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Shop, and missions

Re: Shop, and missions

Jesse grabs her hands before they could start taking off articles of clothing, and gives Selena a twisted smile.

"If you try that here, you won't get me back," she informed her, directing her attention towards Ferris, who was watching Selena some distance away, "And I won't be able to get you back in a second time... Behave, young lady."
Re: Shop, and missions

Selena leans forward and kisses Jesse on the lips, then looks at Ferris, waving to her brightly,

"Hi Miss Security Guard! Enjoying the show? Want to join in?" She laughs loudly, then turns back to Jesse, "I would really love to just do the both of you here~ but like you said... that might get me into a little trouble~" She pulls herself off of Jesse, "I wonder if I should visit the good doctor again, see if I can freak her out again."
Re: Shop, and missions

Jesse blushes, while looking frustrated at the same time.

"S-sweetie, you really shouldn't do that..."
Re: Shop, and missions

Selena looks around, the speaks in a quiet tone as she looks Jesse in the eye,

"Has... uh... David said anything? I kinda raped him too and I have no idea what's going with him right now..." She looks around, realizing that Jesse might not know who she was talking about, "David's the sniper on the roof... he kinda was the first to find out and he wanted to kill me..."
Re: Shop, and missions

Jesse's eyes went wide at Selena's words, and her mouth was wide open.

"D-David!?!" was all she could say, unable to even think of how Selena could have raped David, and how she was still alive after doing it...
Re: Shop, and missions

Selena shrugs and looks around, then pulls her panties down again, making sure her back was to the security so it looked like she was doing something questionable,

"I do still have girl parts, I just tied him up and rode him till he came. It was kinda boring to be honest... then he yelled for help, as far as the guard was concerned, I had simply raped him, nothing else."
Re: Shop, and missions

Jesse blinked at Selena's story, although only at the part where it was boring.

"Boring...? You mean, nothing happened...?" she seemed to think for a moment, "That's... Odd... Amy said that the kid wondering around the zoo was perfectly drainable... Why didn't you absorb David's energy... And, what's more..." she looked up to Selena, "I suppose you weren't terribly attracted to him, either... But, that doesn't make any sense..."
Re: Shop, and missions

Selena scratches her head at the names as she pulls her panties back up,

"Who's Amy? And what kid at the zoo? And yeah, David seems to want to kill me, I mean, if he was a nice sweet girl in a gothic lolita dress going 'I hate you!' in a crying sort of way... uh... nevermind, but yeah, I'm not really attracted to him I guess~"
Re: Shop, and missions

Jesse suddenly gave Selena a goofy smile,

"You liked him enough to get on top of him, huh?" she giggled, "He's not bad looking, but his personality could use a few... Improvements..."
Re: Shop, and missions

Selena laughs at the comment as she looks around and smiles,

"Well, he was much more pleasant after I reminded him I could give him some 'manly' love... so uh... do you have some private time for me or should I go out looting again, hm?~" She pauses for awhile and thinks as she looks around, "I wonder how this is affecting Kitty, after all, I don't think constantly being put in a sex coma is good for you... and I can't have her breaking on me~"
Re: Shop, and missions

Jesse tilts her head,

"Well... All of the normal women at the prison seem to be fine... They even say that they feel more healthy after awhile... So, I don't think anything bad come from it... Asides from... Well, you know..." she giggled, but then shakes her head at Selena's request, "I'm sorry, sweetie, I'm waiting for someone to come back, and I need to be right here when she does."
Re: Shop, and missions

Selena smirks and laughs as she shrugs,

"I don't know who you're waiting for... but sounds kinda boring~ I'll see you around!" With that, she heads towards the exit of the inn, waving her hand, "Anyone else that wants to, come along or I'm leaving you behind!"
Re: Shop, and missions

Josie came down the stairs, hurriedly and almost visibly upset, but smiling. Running up to Jesse, trying not to be rude, she hoped her conversation with the other girl there was finished or at least on pause, so not to interrupt.


"Jesse! Hey listen, I feel pretty bad. I haven't been able to help out here at all. I promised that I'd get some supplies and I tried but I.. Listen, Dixie knows where we might get some guns and stuff. In all honesty, I haven't left yet cuz.. well because I was scared. She lost the key in the sewers and I was afraid of going. But I know how much we can use this stuff and I've decided to go, and I'll see if Dixie's on board, locked door or no locked door."

(wow, I feel like this was shitty and rushed, but I don't know how to improve it)
Re: Shop, and missions

Jesse seemed to think for a moment, and while Selena seemed to be wondering around, trying to recruit someone, she called out to her, waving her hand at the mischievous blue haired devil.

"Selena! Sweetie!" she called, "This woman here needs some help with something, could you be a dear and help her for me?"
Re: Shop, and missions

Josie whirled around slightly bewildered, not expecting Jesse to call someone over to help. Though, thinking about it, the more help she could get, the better. She reached her hand out to shake, but realized she had no idea what to say, having to correct herself as it came out.


"Hi. I umm.. Do you... Haha, sorry. Uhh, you can help me?"
Re: Shop, and missions

Selena looks the girl over, then shrugs and smiles,

"Help you with what~?" She circles around the girl slowly, eyeing her slowly, then laughs, "Just kidding! C'mon, let's get going, it's too boring around here!"
Re: Shop, and missions

A little uncomfortable with being eyed at, Josie could only stammer a bit as she tried to get the words out to what exactly she needed help with, before Selena cut her off and headed towards the door.


"OH! Well, hold on a sec, let me get Dixie, she knows where we're going anyway. I'll be down quickly!"

Not wanting to be rude and keep the girl waiting, she bound off for the stairs up to Dixie's room as fast as possible.
Re: Shop, and missions

Coming back down the steps, Jo decided to answer Dixie personally before joining back up with the girl Jesse had 'introduced' her to.


"Well, in all honesty no. I haven't really talked to anyone here. I mean, I'm not unsocial, but considering the conditions... but she's always nice enough to help and talk, if I had anything I could consider a good friend here, it would definitely be her.. and you."

Jo immediately looked over and waved to Selena when she finished speaking.
Re: Shop, and missions

Dixie smiles at Josie, "Thanks, Jo..." she then looks to Selena, "Hey, how ya doin', sugar? You the one Jo was talkin' 'bout..?" she tilts her head, "You're a tiny thang... Are you sure it's safe for you to go out there with those monsters?"