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Sign-up and OOC

Re: Sign-up and OOC

I've also played several iterations of this character, I've just never started all he way at level 1 with her before, my friends tend to the 10-16 range as far as levels go.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

I've usually started most campaigns around mid-level before, but I was looking to try all the way from first level once. It's actually a little more difficult, because I can't throw anything to difficult at you. I guess that's why so many low level adventures seem cliched.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Starting out low level is good for people who haven't played before or have little experience. Not as many options and rules. Personally I prefer to start higher, but beggars can't be choosers, right? :)
Re: Sign-up and OOC

...personally I find epic level adventures fun, but this'll do until we can level up to that point...
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Well if this keeps going long enough, it has a very epic scope. Terminating with an epic battle for a city between you and a god, not to mention the battles with all his allies such as the original dracolich. So it should have something for everyone, and hopefully lots of PC deaths. I mean happiness not deaths, that's right happiness.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

...So what you're saying is I chose a bad time to make a character around something that does bonus damage to everything but undead...
Re: Sign-up and OOC

No, you just chose a more challenging class to play for the current scenario. :)
Re: Sign-up and OOC

I made sure to include other enemies as well, since nothing but undead would get old way to quick.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Oh good, cause if all goes well I'll be able to do 6d3 damage to undead by around level 10-ish... I am so buying a mace next time we hit a shop...
Re: Sign-up and OOC

I would go more with a handaxe, since zombies and their variations will be more prevalent than skeletons. Then again you can cause slashing and piercing already so maybe a light mace would be better, depends on what feats you plan on taking, I guess. Just so long as you don't obviously have too much weight, I'm not worrying much about encumbrance either.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

(No spells were regained yet, but they haven't used all of them up. You'll probably have to regroup and rest at some point anyways.)

With the lantern lit you can all see much better. No one notices anything dangerous, but the source of the strong coppery smell in the area is revealed. The small stream that Ashnod saw is actually blood flowing threw a channel cut into the surface. Jess notices a slight moaning sound over the burbling of the stream of blood coming from the furthest chamber (A3).

(For all rooms the ceiling height is roughly 12-15 feet, 8 feet in hallways. Worked walls are of masonry, while cavern walls are of solid limestone

We never rested after the bar fight so... I used 2 level 0's and 2 level one's during it and after the last two cantrips, have no spells left.

Edit: ...Never mind, thinking of wrong character... 2 and 2 left.
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Re: Sign-up and OOC

Okay well good, had me worried for a second thinking I had completely missed some spells being cast.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Wouldn't we know at least what the bite marks looked like? Insect bites look drastically different than teeth marks. Does it look like the bites were from something that had teeth might have been a better question in the game thread.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

They look more like teeth marks when you put it that way, but that's about all you'll get out of me. Though with the amount of creatures in the D&D world that bite, who really knows what it may be.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Let the speculation commence...

I vote ghouls.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

I say dracolich. Has to be.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Were it ghouls, these guys would have big chunks missing out of them. I'm guessing rats.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

I'm probably not going to continue this if I ever decide to really come back. Thanks for playing though it was great while it lasted. Later.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Well, blow. Suppose if you feel that way, there's not much we can do (besides whine) to change your mind, though I do understand the need to break off from gaming every so often. Ah well. The info is here, if we want to use it again, I suppose.