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Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout (ALPHA)

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Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer mumbled angrily even as he ran on "They've got no blood to sing, yet they'll live regardless, they'll arrive with weapons of stone and fists of anger, and no rhythm, no thought."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Lanric asked, "Okay, what's the weird-talker goi..."

He got that far before a rumbling, cracking noise was heard as four of the statues on the backside of the gatehouse slowly started to move.

Lanric skidded to a stop, as he looked at the sudden movement, then quietly groaned. "Golems. Well, shit."

Still at a far enough distance to not be in immediate danger.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

"Golems." Elise said, gripping Lanric by the arm and urging him forwards. "We have to go through them, don't waste time." She said, continuing without him if he didn't pick up the pace.

She aimed for the guardhouse itself in her run, though she did her best to avoid the waking golems as she did so.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Before he started moving again, Lanric did something... A quick spell casting, then a cloud of mist formed around the end of the bridge, obscuring sight.

"Let's move. Hopefully, that'll give us an edge!" Lanric yelled as he began his running again.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer headed in the same direction without hesitation, muttering annoyedly "Bloodless ones."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

The mist slowed the woman a bit, relying on her memory to guess where the golems and door were as she ran headlong into the fog.

She tried the door when she reached it, finding it unlocked and bursting in, leaving it open for the others behind her.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Inside was the usual long hallway for gatehouses, with a small area off to one side for stables. Judging from the lack of horses in there and the outside gate being wide open, something must have been going on. There were, however, a few packs just inside the door to the stables, mostly filled with food and waterskins. A few bedrolls were also neatly stacked near the packs.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Elise went for the packs, noting the lack of horses. "Here!" She said, tossing one to each of the others as they entered and passed by, grabbing the bedrolls herself for the time being. That would give them time ot pass by, she was supposed to be rearguard, after all.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer caught the pack and continued running with it, yelling "Last one out, close the door."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

After grabbing the pack, Lanric reached the open gate and looked out carefully. A low whistle followed, then... "Well, I think I've just found the answer to the lack of guards... We're going to have to move carefully to wherever we're going..."

The immediate vicinity of the open gate, on the outside, was littered with broken weapons, rent armor, and the shattered corpses that looked to have recently been zombies.

"If someone tried to hit this place with undead, they're gonna be scouring the area for the necromancer in charge for sure."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer manifests, the same freakish aberration that was seen the last time his form had shifted, each eye staring in a different direction, and as he does so, he states quite calmly "We will need to keep an eye watching everything then, although I suspect this was the lady vampiress at work." As he said such, he moved calmly "That said, no woods, no trees, nothing to hide in, let's get moving fast before they catch up."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

“Great. Keep off the path, then.“ Elise said, just passing out of the gatehouse, a bedroll tucked under each of her four arms. “Gives a good excuse to slow some once we hit cover, i‘m starting to wear out.“
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Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

It was nearing sun-down as the escapees left the prison. Although out, the patrols hadn't been fully evaded, yet.

Calling for Survival checks from Mekel and Elise, Perception from Gilfer.

Lanric, Fort Save
+3 = 21

Some while after dark, Lanric was starting to show some signs of getting winded, even though he seemed to improve slightly from his almost sickly appearance when the sun set.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer looked around, paying as much attention to the environment as he could.

Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

survival: 26

Elise passes out the bedrolls once they were a short ways away from pursuit, staying in her monstrous form the entire time. Winded from the start, she nonetheless presses on at about the same pace they had set for Lanric, the pair of them being the slowest two of the group over long distances, apparently.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Mekel keeps low to the ground, his greatsword clutched underhanded at his side as he moves quickly and quietly with the rest of the group, though much less stealthy due to the CLANKCLANKCLANK of his mail.

(( 6. Nat 1, cue us being detected.))
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Elise manages to spot a reasonably protected spot that seems good for a stop, as well as enough wood for a small fire. Gilfer manages to spot a large patch of odd looking plants, and sort of steered the group away from it. Mekel, however, blundered right through the patch, and now has leaves from it adorning his armor.

((Poison sumac. Elise's Survival check would be high enough to ID it. And Mekel's armor is enough to protect from the rash, as long as he's careful about it.))
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

The woman let out an amused chitter as Mekel crashed right through the brush, a little before either of her companions could stop him. "You'll be fine, just scrape it off without letting it get your skin, or there'll be a bad rash. If you really want problems, smoke some." She teased, then paused for a second, pondering.

Stopping in her walk, she pointed towards the sheltered outcropping she had spotted. "Should be able to rest safely enough in there, i'll be right with." She told them, tearing a strip off the bottom of the shirt she had. Working carefully, she bundled the cloth around a full spout of the bush and cut it free, using her claws on the step to avoid the leaves. tying the bundle to make sure it didn't shake loose, she put it away and joined the others, an amused smile on her face.

"How long do we plan on resting? What magic I can offer is fairly limited by now, but I'm not sure if we can afford a full night here just for me to replenish my energies."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Mekel begins to scrape the leaves off with his gloved hands, carefully flicking them back into the bush and groaning. "I hate nature." he says from behind his mask, scraping his hands off on a nearby tree. "We might be able to get enough rest. Rotate who's on lookout just in case, start moving if patrol starts to approach." Mekel says, his head turned towards the outcropping as he spoke, his mind running all manner of possibilities through his head.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer grinned, giggled, and started wandering off, still in his true form. "I've got some fun tidings to set up before the night ends, comrades. I'll grab second watch, whichever one of you wants first can have it."

With that stated, he moved into the forest a touch, ducking down and weaving slightly through the area, twisting and writhing through the grounds trying to remain undetected. It was time to disorient the pursuers, as Mekel would, unfortunately, have provided them with all too clear a path. Now, how to do this so one could not find it?

Branches were pulled, and ripped, down. Deadwood trees were knocked over. Where he could, he tried to cover up Mekel's boot-patterns and fake them going off in a different direction by sweeping them out with leaves or branches. Where possible, Gilfer tried to create trails heading in different directions, or imply they had split up, at one point hitting a tree with his mace to suggest a missed swing at his compatriots. He wanted to make absolutely certain they couldn't go after them with ease this night, so he double and triple checked his misdirections.

(Stealth Roll to remain undetected / get first chance at detecting them before doing something loud like pulling out branches)
(Survival roll to lay a misdirection on where to go, if I'm not allowed to take 10. If am allowed to take 10, would much prefer to do so)
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