed it's arms. "If you were more reasonable sized.. where are you heading anyway?"

Zameia Steelfist - The Muscled Monk
Tagging: DM
AC: 16, HP: 10/15, Ki Points: 2/2
Active Effects:


Zameia seemed to calm down a little as she spoke to the small creature hiding beneath the mushroom. She was rather adorable... and learning about new creatures she hadn't met before was something she had enjoyed even when she was a young kid. Though she would blush a little and look a bit embarrassed as the creature referred to her as the 'Violent Mistress', regretting her outbursts from before if it had frightened the little creature. "Errr... Don't worry, I promise not to harm you or your mushrooms unless you try to harm us. And err... It doesn't look like you intend that so we'll be fine. Oh? The daisies weren't good? Okay well then at least I didn't hurt any of the good plants... Mushrooms good... Those daisies bad." She'd note, also making a note to be careful of stepping on any mushrooms from now on. As now she wasn't sure whether or not there would be someone like this little creature hiding under them, and the less shelters she destroyed the better. "Oh, my name is Zameia by the way. It's nice to meet you, friend." She would introduce herself, glad to see that the friendly approach was working this time.

"We're... not familiar with a lot of the area... What are 'Willowmen'?" Whatever they were, that name didn't sound like good news at least. Especially with the way that she described them as not being safe to be around. "If we were more reasonably sized? Uhh... I don't think we have any way to shrink down... At least I don't have any way..." Ki didn't provide many ways to shrink yourself down at least...

"We're not entirely sure where to go... I think we're trying to meet with 'The Sage'. I don't think we have any sort of better plan aside from that." Despite her anger she had been keeping track of what was going on. And right now that seemed to be their best chance of getting out of this crazy place. Hopefully this small creature would be helpful to them, as right now they were 2 for 2 on people that had annoyed the Tiefling. "Oh and uh... Is there anything we can give you in thanks for your help? I don't know if you'd want a bit of gold considering the size difference... But I'd feel rude not giving you SOMETHING for helping us..."
Rain decided to just stay with Davia for now...the turning into a duck was weird and she wasn't really in a lewd mood, considering she had no idea when she would turn back. What a weird dream...maybe if she imagined really hard that she was not a duck any more? That's how dreams are supposed to work, right? She tried to concentrate a bit to try that, even through Davia's lewd petting.

She eyed curiously the little creature with her right eye. Maybe it knew how to turn back? Redcaps and willowmen...those sounded like fairytale things. She tried to recall if she had heard of them before...

(12 Redcaps, 8 on Willowmen - whatever knowledge skill it is with +1 int plus Jack of All Trades)

Inconspicious red hatted men, Tag: Nix

But Nix, impaled on the root as she was, struggled to free herself from one problem only to stumble into the next, a web tossed over her, entangling her, with the red-hatted little man quickly scuttling to properly restrain her.
(Nix is grappled by the net. dex(acrobatics) or str -breaking the net to try and escape before she is restrained.)

Tag: Zameia, Rain

Rain felt a bit woozy, as she began trying to force her way back to humanity.. but then she thought about how she wanted to find a nice pond to swim on, and how she really wanted some bread right about now. Perhaps one of her companions has some bread? (Can retry the charisma check. But also, give me a wisdom check to resist your craving for bread!)

She doesn't really know what a Willowman is, but these Red-hatted things, Redcaps, seem like the nasty goblinoids from fairytales. They like to hide underground and die their caps in blood. At least they were propably cowardly enough to attack a group this size, unless provoked.. Thinking about it weren't they more people before?


"Your gracious consideration is appreciated, Violent mistress!"
The little creature clapped it's hands together.
"The Willomen? Oh they are a right grouchy folk. They live up yonder hill and reach down to touch you. Best not to let them, violent mistress. Lucky we are right small so they can't get us proper."
The little one informed.

"Oh shrinking down would be no issue at all miss, we've got mushrooms for that!"
The wee'one enthused. "Oh the sage.. yeah I sure know of 'em! Although perhaps then you ought to stay your normal size. It'd be a half day's travel, through the forest and then a bit further still, though I'd never gone out of the forest myself. You could make your way past the redcaps, if you can hide away from them, you could go up the hill, but I wouldn't get close to the Willowmen if I were your size, or you could make your way down the river, but that's only if you can swim a proper or have a boat."
The river looked entirely too small for a boat to be honest.

"Oh I don't really need a gold, if you want to give me something you could give the redcaps your violent fist, mistress. They like to boil my kind as soup, they do.."
The little fairy suggested.
d1bbv8o-15520793-bd14-4649-9063-3c3c981086ec.jpgDavia Darklighter - Drow Arcane Explorer

Health: 8/8, AC: 13, Status: freed, Mood: anxious, annoyed, Tag: All

Davia crossed the slope and saw Eleanah being attacked by the small creatures. "Stay at the bushes." She whispered to Rain before setting her down and quickly rushing down, towards Eleanah, taking out her component pouch. She knew that attacking foes she knew nothing about head on was a bad idea, but she couldn't stand by while her future slave and pet was being attacked! Still, her curiosity was sparked, and Davia decided to try less destructive methods.

/Sleep./ She whispered, her breath blowing rose petals from her palm.

(Davia moves close enough to cast "Sleep!" But she tries to stay next to cover if possible. Sleep HP: 19, point of origin is the redhat closed to Nix.)
9863026.jpg Nix the changeling, Eleanah the rogue.
HP: 7/13 AC: 13 Conditions: Shape changed into Eleanah
Tag: all

Nix had been hurting too much to notice the Redcap much, but with the sudden throwing of the net she had no intention of just staying put, wriggling and ever so slightly shifting to help she got out form under the net, pulling out one dagger and holding it in a defensive position. "Hey, what was that for? Here I am getting sodomized by a damn treeroot and you throw a net at me?" She complained looking annoyed. (unsettling visage if it attacks(gives disadvantage on 1 attack)

Zameia Steelfist - The Muscled Monk
Tagging: DM
AC: 16, HP: 10/15, Ki Points: 1/2
Active Effects:


Zameia smiled a little at the small fairy when she clapped her hands together. The tiny one was really adorable, and honestly meeting her had at least made some of all this frustration worth it. Though she made a note that she shouldn't be touched by these 'Willowmen'. "Got it... Willowmen bad... Any idea how they respond to being punched? Just in case..." You never knew when something would need a good punching, and things that were immune to punching were the worst. Walls, big trees, metal ingots, all of them were immune to punching, and they even hurt her when she punched them... bunch of jerks they were...

Her eyes would widen at the mention of mushrooms that could make them smaller. "Gonna be honest... Didn't expect that today... Are their mushrooms to make us big again? Or do they wear off or..." Being smaller might be fun, but not if she was gonna be stuck that way... Then she'd look ridiculous and she hated looking silly for too long. "Through the forest... I see, so just that way... Any other landmarks that we might notice? And thank you so much... We don't have a boat, but we'll be able to find some way. You've been a great help" A part of her wanted to pet the fairy, but then again that felt like it'd be kind of patronizing.

"THEY WHAT?!" The monk would exclaim angrily, hearing that these 'red caps' boiled these fairies for food. That was something she'd need to deal with then, especially considering how helpful this one fairy had been. She wasn't going to let something like this stand. "Oh they'll get more than my fist..." She'd nearly growl in Orcish, deciding that these creatures were far too nice to do something as barbaric as boiling them and eating them...

So she'd turn in the general direction of her companions, looking around and noticing something that her allies seemed unaware of. Something that would both punish these damn red caps as well as help her party fight them off. (Initiative Roll of 20)

Zameia would take a deep breath, focusing on her teachings, centering herself and pushing the Ki through her body. She channeled it through into her legs, getting a determined look on her face as she faced towards the Red Caps, using her Ki to .

Zameia uses a ki point for "Step of the Wind" to dash as a bonus action. 1 Ki Point remaining

She'd quickly close the distance, rushing... at a bush? Her target didn't seem to be the red cap that Davia was looking at, instead moving towards a nearby bush... It seemed that she was going after... two red caps that were hiding in a bush?! She'd rush after one of them, trying to aim her quarterstaff at it. (Attack Roll 7).

Though it would seem that with her rushing over so quickly she wouldn't have the time to properly aim her strike, likely missing at this rate.

Little Fairy, Tag: Zameia, Rain

"I figure they'd get angry?" The little fairy theorized at Zameia's questioning. "Oh of course there are mushrooms that make you big again, no one would eat a small-small shroom without having the other one, right? The ones that make you smaller are brown and round with green gills, the ones that make you larger are brown and pointy with grey gills, easy to keep apart."
The little fey pointed out one of the mushrooms each, but then Zameia got distracted with RIGHTEOUS FURY!

Rain considered helping, but she was still occupied fighting off the thoughts about those delicious breadcrumbs.. wait, why was everything looking.. funny? Suddenly, the ground moved away from her, as her form shifted, leaving her returning to human form.. albeit with no clothes or equipment on her!
(Rain returns to her original form and gains the ability to Shapeshift into a duck as a full-round action!)


Inconspicious red hatted men, Tag: Zameia, Davia, Nix

Zameia didn't rush the visible threatening Redcap, but his two buddies, watching and ready to pounce on in. Needless to say, they were startled by this. They also weren't very bright, so one pointed at Zameia and said something in a grunting-quack like tone.. to which it's mate threw a net at her!
The net landed on Zameia, comically a little too short to cover her entirely. Non-comically it did restrict her movement (you are technically grappled by the thing. Doesn't stop you from smacking the redcaps yet though!
The two creatures grinned and leered at her, specifically, her underboob!

Meanwhile, Davia unleashed her spell in a whisper of arcane might to help her troubled companion. Unbeknownst to her however, Nix had taken a fair bit of punishment so far, weakening her just enough to be just as receptive to the magic as her assailant.. and with that, both of them fell upon one another, with Nix out of danger... but also a goblinoid-thing sleeping quite happily ontop of her squishy breast.

Initiative order: Zameia -> Redcaps in Bush -> Davia (Nix and Redcap sleep and might join in if awokened by a standard action or an attack.)