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Sign-up and OOC

Re: Sign-up and OOC

Just curious: was this campaign going to involve the Elder Evil Kyuss, the worm that walks?
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Well, poo.

Hmmmmm. Would anyone, by chance, be interested in starting up a new campaign? I'd be willing to DM it, and I've already thought out what it would be along the lines of.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Yes, actually the whole point was to prevent the ascension of Kyuss into a greater god. Which would plunge the world into an age of death and decay, hence the Age of Worms title. If you look around the internet you can find a lot of stuff on it since I based it on the Age of Worms adventure path from when Paizo was publishing Dungeon and Dragon magazine.

I didn't really want to stop after the work I put in on it, but with my new job and everything else going on with me I've barely had time to even sleep 5 hours a night for the last month much less get on here very often. Don't see it getting any better any time soon either, so I didn't want to leave you guy's flapping in the breeze. Sorry again guys.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

No worries. I understand the notion of real life. Tass? You got something in mind? What are we looking at?
Re: Sign-up and OOC

I understand completely, Ronny.

And I would be interested Tass. Any chance we can start out above wimphood? :p (I call lvls 1-3 the "wimp" levels)
Re: Sign-up and OOC

I always prefer to start out around lvl 5, I was thinking 3-5, but I can just as easily bump that to 4-6 without it making much of a difference. I only have 3.5 available right now, so that's the version we'd be playing. I recommend getting as many of the monster manuals as possible, but you really only need 1 and 3. For equipment, you can start out with anything you want that's not magic and not too powerful, and you get one minor magic item of your choice (for example, a +1 longsword or a ring of minor fire resistance.) but you're all starting out with very little actual money.

It would be open to any class, and any race with a level mod less than or equal to 2. It would be set in Faerun, probably around the Silver Marshes, starting maybe in Neverwinter or Waterdeep. You'll be a group of mercenaries hunting a group of evil adventurers who have been doing a great deal of harm in the area. None of you have met before unless you decide otherwise.

One thing to note: unless you get really really lucky, or you really want to keep using the same characters, everybody's going to die at the end. You're going up against a group of my characters from a previous campaign, all of whom are high level and decked out in powerful magic equipment. I'll give you more information about them if/when we start the campaign.

For books you may need: hxxp://www.mininova.org/tor/2093829
I x'ed out some of it in case a torrent link would get the forum into trouble. You can just take what you need.
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Re: Sign-up and OOC

alright, I'm in. And what level are these creepy evil dudes? 20? How far up are we gonna get before an actual head on confrontation?
Re: Sign-up and OOC

They're all epic, same amount of exp, and the highest is a level 24 human. Even if there were 8 of you at comparable levels, you still wouldn't win, is basically how I'm playing these guys, even though there's only four of them. I'm probably going to try to get you to around levels 8-12, you're going to be fighting a lot of undead, maybe some bandits or orcs/ogres/giants/trolls/ect on the way. Why you'll be fighting undead is explained later, but I've actually talked about some of the elements of the campaign we're going to be playing. I should probably make a sign-up thread now..............

Look for "Scourge of the Silver Marches."
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Re: Sign-up and OOC

So... a campaign where all the PCs die at the end? That doesn't sound very fair at all... Oh well, just means I'll make a junker character I won't get attached to and not use one from my PnP adventures.

Or I can bring in some of my own epic characters and mop the floor with yours. :p

In any event, I would be interested in playing, if for no other reason than to have fun. ^_^

I already know what I want to play too. Something i've wanted to try for a while, but never had the chance too. ^^;
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Re: Sign-up and OOC

Whether or not everyone dies is dependent half on how you play it, and half on how much you want to keep your character for another game. Basically, two of these guys are just going to butcher you on sight, one of them might just let you go if you convince her you'll leave them alone, and one might even help you out a bit (though she's the weakest, and she's not going to fight anything for you.)
Re: Sign-up and OOC

If anyone wants anything from here or wants me to save something let me know. I'll hopefully be cleaning it up, and getting rid of all the Age of Worms stuff. I may eventually start another game, but it may be a while since I want to look at and probably run, set up things differently next time.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Maybe we can just have it locked? Then we can still get in if we need to? Me, I'm good. Only thing I need is my CS and that's saved on my comp, so far as I know, I'm golden.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Well if I did run a later game I was hoping to get rid of some of this stuff. Since it will be a different game. Which reminds me where do you find the Pathfinder stuff, I wanted to look at it and possibly use it next time I start a game. I won't be getting rid of this stuff for a while I was just putting that out there in case anyone wanted to save stuff. I could just lock it to, and leave it as a testament to all the failed campaigns in the world.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Pathfinder is mostly available online at paizo.com. You can download some of the stuff as free .pdf files, which is nice, but for the most part, if you want the big stuff, you either have to order it (which can be done as pdf, I think) or you'd likely have to have a book/hobby store order it in for you, if they don't already have it.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

I mostly just want to see the rules portions, to see what they're like so I can decide what to use. I would probably use my own setting however, wether I decide on FR, Greyhawk, or homebrew. So now to go check Paizo, haven't been there in a long time. Hopefully they didn't change things around on me.