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Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout (ALPHA)

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Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer nods his head with cheer, applauding slightly "More food to be being devourified, I approve of this direction."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

"I wouldn't mind seeing how the sergeant likes it. Could be fun." The woman agreed, chittering lightly.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

From the prison map, the closest marked location was the "Disposal" site... And it was along the route to the exit.

When they got there, it'd be obvious that this was where most of the possessions of any new arrivals were dealt with. Through burning, by the looks of it. While there were a few odds and ends scattered around as if they'd fallen off of the pile before the flame, probably most of what had been there was obviously gone now.

Perception check to look for anything useful.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer rummaged through the corpses and the lost items, looking more for deliciousness then anything that might have come with him, after all, he was broke when he came here.

Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Elise frowned. There was some scraps left around, but she doubted there was anything she could use. Still, she tried anyways, poking a few things around with her foot.

Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Mekel looked around through the belongings, rather inhibited by his inability to bend over in the shoddy armor he was wearing. "If anyone finds a white mask, looks like something you'd see at an opera, hand it over." he says, his attention mostly focused on the door.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

The best Mekel would have noticed would be a few heavier cloaks, both travel-stained and slightly charred. They looked, however, to be reasonably intact enough to use.

Elise, on the other hand, would find bits and pieces of usable clothing. Enough to cobble together a not-too-hideous looking outfit for their new companion.

Gilfer likely wouldn't have found much of note... However, almost hidden behind part of the ash piles was a mask of some kind. The outside showed some darkening from having been facing the fire, but it just might be the one Mekel had mentioned.

Their new companion, meanwhile, had poked through things slightly, but didn't seem to come away with anything of note.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer walked over to Mekel, holding the mask behind his back, a slier then usual smile on his face, before simply placing it in his hands, regardless of whether it was the correct one or not, before walking over to the side of the door, whistling a little. Apparently, he wasn't trusting himself to talk at the moment, ruin the thought and all that.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

The woman's proddings revealed some wearable clothes. Mismatched, sooty, but otherwise serviceable, she tucked them over a spare arm as she went, until she figured she had a full set. Striding over to their new fourth, she held them out. "Here. Better than rags, though not by much." She said, shrugging.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Although it had some slight darkening from heat exposure, Mekel could tell: It was his mask.

The man accepted the pile of clothes, nodding in agreement with Elise. He glanced around a moment, then ducked behind one of the larger ash piles in the corner of the room. After a bit of shuffling, he stepped back out, wearing the outfit. About the only thing that wasn't well covered by the outfit was his left forearm, where the branding mark was.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Mekel looks down at his mask, brushing off the inside before pushing aside his hair, revealing his face for only a brief moment, before he plants the mask over his face, inhaling deeply and then sighing. "That's better." he says, his voice altered by the mask as he seems to relax, loosening up, even. "Now. Let's get the hell out of here."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Elise waited for the man to reappear, glancing at the brand before turning to the group. "Anything else we need here? We should keep moving."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Whether by luck or by fate, the small group makes it to near the main gate without alerting any further guards. However, as they near the prison's exit, they see a well-remembered figure near it... The sergeant, Chet Drauwulf.

Will allow a moment to plan. The group is well enough hidden for the moment, and Private Numb-nuts is currently looking the wrong way.

Stopping where the group likely wouldn't be easily seen, the new companion makes some gestures. It would seem like he's suggesting trying to sneak up and overpower or knock the sergeant unconscious, throw the man over onto a nearby table, and using the equipment in the room to brand the sergeant, although not necessarily on the arm.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer gives a thumbs up.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Elise gives a grin and a nod, slinking closer to the ground and sneaking her way up to the man, not waiting for the other three to sort themselves out and catch up.

stealth, total 20
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Mekel crosses his arms as he leans against the wall around the bend from where the Sergeant and his other guard wait, thinking up a plan for himself, oblivious of the others sneaking as he does so.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

The sergeant's mind was apparently on other things, as Elise was able to slip up right behind him without so much as a twitch out of the sergeant.

Yeah, after that shitty roll for his Perception, no contest on disabling and prepping the sergeant for revenge-y times.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

The woman pounced suddenly, all four arms wrapping around the man from behind, one of the clawed ones sealing over his mouth. "Miss me?" SHe whispered into his ear, the chittering quality of her voice grating on his eardrums. It was a simple matter to drag him over to the table and strap him down, more so if she had aid, but soon enough he was bound and gagged, at their mercy.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer hummed a tune as he aided Elise in moving the Sergeant to his doom, looking at their newer companion and nodding his head. "This is to be your song, not ours, care to start the dance up?"
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

The man stepped in the room, and glanced around. Grabbing some items to use as brands, he set them into the fire. "This will take a moment."

Another glance around the room, then... "Hmm. Might be a bit easier if we could tie him down a bit... Anyone happen to see something usable around here?"
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