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Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout (ALPHA)

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Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

While normally, I'd be inclined say that using Survival to obscure tracks would not be a "Take 10" skill, I'm going to allow it this time.

While it's not the best job, Gilfer's efforts seem to be working reasonably well for obscuring the trail. As near as he can tell, the worst noise he's making is knocking stuff down to obscure tracks... Which judging by the way some of these trees look, might just be written off.

Lanric sat on the bedroll he'd be handed, still rolled up, while taking a few breaths. Finally, he spoke. "My inclination would be to try to spend most of our time moving at night, and hiding to rest during the day. While I'm not entirely sure about..." He paused here to gesture towards the direction Gilfer left. "...I've heard enough about Reapers to know they've got decent sight at night. Ever since my little incident, my nighttime sight seems to be getting better."

He looked at Elise at this point. "And you've not exactly been showing signs for poor eyesight right now, either."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

(Thank you. I would only think it a reasonable take 10 normally if we weren't being actively pursued, but as I'm taking the time to make different tracks as well, I viewed it as a reasonable one....plus EXACTLY as many will arrive as the GM dictates, which is why I never play Rangers :p)

Gilfer, satisfied with his attempts, began heading back to the camp, a relaxed stride as he waved at his erstwhile allies "I have done what needs to be done and feel satisfied with what can be done. Why is everyone still awake?"
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Mekel had been standing guard the entire time, staring out into the wilderness, his mask hiding his true emotions as he does so. "The lunatic is right. Everyone, get some sleep. I'll take first watch." he says, his greatsword resting tip in the ground and his right hand clenching the crossguard.

(( Perception roll for keeping first watch.))
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

"My heritage comes with more than a skin tone makes me look dead." She answered Lanric. "As for Gilfer there, that many eyeballs popping up all over the place, one can only hope he can see something with them. Something on this plane of existence, anyways." She added with a chuckle.

And speaking of the farspawn, Gilfer strolled back into camp. Elise gave a shrug in response to his question, not quite wanting to point out that sleeping with an ex-convict watching over did not engender feelings of safety. But that wouldn't help anything. Shuffling off to make some space, She did a variation of the ritual she had earlier, the monstrous features dissolving from her form, leaving nothing but a pair of ripped holes in her outfit to indicate they had ever been there. Glancing over at the others, she just moved to sit against a tree, crossing her arms and trying to get some sleep, giving a comment to Mekel as she passed by. "You'll dull your blade like that."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

The first watch goes relatively uneventfully. However, Mekel does notice an odd patch of plants near where the group is resting. It is different from the ones he blundered through earlier.

Okay, pick who's up next.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Mekel wakes up Gilfer for his shift, eyeing the plants he spotted, before heading to the back of the outcropping to take his armor off and get some sleep for himself.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Something about the plants, and Mekel's limited knowledge, makes him think that the plants aren't too much of a hazard.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer looks at the plants. He stares at them long and hard. After a moment, he shrugs, and just returns to his base form, before removing and reforming his eyes to focus on darkvision.

(Darkvision range of 25+15=40)
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

As Gilfer's eyes reform, something becomes apparent. Squirrels. Lots of them. Surrounding the makeshift campsite.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer watched the squirrels, each eye staring hungrily at a different squirrel, segmented pupils watching them all with glee, as if a massive feast had been placed in front of him, and only the barest degree of self restraint were keeping him from rushing out and devouring it all.

Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

After a bit of watching, Gilfer would suddenly note a flash of rather odd behavior. The squirrels suddenly moved together into a large group directly in front of the Ozodrin, before rearing up onto their hind legs, and apparently launching into some kind of poor imitation of zombies moving back and forth. After a few moments of this, the squirrels dispersed into the night. Yet one remained behind just long enough to make an odd grabbing-like motion, before it too fled.

Next up.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer walks over to Lanric, shaking him awake, before stating "Zombie-dancing squirrels are watching us in large numbers. Beware of squirrel-dancing zombies eating us in large numbers. Maybe move, but don't want interrupt scary ladies sleep on possible paranoia issues"

With that, Gilfer watched Lanric for a moment, and, based on his decision, moved to support it.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Lanric nodded slightly as he woke. It would seem that he caught that there might be a problem, but perhaps not what exactly. Either way on that issue, it seems that for the moment, he's leaning towards waiting a bit to see what happens.

During his watch, Lanric happens to also spot the strange plants, but doesn't figure out any more than what the other two males in the group have.

This watch passes uneventfully as well.

Lanric steps over near Elise as quietly speaks. "Your turn."

As soon as he's sure she's woken up enough, he adds, "The odd-talker said something about squirrels, armies, and zombies when he traded off. Nothing happened for me, but I'm not sure exactly what he meant. Also, there's an odd plant nearby. Don't know enough to get a read on it."

With that, he heads back over to his spot to get more rest.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

The woman started a little when Lanric woke her, looking up at him. “Wonderful, alright. “ she said, getting up and finding a confortable place to watch from. She remained calm, gaze wandering the edges of their makeshift camp while she continued to rest.

(Perception 22, survival 17)
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Again, nothing of note happened during Elise's watch. Although her gaze does fall across the plant Lanric mentioned. To her eyes, something about it seemed herb-like, and probably not harmful. Perhaps it might even become useful somehow, although that was harder to tell.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

The plant looked like something she had seen sold in market stalls, so it was likely a herb or spice. On a hunch, or out of boredom, she collected some, taking a small taste as she did so, to make sure.

More time passed, the mage resting idly, no sign of the zombie squirrels Lanric had mentioned Gilfer seeing. Eventually, she felt rested enough, which meant it was time to move on. Going to each in turn, she gave them all nudges to wake. “set yourselves up again, time to get moving.“

For her own part, she kept herself as‘is, saving her magic for later having just recovered what she had spent before.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Mekel gets himself up, starting almost immediately on putting his armor back on, grumbling the whole time. "Bah, this armor is so shoddy compared to my own." he says, tightening one of the straps on his left gauntlet, before hefting his greatsword up onto his right shoulder, and waiting for his cue to get a move on.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

When tasted, the plant had an odd taste, and something just seemed... off about it.

Fort save, Shrike.

Lanric grunted slightly on being woken this time, hand seemingly automatically reaching around for something. Once he woken more fully, though, he scowled and stopped.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer hugs his legs as he wakes up, entirely unmanifested, muttering horrifiedly "Squirrels dancing as zombies. Zombie-dancing squirrels will eat me as I sleep. Beware the squirrels." he states whole-heartedly to whoever he wakes up to, before breaking out in hysterical laughter. Whether he was disconcerted, or found them hilarious, is uncertain. After a moment "Nightmovement would be good, but first day, need to rest, as not much sleep allowed properly. Maybe double-moveshift today?"

(Form points: Darkvision still focused on.)
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

(Fort save 15 )

"That is your armour now. Unless you want to try and get your old stuff from the prison. If so, good luck."

"Uh, yeah, sure. You're safe, for now at least."
Elise replied to the ranting Gilfer, moving off a bit.

"We can do that, so long as we don't press too hard for it." She said in response to the double walking shift.
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