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Sexy Waffles - A strange World - Campaign thread


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

The cool morning air tempts your nostrils with a hint of rain soon to come from overcast skies. One or two -very- drunken stragglers stumble their way home, as a loud, large, black cocks cry informs them just how late they are. Few people are left around the small towns square at the Maiden's Red, infact, the only one you know is the local doomsayer, currently asleep after dutifully screaming his voice hoarse about the death of society, the downfall of civilization and the decreasing quality of the local turnips.

Zameia looked up to the inn. The Maiden's Red. That sounded like good as place as any to spent a day or two at. Although, what was strange is that they seemed to be closing up, this early in the morning? Perhaps she could ask the dark-haired lady coming out of it.. wait.. had that lady been robbed? By the look of her, she seemed a little exhausted and sweaty, only wearing what Zameia would describe as generous underwear. Zameia couldn't help but give the lady a closer look.. perhaps she could use her help? Or perhaps The Maiden's Red wasn't your usual Inn? Then again, Orcs didn't know bordells, nor did monks visit the strip club regularly, so Zameia found herself.. uninformed.

Rayne exited her workplace, after an.. eventful night, full of performing various sensual and sexy and enticing acts. However, as soon as she was on the street she found a tall, muscular and horny female checking her out. The way those eyes were wandering over her tight outfit... well, Rayne didn't mind performing for women now, did she? She wasn't all that tired, perhaps she could offer another performance to her.. or, hoh.. there was someone else active in the early morning hours, a decidedly dark elf.. Drow, on the surface? She observed the market place as if she was interested in this place in particular.. hopefully as a cute client or co-dancer, not to rob it and spidermurder everyone inside!

Davia had been told that if she wanted magic, one of the dancers at the bordell could offer a truly magic performance. Then, she had waited patiently, studying her tome in the darkness, waiting for said dancer to come out. Was this her now? She looked like just another whore. And as if this wasn't enough, some tall-grown, muscular demonblood approached her first. Well, perhaps she could just address both ladies.. but then, there was the sound of heavy boots besides her on the street, someone failing to be stealthy and failing to look at her. Failing to ask her 'so, an evil drow, right?' The high-elf didn't exactly seem like the ditzy blonde type, but then again. High elf.

Idriana pondered how to do this. On the one hand, there was a drow in the shadows and her demonic hench-woman, clearly about to rob the poor, innocent dancer, forced to sell her body for mens amusement. On the other hand, they hadn't done anything wrong. Yet. She had cautiously approached the drow and didn't see any drawn weapons, crossbows aimed or such things, then again, if the drow noticed her, she'd propably draw weapons right away, right? She had heard of good drow and good fiendblooded ones in her education of course. She'd also heard that they were rare at best. Should she wait for these two to try anything, or should she step to protect the dancer now.. wait, was there another person, hiding away in the shadows, cloak dawn tight...?

Nix observed the scene from a distance. The dancer had a bodyguard, a tough looking demonic one on top, and whatsmore, she seemed kinda nice. Nix didn't rob nice people. So what about the elves. One high, one low. Perhaps forbidden lovers? She was almost more curious on their tale, than on their coin. Perhaps she should get closer, try to get to know the pair? Were they a pair? Definitly, considering the High-elves stare alone. That was when she, and everyone else was interrupted by a shout.


Doomsayer, Town Square, Tag: All

"Repent! You've all been marked for your transgressions! I can see it! The White Frog's chosen! The mark of the fallen!"
The dirty, drunk looking man shouted, a sign clattering around his neck that informed you, in large letters, that: The End is Nigh!
It also informed you that turnips were a half copper each, but that part was struck through, which was a shame, as this would be a great deal for a good turnip.

"Hear the words of Zagyg's chosen and repent!"
He insisted, shaking his fist towards anyone who would listen, briefly rattling a half rusted through cup, leaving open if these donations at the end of the world would serve to lighten the burdens of one's soul, or simply buy one silence from the mans screaming for a time.

Zagyg is a minor deity. You heard he's quite mad.

Zagyg, the Mad Arch-mage is a demigod of trickery-magic, humor and eccentricities in service of Boccob.

Zagyg, also known as Zagig Yragerne, the Mad Arch-mage is a demigod of trickery-magic, humor and eccentricities in service of the Greater deity Boccob. It is highly unlikely that this random madman would have been chosen by him, as such a deity would favour wizards driven mad by their search for knowledge and spellpower.

~Note: Please format your posts with a picture, your characters name as a link to the charsheet, a tag (who you are talking to) and a brief stat-info (ac, hitpoints, currently active buffs).
Note 2: You can roll for lotsa things, not just the options I give you here. Details are up to you!~
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Name: Rain, the Sexy Bard!
AC: 11 (no armor), HP: 8/8
Conditions: None

Rain liked to go for a stroll around the city after she was done with her performance. Usually it would be deep in the night, or early in the morning, when no one was around. She loved the possibility of being seen in her work costume...technically, they were clothes and not underwear - even if she wore nothing below them. Truth is, that she was kind of getting used to walking around like that, making it lost the excitement...but she also loved the idea of someone finding her like this, and doing bad things to her...sadly she had no such encounters till now. But a girl could dream...

"Wow, it is morning already?" she pondered. Maybe she should still have her little stroll...sure there were more people around, but people watching her like this could be kind of embarrassing and fun. She would be the talk of the town afterwards...just thinking of it made her wet...and maybe it would also rain, and then her clothes would stick on her...and maybe someone would offer to dry her up...hmmm...

She then noticed the tiefling...hmm, yes, she loved when people looked at her like this.

"Hey sweetheart...I haven't seen you around before. Do you want to share a cup of tea with me?" she offered, before noticing the drow. They surely had a bad reputation...but surely it wouldn't attack her during daytime...maybe she should have gone out earlier...drow were kinky and had sex slaves...what if this happened to her? It would be so hot...sadly she had to be interrupted by the doomsayer. It wasn't like she had her purse with her, so she couldn't really give him some silver and have him ignore her.

"Uh, hello to you too. I do repent for whatever I did, but I have nothing on me to offer right now, so..." she offered apologetically. Surely it would be obvious that she really wasn't carrying anything but her outfit with her...

Zameia Steelfist
Tagging: Rayne (Aenon), DM
AC: 16, HP: 9/9


Zameia observed her surroundings, always wanting to watch the town around her. There were so many things that you could learn just by observing what was happening around you. The Tiefling monk had set out to see the world, to learn things she'd never learn in a monastery. That meant paying attention to the world around you, taking interest in things that others may even find boring just to further her own understanding. Though she knew she couldn't just stand around staring all day, she needed somewhere to stay for the next few nights. The inn she had stayed at allowed her to stay for free, so long as she worked as a sort of "Bouncer" for the nights she stuck around. Luckily regular people didn't feel like starting fights when they saw a tall, muscular Tiefling standing around and watching everyone carefully. Either way that didn't matter now, she had a new town to explore and needed to find somewhere else to stay for the night. With that in mind she looked up at The Maiden's Red and tilted her head curiously. It definitely looked like an Inn... and it did have people coming out of it. But... they were closing up? Did Inns close? Didn't they kind of HAVE to be open all day since people sleep and buy rooms there? Plus even if they closed up for the night... it was clearly morning. What sort of Inn would close in the morning? Dozens of similar questions would come to Zameia's mind, not sure what to make of the place.

But her focus would then be taken by a woman standing outside of the building. Now... Zameia wasn't the kind of person to judge others, after all her own body wasn't entirely hidden either, but by now she had learned people tended to wear more than what the woman was wearing. Plus she looked sweaty and exhausted, which made even less sense unless... Unless she had been robbed?! Had the criminal even taken her clothing? But then again the woman didn't look too concerned about her state of undress... Maybe that meant she was fine being in that strange state of undress? Or she was under the effect of some kind of spell! The monk wasn't a master of magic, but that sounded like the kind of thing a mage thief would be able to do. Rob someone and then make them less concerned about the fact that they were just robbed. Sure there might be another explanation, but with Zameia's knowledge of the world that was the only one that made any sense. And if that pretty woman had been robbed, well that meant it was Zameia's job to try and help her. With that decided, the Tiefling wouldn't hesitate for a moment longer.

Zameia would approach Rayne, moving nonthreateningly so no one got the wrong idea. She got in trouble a few towns ago when she kept running at people without thinking about how nervous that might make someone. Either way she would give a friendly smile and wave at the woman when Rayne addressed her. "Hello! Ma'am! My name is Zameia... I err... I couldn't help but notice your... um... State of undress? A cup of tea? That would be nice actually... Haven't had tea in a bit... Wait I'm getting distracted. Um... Have you been robbed? Or attacked? Or had some spell cast on you? If someone did something bad, I could catch them for you... I just want to make sure you're alright." The Tiefling explained, apparently not fully understanding what Rayne's job was. Instead she offered to try and help her, seeming genuine in both her confusion and her desire to help the woman. "If you're okay then I suppose I could go for a cup of tea." She agreed, preferring to drink tea before meditating to help her further relax.

Before the conversation could continue on, she was distracted by the shouting Doomsayer. The surprise would cause her to drop into a fighting stance quickly, before she realized that the man was just shouting what seemed like nonsense. So she relaxed herself and tilted her head while watching the man. Beggars were something she learned about rather quickly, as were those that seemed rather crazy. The monks at her monastery had taught her a little about religion, but she hadn't learned it all, and occasionally she kind of didn't pay enough attention. So the name Zagyg meant nothing to her, instead she'd just shrug and give the man a sympathetic look, reaching into her pouch and pulling a gold piece out. "Here sir... You seem like you may need this more than me." Then she'd drop it into his cup (Reduced to 4gp now). Money had never been Zameia's goal, so losing a piece of gold to help someone poorer than her didn't hurt in the slightest. It wasn't that she refused money, you still needed it for food and a room at an Inn and all that, it was just that she didn't care about being rich or poor.

With that out of the way she'd return her attention to Rayne. "So is this an Inn? I'm not familiar with this town..." She admitted... Though to Rayne it would likely be clear that she was unfamiliar with more than just the town she was in...
Name: Idriana Starseeker the Do Gooder
AC: 14, HP: 11/11
Conditions: None

Idriana hadn't been long enough in the town to get to know everyone but she'd already roughed up a couple of local toughs and made some trouble in the town square the other day as corrupt guards had been shaking down the merchants and farmers. It was small stuff but important to build a reputation. Now however Idriana had decided to take on the local pimps that had been forcing innocent maidens into prostitution. Surely a sweet, virginal thing like the scantily clad brunette was abused and threatened into parading about naked, strutting her stuff before abusive crowds and performing lewdly in public.

She narrowed her eyes as the demonic creature ally of the Drow approached the innocent woman. Idriana would have immediately charged to protect the brunette but then the Drow would attack from the flank. Instead Idriana restrained herself and watched cautiously seeing as how the Drow had not made a threatening move. And after a few moments it seemed that the woman had foolishly reacted to the demon instead of fleeing. Idriana would have to intervene but only after dealing with the Drow.

"You, underdweller, Drow! I am Idriana Starseeker," she proclaimed in Common tongue with the lilting and beautiful accents of a noble elf of the highest house. She smiled slightly and was careful not to draw her weapons. "I come in peace if you will reciprocate." Idriana was willing to let the Drow prove her wrong about the wicked blood and slavery so common with her race. Idriana had heard of the slavery of the Drow, the captives branded, and ringed and pierced lewdly for the pleasures of their mistresses and masters. Her thighs rubbed together just a bit thinking of how a pale skinned, blond High Elf would be degraded and perverted by centuries of the strictest slavery.... Oh....

Now perhaps the woman sought to make a better life here? If not then Idriana had her great sword! When the Doomsayer spoke up Idriana looked over at him for a moment and then turned back to the Drow. She was completely certain in her conscience and would not allow his ravings to disturb her. "Peace?" She offered to the Drow.
d1bbv8o-15520793-bd14-4649-9063-3c3c981086ec.jpg Davia Darklighter - Drow Arcane Explorer
Health: 5/5, AC: 13, Status: None, Mood: Unamused, Tag: Idriana, Rain, Zameia

The night had been less productive than Davia had hoped. This whole little trek had turned out to be a waste - The old hermit up in the nearby mountains had known nothing about how to navigate the labyrinthine caves to reach the underground ruins of Nar-Laar, and so Daia had returned empty handed after tying him to the ceiling with his worthless dick out. She had offered to show this disgusting brute a good time, but once she realized he was a dead end, she instead let out some of her frustration on him. It was her fault, really. What did she expect from a man?

On her way back, she had stopped in this little "town," a too generous word in every aspects, but also the shortest one. Thinking about it in any more complex terms was a waste of mental capacity. When prodded about entertainment, or local lore of magic, the local peasants had directed her to this dive, to watch the dancer they called "Rain." However, Davia had spend much of the night looking for components and herbs outside the town, and by the time she had returned, just before dawn, found out this particular place had just closed its doors. So she had waited outside, looking to maybe catch a glimpse of this "Rain."

And indeed, a half-breed surface elf of indubitable comeliness walked out, dressed like a seductress. Something in her loins began to stir. Maybe the "magic" of her performance was the seductress' art at play. Sensuality could enspell feeble minds as well as magic. She was about to put her spellbook aside and approach the half-elf when she saw the half-outsider talk with her first, followed by herself being addressed by a wild-looking High elf. Lot's of interesting people about, all of a sudden. Maybe she'd misjudged this town. She reached one hand to her hidden dagger as she half-turned, giving the interloper a look over. She was quite attractive, in her own way, and definitely looked like someone she'd rather not cross. It seemed the other one had come to the same conclusion.

"Peace? Of course. What makes you think I'd be here for anything else? Do you always approach guests and threaten them in such a veiled manner?" She smirked. "You should learn some manners. I could teach you, if you wish, but first, there is something I need to take care of."

She didn't wait for the High elf to respond, instead approaching the talking women. She took her steps slow to allow the High-elf to keep up, in case she wanted to continue to parlay words. The local Doomsayer seemed to awaken from his stupor, shouting something nearly unintelligible. Davia had not heard of the deity he invoked, she didn't know terribly much about surface religion, and she didn't care. (Religion: 4)
"Greetings and excuse my intrusion, fair ladies. My name is Davia. Are you the one they call "Rain?" I've been told your performances are... enchanting, but I seem to have missed last call. There wouldn't be any chance I could purchase a private performance?" She wasn't entirely sure it would be worth it, but she didn't care. She was frustrated and bored and it had been too long since she had a good lover.
25527 Nix the changeling, Eleanah the rogue.
HP: 9/9 AC: 13 Conditions: Shapechanged into Eleanah
Tag: Idriana.

Eleanah had only really gone to walk around the city and have a look at whether some rich idiots would be around to cheat out of their money but it seemed that for some reason the that there were actual interesting people around, must be some kind of fluke. The demonic-looking one seemed to approach the dancer, none of them really looked like good marks, and besides with how the demonic-looking one's body language looked they both seemed kinda nice, maybe she should try visiting The Maiden's Red at some point?

The High elf and Drow didn't seem to be in the best of mood talking with each other, maybe it was a lovers quarrel? That could be why they were out her waiting in front of a bordell, hoping to find someone to help spice things up for them perhaps, or maybe they were arguing because they couldn't figure out if that was what they wanted? She decided to find out more and started sneaking closer, falling in with the shadows, but as she approached the drow started going towards the dancer and her bodyguard, oh well she'd just have to speak with the high elf instead of listening in on their conversation then.

Just before she approached the high elf the doomsayer woke up and started screaming something about Zagyg, she didn't really know much about him, just that he was mad, but was he angry or crazy? his follower suggested the latter.(12 religion check) She continued sneaking up on the high elf, a silent shadow which seemed to close in from behind the fighter, she considered having a look at her things but decided not to risk getting her in a worse mood, instead she leaned really close and whispered in her ear. "You and your girlfriend get in an argument?"(stealth check 22) When Idriana had the time to turn around she then continued "There are other ways to spice things up than getting a prostitue involved, have you considered having her tie you up and order you around? I heard her kind get quite creative with stuff like that."

Name: Idriana Starseeker the Do Gooder
AC: 14, HP: 11/11
Tag: Eleanah and Davia
Conditions: None

Idriana relaxed as the Drow turned and addressed her. She got a good look at the dark elf and felt a stir of arousal in her loins. Large breasts, heavy hips and sensual lips and face, it was like looking in a mirror where light was dark and open sexuality was cruel and insistent lust. Idriana didn't dare think openly of what it would be like to be lying bound, draped over a stone altar while the Drow ground her pussy into Idriana's face. Ahhhh... never! Straightening up she nodded stiffly to Davia. "Your people have a reputation well earned you must admit. " She shook her head although her blush might have been hidden in the darkness or at least she hoped as the thought of being 'taught' by the Drow made her pussy warm and slacken as her body made ready. "There is naught that you can teach me Drow."

Perhaps Idriana was still distraught and confused by her reactions to Davia that let Eleanah approach unseen and unheard. Of course Idriana would have said that she was busy instead following the Drow and watching for threats. "Oh! Who are you?" Idriana gasped at the tickling voice in her ear. "She's... she's a Drow. Of course she's not my girlfriend. That would be... impossible." She blushed again and her nipples tauntened noticeably. "Tied up? Drow are notorious for torture and... perversion. Why would I subject myself to that?"

Doomsayer, Town Square, Tag: Zameia

The doomsayer looked at the coin provided by Zameia, before pointing at her and loudly declaring. "You are still marked! Yes. Yes. I see it.. Soon.. But I shall pet the nearest squirrel for you."
He then looked around, nervously. "Yes.. soon.. Got to watch my turnips.."

Tag: All

A distant growling in the sky heralded the soft descent of a first few raindrops, as the little temple-bell rang. Clearly, the thing was broken, as it rang a total 14 times and it seemed still a few minutes before seven o clock. Suddenly, the doomsayer, still grasping his gold-coin, seemed to decide he needed to be somewhere else, scuttling off before the final bell-strike. Another rain drop fell into a nearby well, and the cock called out for morning cheerfully.

For a moment you could have sworn the drops were falling upwards, not down from the sky.
You know your cocks and that cocks cry sounded weird and off. Perhaps the poor thing was sick?.
The bells ringing sticks in your mind. Checking the sparse shadow of the sun you muse it was almost as if the clock had rung 7 to 7. But that's no sensible time of course..
You feel a brief wave of nausea as you recognize the signs of something important having.. changed. Perhaps you better be on your guard... (Gain +4 to the next initiative check!)

The hair on Zameia's neck stood up, as if a challenger was approaching.. but there were none around.
Rain felt the hungry eyes of an intereted customer upon her backside.. but there were none there.
Davia sensed a tingle of magic, briefly teasing at her fingertips... but there was none here.
Idriana could have sworn there was a glance of evil, lustful eyes upon her form, but there were none close.
Nix briefly thought she heard the jingling of a single gold coin, but there were none about.

For a long moment, you were left to speak with one another, unlikely, but interesting people meeting in the ever so slightly empty-feeling village square, but then, there was a jangling in the distance.. and those looking, would spot a heavily loaded merchant, carrying all kinds of.. things. It seemed he collected quite a lot, jangling and cluttering about.
"Delicious waffles on sale!"
He declared, to no one in particular, as he approached the village square, where he halted, smiling.. before furrowing his brows.


He extended a finger, seeming to count you lot, before declaring...:
"Well this is improper.. Who gave you the right to be five people! Write a letter of formal complaint I shall! To the queen no less. I am a respectable salesman of wares! This is wholly inapropiate and unseemly. Almost Rankeliciously so. It's almost as bad as inflation I say!"
Well, one crazy person gone, there was the next, it seemed. He huffed and seemed flustered, staying at a moderate distance, grumbling to himself.

"... prolly the master.. hrmnn.. to stay for commerce or leave for safety? But what is life without commerce.."
he huffed again, before sighing, pulling out a piece of wood with some clasps, unfolding it into a small chair he took place upon, before also putting down a fold-up sign that read:

Baloony, Hogwash and Poppycock!
Give me more gold, I'll give you more junk!

*Now also cursed junk available on popular request

He nodded, satisfied, before pulling out a quill and parchment, scribbling about, not paying the five of you further attention.. unless he was approached or directly addressed.
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Name: Rain, the Sexy Bard!
AC: 11 (no armor), HP: 8/8
Conditions: AWARE +4 initiative!

"Hello Zameia, I am Rain...no I wasn't robbed or attacked." sadly no one had attacked her with lewd intentions or otherwise...

"However thanks for your concern!" she chuckled, taking a closer look at the innocent tiefling! First lure her in with the tea, then hmmhmmm....

"No, it is something like a tavern, but with pretty girls dancing too. Like me...or you." she winked.

She then turned to the drow that had approached..it did look like it had come for her, after all! Even if it was only for a performance...or maybe she had other plans, and the performance was just an excuse to get her alone...hmmm...

"Oh, yes, I am indeed Rain! I am not performing now...however you could join me and Zameia here for a cup of tea. And maybe I can show off some moves afterwards..." she smiled. Wait, when had she become so famous? That was great!

"Uh...what was that? Does anyone feel like time went back or something?" she complained, having noticed both the rain and the weird ticking of the clock.

She then turned towards the newcomer.

"What are you selling there? I could use a waffle I guess...but I have left my purse inside, give me a moment to get it..." she mused, taking a step towards the inn, before stopping. Since when did she want a waffle? Maybe some kind of charm?

"Wait, how can you even prepare waffles without cooking equipment?" she inquired, and then with her curiosity getting the better of her she added "And while we are at it, what is the rest of the stuff you have for sale too?"
Davia Darklighter - Drow Arcane Explorer

Health: 5/5, AC: 13, Status: None, Mood: Unamused, Tag: Idriana, Rain, Zameia, Nix

Davia found herself suddenly in the midst of a crowd, and it made her uncomfortable, to say the least. Taking a sharp breath, she responded first to the object of her desire. "I can appreciate a good brew, especially if it serves as prelude to something else..." She flashed a knowing, predatory smile. She turned to the interlopers. "And why don't you two join us? You, firehead, are of course right about my skills." She flashed her black whip for everyone to see. "I should teach this 'Highborn' some manners, and perhaps all of you'd like to watch... or even participate? And don't worry, you don't need to be my girlfriend to enjoy my attention. On the contrary, I am quite friendly with strangers. So how about we retreat somewhere private, and I'll show the part of my people that the teachers and priests don't talk about." She ran of her hands over her generous cleavage, the other one stretched out in a beckoning embrace towards no one in particular. Davia wondered who - if any of them - would first take her up on her offer.

Then, a strange shift happened. She felt a feint wave of magic flowing over her, something about the time felt off. (Investigation:16) Then the strange peddler appeared and captured everyone's attention. Davia felt annoyance turning to anger, but decided to keep her temper under control. She listened to the sales pitch with the others, but didn't comment. She wasn't interested in waffles. She was hungering for something else.
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Zameia Steelfist
Tagging: Rain (Aenon), Davia (Nova), DM
AC: 16, HP: 9/9
Active Effects: +4 to next initiative roll


Zameia nodded when the beggar told her that she was still marked, shrugging a little. She hadn't given him money in the hope of being unmarked, but more because the man seemed to need some gold. "Well that's nice... Just make sure you're gentle with the... Uh... squirrels." She said, hoping the crazy man wouldn't go around harming squirrels. In fact, if he would actually pet a few squirrels for her she'd be happy, squirrels were cute.

She nodded when Rain introduced herself, glad to put a name to the person she had just met. "Alright good... At least no one took anything from you... Pleasure to meet you Rain." Well that was one fight that she wouldn't have to get into. It didn't answer the question of why the woman was half naked and sweaty, but one option was ticked off the list. Plus the woman seemed friendly enough, and was admittedly very pretty. "Means that I won't have to spend the day chasing down a thief. Can't stand people stealing from those with less than them..." She would mention with a chuckle, still moderately oblivious to what Rain's job was,

"You can dance in a tavern..." She mentioned, tilting her head just a little bit, before her eyes widened a little and a blush came to her as she pieced together at least a little bit of what was going on. Commenting on her appearance seemed to get to the monk a little more than some of the other things, stuttering for a moment and trying to figure out how to respond. "N-Not that pretty..." She sheepishly muttered, her confidence gone when she was complimented on her appearance. "Ahem... Uh... I don't... I'm no good at dancing... Usually just fight..." Perhaps she shouldn't have accepted that offer for tea. Rain was absolutely beautiful... and Zameia at least knew how sex worked, but honestly she had no experience at proper flirting and courtship, being thrown off balance by even a rather simple compliment. Thankfully her embarrassment was interrupted by someone new coming around to speak with them, at least giving her the chance to focus on something and get her thoughts back on track.

The Tiefling had heard about Drow before, and the things she heard weren't exactly good. At the same time, if people judged only on that, she'd be either judged as an evil Orc, or judged as an evil Tiefling. So she instead took a look at Davia, having to admit that the elf was rather attractive as well... suddenly making her feel a bit self conscious, both by the level of knowledge she was missing between the two of them, and by the appearances around her. "Davia? Nice to meet you... Didn't realize that Rain was so popular when I came to speak with her..." And for the first time her attention was turned to the other two that were around, so Zameia would wave to them in greeting, not wanting to interrupt their own conversation too much. "I wouldn't say no to another person joining us for tea..." At least then she wouldn't end up so out of her depth with someone flirting with her. Zameia wouldn't have to spend the entire time drinking tea blushing in embarrassment.

Or so she thought... Her face turned red again as Davia spoke about the kinds of things that she would do to people, seeing her run her hands over her body to accentuate her curves... Zameia had apparently run into loads of people that knew more about sex than her... And for a moment she had to wonder if that was from a personal lack of experience, or if the people in this town were different from most.

"Wha...?" She said as she suddenly felt just a little nauseous. Something felt weird... like something had changed. Then she heard Rain notice it too, meaning she wasn't crazy... or they were both crazy. Either way she wasn't alone. "Y-Yeah... something was up with the time on that bell... Err... The rain looked kind of weird there for a moment too..." She acknowledged, nodding a bit and looking around trying to see if she could notice something.

Zameia felt the hair on the back of her head stand up straight, and her eyes narrowed for a moment. Her fists clenched tightly for a moment, and she almost dropped into a combat stance right then and there. It felt like someone was coming to try and fight her, but when she looked around nothing was there.

She tilted her head again as she saw the merchant walk over, surprised to see what sounded like yet another mad man today. "Waffles? Errr... I suppose I'm showing my lack of knowledge but... What is a waffle?" Her diet as a child was mostly meat, anything that you managed to kill... While the monks ate mostly fruit, vegetables, and bread, keeping to a strict diet as another way to train their restraint. "Rain... Are crazy people common around these parts?" She would whisper, having now encountered two crazy people today. "Five? I thought Four was the unlucky one..." Zameia would note when the salesman talked about the number of them standing around. "What's your name, sir? And... Hmmm... You're a salesman... So you want to sell things... What do YOU want ME to buy?" She liked that question... It either got her a nice sales pitch that explained the products she was looking at, or it got her a proper recommendation on something that the person wanted to sell. Plus people didn't usually expect that question. "With a note that I don't have a whole lot of gold... They taught us to be able to live without much at the monastery..." She admitted, not wanting to be asked to buy some incredibly expensive wares. The other good thing about travelling light was most scam artists gave up when they knew that they wouldn't be getting a whole lot out of her. An elaborate scheme was hardly worth a few coins when richer marks were all around them.
25580 Nix the changeling, Eleanah the rogue.
HP: 9/9 AC: 13 Conditions: Shapechanged into Eleanah
Tag: Everyone

Nix couldn't help but smile at the elfs response, it was always so cute when people acted shy about the things they wanted, usually also meant that they were easier to trick into giving her something for it, though she doubted she could earn any coin from this, without revealing what she was, which seemed a bit too early. Instead She decided to reply to her, "Well you may call me Eleanah, I do plenty of things and all of them are fun, besides isn't it kind of mean to assume she'd do bad things to you? But of course, if you're afraid of her trying to hurt you though, I have an idea. Why don't you tell her I'm in charge of you, and she can't do anything to you I'm not okay with, you can trust me I wouldn't let you get hurt. I mean, isn't it kinda exciting to imagine just what kind of perversions she could come up with? I've heard her kind hold massive orgies where they indulge in all sorts of depraved things. Oh what's your name by the way, kinda rude not to tell it when you ask for who I am." She said, hoping to see the elf squirm some more.

Then things got weird though, Nix couldn't help but notice the clock seemed off(investigation 16) but she was more surprised when the merchant came in and started speaking nonsense. She decided to ignore him for now though and instead grasped Idriana's wrist and started pulling her towards the others. "Hey guys, you doing well? Thought we should see what you guys are up to, if your offer is open miss drow then I'd be quite open to find time for it. I'm sure my friend here would too, she's just a bit too shy to really say so." She said smiling at the group with a glint in the eye.

Name: Idriana Starseeker the Do Gooder
AC: 14, HP: 11/11
Tag: Eleanah and Davia
Conditions: None

If there was anything odd going on with the clocks, the time or the rain Idriana didn't notice it. She was far too flushed as she watched Davia run her hands over that perfect, dark skin... over the sensual curves of her breasts. Her eyes widened as she saw the whip. Opening her mouth Idriana ran a pink tongue over her full, rosey lips. "Ahhh... dark one. I..." Her sex was wet and loose as she imagined what the Drow would do with the whip, how she would make Idriana lick and kiss it as she begged to be thrashed and then fucked. How she would then... No! No! Idriana shook her head a bit, her eyes focusing again even as her motion turned into a sexy flip of her head and hair. "I have no need to learn 'manners' Drow." But it was obvious that she had not said know to learning what the Drow did in private.

As the conversation turned Idriana nodded briefly to Eleanah. "I am Idriana Starseeker," she said with a bit of a bow and flourish for one was always polite. By now of course her nipples were pebbled and painfully hard and her scant g string was soaked to the point that Idirana's inner thighs were damp with arousal. "Drow are well know for all sorts of perversities and dark deed. This one may be less violent and perhaps more... perverted but one still should watch carefully." She glanced over at Davia and then back to Eleanah as the red head made her offer. "I... yes... yes!" Idriana had made a decision. She would use this stranger to get closer to the Drow with minimal risk. That would allow Idriana to truly determine the threat that the Drow posed to the townspeople. Up close investigation, that would be the key.

"Ummm... ok, I will be in your charge. I need to investigate what threat this Drow poses. We can... go together and you will be responsible for me... while we are with the Drow of course." She shivered a bit and then straightened. "Let's go greet the others then. Perhaps the salesman has items that might be of use?"
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Raggedy Merchant, Village Square, Tag: All

The heavily loaded merchant glanced up to Rain.. and pointed to his sign, in the disgruntled kind of gesturing that was clearly ment to emphatize he was busy writing. "I sell whatever's needed."
He offered, when the dancer looked insistant. There was a brief glance over to the sensually posing drow, followed by a slight huffing and more determined scribbling.

He looked over at Zameia, somewhat in disbelieve and sighing heavily. "A waffle is a delicioius piece of bakery. Everyone is supposed to know that.. then again, everyone ought to know to be one person, not five. Look at me, are there three of me??"
He nodded .. hesitated.. and huffed again!

"No no no. Incorrectness. Falsehoods. Superstitions aside, for your kind the only proper number would be one, everything else is terribly uncouth at the very least! Illegal, even!"
He insisted again. "I am The Merchant. You seem a little under the weather miss, you are supposed to know what you want to buy, not I!"
He shook his head.. and decided to resume scribbling, sadly denying Zameia's questioning approach. However when she continued on about living without a lot of money, he sighed out, giving her a sympathetic look when told of her simple lifestyles. "I am sorry you have to do that. I guess you have to spread your gold out among five.. yes. Perhaps I could offer you something to make money from. So that you can trade it with me... but no, no, this matter needs resolving first!"
He crossed out something on the parchment, sighing and rewriting..

Finally, he rolled up his parchment, nodding to himself, raising to his feet and pointing.. in your general direction.
"Just so you know, I am doing this for you as well. Nothing good can come out of you being so numerous. That matter needs to be solved."
He nodded, before fishing around in one of his pokets, producing a small metallic replica, before inserting a large key into the birds back.. and winding it up slowly.

A few turns of the key later, the bird began chirping with a high metallic pitch, looking around, before opening its beak to recieve the rolled up parchment the merchant had written upon into it, spreading little metallic wings, whilest the merchant kept winding up the little metal-bird slowly.

(@Zameia: looking around in general is a wisdom (perception) check. You could also try getting more out of the merchant with persuasion or intimidation.)
Name: Rain, the Sexy Bard!
AC: 11 (no armor), HP: 8/8
Conditions: AWARE +4 initiative!

"I guess morning stroll isn't very possible...so excuse me while I go inside to pick up my things." Rain sighed, slipping nimbly back in the building.

Around half a minute later, she returned carrying a cute backpack made of some kind of whitish leather. She felt kind of weird about not meeting anyone inside, but maybe they had just went to sleep or something? However, she was still wearing the same clothes...

"Ok, I am up for the tea, or shopping. Now, I can do this..." she coughed "Dear merchant, I would like to buy...some fancy and sexy underwear! Show me what you have!" she chuckled. She doubted the crazy merchant would actually be able to produce anything like that. Probably he would tell her some kind of lame excuse, like he has only cursed ones or something.

"I don't mind if they are cursed or anything either...as long as you have any." she smiled. She was sure to embarrass him, for acting all mighty!

Davia Darklighter - Drow Arcane Explorer

Health: 5/5, AC: 13, Status: None, Mood: Unamused, Tag: Idriana, Rain, Zameia, Nix

Davia sighed, seeing the object of her desire be more interested in this strange peddler than her, but luckily, there were others around, especially the brazen High elf and the sneaky girl, who were talking about her as if she wasn't in earshot...

She turned to the planarblood. "You look a little lost. What was your name again? Are you interested in Rain's performances as well?" She asked.

As she was addressed. she excused herself to the Tiefling and turned around. Her tongue flicking over her dark lips, eyes hungrily eyeing the attractive beauties, she replied: "Really? I'm glad to hear that. I'd gladly teach you two the proper manners of the Underdark."

She stepped closer to the girl that had called herself Eleanah and cupped her face, running her thumb over the girl's lips. Davia leaned in, her breath hot on Eleanah's face. "You, for instance, should learn not to sneak up on people like you did. I can tell you are a troublemaker... but don't worry, I am sure I can fix that, if you'll let me." Davia leaned in further and pressed her lips against Eleanah's in an insisting, domineering kiss, her tongue demanding entry and reciprocation.

She let go and stepped up to Idriana, doing the same to her, locking her eyes to hers, as if to hypnotize her, making sure the High elf could see the fire of passion in her eyes and smell her heady, aroused scent. "And you, oh, you need some disciplining, 'highborn.' To approach your better like you did, and spew empty threats... You deny yourself, but I could smell your arousal the whole time. You know your place, don't you? On your knees. That's where you belong. Just drop the act and let yourself be claimed..." Davia leaned in to do exactly that, invading Idriana's mouth with her own tongue, to wrestle hers into submission...

As she broke the kiss, Davia looked over the two flustered women. "If you are still serious, then you better get on your knees, and I'll take care of you shortly. I'll show you pleasures your bodies have never experienced before..." She turned back to the Tiefling. "Sorry for the interruption, where were we? Oh right, how about you join us? You look less insolent than these two, but I'm sure I can find something to punish you for... and something to reward you for." She reached out and stroked her hand over the planarbloods arm. At that moment, Rain returned with her 'purse.' Davia inwardly shook her head. She didn't understand why they were willing to entertain that peddler so much, when she herself was here... She'd have to increase her seductive advances...

She stepped up to Rain from behind, wrapping a hand around her. "So tell me, dancer, do you know a place where I could... teach some of these beauties manners in private? And would you be willing to perform for us beforehand, to... stir the fire in our loans?" She asked with a hungry smile, appreciating Rain's 'clothes' very much.

Name: Idriana Starseeker the Do Gooder
AC: 14, HP: 11/11
Tag: Eleanah and Davia
Conditions: None

Shivered as the Drow approached. She wanted to fight, to flee, to scream... to surrender nude and bound, collared and chained to be led to the altar for sacrifice to dark lusts. She watched helplessly as Davia approached Eleanah and kissed her Idriana wanted to fight, to push the Drow away, to draw a weapon but she could only rub her thighs together and moan softly. When Davia approached Idriana gasped but could only nod her head slowly as the Drow berated and threatened her. "You... you can't... ca...' Protests were cut off as Davia pressed forward and locked Idriana in a passionate and aggressive kiss. The gloriously beautiful blond warrior melted into Davia as the confident, dominant kiss swept away her inhibitions for a moment. "Kiss... nahhh..." She shuddered again as Davia pulled away and slowly sank to her knees with her head bowed.

Surely this would be her means of infiltrating... yes...

Zameia Steelfist
Tagging: Davia, DM, (Minor tags to All)
AC: 16, HP: 9/9
Active Effects: +4 to next initiative roll


Zameia made a mental note of what a waffle was. It seemed like it might be important, or at least it seemed like something that she would want to try one day. "Well thanks for the info sir... Errr... But I think you're... sort of wrong about us 'being 5'... Or maybe just viewing it incorrectly... We're different people. I'm 1 person. Meanwhile Rain here is 1 person. Each of us is 1 person. In fact, we only just met today, so I don't know if we'd even be a group..." She posited, trying to explain things from her own point of view to the merchant (Persuasion: 7). The Tiefling had about as much experience dealing with crazy people as she did with flirting... namely none. When she was a child, crazy people were either killed for being useless or given a blade and pointed at the nearest town. "How can I know what to buy if I don't know what you sell? Every merchant wants to sell something... I just wondered what item you want to sell the most." She replied, narrowing her eyes when the merchant implied that she was under the weather. Then she closed her eyes and took a breath, steadying herself and reminding herself what she had learned at the monastery. You couldn't just go around punching people that upset you... even if it seemed like they deserved it. Fight to protect, not to harm... Though she couldn't help but mutter "Well that was fucking rude..." To herself in Orcish, slipping into it naturally when upset. "I choose to live with less money, and I have no need to split it with anyone. Master Valerius described it as 'Restraint in all things. Money, power, pleasure. All are a chance to better yourself'..." She quoted from memory, having taken his lessons to heart.

Though her interest was piqued for a moment by the mechanical bird, tilting her head and looking at it. "Wouldn't that make you 2? I thought that was bad or something?" She would chuckle before shrugging, deciding that she likely wasn't going to get through to the merchant.

With that she would turn around and properly take stock of the other elf and woman that had joined their little group. "Nice to meet the two of you as well. I'm Zameia." The two of them seemed a little occupied with their conversation though, so she wouldn't butt in too much. Then she turned to Davia, glad to be able to ignore the merchant after he had treated her so dismissively. "My name is Zameia. And heh... Can't be lost if you don't really have a destination planned. Err... Huh? No... I thought she might've been robbed... I uh... I came to help." She explained. Then she saw Rain come out with her purse, blushing as the exotic dancer tried to buy sexy underwear. Zameia felt a bit trapped between a rock and a hard place on this one. On one end she had a merchant that wasn't making any sense and had been kind of rude to her... on the other were all these people talking about lewd things...

Her blush deepened all over again as Davia was unrelenting with her flirting, addressing all of them now with her offer for some sort of lewd idea. Zameia would stiffen a bit as her arm was stroked, getting goosebumps at the soft touch and finding it difficult to look the Drow in the eye. "Errr... Ahem... Um... I err... Thank you... Eh... B-But... I think Uh... I... Uh... Have a... Hm... Thing... I uh... need to... do? And err... I don't... I don't do... haven't done... Never... uh... did... those kinds of... things..." She stammered out, barely able to get a very, very, weak refusal out as she was thrown completely off balance. Though as it stood there was nothing else for her to do aside from stand around and go looking for another place. "I uh... I guess... I could come... err... and watch?" She stammered, before her eyes widened and her face got even redder as she realized what she had said. "I mean! NO! UH... I meant... Keep watch... Make sure things are safe... NOT watch like... I meant to say... I'd rather be inside than out right now..." She would say, trying to clarify her words, a part of her wishing that Gruumsh would just crush her right then and there to save her the embarrassment. At the same time she didn't seem to be running off, only getting more and more embarrassed talking with the Drow.
9863026.jpg Nix the changeling, Eleanah the rogue.
HP: 9/9 AC: 13 Conditions: Shapechanged into Eleanah
Tag: Everyone

Nix smiled cockily when Davia cupped her face and talked about correcting her troublemaking behaviour, she seemed like she'd be quite fun. Then came the kiss, and she quickly opened her lips in response and allowed the drow inside, though she had no intention of just letting her stay fully in control, returning the kiss and shifting slightly, elongating her tongue and twirling it around Davia just to show a bit about the ways she could be fun. When the kiss was ended she then replied "You're welcome to try but I warn you, plenty of people have tried to get me to act like they wanted and they haven't succeeded yet." She smiled cheekily, hoping that it'd rile up the drow.

She watched as Davia continued on to Idriana, smilling to herself when the elfs legs seemed to give out under her from the kiss, and how she turned and also made the demony girl flustered. "You know I'd love to just do what you said Lady Davia, but the thing is I promised Idriana here that I'd make sure you didn't go too far with her. She's quite nervous about it due to your kind's reputation, so what do you say that I will instead be your assistant with her training. That way I can also keep my promise to her."

Raggedy Merchant, Village Square, Tag: Zameia, Rain,

"Yes you are different people. That is the problem." He glanced over to Davia. "Not to question your attitude, but that's just rude. Oh well, not my problem to sort out. I do my reports dutifully."
He listened on to Zameia, musing: "Seems what I should want to sell you most is something to help you better yourself.."
He nodded, fishing in a poket, before glancing over to the bird.

"Nono, don't be rediculous. That's just a bird."
He nodded, whilest the little mechanical bird fluttered off with a clicking and suprising speed. "Nothing bad can come from having two birds, or a dozen.. but having more than one Dreamer? It's just wrong... think of it this way. Five people, one campfire.. now that's sane and warm and sanitary. One person with five campfires? Clearly some pyromania going on at best. Plus eyebrows will be getting singed.
I intend to be around for profit, then retreat before the inevitable singing."

He lectured, but didn't seem to .. want to interrupt the more erotic discussion.

"Anyway, there's business to be made!"
He smiled, stepping over to Rain, opening one of his bags.. and presenting three panties, dangling from a string. "Finally a proper business proposal. Behold my selection!"

"Panties of Dark Seduction. This pair of panties makes you more comely to be gazed upon, but only in perfect darkness. nine gold coins."


"Panties of Pure light. These panties will glow when you're aroused. Six gold. A small discount for a small curse on them."


"And finally, panties of slug prevention. 100% guaranteed protection from all snails. 13 gold. "
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