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Shop, and missions

Re: Shop, and missions

Selena smiles back at Jo and lifts her .22 rifle,

"The real question, marm, is whether it's safe for the monsters out there~" She poorly imitates the southern accent of Dixie, something that she knew was a bad idea to do, but she for some reason did anyway.
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Re: Shop, and missions

Dixie twists her lips, and walks over to Selena, and hugs her neck with her arm, playing with her, "Heh, I like you, kid, you've got a real mouth, but that'll get you into trouble, if yer not careful." she said, slightly strangling Selena with her arm.
Re: Shop, and missions

(I'm southern?)

Dixie immediately came forward to the small girl, which seemed pretty friendly by Jo's standards. Jo was always afraid of kind of approaching people if she could see how someone could get offended by it, and mocking the size of a small girl with a large rifle didn't seem the best way to make friends in her opinion. So she kinda stood back from their action and tried to calmly comment without seeming too serious.


"It's not like the monsters will be talking to us. All that matters is she's good with that thing." Twisting her head a bit, she continued. "...you are good with it, right?"
Re: Shop, and missions

(My bad, got the names mixed up)
Selena shrugs as she looks around and grins,

"We'll, let's stop wasting time then~! Hanging around here is too boring!"
Re: Shop, and missions

Jo looks back and forth between the two of them, biting her upper lip, before giving a little shrug and raising her hand in the direction of the door in an "after you" type fashion to the both of them.
Re: Shop, and missions

Selena rushes out the door without as much as a goodbye as she gleefully runs into the streets,

"We're going to have a lot of fun~!"
Re: Shop, and missions

Knowing she could easily catch up, Jo didn't run off after her immediately, just turning towards Dixie and giving a little shake with a raised eyebrow, trying to signal some confusion towards the girls actions, but decided, what could she do about it anyway. After a little unspoken exchange, Jo turned a smile before talking.


"Try and keep up, huh"

She laughed a bit, as she took off at about half-speed, trying to make sure to keep in sight with Selena, while not being too far in front of Dixie. After all, Jo had promised her she wouldn't let anything happen, so she doesn't just abandon her.
Re: Shop, and missions

Jo walked with Dixie into the shop, carrying their equipment, looking for Jesse. Jo herself was yelling ahead of time, somewhat quite excited to be done with this. She loved keeping her word, "a promise is a promise" and all that. And she simultaneously achieved that twice, returning supplies to Jesse with an unharmed Dixie. She had to at least act somewhat excited for her own sake too, because inside she still felt bad about leaving the blue haired girl out there, feeling the sting when the guard asked about her. If she had been captured or something, that's another story, they could get a group to help her. But there was no monsters, no fight.. they just kinda left her. She was trying hard not to worry about that right now.


"Jesse, you in? Got some goodies!"
Re: Shop, and missions

When Josie saw her, Jesse looked to be in a foul mood. She was sitting at her counter, with her legs crossed, and her foot bobbing up and down in an agitated way. She blinked when Josie came in, but didn't change her look of bloody murder.

"Put it on the counter," she told her.

Dixie was a little taken back by Jesse's attitude, "What the hell's wrong wit' you?" she asked.

"I'm not in the mood! There is a certain someone that has a terrible storm coming in their direction!" she announced.
Re: Shop, and missions

(aww, that was just cruel)

Jo was really surprised by Jesse's demeanor, having never known the girl to be anything but cheery. She put a single shotgun down onto the counter and the body armor she was carrying.


"I'm sorry to hear that. Can't imagine anyone that could actually make you angry."
Re: Shop, and missions

Jesse payed no attention to the things placed on the counter, choosing instead to shoot Josie a look that would kill if it could,

"Imagine it quick, because I won't tolerate her kind of behavior here! I act nice, I treat everyone with respect and kindness, and how do they repay me!?!" she growled, "They fight with each other, and tie each other in rooms like prisoners! Unacceptable!" she announced, as her foot was now bouncing a dozen times a second, "I won't be forgiving today! Not today!"

Dixie seemed threatened by Jesse's disposition, and whispered to Josie, "I, uh... I think we should just go... I don't think we want to be the ones she teaches a lesson..." Dixie recommended.
Re: Shop, and missions

(dixie has tazers to put down too right?)

Jo's face shot back at her comment, almost scared from how surprised she was, mouth wide open and eyebrow raised. She hadn't heard anything about that, of course she didn't think of pushing Jesse for gossip at the moment.


"You've always been kind to me Jesse. And I know you're the type of person that whatever these people did, and after they get what's coming to 'em.. that that won't change."

Jo reached her hand out to put it on Jesse's before smiling at her and speaking to her and turning back.

"I'll see ya around, k?"
Re: Shop, and missions

Jesse nodded quickly, waving Josie off with her hand,

"Yes, yes, of course, sweetie," she said as Josie turned back
Re: Shop, and missions

Jo walked with Dixie back up to the direction of their rooms. Almost feeling a need to defend what she had said earlier about Jesse, Jo whispered to Dixie on the way back.

"She's usually very nice... But did you hear what she said? People tying each other up? Crazy huh?"
Re: Shop, and missions

Dixie sighed, and shook her head, "Honestly, everythin' seems to have gone crazy ever since this shit started. That loon we left back there is just one of the many strange things around, I'm sure." she said to Josie, as they were walking up the stairs to their respective rooms.
Re: Shop, and missions


"Speaking of which.. Dixie" Jo stopped walking.
"I wanted to apologize about today. It was a long day and everyone had something to say to someone else, everything's so crazy. Sorry if I yelled at you or didn't react quick enough or anything today"
Re: Shop, and missions

Dixie twisted her lip, and stopped walking once they reached the top of the stairs, to place her hand on Josie's shoulder, "Hey, now, you didn't do nothin' wrong. If anythang, I'd probably not even be here right now if it weren't for you..." she said sincerely.
Re: Shop, and missions

Jo reached her hand up to Dixie's resting on her shoulder.


"Thanks Dixie, that means a lot. I'm more than glad you're around, we all gotta look out for each other times like these."

Jo moved on down the hall towards her door.
Re: Shop, and missions

Dixie nodded, "Yeah... I guess, but sometimes, there are people ya can't help." she said absentmindedly, before shaking her head, "Anyway, see you around, Jo, I'm headin' to my room to get some sleep." she said, walking past Josie's room, and heading down further to her own.
Re: Shop, and missions

(Haha, sorry to do this, but I'm gonna run through a bunch of your npc's. I've got to stay busy-busy.)



Jo threw out the goodbye as she headed back to her room slowly. She couldn't get her mind over the fact that the other girl was still out. She knew Selena couldn't be back already, so even she didn't know why she felt the need to check up on her. She reached for her door handle and stopped. What's the use, I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight anyway. With that, she let go of her doorknob and headed back to the stairs.

Heading down, she was trying to figure out exactly where she was gonna go. She knew she couldn't go outside alone, and she had no idea where the girl's room was. She headed back into the shop, kinda wary of annoying Jesse, knowing she probably hasn't calmed down by now. Walking in, she waited until she was all the way up to the counter before speaking to Jesse, so she wasn't raising her voice and so she could speak softly to her.


"Hey Jess, would you happen to know where the blue haired girls room is?"

(I realize that we don't really have room numbers, but I figure she doesn't know where it is and it gives me an excuse to say hi again)