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[SH] Character Creation v2.0

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Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
Reputation score
1) Pick a race from Here
2) Decide between 'Major'/Primary or 'Minor'/Supporting/Slave Character
3a) If Major/Primary Character, pick out 1 Major Class, 2 Backgrounds, and 2+X Positive Traits, X = Negative Traits taken, max 3 Negative Traits, Starting Gold is 500g
3b) If Minor Character, pick out 1 Minor Class, 1 Background, and 1+X Positive Traits, X = Negative Traits taken, max 2 Negative Traits, Starting Gold is 250g
4) Sum up all the stats and equipment, and optionally spend starting Gold for additional items/equipment
5) Add in a Name, what Gender the char is, backstory and optional image/description, contact me if you are uncertain/have questions

Note: Starting Gold is separate from the gold that classes use to purchase starting equipment.

Note: Please keep as many chars of yours as possible in a single post
Being: Gender, Heritage, Race
Image: (Clickable URL or Spoilered Image)
Backstory: (Spoilered preferably)

0/5 Item Capacity(5+Str Base, Equipped/Wielded Items do not count)





-Male Stats-

-Female Stats-

Birth Type: Live/Egg/Larva
Pregnancy: X Days
Growth: X Infant, X Child, X Teen

=Traits & Such=



=CLASSES(6 Major, 4 Minor)=​
=Class Creation=
10/5 Race Making Points. HP/MP/SP Increases are 3pts per +5, to a max of +10 in any one. May spend points on Racial Traits or Minor Quirks with GM Approval.
500g/250g's worth of Equipment, Spells, and Skills. May trade 1 Point for +100g for Spells/Skills.

=Major Class(PCs)=

Class: Warrior(+5HP, +3 Str, +3 End, +1 Wil)
Bronze M(150gv) (6dmg) (1H,M) (No Rune Slot)
Bronze Shield(100gv)(+2 Evasion, x2 VS Ranged)
Bronze Armor(200gv) (+4 Armor) (Tearing 10) (No Rune Slot)
50g's Worth of Supplies(IE Food, Collars, etc)

Class: Duelist(+2 Dex, +2 Agi, +1 Int, +2 Wil, +2 Cha, +1 Bea)
Bronze S(100gv) (4dmg) (1H,S) (No Rune)
Noble Clothes(50g) (+1 Cha) (Tearing 6)
Exquisite Collar(100gv): +1 Cha, +1 Bea, 3 Gem Slots
Disarm(100g) (3SP) (Attempts to Disarm Enemy) (No Damage) (Hit-4 VS Hit) (+1 Hit/Extra SP Used, max extra SP = Str)
1 Fighting Style of Choice from The Warrior's Guild
50g's worth of Supplies(Collars, Gems, etc)

Class: Slaver(+5SP,+2 End,+1 Dex,+1 Agi,+2 Wil,+1 Per)
Start Items:
Bronze M(150gv) (6dmg) (1H,M) (No Rune Slot)
Bronze Shield(100gv)(+2 Evasion, x2 VS Ranged)
Sturdy Clothes(50gv)(Tearing 8)
Slaver Collar(100gv)(0/5 Gem Slots)
100g's worth of Collars/Gems

Ckass: Chieftain(+3 Str, +3 End, +2 Wil, +1 Cha, +1 Per)
Bronze Large Melee(200g) (8dmg) (2H,L) (No Rune Slot)
Bronze Armor(200gv) (+4 Armor) (Tearing 10) (No Rune Slot)
Aggressive Style(100g) (2SP) (Toggle Passive) (+4 Hit) (-2 Evasion) OR Berserk Style(100g) (2SP) (Toggle Passive) (+4 Damage) (-2 Evasion)

Class: Rebel(+5 HP, +1 End, +2 Dex, +1Agi, +1 Will, +2 Per)
Bronze Small Melee(100gv) (4dmg) (1H,S) (No Rune) OR Small Ranged(100gv) (6dmg) (R,S) (0 Rune Slot)
Leather Armor(100g) (+1 Armor) (Tearing 8) (No Runeslot)
Defiant Collar(100gv): +2 Wil, 3 Gemslots
Any one Fighting Style from Warriors Guild
100g's worth of supplies(Food, Collars, Clothes, etc)

Class: Silversmith(+2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Wil, +2 Cha, +2 Per)
Bronze Melee Weapon(150gv) (6dmg) (1H,M) (No Rune Slot)
Leather Armor(100g) (+2 Armor) (Tearing 8) (No Runeslot)
Exquisite Collar(100gv): +1 Cha, +1 Bea, 3 Gem Slots
One Fighting Style or Spell worth 100g
50g's Worth of Supplies(Clothes, Gems, Food)

Class: High Priest/ess(+5MP, +3 Int, +2 Wil, +2 Cha)
Silver Staff(200g) (2H) (+2 to Magic Rolls) (1 Focus Slots)
Noble Clothes(50g) (+1 Cha) (Tearing 6)
Exquisite Collar(100gv): +1 Cha, +1 Bea, 3 Gem Slots
Healing Touch(100g) (4MP) (Single,Melee,Heal) (Heals 8+(Int*2) HP)
50g of Consumeables(IE 1 Bottle(25g): Can hold 2 Loads holding 1 Weak Mana Essence(25g/Load) (Restores 10MP))

=Minor Classes(NPCs/Bonded Beings)=

Class: Concubine(+1 Dex, +1 Agi, +2 Cha, +1 Bea)
Start Items:
Sexy Clothes(50g) (+1 Bea) (Tearing 6)
Silver Collar(100g): Enslaving, 4 Gem Slots OR Exquisite Collar(100gv): +1 Cha, +1 Bea, 3 Gem Slots
100g's worth of Gems

Class: Bandit(+5 Life +1 Dex, +1 Agi)
Start Items:
Bronze Small Melee(100gv) (4dmg) (1H,S) (No Rune) OR Small Ranged(100gv) (6dmg) (R,S) (0 Rune Slot)
Leather Armor(100g) (+1 Armor) (Tearing 8) (No Runeslot)
50g's worth of Supplies(Food, Collars, Clothes, etc)

Class: Rancher(+2 End, +1 Cha, +1 Bea, +1 Per)
Sturdy Clothing(50gv) (Tearing 8 )
Enduring Collar(100gv): +2 End, 3 Gemslots
100g's woth of Supplies(Food, Collars, Clothes, etc)

Class: Cleric(+1 End,+1 Dex,+2 Int,+1 Per)
Bronze S(100gv) (4dmg) (1H,S) (No Rune)
Common Clothes(10g) (Tearing 5)
Healing Touch(100g) (4MP) (Single,Melee,Heal) (Heals 8+(Int*2) HP)
40g of consumables
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Healthy: +5 Life
Connected: +5 Mana
Energized: +5 Stamina

Mighty: +2 Strength
Vigorous: +2 Endurance
Precise: +2 Dexterity
Nimble: +2 Agility
Clever: +2 Intelligence
Stubborn: +2 Willpower
Charmed: +2 Charisma
Alluring: +2 Beauty
Alert: +2 Perception

Bountiful: +2 Cum Loads, +1 Milk Loads
Fertile/Potent: -4 Fertility, +4 Potency
Good Genes: +1 Positive Traits for Offspring
Additional Offspring: +1 Offspring
Nymphic: +3 to 'Giving' Sex Rolls
Mutated: The character get 3 Race Creation Points to spend to improve the characters base stats/traits. Minor Quirks are suggested.

Quality Supplier: +1 Cumrank/Milkrank
Unusually Productive: Regains an extra 1 Cum Load and 2 Milk Loads when Resting, regardless of SP recovered by consuming Food/Drink
Natural Grappler: +3 to Grappling Rolls

Native Terrain(X): X-Type Terrain have 1 Hour Less Travel Time for the Race, and certain Modifiers doesn't effect them. The Race also gains +3 to Terrain & Combat related Rolls when on Native Terrain. Common types are Forest, Desert, Grassland, Savannah, Jungle, Mountain, etc.
Dominant Genes: Offspring resulting from breeding with this character gets a +5 bonus to be of his/her race. Most of the time at least one offspring is of this character's race.
Cross-Fertile(X): You recieve a +5 Potency/-5 Fertility bonus when breeding with partners not of your own race/heritage. Can be specified for a particular race or heritage, but should have fluff/story justifications. Can negate or stack with Racial Cross-Sterility/Fertility.

Sickly: -5 Life(Min:10)
Blocked: -5 Mana(Min:0)
Lazy: -5 Stamina

Meek: -2 Strength
Tender: -2 Endurance
Shaky: -2 Dexterity
Clumsy: -2 Agility
Dim: -2 Intelligence
Weakwilled: -2 Willpower
Cursed: -2 Charisma
Scarred: -2 Beauty
Dull: -2 Perception

Fetish(X): The Character suffers a -3 penalty to Endurance, Agility, & Willpower when the Fetish is exploited. Fetishes are both-ways by default, meaning a "Fetish(Pregnancy)" would take effect whether it is the Character, or their partner, that is Pregnant.
Infertile/Impotent: +4 Fertility, -4 Potency
Lenghty Pregnancy: +4 Pregnancy Time. Males may not take this.
Sensitive: -3 to 'Recieving' Sex Rolls
Need to Breed: -3 to Recieving Penetrative Rolls, Resist Sex for Procreation & Rolls to end Penetration.

Poor Grappler: -3 to Grappling Rolls
Pacifistic: -3 to Offensive Combat Rolls.
Sensitive to Pain: -1 to All Rolls for every 10 HP lost.
Easily Winded: -1 to All Rolls for every 10 SP lost.
Fueled by Mana: -1 to All Rolls for every 10 MP lost.
Slow Starter: -3 to All Rolls during the 1st round of a Battle/Scene, -2 during 2nd, -1 during 3rd.
Magically Sensitive: -3 to Rolls VS Magic

Recessive Genes: Offsprings resulting from breeding with this character gets a -5 malus to be of his/her race. Most of the time at least one offspring is of the partner's race.
Cross-Sterile(X): You recieve a -5 Potency/+5 Fertility penalty when breeding with partners not of your own species/heritage. Can be specified for a particular race or heritage, but should have fluff/story justifications. Can negate or stack with Racial Cross-Sterility/Fertility.
Obnoxious: -2 to Social Rolls. Always.
Light Sensitivity: -2 to All Rolls in Bright Light Conditions, IE Cloudless day or brightly lit interior

Prejudice(X): The Character is looked upon with wary eyes or suspicion, but not outright hatred, resulting in a -2 Penalty to Social Rolls with a specified group of Beings. This penalty might be negated on an individual basis once a person gets to know the character. Should be specified, ie 'Elves', 'Demons', 'Spellcasters', and have a justifiable fluff/backstory reason why such a group would be less keen on having to deal with the character.
Note: Can only pick any one Background once. Never twice.

Exotic Heritage: Starts with a Heritage

Bonded Being: Starts with a Auto-Obedient Slave with 1+X Positive Traits, X equals Negative Traits, Max 2 Negative Traits, and 1 Background that isn't Bonded Being, Guild History or Wealthy, and 1 Minor Class

Wealthy: +500 Start Gold, 1 Noble OR Sexy OR Sturdy Clothes, Gains 500g/Week. Can be fluffed as either having an outside source of income, a weekly allowance from a relative, or being a kind of sponsorship, or something along such lines. If going the 'sponsorship' route, the allowance might come with some kind of clause or expectations. Consult with GM to work things out.

Guild History: Choose a Guild, You have a 40% Discount when making Purchases from chosen Guild, Doesn't stack with Hagglers discount bonus

[SCHOOL] Specialist: The Character have a close connection to the art of [School] Magic. SPELLS(including Natural/Racial) of the chosen School cost 33% less to cast(rounded up, affects all types of costs), get +1 Battle/Scene Duration, and +3 to Magic Rolls. RITUALS of the chosen School cost less by a flat 10 or 50%, whichever is less, and any currency cost of the Ritual is Halved, Hours to prepare the Ritual is cut in Half, and they get a +5 bonus to any Difficulty Check. Available Magic Schools are: Arcane, Elemental, Infernal, Celestial, Necrotic, Sylvan.

Haggler: Buying Items/Services costs 20% Less, Selling Items/Services/Slaves yields 20% More
Note: Smokefish's Standard Buy/Sell factor is 100%/40% of Item Value, but might alter through roleplaying related circumstances

Life Imbued: +10 Life, Life regained from resting is doubled, Sexual Fluids restore HP equal to Quality Rank

Mana Imbued: +10 Mana, Restores +5 Mana when Resting, Sexual Fluids restore MP equal to Quality Rank

Titan Blooded: +10 Stamina, Stamina regained from resting is doubled, Sexual Fluids restores twice the ordinary SP

Mutant: Grants 10 Race Creation points to spend on your character, using its species as a base. Can not go above standard race creation limits(IE above 4 in an attribute, +10 Potency, etc). Can only spend up to 4pts on Attributes(Str, Dex, etc), with no more then 2 spent on any one attribute. Can not increase Life/Mana/Stamina with these points.

Exceptional: +1 to All Attributes.

Pathfinder: Land-Based Travel Time per Area is reduced by 1 Hour, this bonus as well as the characters Native Terrain benefits also applies to travel partners. Doesn't stack with itself. +3 Bonus to Tracking Rolls.
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NOTE ABOUT SUBTYPES: The Attribute modifiers and Traits of Subtypes are IN ADDITION TO those of the Base Heritage.
IE a Cubi(Demon Subtype) would add both the Demon AND the Cubi Attribute modifiers and Traits together.
Some Subtypes, such as the Seraph, works against the Base Heritage's Attribute modifiers, which in this particular eample of Celestial and Seraph would result in a final modifier of -1 Charisma(+1 from Celestial, -2 from Seraph)

Celestials are Beings with a spark of divinity shining in their Souls. A heritage of ancient eras where Deities walked the lands, a Divine boon granted upon their bloodline, or a myriad of other rumors or theories trying to explain where and how the Celestials originated from. No matter where they might have come from, one thing is known by all; those of Celestial descent are as blessed as they are cursed, with ethereal beauty that is the envy of many, as well as being deprived of the dreams so many other Beings take for granted.

Celestial: +1 Int, +2 Cha, +2 Bea, +1 Fertility, -1 Potency

Lengthy Pregnancy: +4 Pregnancy Time
Magic Resistance: The race only recieve half Magic Damage.

Dreamless Meditation: The Character does not require Rest like most Beings do, and can be awake for 48 Hours before Rest-related penalties begin to take effect, even then only at half the normal rate. The Character gain no benefit from Resting in Beds, but may enter a Trance for a set number of hours of their choosing, and will recover 3 Health, Mana, and Stamina per Hour of Trance. Once begun the Trance cannot be cancelled, and thus leaves the Character completely at the mercy of other beings that may find them. A minimum of 4 hours of Trance is required to reset the 48 hour timer before Rest-related penalties are incurred, as well as to clear Aroused, Horny, or magical status effects.

-Celestial Subtype: Seraph-
Seraphim, the Burning Blades of Justice, Celestials born with great purpose and a divine calling to right wrongs and to punish the wicked and oppressors of innocents... Or so the stories go. It is Truth that Seraphim have an inherent compulsion for seeking out the lawless, and to punish the guilty, but and despite their divine spark they remain Mortal in mind and intent. One Man's justice is anothers injustice. One Man's Order is anothers Chaos. If Seraphim were indeed created by a Deity to bring law and order to the world, such a being now surely only have regret weighing upon their conscience.
PS: Seraphim always have three pairs of Wings. No less, no more. May or may not be constantly on fire.

Seraph: -5MP, -5SP, +2 Str, +2 End, +3 Wil, -2 Cha, -1 Per

Flaming Sword (Melee,Flame) (8+(Str+Wil)dmg) (Str/2+Dex/2=Hit) (Costs 3 MP to Use)
Flight (Costs 3SP/Turn) (Can't be struck by melee during Flight)

Bloodthirst: For every successful hit taken/given, +1 to Attack Rolls & -1 to Defense Rolls, stacks up to 5 times.
Eternal Challenger: The Character is incapable of Running from a Fight, or backing down from a challenge, or otherwise retreating or shying away from a contest. Choose your battles carefully.
Prejudice: Seraphim is looked upon with wary eyes, as they are seen as relentless zealots by many, resulting in a -2 Penalty to Social Rolls with other races. This penalty is nulled on an individual basis once a person gets to know the character.
Oathbound: The race is known for keeping promises, if not outright magically compelled to do so, and thus recieve a +2 Bonus to Social Rolls under non-hostile circumstances. This can make up for 'Prejudice', IE by promising to do no harm

Flame Immunity: Seraphim are immune to Flame Damage.
Flame Feedback: Seraphim have a strange relationship with Flame, for upon recieving damage(or would recieve) for a first time during a day they are rendered Aroused. The second time nothing happens, but upon a third time recieving(or would have recieved) damage they are rendered Horny. Feedback can trigger at most once every two turns of Battle or once per Hour outside of Battle.
Flame Affinity: +2 to Rolls when using Flame Spells.
Frost Weakness: The race recieve up to an additional 50% Frost Damage.

Racial Fetish(Heat/Warmth): Seraphim as a whole have a deep-rooted fetish for fire and heat, and suffers a -3 penalty to Endurance, Agility, & Willpower when the Fetish is exploited. IE Hot Wax, Volcanic environments, Fire Elementalkin, other Seraphs, etc.
Racial Fetish(Punishment): Seraphim as a whole have a deep-rooted fetish for justice and wrongdoers recieving what is their due, and suffers a -3 penalty to Endurance, Agility, & Willpower when the Fetish is exploited. IE Punishing lawbreakers, being punished for failure in a task, any sort of punishment being recieved or dealt will do be it judicial or sexual in nature.
Demons are Beings with twisted Souls; a memory of an ancient pact made with the great Infernal Lords by their ancestor, or that have simply been afflicted with the same burden by another Demon. They are magically compelled to uphold any pact, keep any promise, and stay true to their words. For Beings that must live under supernaturally enforced honesty and truthfulness they are rarely looked upon with acceptance; their compulsion to hold promises is a fairly minor upside compared to the fact they require to feed upon the souls of others just to remain mentally stable, and ability to share their curse with others. Their Souls, a perverted and wretched thing, no longer regain its lustre naturally as is the norm of so many others and instead is passively drained by the Infernal Lords as time passes.

Demon: +10MP, +1 Str, +1 End, +1 Int, +1 Wil, +1 Bea, +1 Fertility, -1 Potency

Essence Feed: The Character may 'Feed' on another Being's Mana either actively or passively. Actively feeding requires that the recipient is either willing or incapable of resisting the attempt, and Drains 10+(Int*2) Mana from the Victim while taking 1 Hour. Passively feeding happens whenever the Character's sexual partner Orgasms, and drains MP from their Partner equal to the Partner's SP Loss from Orgasming. Whether Actively or Passively, any victim of Feeding that is reduced to 0 or Less MP from Essence Feed is rendered Unconscious, and may suffer further consequences depending on circumstances.

Void Soul: The Character loses 1 Mana every 8 Hours, and every day that passes without having recovered any Mana they incur a stacking penalty of -1 End, -1 Wil, -1 Cha. The Character cannot recover Mana through natural means, IE Rest. Incompatible with the 'Mana Imbued' Background.

[Element] Resistance: The character only recieve half [Element] Damage. This is chosen upon character creation, and can be used to flavorize what kind of Demon they are/have become. Most commonly Flame, but Frost, Storm and Venom are also possible. May not choose Magic Resistance.
Reduced Offspring: -1 Min/Max Offspring, Minimum of 1
Lengthy Pregnancy: +4 Pregnancy Time

Infernal Affinity: +2 to Rolls when using Infernal Spells.
Nightvision: No visual perception penalty in areas with little light.
Oathbound: The Character sticks to their promises, if not outright being magically compelled to do so, and thus the Character MUST UPHOLD any promises, pacts, deals, or the like they have made. This can make up for 'Prejudice', IE by promising to do no harm
Prejudice(Non-Demons): Demons are looked upon with wary eyes or suspicion, but not outright hatred, resulting in a -2 Penalty to Social Rolls with Non-Demons. This penalty is nulled on an individual basis once a person gets to know the character, and does not affect interactions with Demons.
Unfettered: The Character can only be safely Enslaved by Collars that are either Magical or made out of Silver.

-Demon Subtype: Cubi-
The Cubi, as this variant of Demonic heritage is called as a whole, are often viewed as Beings of unrepentant hedonism and carnality, with some arguing that their Souls are the most broken of all Demonkind. Possessing supernatural beauty and social pressence many a Cubi live their lives seeking new thrills or experiences, anything to keep themselves occupied. Anything to keep their minds off the inescapeable reality that is their true nature. A few Cubi manage to live reasonable, almost normal, lives should they be willful or fortunate enough... But the vast majority simply spiral down, ever deeper, in a vicious cycle of increasing depravity and uncontrollable lusts. A downwards spiral very few have ever fully recovered, even less escaped, from.

Cubi: +1 Dex, +1 Agi, +2 Cha, +2 Bea, -2 Fertility, +2 Potency

Diet: Sexual Fluids
Void Cravings: Cubi suffer greater effects of their Void Soul than other Demons. At the first Stack of Void Soul they are rendered Aroused until recovering. At the third Stack and above they are rendered Horny until recovering. These penalties apply ontop of those by Void Soul.
Fetish Fueled(-3pts): For each Fetish, every fetish of every participant, currently being exploited the character get a +2 Bonus to Giving Pleasure Rolls, -1 Fertility, +1 Potency, and +2 to Rolls involving prolonging Fetishes being 'exploited', IE keeping the partner from pulling out if they have a Pregnancy/Breeding fetish.
Racial Fetish(X): The Character has a deep-rooted fetish for something, and suffers a -3 penalty to Endurance, Agility, & Willpower when the Fetish is exploited.
Racial Fetish(X): See Above

Chaotic Neutral Fetishism(0pts): Each time the Character Rests, they may optionally choose to alter one Fetish into another Fetish, such as Fetish(Pregnancy) into Fetish(Bondage). If this is attempted, a 1d10 is rolled and depending on the results either the Player gets to choose a desired result, or the GM gets to(but Player must approve of it). A Cubi or Chargen given Fetishes needs to roll 4+ for Player to get to choose, but Racially-given Fetishes must roll 6+ instead.

Racial Fetish(Passive Essence Feed): All Cubi feel the cravings of their Void Soul more potently than any Demon as well as having an overwhelming libido, and suffers a -3 penalty to Endurance, Agility, & Willpower when able to feed from sexual partners and thus satisfy both their urges.
Natural Allure: +2 to Seduction Rolls
Natural Slickness: +2 to Giving Penetrative Rolls, +1 to Rolls to end penetrative sex, due to natural secretion or lubrication or the like.
Sexual Healing: Every Load of Milk or Cum heals the character 1HP/1SP per Rank.
Recessive Genes: Offsprings resulting from breeding with this race results in the partners species, unless the partner also have Recessive Genes.

-Demon Subtype: Gargoyle-
Fluff pending. Basically always angry or something.

Gargoyle: +10HP, -5MP, +3 Str, +2 End, +2 Dex, -1 Int, +1 Wil, -3 Cha, -1 Bea, +2 Fertility, -2 Potency

Natural Melee Attack(Melee,Physical,Natural) (8+(Str+Dex OR Str*2)dmg) (+(Dex OR +Str/2+Dex/2) to Hit)

Infernal Soul: May only use spend MP on Spells & Rituals of the Infernal School, or Natural Spell-Like Abilities. May not spend MP on any other Spell/Skill/Talent. Anyone that tries to drain MP from this character loses HP equal to MP drained.
Natural Armor: +4 Armor
Bloodthirst: For every successful hit taken/given, +1 to Attack Rolls & -1 to Defense Rolls, stacks up to 5 times.
Natural Grappler: +3 to Grappling Rolls

Fetish(Strong Partner): Gargoyle-type Demons are always eager to find worthy potential partners, or mates, and get a -3 Penalty to Endurance, Agility and Willpower when encountering one. A Being qualifies as a 'Strong Partner' if they have at least three Physical Attributes that are either equal to or greater than those of the Gargoyle, OR if having Physical Attributes added together to +15 or greater. Physical Attributes are Str, End, Dex, Agi, Bea.
Heat/Rut: At the end of every week, most Adult Gargoyles enters a state of sexual frenzy, resulting in a 'Bonus' of +5 Potency, -5 Fertility, -4 to Recieving Sex Rolls and Rolls to Resist sexual advances/offers. Females/Herms that are, or have been, pregnant within the past 3 Days are exempt from this state, as are Non-Adult Gargoyles due to not having reached full sexual maturity.
Obnoxious: -2 to Trading/Diplomacy/Seduction Rolls
Fluff pending. Basically people thats been infused with Necrotic Magic rendering them not quite alive nor quite dead, but colder and more somber than their uncorrupted kind. Common folk fear and shun them, but all they want is to live like regular people... Most of them do, anyhow, others are just bitter fucks.

Undead: +5HP, -5MP, +1 Str, +1 End, -1 Agi, -1 Per, +2 Fertility, -2 Potency

Restless Undead(-3pts): Reduces all SP costs and losses by 3, to a minimum of 1.
Don't Rest Your Head(-3pts): Does not require Rest. Does not suffer from Rest-related penalties.
Unfettered(0pts): The Race can only be safely Enslaved by Collars that are either Magical or made out of Silver.

Flame Weakness: Takes 50% Increased Flame Damage
Frost Resistance: Takes 50% Reduced Frost Damage
Venom Resistance: Takes 50% Reduced Venom Damage
Native Terrain(Necrotic): Necrotic-Type Terrain have 1 Hour Less Travel Time for the Race, and certain Modifiers doesn't effect them. The Race also gains +3 to Terrain & Combat related Rolls when on Necrotic Terrain, which refers to places of death or that is filled with Necrotic energies such as graveyards, mausoleums, tombs, or relatively recent battlefields.
Kinship(Undead): Undead recieve a +2 Bonus to Rolls when working together, or interacting, with others of their kind; those that share the same curse that have them shunned by regular people.
Necrotic Affinity: +2 to Rolls when using Necrotic Spells.
Prejudice(Non-Undead): The Undead is looked upon with wary eyes or suspicion, but not outright hatred, resulting in a -2 Penalty to Social Rolls with those that are not Undead.
Racial Fetish(Warmth of the Living)

-Undead Subtype: Lich-
Fluff Pending. Basically super-undead that are vessels of almost purely Necrotic energy. Is loathed by everyone, even other Undead, as they are as close as one can get to their own Curse made incarnate. Doesn't help that they are very liable to ending up being bitter fucks from being shunned so fucking hard. Doesn't help Life-aligned magic, such as Celestial and Sylvan, itself outright refuses to co-operate with them no matter how hard they might try with their innate magical prowess.

Lich: -10HP, +25MP, -10SP, -4 Str, -2 End, -1 Dex, -2 Agi, +4 Int, +2 Wil, -1 Cha, +1 Per, +1 Fertility, -1 Potency

Anathematized(+3pts): Incapable of learning or using Celestial and Nature Spells or Spell-Like Abilities. Suffers a -2 to Social Rolls when interacting with Celestial or Fey Beings.
Levitation(-3pts): Travel Time is reduced by 1 Hour, to a minimum of 1, ignores Terrain Penalties, +3 Inventory Limit, +1 to Stealth Rolls.

Magic Resistance: Takes 50% Reduced Magic Damage
Frost Immunity: Immune to Frost Damage
Venom Immunity: Immune to Venom Damage

Warped Physiology: Due to their bodies being heavily infused with Necrotic Energy, no Healing Spells work on them other than those from the Necrotic School.
Lightweight(+5pts): This Race is not made for heavy burdens, and suffers a -X Penalty to Combat Rolls and Agility. X is equal to each Milkload(per Breast)/Cumload above their Base Race Value. After the first day of Pregnancy, until giving birth, the value of X is increased by 2+# of offspring. Natural Flight is disabled if X meets or exceeds 4.

Nightvision: No visual perception penalty in areas with little light.
Frost Affinity: +2 to Rolls when using Frost Spells.
Necrotic Affinity: +2 to Rolls when using Necrotic Spells.
Prejudiced(Non-Liches): The Liches is looked upon with wary eyes or suspicion, maybe even hatred, resulting in a -2 Penalty to Social Rolls with everyone but other Liches, who are the only ones that can truly relate with eachother.
Celestial Succeptability: -2 to Defender Rolls VS Celestial Spells.
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Elementalkin, the sons and daughters of the very elements themselves, born of flame, frost, storm or venom. To them, weaving the energies of their birthright is as natural as breathing. Due to their potent heritage however, they have trouble concieving children with others not of their own Element. They are immune to their own element, weak to their opposed, and can wield a simple spell of their own element.
Flame and Frost opposes each other. Storm and Venom opposes each other.

[Elemental] Immunity: The race is immune to [Elemental] Damage.
Elemental Affinity: +2 to Rolls when using [Element] Spells.
Racial Spell: Firebolt(Flame), Icepierce(Frost), Razorgust(Storm), Venomspit(Venom)

[Elemental] Weakness: The race recieve up to an additional 50% [Elemental] Damage.
Elemental Succeptability: -2 to Defender Rolls VS [Element] Spells.
Elemental Cross-Sterility: You recieve a -5 Potency/+5 Fertility penalty when breeding with partners not of your own Element and Non-Elementals.
'Direlings' is the name given to people bearing this strange mutation, which seeps into the very soul of anyone infected with it. It warps their bodies and mind alike, causing them to grow bone-like plates, spiny potrusions, wicked fangs or sharp claws. Very few are the Direlings capable of controlling their temper, and many are little more than feral beasts preying upon the weak. Worse yet, Direling Blood is highly infectious, and anyone drinking or having it poured into an open wound risks becoming infected, and become one of the Direlings aswell.

Direling: +10HP, -10MP, +5SP, +2 Str, +2 End, +1 Dex, +1 Agi, -2 Int, -3 Cha, -1 Bea

Diet Adjustment(0pts): Diet is altered to one step closer to Carnivore, IE Herbivore > Omnivore, Omnivore/Sexual Fluids > Carnivore

Claws/Fangs/Boneblades(Melee,Physical,Natural) (8+(Str+Dex OR Str*2)dmg) (+(Dex OR +Str/2+Dex/2) to Hit) (Must choose either Str*2 for Damage & +(Dex/2+Str/2) for Hit, OR Str+Dex for Damage & +Dex for Hit upon character creation)

Direling Resilience(-5pts): Direlings recieve 33% less Damage from all Non-Silver sources, after Armor reduction. The only way to bypass this is by using Weapons made of Silver or casting Spells with a Silver Staff or other magical implement made out of Silver, IE Silver Weapons with Spellblade Rune.

The Silverbane(+3pts): When wielding or wearing any object made of Silver the character suffers a Penalty of -3 Willpower.

Bloodthirst: For every successful hit taken/given, +1 to Attack Rolls & -1 to Defense Rolls, stacks up to 5 times.

Natural Armor: +2
Resistance: +2 to Defender Rolls VS Offensive Spells

Natural Regeneration: The character heals 3HP per combat round or non-combat hour, resting included.
Warped Physiology: Due to a warped or unnatural physiology, most Healing Spells have no effect on this character unless explicitly stated to affect them. IE Necrotic Mending for Undead or Mend Construct for Constructs.

Corrupt Soul: A damaged or otherwise corrupted soul makes the character incapable of using Non-Racial Spells, Skills or the like that costs Mana to use. Anyone that tries to drain MP from this character loses HP equal to MP drained.

Nightvision: No visual perception penalty in areas with little light.

Prejudice(Non-Direling): Direlings are often looked upon with wariness and caution due to their warped mindset and often aggressive tendencies. This results in a -2 Penalty to Social Rolls with most Non-Direling people they interact with.

Heat/Rut: At the end of every week, most Adult members of this Race enters a state of sexual frenzy, resulting in a 'Bonus' of +5 Potency, -5 Fertility, -4 to Recieving Sex Rolls and Rolls to Resist sexual advances/offers. Females/Herms that are, or have been, pregnant within the past 3 Days are exempt from this state, as are Non-Adult members due to not having reached full sexual maturity.

Fetish(Strong Partner): Direlings are always eager to find worthy potential partners, or mates, and get a -3 Penalty to Endurance, Agility and Willpower when encountering one. A Being qualifies as a 'Strong Partner' if they have at least three Physical Attributes that are either equal to or greater than those of the Direling, OR if having Physical Attributes added together to +15 or greater. Physical Attributes are Str, End, Dex, Agi, Bea.

Direling Corruption(0pts): Direlings can infect others with their curse-like state through various means. Such as allowing, or forcing, another Being to ingest their blood, at the cost of 5HP, which causes an Endurance VS Endurance roll. If the Direling's roll meets or exceeds that of the recipient, the recipient will when next they rest gain the Direling Heritage unless they already have a Heritage. Additional 'Blood offers' will apply a stacking -3 Penalty to the recipients counter roll. Likewise, the same Endurance VS Endurance roll, and stacking penalty, is also rolled for every third load of Direling Milk or Cum the victim either ingests or gets ejaculated inside their body.
Fluff to come. Either some Being that ended up turned into a Half-Golem of some sor, or a Being that was artificially created and given life and a spark of sentience by some Golemcrafter. Basically cyborgs.

Construct: +10HP, -10MP, +5SP, +2 Str, +3 End, -2 Dex, -2 Agi, -1 Per, +3 Fertility, -3 Potency

Those whom has never lived: Reduces all SP costs and losses by 5, to a minimum of 1. Basic Actions, IE Attacking, no longer cost 1SP to perform.
Don't Rest Your Head: Does not require Rest. Does not suffer from Rest-related penalties.

Warped Physiology: Due to their heavily artificial physique, Constructs are unaffected by all Healing Spells other than 'Mend Construct' in the Arcane School.
Vimhusk(+5): Does not recover SP from Resting.
Soulhusk(+5): Does not recover MP from Resting.

Natural Armor: +4
Magic Resistance: The race only recieve half Magic Damage.
Storm Resistance: Takes 50% Reduced Storm Damage
Venom Immunity: Immune to Venom Damage

Artificial Procreation(0pts): Constructs always Sire offspring of the same race, optionally same heritage, of the mother. Constructs always give Birth to offspring of their own race, and always of Construct heritage.
Cross-Sterile(Non-Constructs): You recieve a -5 Potency/+5 Fertility penalty when breeding with partners that are not Constructs.
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