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Sign-up and OOC

Re: Sign-up and OOC

Sorry, I'm turning into a crazy old guy. next thing you know I'll be sitting on park benches feeding and talking to the invisible miniature giant space hamsters.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

I hate to double post, but oh well. From this point forward since we're going to be dealing with more encounters. I ask that all players post at least once a week, if not and I run your character that whole time you'll only recieve half experience for those encounters. If you are unable to post that week or may be absent let me know ahead of time and I won't dock you. If I skip it without telling you I'll find some way to award you all. I hope that seems fair.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Fair enough, and I also believe I should stick my stetegy up here as well, on the off chance that I won't be able to post for an entire week.

Basically, stay just behind the front lines and throw knives to help whoever seems to be in the most trouble, using skirmish every round possible for the extra damage. Once I level some, it becomes more complicated, but I can update once that happens, I guess. Oh yeah, and I always make sure to get my daggers back after a fight, plus any of the enemy's(if nobody objects, of course), unless we have to retreat for some reason, in which case I obviously can't.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Seems fair to me.

And Shrike, you shouldn't have to worry about retreating. Not until I collapse in a bloody heap anyway! :p
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Exactly until I release the spork golems there won't be any need to retreat. Muahahahaha.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Exactly until I release the spork golems there won't be any need to retreat. Muahahahaha.

So we will fight spork golems? I guess Xaren was wrong and we wont be fighting undead and necrophiliacs.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

You'll never know until it's too late, muahahahaha. While the spork golems attack the ninja penguinosaur's flank it's the perfect trap.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

I didn't say I was worried :)
I was jut thinking that if life got so horrendously random as to render me completely unable to post, a retreat while I was gone wouldn't come as much of a surprise.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Strategy makes sense to me, hopefully I won't need to use it though. I just hope I remember how the skirmish attacks work since I've never played as one before.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Just think of it as sneak attack with a different activation. Instead of needing to negate the enemie's Dex bonus to armour, you just have to move at least 10 feet in that turn first, and I believe it also counts for all attacks I make till the start of my next turn, though that has never come up in all the time I've played her. It has all the other limitations of sneak attack, like the unuseablility against slimes and *cough* undead...
Re: Sign-up and OOC

That's the part I would forget the moving 10 feet to get the extra dice. I would be afraid I would start thinking rogue.

So let's see 6 characters means a CR 6 encounter right....

Don't worry I'm just joking.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Nonono.... 6 lvl 4-5 characters is a CR6 encounter. 6 lvl 1 players merits an epic level encounter. Geez.....
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Oh check I'll prepare chutlhu then.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Pffffft. I just beat Nyrothatep last night. That squid-face isn't going to scare me. Besides, I'm one of his beloved Peeps. (youtube: Calls for Cthulu. Go watch. All of them.)

And I do happen to have stats on hand for a Colossal Red dragon if you need them. All 660 hps of it.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Not much of a problem ronny, as the strategy until she gets multiple attacks should be move then attack, every single turn, so its really simple, just never do a turn without moving.

Hehe, colossal red dragon sounds fun, reminds me of the one time I manages to get Jess here into the epic range. It was a gestalt campaign too, so she had full scout abilities and went fighter/Master Thrower for the other half, so she had feats out the ying yang too. Ah, that was the same campaign as my friend and his epic spell, 'I Love Lamp', the whole thing was just an excuse for sick characters, but we had loads of fun.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Yeah I just have to remember that, the problem is I'm old and senile and forget things all the time. Your trapfinding ability is just like the rogues in that you can find magic traps as well right?
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Yes it is, although thet didn't give me disable device as a class skill, go figure :)
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Well, you can't take all the fun from the rogues now. Not like you need to disable them when you find them. Trust as a former army scout we can find traps, but we don't tend to disable them. Just ell everyone behind us not to step there.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Fair enough I guess, would be funnier to leave it for the enemy to waltz in themselves, eh?

In other news, this is somewhat more taxing than I figured. I can't open two windows on my cell phone, so I have to read the message, then go to my character to decide what I want to do, then go back to the message and post my reply. I'll have my sheet memorized soon enough though, so it isn't a problem :)
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Better than me, I'm still having troubles remembering character names. Stupid senility.