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Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
Reputation score
*****Hero is going to be copying the PM play test here shortly*****
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Caution: Wall of text, large, 5 of
OAMP said:
Corporal Suzanna Biggs was bored, or as bored as possible with a monster wrecking one of your nations largest cities. Suzy was a sniper, and snipers were useless against a giant behemoth. Fortunately, well, fortunately for Suzy's attention span, the monster was spawning smaller creatures, ones that her sniper rifle could take care of, with two or three shots.

Suzy and her spotter were on the 33rd story of an office building on 80th Street, covering a 25 story building about six blocks closer to the heart of the city. The area was swarming with monsters, but the roof was safe enough to land spotters on. Sniper cover was ideal for this situation.

Just then, there was an explosion at the base of the tower. From the sounds of battle, it sounded like an MBT just went up. "We need to get out of here soon, or we'll be overrun!" the spotter said. Suzy nodded, and tossed him the ammo bags, while she turned away from the cityscape to search through another bag behind her.

That was the fateful moment when a nuclear strike on the monster detonated. The monster had somehow intercepted it and made if fizzle, however, but this was good for Suzy, or she would have been vaporized. The flash still blinded her spotter, who tumbled out of buildings windows to his death, still clutching the ammo supply.

Another fortunate side effect of the monsters attack, the damage to the city was greatly reduced. A full on hit would have knocked the office building over. But, as it was, the shock waved picked Suzy up and threw her against the central support wall of the building.

When she shook off the shock, Suzy slowly took stock of the situation. She went to look for the spotter, only to find his uniform jacket suspended over the edge by a jutting pipe. She checked her rifle, a trusty SISR-50 (based off the M21), standard issue sniper rifle for the military. She only had three rounds left from her firing, and no more ammo. Suzy was a bit releived to find that her trusty combat knife was still strapped to her leg. She had to get down from here, but how?

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy reacted quickly, her last shot felling one of the helspawn, before she picked up the rifle, turning to follow her spotter, but too late.

When she recovered her senses, Suzy reached up, rubbing the sore area on her head where she had struck the wall. Rubbing her eyes from the blinding blast, she eventually gained enough sense of direction to stand up, and look around. "Wha-? What happened..." she groaned, reaching down to the floor for her bandanna, tying her hair up in it before she realised something was missing. "Lance-Jack? Where are you? Oi! Get your ass in sight, now!" she called out, beginning to look around the area, slightly amused, convinced he was merely playing games with her. Something caught her sight as she wandered near the edge, and she peered over, her face draining what little colour there was usually in it as she saw the vest dangling from a flag post. "Oh, shit... Fucking wanker. Took the ammo, and left me all alone..." she fumed, taking a few more seconds to search for him, a muscle in her cheek twitching. Running a hand over her head, Suzy stood up, breathing out slowly.

"Right..." she said, turning around and checking what little she had left, relieved that her knife was still in its sheath. Slinging the rifle across her back, Suzy slid the knife into her palm, since if the beasts had managed to get inside, a sniper rifle would be of no use. Steadying her breathing again, Suzy walked over to the elevator, pushing the button to call it up, while she stood to the side, hand resting on the wall as she poised herself to strike. As soon as the elevator doors opened, she would leap in, stabbing anything that turned out not human on first glance. By her logic, if the elevator was working, it would allow her to get to ground level, and escape to base much faster than if she took the stairs. The small woman didn't fancy her chances when swarms of monsters invaded the building, and from what she'd heard, likely her as well, so the faster she got out, the better. Self preservation always came first.

Should the elevator fail to respond, or turn out to be an empty shaft, Suzy had only one solution to her predicament, the stairs. The very thought sending a shudder down her mind. The time and energy spent getting down there would likely be a great setback to her.

OAMP said:
The elevator call button didn't even light up. Suzy tried it a second time just to be sure, before sighing and turning to find the stairs.

Standard office designs on these modern skyscrapers was to have three stairwells, two in opposite corners, and one near the elevators. The choice was obvious, but the elevator stairwell door was jammed. Suzy could attempt to force it, but decided to check out the other stairwells first.

The first corner stairwell was a nogo. The floor had fallen away near it, and it was atleast five stories before the floor was intact. It was overloaded, even then, from the weight of so much debris. Jumping was out of the question.

The last stairwell was almost as bad. The floor looked weak, but hadn't given out yet. The door was wide open, so that wasn't a problem. Still, Suzy had a choice to make.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy grimaced at the lack of power, spinning her knife around her hand to grasp it backhand, before checking the stairwells, her face contorting in disgust at the condition of the stairs. "Just my luck..." she said quietly, before heading back to the elevator stairwell. The least she could do was check it out before making her decision to her choice.

Approaching the sealed door, Suzy hefted a small pipe that had fallen from somewhere above, and slammed it into the gap between door and frame, gently applying pressure until it would open, and if not, she'd look for something heavier and stronger, intent on simply bashing it open if it couldn't be forced. Of course, if nothing lent itself to hand, she could just kick it in. It was unlikely a flimsy office door could withstand a good boot.

hero-in-the-dark said:
OAMP said:
Suzy slammed into the door with great force, and the door gave a little too easily, sending Suzy flying down the stairs, though thanks to design, she only went one story down, crashing into a door and breaking it, but coming to a stop thankfully.

This whole event caused quite alot of noise in the otherwise silent tower. From down below at the bottom of the staircase came a mighty roar.

Suzy froze. It was possible whatever it was didn't know she was here, but if it did, there was little in the way of spaces to hide.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy's eyes widened in shock, and she had to suppress a shout as she tumbled downstairs, smashing through the door one floor below. Straightening up and dusting herself off, she went into a crouch, swiping her blade off of the floor where it had dropped, searching wildly for the source of the noise.

Slowly, Suzy slid the blade back into its sheath, not wanting to impale herself if she fell down more stairs. Glancing around the room, and noticing how little there was in the way of hiding spaces, Suzy grimaced, her heart beating quickly as the adrenaline coursed through her. Walking swiftly back to the smashed door, she walked through the arch, looking down between the stairs to the floor. Seeing little, she decided it was more or less safe, for now at least. The only way, after all, was down, unless she suddenly took a fancy to getting into the elevator shaft... Her gaze flicked to a ventilation shaft, barely big enough even for her small frame, before deciding against the idea, and creeping down the stairs.

OAMP said:
Stealth check, forgive the short hand, but here's how it works.

Stealth Check d20+(agl/2)+(int/2) vs d20+enemyintx2

20+13+13 = 46 vs 20 = 9+20

As Suzy makes her way down the stairs, the thing comes back, but she manages to freeze against the wall in time. The monster is a "leaper", one of the most common that she'd have to shoot, as they could jump great distances, and would frequently leap onto the roof the former observation post.

The leaper jumped up the stair well, but overshoot Suzy's floor by a long ways, not even noticing her. Suzy didn't stop to wonder where it was going, she quickly, but silently, continued down the stairs.

Eventually she got within five floors of ground level, and Suzy wondered if she should go down all the way, or perhaps change her course of action.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy shuddered as she pressed herself to the wall, the grotesque creature bounding up the stairwell, presumably to check out the noise. She could kill it. But that didn't mean she wanted to. The noise would draw more unwanted attention.

When she reached the 5th floor, Suzy walked over to press herself against the window, checking that the streets below her were safe. Sliding the knife back out of its sheath, and twirling it around to backhand, Suzy threw a last glance around the room, before continuing down the stairs. She needed to get onto the streets, yet needed to remain out of sight. There was no way she could survive out here by herself. She needed the shelter of the barracks.

OAMP said:
Suzy exited the stairwell and found herself in the transit hub of the skyscraper. Ahead of her was a hallway with the elevator bank, and past that the main lobby. This was the direct route, but Suzy could hear noises comming from the lobby.

To Suzy's left was a small staircase going down, into the basement. The basement seemed partially flooded, but could potentially offer another way out.

hero-in-the-dark said:
As she made her way into the transit hub, Suzy widened her eyes. Something was in the lobby already. She slid into the hallway, slinking up it. She wanted to know what she was dealing with here, and whether it would be better to fight it here, or in the basement. Likely here would be better to fight it, since if the basement was flooded it would be rather difficult to move quickly.

Reaching the end of the hallway, Suzy checked her hair was wrapped out of the way properly, before lying down on the ground, rather small breasts squashing effortlessly as she pulled herself to look around the corner into the lobby. If whatever it was saw her, she still had her knife out, ready to strike, but she hoped it wouldn't come to that.

OAMP said:
Stealth Check

3+13+13 = 29 vs 39 = 19+20 FAIL

Order roll

Suzy 5+25 = 30 Second
Infected #1 7+20 = 27 Third
Infected #2 16+20 = 36 First
Infected #3 7+20 = 27 Fourth

Suzy pokes her head out and sees three figures that look human enough, infact, one is wearing the tattered remains of an officer's uniform. Suzy shouts out to them, and they turn, but something is wrong.

All three have glowing green eyes, and a blank look on their face, almost like zombies. Suzy hardly has time to express shock when one of the zombies moans a loud wail, and the three begin shambling towards her.

Suzy tried to get up to get in combat stance, but get's her uniform snagged on the door stop for a second, allowing the zombies to close to 10m before she's ready.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy sighed in relief, thinking she'd found some more humans, one of them even looking like one of her superiors, and in her relief, called out to them, quickly realising her mistake as they turned round. Jumping in horror, she tried to back off, but her shirt got caught, tearing slightly as she backed up, revealing a little of her stomach as she brought her knife up into a defensive stance, blade pointing away from her face, arm almost touching her nose. She took a few steps back, standing in the hallway, where hopefully she could funnel them one at a time while retreating.

The moment the first one made its first unintelligent lunge at her, Suzy slipped to the side, twisting in a circle as the knife came above her head, she pushed down on the back of its neck, causing it to stumble forward, and drove the knife into the monsters back, puncturing the skin above it's left lung. She proceeded to drive the beast into the floor with both of her arms, finally pulling the knife out as she fluidly slipped over it, ending up a few steps down the hallway, bloodied knife held in the same stance as she waited for the second one, heart beating quicker as she got into the combat.

OAMP said:
Hit chance

18+38 = 56 vs 43 = 18+25 HIT


2+7 = 9 Infected #1 has 31 HP left

While the hit may have been fatal for a human, the infected have a slightly different anatomy, though the monster is stunned.

Team Grapple Attmept

Doube dice invoked

8+8+40+20 = 72 vs 51 = 3+10+38

Suzy doesn't stand a chance after whirling around from the downed foe, the remaining infected are already upon her. Before she can selected who to defend against, each grab one of her arms and pull in opposite directions.

Clothes Rip

6+40-10 = 36 vs 41 = 3+38

The downed infected gets back up, furious and only slightly damaged. It walks up behind Suzy, and tried to rip into her uniform, but misses slightly, both due to Suzy's struggling and its own injury.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Happy in how well her attack had gone, Suzy brought herself up too slowly, and didn't anticipate how quick the other two would be. She yelped in shock as they grabbed her arms, twisting them in a way which forced the knife out of her hands, clattering to the floor. And grunted in pain as her arms were wrenched apart, holding her stationary, but struggling madly against them, saying under her breath "Not good not good not good!"

As the injured one came up behind her, Suzy's heart skipped a beat as it grabbed her chest, pulling against the fabric across her armour ineffectively. Her struggles increased as she started repeating herself slightly louder, trying to kick her captors into releasing her. Feeling the need to run. Run, and not look back until she'd gotten back to base. Her own life was more important than honour. If she couldn't beat them, there was no honour in staying anyway. She knew what they were trying to do, or could at least guess from the reports.

OAMP said:
Escape Grapple Attempt

7+19+38 = 64 vs 79 = 3+16+40+20

Try as she might, two infected holding her was simply too much to escape from.

Submission Hold Attempt

20+4+40+20-5 = 79 vs 57 = 13+6+38

The two zombies, in a moment of intelect, manage to find a good way to subdue Suzy. They press in against her, while still holding her arms, pinning her between them.

Clothes Rip

3+40 = 43 vs 48 = 10+38

However, the injured infected is still out of it, and fails to remove Suzy's uniform once more.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy cursed her luck silently, the audio evidence being her slight whimpering as her arms were forced behind her back, sandwiching her between the two, obviously far more intelligent monsters, while the last failed to even scratch her armoured top, almost drawing a grin from her due to its ineptitude, before she was reminded of the magnitude of the situation, as the others squeezed her tighter, causing her to gasp, and her chest to puff out in front of the abominations. Now, her only struggles came from her thrashing legs, the rest of Suzy's body being trapped in the pincer grip of the two zombies. Still, she struggled as much as she could, even if that wasn't much.

OAMP said:
Clothes Rip

19+40 = 59 vs 50 = 12+38

The zombie to Suzy's left used his free arm to claw at her uniform. It gets a lucky grab on the top edge, and yanks downward violently, ripping the top half off totally. A second swipe catches the lead rip, about belly button level, causing the remaining uniform to split right down the middle and fall to the floor. This leaves her in just her bra and panties.

14+40 = 54 vs 43 = 5+38

Suzy is still horrified from the removal of her uniform, and the blast of cold air that went with it, when the zombie holding her right side swings out and gets his hands under her bra strap. One swipe and it's off. Then, it goes for her panties. It takes two swipes, but he gets a hold of them, and rips them off with ease.


8+40-5 = 43 vs 43 = 5+38

The injured zombie comes up behind Suzy's naked form. It intends on spooning the girl while standing, checking out her back door. However, zombies are never known for their brains, and he simply graps her and spoons, not penetrating.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy's struggles cease as she eyes the sharp nail approaching her neck, her fears coming true as they grab at her armour plate, using it as leverage to tear the whole shirt off, Suzy's eyes widening as she bit her lip, trying not to scream, even as her trousers and boots followed, leaving her in her simple white underwear. "N-no! Stop it!" she cried out as the other zombie reached for her bra, crying out in shame as it exposed her small, B-cup breasts, white face flushed red. At least she still had her bandanna. Probably because it wasn't in the way.

Suddenly she felt another presence, reminding her of the other zombie, a cold one pressing against her, making her into the little spoon, while standing, or rather, suspended, since she was so short. This finally drew a yelp of fright from her, the cold zombie pressing its genitals against her ass. "D-don't you dare! Not th-there! Not there!" she cried in horror, renewing her struggles with even more fervour than before. Throughout her life, she had retained anal virginity, because she was terrified of the thought, unable to comprehend why someone would go there, and now, these mindless monsters were going for it, and there was nothing she could do to stop them.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

OAMP said:
Escape Hold

14+14+38 = 66 vs 73 = 4+9+40+20

Suzy tried to escape the inevitable, and almost dislodges one of the zombies, but they're just too strong. These zombies hand Suzy off to the one behind her, as he has better position, they are now free to do as they wish with her themselves.


4+40-5 = 39 vs 52 = 14+38

The zombie to Suzy's left moves infront of her, but just drools at the sight of her exposed breasts.

7+40-5 = 42 vs 51 = 13+38

The zombie to Suzu's right follows suit. Suzy swears it's licking its lips. Almost waiting for something.

6+40-5 = 39 vs 45 = 7+38


7+40 = 47 vs 57 = 19+38

The zombie behind Suzy continues to hold her. He attempts to rub his member up and down her crack, but she twists away from it, but still remains firmly secured. The zombie howls in fury.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy groans from the strain as she pulls against the monsters grip, noticing how the two zombies on either side of her twisted her arms to let the other zombie grab them, allowing it to spoon her on its own, erect cock dragging all around her buttocks as her struggles throw it off balance. She notices that her struggles seem to be working somewhat, at the very least they seem to be keeping the zombie behind her getting into a good enough position to stick himself in her, while her struggles obviously seem to have her breasts bouncing rather enticingly to attract the beasts attention. Blushing further, and turning away in disgust at their ogling of her vulnerable body. They're horrible mutants... And yet such perverts, disgusting... Now, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY ASS! she screamed inside her head, as the cock got a single successful grind against her crack. She scrunched her face in pain as the zombie behind her howled in frustration, and suddenly was reminded of just how dangerous these things were likely to be, should they decide they didn't want to go with their breeding plan.

Suzy carefully considered her next move, though while she was doing so bounced against the zombies thighs, keeping him from grinding into her soft, white ass, and keeping the others occupied with her pleasantly jiggling breasts. When she came to a decision, her legs were starting to get tired, and her arms were whining in protest. Oh god... I've got to get out of here... But my clothes... They're all destroyed! How will I get back naked! she thought desperately to herself, before scolding herself mentally, and carrying on. She raised her hips slightly as she swung away as much as she could, before slamming back, pushing her ass down to near the monsters knee, while she simply pulled with all her might against the grip on her arms, ignoring the screaming pain with little more than a grimace, and a single tear rolling down her cheek.

OAMP said:
Escape Attempt

13+38 = 51 v 46 = 6+40

Suzy manages to break the death grip on her arms, but the zombie is still holding on, though no longer restricting her movements so well.

Special Attack

14+25 = 39 vs 53 = 15+38

One of the zombies in front attempts to move in for some sort of make out session, but misses in the flailing.

7+25 = 32 vs 46 = 8+38

And the second does a similer move, and fails.

Submission Hold Attempt

16+40-5 = 51 vs 39 = 1+38

The zombie grappling Suzy manages to reestablish control, holding her tight against him once more.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy gasps in relief as she feels her arms come free, though recoils almost back into the zombies grasp almost instantaneously as she sees the others approaching with puckered lips, as if to kiss her. "Eww! Not nice! Get away! Now!" she cried out, trying to reach out in an attempt to shove them away, though she suddenly slipped, sending her out of harms way as she struggled for her freedom.

As much as her relief had been when she got free, there was an equal display of terror as her flailing arms were grabbed again, and hauled behind her back, twisting them upwards to force to stay upright, the erect cock dragging once more up her buttock as the zombie doubtlessly tried to line up for another assault on her rear entrance. 'Goddamnit! Get the fuck off of me! her thoughts shouted, though she restrained her voice, a strangled yell coming from her mouth. Her struggles were slowing noticeably, but she still kept going, beating on the rapist behind her with her legs.

OAMP said:
Escape Attempt

3+38 = 41 vs 48 = 8+40

Suzy remains firmly in the infected's grasp this time. Perhaps its the jarring sensation in her sholders from how strong these things are.

Special Attack

4+40 = 44 vs 40 = 12+38-10

One of the zombies lines up for another slobber attack. Suzy tries to rotate, but can't, and the zombie places its lips over hers. It doesn't force it's way in, however. Instead, its tounge licks in a circle around her lips, then it slimes her left cheek it its saliva as well. The saliva is really thick, and kind of tingles. It isn't enough to hurt, but it's very distracting. (-5 to all rolls)

(Double dice rule invoked)

11+40 = 51 vs 48 = 18+7+38-15

The second zombie infront of Suzy comes in and does the same, sliming her other cheek with its saliva in the process.


1+40 = 41 vs 40 = 7+38-5

As all of this is going on the zombie behind Suzy seems to be enjoying himself. He's firmly pressed against her, breathing deeply, the wound near his lung not bothering him at all. His member starts to grind Suzy's crack with vigor, not the half-assed attempt he had been making.

As the two frontal zombies finish sliming Suzy, he gently slides his fully erect memeber into Suzy's anus, as slow as possible. Suzy's jaw drops as she feels what is happening, eyes going wide. A long, deep moan escapes her mouth as the infected's cockhead slowly sees how far it can go. Despite this being her first time anally, and the lack of lubrication, the zombie is going slow enough to not cause too much pain, though the experience is still uncomfortable, to say the least.


Pleasure (penetration) = [4d20+enemy strength]/2-Resistance


59/2 rounds to 30-19 = 11

Suzy sustains 11 pleasure, leaving her with 115 before she orgasms. She also loses 2 HP, leaving her with 36.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy whined pathetically as her struggles prove futile, eyes widening as the monsters lips seal over her, a small scream of disgust going into its mouth as its tongue lapped over her, trying to shrink away from them as the other started licking at her cheek, but hitting the arm of the zombie behind her, leaving no way to escape. Gross! Oh, jeez, that's not right! Urgh! the screaming voice in her head says, though Suzy cannot say anything out loud. She bit her lip as the zombie behind her started humping her crack happily, getting itself off between her firm buttocks, though for a moment she actually thought that was all it was going to do, a brief glow of happiness crossing her face, which was quickly extinguished as the member poked at her anus, renewing her silent screaming.

Suzy gave off a small sound as the cock slowly pushed its way into her ass, a cross between a whimper and a soft moan, her tight virgin hole squeezing powerfully around it. At least she could be thankful that he was going so slowly, though it still hurt a little, and the sheer surprise was more than enough for her fearful green eyes to shoot wide open, her jaw falling open as her sound increased in pitch, turning into a strangled scream. For... For some reason, it didn't feel as bad as Suzy'd always assumed it would be... Though it was still rather uncomfortable, Suzy actually thought that it could be alright if there was some kind of lube there, but for now, she started trying to pull herself off, feet pushing against the monsters thighs as she tried to escape the penetration, whimpering as the cock shifted about in her mound, exploring her insides. I... I have to get off... Before it starts. Oh, god! I have to get away before it starts fucking! she cried to herself, shoving with frantic strength against the zombie hugging her, groping her breasts as it leans into her ass. It felt so wrong, the mockery of intimacy from these mindless creatures, in the lobby of an office as well!
OAMP said:
Zombies Last time Pleasure Role

(13+6+12+4+25)/2 = 30

The zombie had taken 30 pleasure, leaving it 80 until orgasm.

Escape Attempt

3+38-5 = 36 vs 44 = 15+40

Suzy tries to get off the infected's cock, but the lack of lube means she just causes more pain and pleasure.


7+40 = 47 vs 47 = 14+38-5

The first zombie infront of Suzy wants in on the action, but, like the one behind her, simply rubs its cock all over her at first, making circles around her pussy. The infected hits her clit several times, though not on purpose.


(13+13+30)/2-19 = 7
(19+7+25)/2 = 16

Suzy takes 7 pleasure damage, leaving her with 108before orgasm. The zombie takes 16, leaving it with 94 before orgasm.


9+40 = 49 vs 34 = 1+38-5

The zombie not in on the action yet growls, and pushes the other away from Suzy's front. In one swift motion he picks up Suzy's legs, spreads them, and thrusts in, pounding with no mercy.


(19+15+8+14+30)/2-19 = 24
(15+17+5+6+25)/2 = 34

Suzy takes 24, leaving her with 84 before orgasm. The infected takes 34, leaving it with 76 before orgasm. Suzy also takes 2 HP, leaving her with 34.


(20+8+1+7+30)/2-19 = 14
(8+12+18+20+25)/2 = 42

The zombie behind her simply keeps his dick burried within her as his friends assault her front. His cock almost seems to help support her.

Once his friend is inside Suzy's pussy, he begins slowly moving once again, long powerfull thrusts.

Suzy takes 14 pleasure, leaving her with 70 before orgasm, and 2 HP, leaving her with 32. The infected takes 42 pleasure, leaving it with 38 before orgasm.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy screwed her face up as her struggles shifted the cock in her ass around, scraping along her dry walls, causing her pain in a different way than being a soldier gets you used to. As the zombie approached her waiting flower, she blanched, thinking to herself 'Oh god, this can't get worse!' and saying "Get away! G-guh!-Get away!", gasping as a particularly painful movement occured in her ass. She kicked out at the zombie as it pushed past her limbs, but failed to get inside her, causing her to shudder at the feeling of its cock dragging around her crotch, legs jolting subconsciously from the pleasurable sensation of her clitoris being teased.

She looked on, groaning in discomfort, as the zombie teasing her was shoved roughly out of the way, to be replaced by another, which caused her to yelp in pain as it picked up and spread her legs, the first cock twisting around her dry passage. Suzy finally gave in, screaming as the second monster forced itself into her open flower, her writhing only causing more waves of pain and pleasure to wash over her. As they both started thrusting into her vulnerable body, she screamed again, only this time with a hint of pleasure amidst the pain and fear. The two were going at such different speeds, giving her a strange combination of sensations to deal with, confusing her scared mind. The slow pumping in her ass was easily the one causing her to squirm more, the lack of lubricant causing it to drag around painfully each time he went in and out, though it somehow felt good at the same time. It was likely, however, that the strange pleasure she got from being forced into submission like this was aiding her ascent to climax as the one in front of her pounded wildly, too much like a human to remind her what it actually was, causing a moan of ecstasy to come out after the scream had subsided. Still, two was too many, and she could feel both of the stiff members pushing her insides in, causing both holes to widen to try and take it all in. Suzy's arousal became apparent, if only the zombies were intelligent enough to realise it, as juices started to trickle out of her abused pussy, allowing the shaft fucking her properly to slide in and out with ease, and the flush returned to her cheeks, sweat starting to roll down her brow as her body naturally started to enjoy the sex, even though her mind scolded her harshly for it. Suzy panted out "Goddamnit! Stop! Get out of meeeeeeeeeeeee!", as she planted her feet again against the zombie behind her, trying to time herself with the thrusts to push herself more onto the one in front of her, and finally rid herself of the one abusing her inexperienced rear.

OAMP said:
Escape Attempt

6+38-5 = 39 vs 53 = 13+40 (ass)
12+38-5 = 44 vs 49 = 9+40 (pussy)

Being sandwiched inbetween two enemies made escape nearly impossible. The juices comming out of Suzy's pussy helped a bit, but not enough.


(19+10+30)/2-19 = 11
(2+19+25)/2 = 26

The zombie not engaged with Suzy's holes let out a wail of frustration. He couldn't find a place to satisfy himself. Eventually, he gave up, and simply grabbed Suzy's left breast, hand cupping it totally. The monster squeezed with all its might, eyes going wide with wonder.

Suzy takes 11 pleasure 59 before orgasm. The zombie takes 26, leaving it with 84 before orgasm.


(9+1+16+3+30)/2-19 = 11
(4+6+11+7+25)/2 = 27

The infected infront continues to ravage Suzy's pussy. His thrusts are as quick as lightning, every few thrusts drawing a moan from himself and Suzy.

Suzy takes 11 pleasure, she now only has 48 points before orgasm. The zombie takes 27, giving it 49 before orgasm. Suzy also takes 2 HP damage, with 30left.


(19+9+2+14+30)/2-19 = 18
(14+13+18+1+25)/2 = 36

The zombie in Suzy's ass moans as he continues to slowly grind her canal. His cock is quite large, and is twitching. Suzy feels that he's very close to orgasm.

Suzy takes 18 pleasure and 2 hp damage, for 30 pleasure left and 28 HP. The zombie takes 36 pleasure, giving it only 2 until orgasm.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy cried out in frustration as the hammering in her holes stopped her from even getting close to escaping, and tears of shame started to flow down her cheeks as the last monster grabbed at her breast, the firm orb being completely squished in his palm. Throwing her head around to distract herself, sparkling gems flying from her head, she eventually gave up with a moan of passion and defeat, quietly sobbing to herself, although she frequently piped up with a soft moan as she was pounded. The cock in her ass was starting to hurt less, a good amount of precum leaking into her passage, finally providing the much needed lubricant, but signalling to the small woman that it was about to cum, right in her virgin ass. Eyes widening again, Suzy twisted her head around to look at it, tugging her arms against their bonds, though her legs were refusing to respond, the ramming diverting all feeling down there into her midsection, her legs only able to spasm and twitch helplessly as shocks of pleasure rippled through her.

'Oh no! It's too good... No! Too bad! It's gonna cum! Not inside, not inside!' her panic voice chimed up again, telling her to get the zombie out of her ass before it came, somehow. Tears of humiliation rolling down her face, Suzy tried the only thing she could, talking. "P-please, stop this! -guh- Get out! Not in-guh-side!" she whined out, the free breast bouncing slightly as the humping sped up, forcing her whole body to go up and down with the power of the thrusts. Finally, she leaned forward dejectedly, resting her head on the chest of the monster in front of her as her panting grew louder, moans coming from her mouth every few seconds as she approached the unwanted orgasm from the disgusting gang-rape.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

OAMP said:
Escape Attempt

15+38-5 = 48 vs 56 = 16+40

Suzy's last attempt fails. She gave a mighty effort, but it was just too late.


(3+3+30)/2-19 = 0 (well, less then 0, but still)
(20+7+25)/2 = 26

The monster grabbing Suzy's breast is a bit too forcefull, casuing pure pain, and gaining great satisfaction.

Suzy is unaffected, but the zombie gains 26 pleasure, leaving it with 58.


(19+2+20+16+30)/2-19 = 25
(4+8+13+19+25)/2 = 36

The infected thrusting in Suzy's pussy is having a field day. It begins regular moaning as he continues his rapid thrust rate.

Suzy takes 2HP damage and 25 pleasure, leaving her at 26 HP and 5 pleasure to orgasm.


(1+16+1+16+30)/2-19 = 13
(16+8+10+12+25)/2 = 36

Behind Suzy, the zombie gave one final thrust, its seed spilling out. The massive cock twitching like no tomorrow. This brought Suzy to her own orgasm, and her anus clamped around the twitching member, cum pounding against her walls. However, the orgasm wasn't all that pleasurable, the infected in front still thrusting, disrupting the rhythm.

Orgasm HP drop

2+10 = 12

Suzy takes 12 HP damage, leaving her with 14HP, and both her and the zombie reset pleasure.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Collapsing limply against her captors, Suzy felt her last ounce of resistance fading away, finally giving herself over to the grasping hands of the zombies. She inhaled sharply as the monster squeezed her breast, digging in with the nails, wincing in pain, but made no more move to stop him. She joined the zombies in front and behind her in a chorus of horny moans, unable to even move her arms and legs into more comfortable positions, being forced simply to hang, reduced to a fuck-toy for brainless freaks. 'No... Not like this... It's gotta stop... It's bad...' she thought, the panic voice reduced to a sluggish whisper in her head, giving off another moan, feeling herself approaching an orgasm as all 3 zombies lavished their attentions on her. The cock in her pussy felt so good, and she wanted nothing more than it to fill her womb with its seed now, her base breeding instincts starting to take over as her conciousness withdrew from the horrors it was facing.

What she forgot about, was that the zombie behind her had been ready to cum for a while now, and a higher pitched moan flowed from her mouth as she was reminded with a torrent of hot, sticky semen, straight into her ass. The shocking pleasure of a sensation she'd never had pushed Suzy that little bit further, tipping her over the edge as she screamed again, this time as her own orgasm rolled through her body, muscles and holes clenching down, milking the cocks inside her small body for all she was worth, as seed flooded her ass, painting her insides white with cum, and squirting out of her anus as she was filled. However, the upsetting pumping in her now gushing flower, and the painful molesting of her breasts lessened the ecstatic feelings paralysing her body, causing what should have been her glorious reward for the hardships she was suffering to be a mere alleviation, a little bit of light-headedness, and a slightly fuzzy afterglow.

Eventually, Suzy recovered, still finding that the monsters were fucking her, cum dribbling from her red and sore ass. Moaning out pitifully, she went limp again, letting them ravage her body to their hearts content, all the fight knocked out of her.

OAMP said:

(13+7+30)/2-19 = 5
(16+18+25)/2 = 30

The infected rubbing Suzy's breast didn't let up, but it did move more towards the nipple, giving it a small tweak now and then, so it wasn't as bad as a few minutes earlier.

Suzy takes 5 pleasure, leaving her 121 until her next orgasm, the monster takes 30, leaving it with 28.


(4+2+11+18+30)/2-19 = 14
(10+5+1+2+25)/2 = 22

Pregnancy Check - 13/28

The pounding in Suzy's pussy continues, but before she can even snap out of her daze a little but, the infected in front lets out a monster roar and cum explodes into her, coating her walls with the sticky substance.

Monsters pleasure resets. Suzy takes 14 as well as 2 HP damage, leaving her with 107 and 12 HP.


(7+17+20+16+30)/2-19 = 26
(12+19+6+12+25)/2 = 37

Suzy was hoping for the zombie behind her to be a little tired after all that, but no, it sped up and was pounding furiously now, instead of its gentile speed of before. Cum squirts out of her ass with each thrust.

Suzy takes 2 HP damage and 26 pleasure, leaving 10 HP. The zombie takes 37, bringing it down to 73 until orgasm.

hero-in-the-dark said:
As Suzy settled down from her afterglow, and became more aware of her surroundings once more, the first thing she felt was the zombie in front of her slamming itself to a halt inside her, roaring menacingly, and causing her to shrink back in fear. 'Ahh! Did I do something wro-guuuuuuuuh!' flows through her mind, afraid of the monsters wrath in her weakening state, cut off as he suddenly began ejaculating inside her womanhood, drawing a lustful moan from herself as she shifted her hips up and down, contracting her muscles to tighten her walls as she subconsciously fucked back, drawing as much seed as she could into her womb. Everything started feeling more pleasurable, even the fast ass-fuck felt more pleasurable now, the vast amounts of cum squirting out of her anus providing excellent lube, allowing the cock to slide in and out with ease, even in her tight and inexperienced ass. The zombie on her breast seemed to have found out that she liked it when her nipple was tweaked and pulled, though the one in her pussy kept humping madly, and she felt something else, apparently the unoccupied zombie cock, rubbing itself madly along her hip. And she liked it. Since her hands were still bound, however, she couldn't reach down to start pleasuring the newest rod in the fray, but instead obliged in shifting her hips slightly to the side, allowing her to fuck back on the zombie cocks while rubbing with zeal up and down the other rod outside her body.

OAMP said:

(5+8+30)/2 = 22
(11+3+25)/2 = 20

The infected to Suzy's side was rubbing his cock all over her leg with vigor as he squeezed her breast. Giving in had made the experience quite sensual for Suzy, and she seemed to be enjoying it even more then the zombie!

Suzy takes 22 pleasure, meaning she only needs 79 to orgasm. The zombie gets 20, so it only needs 8.


(1+1+8+2+30)/2 = 21
(16+15+17+2+25)/2 = 38

The infected pounding Suzy's pussy slows a bit, slightly tired from release. Suzy is soar, and doesn't get much pleasure from it, but the zombie is quite happy.

Suzy takes 21 pleasure and 2 HP, reducing her to 58 and 8HP. The zombie takes 38, reducing it to 72.


(12+11+19+4+30)/2 = 38
(2+16+10+5+25)/2 = 29

Now that her ass is well lubed up with cum, Suzy almost enjoys the thrusting. Each thrust brings a loud moan from her mouth.

Suzy takes 38 pleasure and 2 HP, leaving her with 20 to orgasm and 6HP. The zombie takes 29, leaving it with 44.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Surrendering herself to her more primitive side, Suzy sped up on her actions, riding the cocks in her holes in mindless passion, sweat rolling down her restrained body. Her erect nipples became highly sensitive, the monsters attentions to them drawing cries of pleasure each time he tweaks the red rosebud. She could feel herself beginning to black out, but her instincts told her to get as much cum out of them as she could before it happened.

Stroking madly against the member on her leg, Suzy knew it was the only one not to have given her its seed yet, so worked herself on that one, sliding her leg back and forth in addition to the up and down motions, bending the shaft this way and that, while cum dripped to the floor from the combined pool forming on the bottom of her ass, the streams from her anus and pussy fuelling it.

OAMP said:

(3+19+30)/2 = 26
(9+18+25)/2 = 26

Suzy's efforts pay off. With one good wiggle the zombie blows its load all over her leg, the cum dripping down and into her boots, which are now rather loose from all the pounding. The stick sensation drive Suzy over the edge, and she has another orgasm, this one moderately satisfying. The effort exausts her, and she passes out, the remaining infected howling in rage as she goes limp, furiously thrusting and trying to reach their second orgasms before she's entirely out of it. This is the last thing Suzy remembers as she blacks out.

Suzy wakes up on the floor, still naked, but she can feel hands gently rubbing her back and legs. Opening her eyes, she seems to be... in the public restroom, perhaps? "Oh, you're waking up! That's good, but hold still, I'm trying to clean you up!" a deep, feminine voice said. Suzy noticed that it wasn't just hands she was feeling, but damp paper towels. "In a minute you can sit up, but we can't leave this defilement on you."

hero-in-the-dark said:
Sensing the end was near, the now familiar knot forming in her stomach of impending orgasm, Suzy sped up further, moaning her want to the air. "Yes! Yes! More! Give it to meeeeeeeee!" she screamed, bucking wildly on her ride, until finally a cry of pure passion echoing around the lobby as she soared into her second orgasm. As she creamed herself again, juices gushing forth from her pussy, she feels her other wish come true, a sudden splurt of hot, sticky seed splashing across her milky thigh, trickling quickly down her spasming leg, and into her boot. Somehow, the feeling was incredibly erotic, and she thrashed a few more times in wild pleasure, before gently settling back into her captors grasp, her vision fading as a happy sigh escaped her lips, twitching weakly as the monsters shrieked and sped up, and her world turned black...

When she came to, in the bathroom, Suzy groggily opened her eyes, raising a hand to press against her brow. She could feel hands and towels dragging across her body, which still felt rather sensitive, a small shudder of pleasure shaking her, though Suzy managed to suppress further weakness. "Urgh..." she groaned, falling back to the ground, "What happened...? Who are you? Where's my stuff?" Suzy wiggled her limbs and digits a little to get the feel for them, and winces at the squishing sensation in her left boot. "Urgh... Let me up... I need to get the left boot off..." she mumbled, obediently lying still, and opening her eyes properly to look at her saviour for the first time. To further indicate to the apparent female, Suzy squirmed her foot harder, causing a much louder squelch, and causing the small ginger woman to shudder in disgust, memories of what had caused this flooding back into her mind.

OAMP said:
The woman sighed. "Let me help you with that. Calm down, you're just going to exaust yourself. I'm not quite sure what all those... things did to you, but you looked pretty beat up." The woman gently untied Suzy's boots and removed them, the left first, of course, and continued to wash off all the signs of the infecteds' attack.

"I'm Corperal Alexis Rider. I was part of a sniper team on the 40th floor. I gather you were part of such a team yourself. As for your things, I found your rifle and knife, they're over there in the corner. You don't seem to have any ammo. I'm pretty low myself, but I can spare a clip for you. Alexis helped Suzy into a sitting position against the wall, cleaning the last bit off of cum from her side as she did. It was fortunate that most of it was in one area, speeding the process. "You take it easy for a minute or two. I know you're hurting, and need some rest, but I don't know how long we'll be safe in here. I have the door secured, but there's only one way out, and we can get trapped."

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy slowly brought her hands up to explore her naked body, trembling. "W-what about my clothes? Those things tore them off... Was there anything left of them? I can't go back in nothing but boots and a head rag!" she said, before taking a deep breath, controlling her rapidly beating heart. "O-ok... Corporal... I'm Corporal Biggs. Just call me Suzy. I... They... They got me... Oh god... It was so much... I couldn't stop them... I couldn't run... So horrible... What was the explosion? It hit me, and I'm pretty sure it killed my number two, what about yourself? O-ooh... We need to get back to base, before more of them come! Help me up, please." she said a little slower, reaching up to Alexis, blind panic obviously being the dominant emotion running through her right now.

OAMP said:
"Whoa whoa whoa! Stay down a little while, you need to get your senses back. We can spare five minutes." Alexis gently pushed Suzy back down. She really didn't do so well with the emotional, but sometimes there was no choice. "I believe we tried to nuke the monster, though something went wrong, that's for sure, not like I'm complaining about still being alive. As it is, we seem to be the only survivors from this building. There were around six teams in here, plus some guards down here. On my way down I verified that the other teams were dead, and I assume everyone here either ran, died, or turned into those things." Alexis said this as she sat down next to Suzy, though she soon realized it was a bit wierd just plopping down next to a naked girl. "We shouldn't rush back to base, it's dangerous outside, now more then ever with so few people left. You needn't worry about your lack of clothes, I saw a department store across the street as I was surveying the surroundings."

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy trembled on the floor, wringing her hands together as Alexis explained. "No! There's no time! We... We... We..." she trailed off, breathing heavily. Looking back up, she continued at a steadier pace. "A nuke? How could anyone authorise that, when there's still military and civilians left here? Some asshole politician thinking only of his own paycheck no doubt. What do you mean, about not going back immediately? There's no safer place! We've got to get out of the city before they try and bomb it again or the monsters come back! You should know how much it takes to down one of those things! Ahhh!" Suzy suddenly yelped, pushing her hips into the air and grabbing at her ass. "Oh god... It's going to hurt so much to walk now... That was not a good way to be introduced to anal, I tell you... Ow... You said there was a shop? Yeah... We should go there first, but do we have to wait?" she finished, sinking back down the floor, sitting on one hand, while she covered as much of her decency as she could with the other, managing to get over one breast and her exposed womanhood, as if it mattered at this stage. Alexis had been cleaning her while she was unconscious, so she'd already seen all there was to see about Suzy.

OAMP said:
Alexis was about to tell Suzy she could just leave if she was that dead set on it, but then realized how bad she must feel sitting naked in a small room with a stranger. "I suppose we can go to the shop now, but we are NOT rushing this. I know you're in shock, but you need to get a hold of yourself. We are still in a combat zone. You could start running for home now, but you'll just get caught by more monsters." Alexis waited for her words to sink in, then took a much softer tone. "Grab your things from the corner, and take a clip from my bag. I don't think we're going to have to use our rifles, but I'd rather hand over the ammo now, when we're not in the heat of the moment." As Suzy was doing this, Alexus continued. "You stay behind me, you're in no condition to fight right now, and I have my service pistol. Alexus grabbed her pack after Suzy was done with it, strapped it on, and opened the door, leading Suzy out.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy started to calm down as Alexis explained to her, breathing slowly, and deeply, fighting down the disgusting memories. Sighing, Suzy turned towards Alexis, gingerly moving the hand she was sitting on to cover her breasts. "You're... You're right. I've got to calm down, it's just... No, I'd rather not talk about it... I need to stay professional about this..." she said, reaching towards her boots and a slightly cleaner paper towel, cleaning the left boot before she put it back on, followed by the right, before using the walls near her to push herself to standing, before whimpering as her legs trembled, and she collapsed to her knees. "Owww... It hurts to stand... Gah. Come on, lets go." she groaned, trying to stand up again, and staying that way this time, though her legs trembled with the strain. Reaching up, Suzy pulled off her bandanna, letting the fiery hair fall free, and instead tied it around her waist. The scrap of cloth wasn't big enough to cover her front and back, but it at least made for some cover on her crotch.

She hobbled over to the opposite corner where what remained of her kit was, supporting herself on the wall as she went, and went to a knee to pick up her weapons, gratefully accepting the extra magazine from Alexis, and slipping it into her right boot. Holding the rifle by the end of the barrel, Suzy started to use it like a walking stick, easing the weight on her legs as she walked out after Alexis, knife held loosely in the left hand. "Y-yeah, come on, I'll be right behind you." Suzy said, grinning a little, sheepishly.

OAMP said:
Suzy's stance did not instill confidence in Alexis. This was exactly why she'd insisted they take a break, though Alexis had thought Suzy was in a little better condition then this. Sighing, she just hoped they didn't encounter enemies while crossing the street.

The lobby was deserted. Suzy stayed next to the door while Alexis did a 360 scan. "Spacing five meters, hand signals only." Alexis said at just the right volume so that only Suzy could hear her, if there was an enemy she missed. The two crossed the room and a cautious, but quick pace, halting at the door for a second. Then a quick but stealthy run down the steps, pausing for a second again. Alexis signaled for Suzy to stay here, then she bolted for a bus stop, fast as lightning.

Suzy waited anxiously as Alexis took a little too long at the bus stop. Suzy could see her face twisting into an expression of indescion. Finally, Alexis motioned for Suzy to join her, though she didn't move on herself.

As Suzy joined her against the bus stop wall, Alexis explained the situation. "Look, here's the deal. I can see a bunch of, well I can't make out what type they are, but it doesn't matter. Thing is, about two blocks towards downtown there's a bunch of em. We can run and take our chances at being seen, try and go farther away before crossing, or maybe even pick them off from here. We have enough ammo to take the ones in view, they probably won't even get half way here before we get em all, but there might be more we can't see. What do you want to do?

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy nodded at Alexis' orders, following as best she could, though the butt of the rifle made occasional clacks against the hard floor, constantly checking behind her for anything sneaking up. Waiting for her at the bottom of the steps, Suzy sat down again, always checking for lurking enemies, still frightened something else was coming for her. The fact that Alexis was taking so long, and the anxious look on her face weren't exactly filling her with hope.

At the bus stop, Suzy sank to her knees, the strain visible on her face, then sat on her ankles, hunching over slightly to cover her chest from view. "Gah. Owww..." she said softly, "I'd rather not try my hand at taking them out. If my legs are this bad, I shudder to think what my aim will be like. Neither do I like the idea of crossing here. I'd say we go up the street a bit before crossing, though I'd also say that your judgement is better than mine right now, since you saved me and all." she finished, speaking rather quietly, though she seemed to be over her stage of blind panic and stuttering.

OAMP said:
Alexis really wanted to take the monsters out. It would be a turkey shoot. But if Suzy couldn't help, a few might reach their position before she herself could take them all out. Alexis turned to survey the street behind them.Alright, there's alot of wrecked cars. I'm betting just a block will be enough before they obscure the view enough. Follow me and stay close to the walls."

They set out again, all was strangely quiet. They had to take a weaving path around the burnt out cars, climbing over them would be faster and more stealthy, but even if Suzy hadn't been hurting all over, the sharp edges could still cut her naked form, so it was best to simply go around.

As they got to the next street, they found a subway entrance. It was an interesting possibility, but pitch black. Not a good idea at present. Though this brought another issue to light. It was getting near 18:00, and it would get dark soon. "We'll need shelter for the night. I have a feeling these things can see better then us at night. Plus, you really do need some sleep. I wouldn't mind some myself. Have any idea's for a good place to hold up?

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy looked apologetically at Alexis, seeing how much she wanted to kill the disgusting beasts, and it was true, she wanted to kill them too, but didn't trust her arms enough at the moment.

More than once as they were weaving through the cars, Suzy stumbled, and by the time they stopped, there were a fair few cuts across her arms and legs, though they were not particularly noticeable in the fading light, and she still wasn't together enough to react noticeably to the pain, far more concerned with her soreness from the previous encounter.

"Yeah. I -yawwww- see what you mean." Suzy said, failing to stifle a yawn, leaning heavily on a wall. "I'd say that if we can't get to the department store before it's dark, then somewhere small, and easy to hide. I haven't been around enough to know anywhere in particular. Something like that bathroom you had me in earlier is something I'd like." she continued, throwing a glance around, and sinking into a crouch. "We should get off the streets soon though. The pair of us aren't exactly easy to miss with our hair, even if I am so... Vertically challenged..." she finished, grimacing at calling herself short.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

OAMP said:
"We have time to get to the store. Time to rummage around there too. Infact, we should probably get a blanket and some pillows while there. But I really don't think the store itself will be safe to stay in very long. Not only are there monsters, but it'll be a prime target for looters. All the good stuff we're going there for will attract any survivors still trying to make a quick buck of this, or just desperate people in need of supplies.

Alexis got up and continued on, motioning for Suzy to follow. The more time here, the less time they'd have at their destination. The walk back up the other side of the street was uneventful. The group of monsters was no longer down the street anyway. The two snipers walked up and entered the unlocked main enterance, slipping in the building silently.

Suzy went right for the clothes, predictably. Alexis followed a short distance behind. Once Suzy was looking through the racks, she spoke "Alright, I'm going to be just a short ways off, looking for other useful things. If you see a monster, call out. Above all DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT go in the changing booth. We'd be seperate and there might be a monster there With that, she left to look at the other items in the store.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy nodded. "I agree. I don't want to have to deal with humans as well as monsters. Warm and soft is just what I need right now..." she said, shivering as the breeze brushed her bare form.

"Alright. What store will you be in? I don't think I'll be very long." Suzy said, eyeing up a nice shirt already. When Alexis had gone, Suzy browsed, pulling a grey T-shirt off of a rack, and a loose pair of cargo trousers. A belt followed, and then a leather jacket. Done, Suzy went and picked up a new set of underwear, simple white lingerie again, and a few pairs of socks. Finished, Suzy considered using the changing rooms, regardless of Alexis' warning, but decided against it. Instead, she hid inside a clothes rack, propping her rifle against a nearby shelf, but keeping the knife and spare magazine to herself. Pulling off her boots, filthy, cum stained socks, and makeshift loincloth, Suzy quickly dressed. Stuffing the spare socks and underwear into a pocket of the trousers after removing the packaging, Suzy sniffed the bandanna, grimacing, and stowing it away in another pocket, along with her snapped dog tags. She didn't want to be wearing that round her head for a while.

Dressed, and feeling much braver for it, Suzy picked up the knife and started working on the jacket. She carved a series of long strips, two of which she tied round her lower leg, just above her right boot, where her old sheath had been, and which she slid the knife into, happy that the way it was made prevented it from accidentally stabbing her. The rest she made into a makeshift sling for her rifle, which she strapped to her back. Content with her new raiment, Suzy let out a long, relieved sigh. It felt so good to be decent again, almost to the point where she forgot about her encounter, but was sorely reminded by a painful twinge on her ass. On her way out, Suzy picked up a couple of jumpers, one for her, one in roughly Alexis' size. Near the exit, she noticed a small jewellery stand, and grinned happily at the sight of a silver chain. Removing it, after smashing the cabinet a bunch of necklaces were hidden in, she dug her dog tags out of her pocket again, and threaded them onto the chain, which then went around her neck. Suzy started her search for Alexis, searching food and bedding stores first, the jumpers tied around her waist.
OAMP said:
Alexis was waiting near where the two had entered. She was holding a large camping bag which she tossed Suzy. "I have my pack, you should have one too. A pillow and blanket are already in there, and some beef jerky." The light comming in the front doors was fading. Let's look in the back for an exit there, more cover, more places to hide and whatnot.

The two ventured to the end of the concourse and found a service door. There was a door to outside, as well as several small store rooms and office spaces. "Well, what do you think?"

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy caught the pack with more ease than she expected to be able to. She was recovering physically as well as mentally. Grinning, she tossed the bigger jumper to Alexis. "Thanks. Thought you might want that, in case you get a little cold. A little padding might be useful. Wow. I feel so much better with some clothes on. It's wierd." she said, shouldering the bag as she made to follow Alexis.

Suzy started poking around in several of the storage rooms, until she found a particularly small one, which hadn't got much on the shelves. It also happened to be rather near the exit. "I like this one. Easy to get out if we hear something doing, and it's unlikely other humans will come in. We can barricade the door to at least give us a warning." she said, nosing her head out to look at Alexis in the corridor.

OAMP said:
"Alright, it's about as good as anywhere, I suppose. Let me check the ceiling, though. Move a few tiles and get a step ladder in here and we can crawl out that way in an emergency." Alexis jumped, and with her height easily knocked loose a few tiles, then moved them to the side. Then she went to look for a step ladder, returning shortly.

Suzy and Alexis worked for about 20 minutes moving things around, and getting the escape route ready. "Hey, finish up here, I'll be right back." With that, Alexis went back into the store for a moment.

hero-in-the-dark said:
"It is indeed." Suzy said, watching on in jealousy as Alexis easily knocked out tiles, something Suzy herself was far to short to do.

She nodded as Alexis left for whatever she was getting, and continued with the work, stacking the removed tiles that had been knocked down in a neat pile in the corner of the room, and securing the ladder in place in the hole with some of the materials in the room and those adjacent. Finished, she gave it a shove to make sure it was secure, and started setting out beds, rolling out Alexis' and her own blanket and setting the pillows, ending up with little space between the twos beds and the door. Satisfied, she sat on the lower step of the ladder, and pulled her knife out, gently running the flat of the blade up and down her palm as she pondered.

OAMP said:
Twenty-five minutes passed, and Suzy was starting to get worried. Surely she'd have heard a scream if Alexis had found a monster. However, just as she thought that, Alexis returned, tossing some glow sticks on the ground. "High power ones, almost military grade. Will be good if we need light, but that' isn't the real surprise.

Alexis had been hiding one hand behind her back this entire time. She brought out a bag and showed Suzy what was in it. Candy bars and fresh fruit, the combination making Suzy laugh slightly. "Heh, I know, but most safe foods are canned, no radiation and such. I know how to build a radiation detector out of kitchen supplies though, it isn't in basic, but it can be found in most civilian nuclear survival guides. I screened these for radiation. We might not get good food for awhile. Unfortunately, the radiation dectector isn't exactly able to be moved without breaking it, so...

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy grinned as Alexis finally came back through the door, saying "Sweet!" as the glow sticks were put down, sliding the knife back into its makeshift sheath.

She stifled a wierd sound, halfway between laugh and yawn, as Alexis finished, looking at the contents of the bag. "Ok, so we have food for now, what of this radiation thing?"

OAMP said:
It requires coat hangers and tin cans, arranged in a certain manner. Its a bit fragile. I can make another later, maybe. Anyway, enjoy the food, we'll safe this canned food and ration packs for later, when we don't have these kinds of things around."

The girls ate in near silence, for they were too hungery to talk. The candy and fruit were gone in record time, and they even opened some canned meat, ready for more. Both hadn't had lunch, being a little busy sniping monsters after all, so it was only natural to chow down now.

The girls finished, then went and used the bathroom before bed, there was no going back once they barricaded the door. One at a time, with the other as a guard. Then back to the room, shut the door, lock it, and jam some shelves up against it.

Alexis broke a small green glow stick in the now near complete darkness. "This one is rated for 30 to 45 minutes. I think that's enough time before we go to bed." With that, she leaned back with a sigh and rested her head on the pillow.

hero-in-the-dark said:
"You'll have to show me how to make it sometime." Suzy said, before pulling open her first orange.

As the pair settled down, Suzy propped herself up on her elbow, looking at Alexis. "Did I ever thank you for rescuing me? If not, I'll do it now. Thanks. A lot. I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't come along. I... I'm not sure I want to know, but how did you come across me? What happened to the monsters?"

OAMP said:
"Well, I was up higher then you in the tower, so it took me longer to get down, naturally it took me longer to get down, plus I took care of a leaper while searching for the other teams. As you can imagine, no one else but us survived from the tower. I'm not sure where my spotter went, but I spent a good ten minutes looking for him, all over my floor, no sign of him.

Alexis felt bad about saying this next part, after having said how long she took to get down."Unfortunately, that means I found you too late. I was about at the 20th floor when I heard a mighty roar from the bottom of the stair well. At first I slowly crept down, but then I heard you. You sounded like you were in alot of pain, but the realities of the situation... meant it wasn't just pain in your voice. Alexis noticed Suzy was looking uncomfortable, but then again, she did ask, and she had a right to know. "I picked up my speed, but was still three stories up when you let out the loudest scream, I think that's when you passed out. When I got down, the infected still had you stood up, though you were limp. One was still going at it, but the other two looked a bit confused. I got really lucky and capped them all without having to reload. They never knew what hit them. If I'd missed just once or twice, they'd have had time to grab me, as I didn't want to risk shooting at range, I might have hit you.

hero-in-the-dark said:
"Afterwards I carried you out the lobby. I tried to be gentle, but it didn't always work out. The only safe place to take you was the bathroom, no cover in the lobby.

Suzy got more and more awkward as Alexis explained, and by the time she'd finished, she was blushing madly, a trickle of sweat running down her as she turned away. "My spotter died too. After the nuke went off, he somehow managed to fall out of the window. And took all my ammo with him. Otherwise I would have blasted them to hell, but as it was, I only had my knife. It was too much for me to handle on my own... It hurt so much... It was the first time I've ever had it in the ass, and they were so big... I couldn't help but scream... As... As for the... Other noises... I'm sorry, I lost myself... It was all too much, too quickly, and I wanted nothing more than to crawl away... They had me, and I couldn't escape, until they broke me down, they made me their toy... It was horrible... Thank you for telling me, though it doesn't help much that they didn't all stop after I was unconscious... I didn't see the bodies when we left, what did you do with them?" she said quietly, looking ashamedly at the floor, and running a hand along her stomach, fearing the worst, though she had no choice but to wait for her time of the month to confirm her fears.

OAMP said:
"Threw em in the flooded basement. Don't dwell on it." Alexis didn't really know what say. She wanted to make Suzy feel better somehow, but really didn't know what to say to her. She'd never been really good with emotions, both her own and other people's.

"Don't worry, you'll feel better tommorrow. We may still be in deep, but if we play thing's smart, we'll get out alive." Alive. Alexis wondered if that wasn't enough for some. She didn't know what it would feel like if it had been her with the zombies. The thought simply did not compute. Suzy seemed better earlier, but now was back to being insecure. Almost child-like at times. Still, hopefully a good night's sleep would clear Suzy's mind a bit. Alexis sighed, and leaned back on her bedroll.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy sighed. "Well. It's good to know at least that those things won't be hurting anyone else. I passed that leaper on the stairs. It didn't see me though. Good job you got it before it decided to join in the... fun... Umm..." she said, trailing off at the end.

"Maybe you're right. It is good that I made it out of there with my sanity intact, thanks to you. I... I'm sorry for burdening you with all my troubles, I just wish I'd been able to take care of myself. I guess I'll see you in the morning." Suzy said, checking the position of her rifle and knife next to her own bedroll, before sinking into the pillows, quickly snuggling up into the foetal position, wrapping the warm blanket around her, and drifting into a turbulent sleep, only to be interrupted if Alexis had something else to say.

OAMP said:
Seeing Suzy curl up such really struck a nerve with Alexis. She placed a hand on Suzy's sholder. "Hey, everything's going to be alright, okay?" Alexis waited until Suzy had calmed down, then waited for her to get to sleep. She seemed to twitch a bit more then she should, but there was really nothing Alexis could do. She sighed and sank back into her bedroll, falling to sleep.

hero-in-the-dark said:
"Y-yes... I know, I just... -yawwwwwww- Need to sleep..." Suzy mumbled, though Alexis might've been able to tell how Suzy nuzzled slightly against the hand on her shoulder.

Suzy's dreams were dominated by dark thoughts. The monsters, the nuke, the looming future... She sweated in her sleep, tossing and turning as all the different monsters she'd seen in her career lined up to rape her in turn, until she was begging for death... Or release... And Alexis was there, in her dreams, or her nightmares... She was certainly too good looking for it to be a nightmare...

It was dawn. Pale light streamed through the little window in the room, and the quiet was suddenly broken by Suzy, who woke up with a start, screaming. She noticed that she had shifted in her sleep, and was now hugging Alexis, spooning her as the zombies had done yesterday. With a yelp as if shocked, Suzy threw herself back, huddling against the wall, clutching at her blanket. Sweat was pouring down her body, and she looked like she would start hyperventilating soon, quick, deep breaths causing her chest to puff in and out.

OAMP said:
The screaming woke Alexis with a start. It wasn't the first time Suzy stirred in the night, far from it. She'd let the girl curl up behind her, Suzy needed all the comfort she could get, but this outburst was different. Someone, or someTHING could hear it.

Alexis pounced on Suzy, grabbed her, and spun her around. Alexis held the girl close to her and clamped a hand over her mouth. "QUIET! I know it's scarry, but you have to be quiet, the monsters could hear you! Alexis noticed Suzy wasn't calming down. "Look, I got you, you're safe, just relax. I'm going to let go now, and just take deep breaths." Alexis let go, and let Suzy sink back against her.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy's cries were muffled immediately by Alexis clamping her hand around her mouth. She struggled frantically against the taller woman, panic creeping into her again. The intelligent words that were understandable turned out to be muffled cries for help, and Alexis' own name was mixed in once or twice.

Eventually, Suzy seemed to stop struggling so desperately, and when Alexis released her, she collapsed into Alexis, panting for breath, her arms handing limply to the side. After a time of heavy panting, she raised her hands, folding them across the redheads own, and gently pulled them away, sinking onto the bed, and rolling onto her back.

"I... I'm sorry to wake you... It was just... A nightmare... A nightmare is all." she said, struggling to regain control of her breathing. When she had recovered, she pushed herself up again, leaning back against the wall. "Alexis... You were in my dreams... You're pretty..." she muttered embarrassedly, blushing, and turning her head away.

OAMP said:
Alexis didn't know what to do. Suzy seemed to have very much developed a "hero crush" on her. It was only natural, she had saved Suzy after all. It was well documented that victims fell in love with their saviors sometimes.

However, this left Alexis with quite a problem. Alexis wasn't exactly into girls, and even if she was, she liked to take things slow, and a guy she rescued, mental chuckle at the thought, would have given her much the same problem. She didn't feel right letting someone fall for her just because she saved them, at a later date when the victim was in a much better mental state, they'd probably feel differently and regret their actions.

The thing was, Alexis really did want to comfort Suzy too. Sure, on a selfish level, it would be good to have a fully functioning member of the team to increase their chances in combat, rejecting Suzy would surely make her regress again, and thus a burden. But that wasn't Alexis' only reason. Suzy was the only other person out here in the waste with her. Despite being a tough as nails commando woman, she was afraid of the monsters too, only a fool wouldn't be. She bet Suzy was just like her before the attack, and it could have easily been Alexis first down the stairs, into the waiting hands of the zombies.

"Come here, I'll hold you if you want." It was all Alexis could say. A nice long hug might do a world of good, and wouldn't nessisarily show commitment one way or the other.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Indeed, Suzy had developed quite the crush on Alexis since only meeting her yesterday. Her bisexual nature was showing through quite nicely, causing her blush to deepen as she looked up timidly at Alexis, searching the redheads attractive body with her increasingly loving gaze. The comfort was what she wanted, another human to love her, to hold her, to support her in her time of need, and Alexis seemed happy enough to offer that, arms spread for a hug, which Suzy almost leapt into, wrapping her arms around Alexis' back, nuzzling against her chin. "I'm sorry, Alexis... I don't want to hold you up, I want us to be safe, but... Alexis, I want you!" she whispered into the taller woman's ear, before leaning to the side, and planting a kiss on Alexis' neck. Not a particularly wet one, just a quick peck, to show Suzy's affection.

Pulling slightly away, Suzy stared into Alexis' eyes, saying "P-please don't get mad! I... I just want... I don't know what I want, but it involves you!"

Alexis would feel that Suzy's hands had slid down from her shoulders and were now resting in the middle of her back, not pulling, or trying to do anything, just holding her.

OAMP said:
Alexis stared for a second back into Suzy's eyes. "Come here" Alexis pulled Suzy close for a hug again, and started rubbing her back slowly. A single tear rolled down her eye when Suzy couldn't see. She couldn't help it at the thought of how emotionally scarred Suzy was.

Alexis knew that this was what Suzy needed, someone to love her. Truth be told, she did feel something for Suzy too. It wasn't love in the traditional sense, but here was someone who needed her, and all Alexis could do was help. It felt good to hold Suzy, to comfort her. Alexis wasn't exactly keen on the idea of just how far Suzy wanted to take this, but it wouldn't be too bad.

Alexis wondered how they should go about it. Letting Suzy dominate her might be good for the healing process, and for once Alexis didn't mind the thought of submitting to someone. On the other hand, Suzy needed someone strong to support her, would it still work if she let Suzy lead? There was also the issue of how Alexis herself would respond. In all honesty, she was afraid she'd be kind of a cold fish, like she had been with Natalie, just laying there as her rival had pleasured them both, enjoying it, but not showing much. Alexis wanted to be passionate, for both of their sakes, but this was a new experience for her. Hell, she didn't have any experience with men either, she generally didn't like most of them, as she refused to bow down to the male ego.

In the end, Alexis decided that she'd just see what happened, though she'd go for a slow approach, with more loving strokes then a furious orgy. She broke the embrace and slowly brought Suzy's head to meet her own, planting a kiss square on her lips, one hand still behind Suzy's head from the manuever, the other still rubbing her back. After a few seconds, she gently lowered both of them to the bedrolls, and they continued making out while lying in eachother's arms.

hero-in-the-dark said:
The small woman immediately gave in to Alexis' soft touch, needy tears rolling down her own face as she embraced Alexis. Laying down on the bed, Suzy leant into the kiss passionately, eyes closing, and her tongue trying to force its way into Alexis' mouth, looking to explore. Suzy's hands trailed lower down Alexis' back until they reached the rim of her protective vest. Playing around for a few seconds behind her, Suzy eventually unclipped the vest, and slipped it to Alexis' shoulders, pulling away from their kiss to pull it off completely, laying it gently aside.

Re-engaging with the passionate kiss, Suzy mounted Alexis' stomach, groping her breasts through the shirt, still kissing her, before one hand trailed down to her crotch, fiddling with the belt buckle, until it came loose, allowing Suzy to continue trying to pull Alexis' trousers down, rubbing her thumb along the redheads nethers. Suzy started to moan softly into Alexis' mouth as she continued undressing her, though she'd stop the instant Alexis made a move that signalled she was uncomfortable with what was going on.

After Suzy had finally managed to remove Alexis' trousers, she reached up to pull up her shirt, revealing her underwear. Suzy straightened up, breaking apart from the kiss to hurriedly pull her own shirt off, followed by her bra, allowing her breasts to breath freely again, slinging her own clothes aside without any of the respect she treated Alexis' uniform to.

Her voice sounding husky, yet desperate, Suzy placed her hands either side of Alexis, "Do... Do you want to do this? I-I'll stop if you don't!" she said, her voice full of uncertainty.

Assuming Alexis wouldn't stop her, Suzy leant down again, and reached behind Alexis to take off her own bra, looking lovingly at Alexis' larger breasts, before moving down to peel down her panties, exposing the redheads flower. Reaching up to kiss Alexis again, Suzy then trailed down her body, planting kisses all down her neck, chest, breasts, stomach, reaching her waist before pulling up, and moving down so she was kneeling inbetween Alexis' legs. "Alexis... I want to make you feel good... Will you let me?" Suzy whispered huskily, gently placing her hands on Alexis' naked thighs, spreading them apart even though her trousers and panties were still on her lower legs.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

OAMP said:
Kissing Suzy felt good, real good. When Suzy wanted inside Alexis' mouth, she let her in with no trouble, savoring the taste. It was unlike anything she'd ever tasted before, though this was the first time Alexis had ever made out with someone, so that was to be expected. Her eyes fluttered gently as she enjoyed the sensation.

Alexis didn't even notice her armor being removed, being more concerned with the momentary lapse of the kiss. If Alexis wasn't such a stoic she might have whimpered. If she had time to think, she'd have been embarrased at her actions, being drawn in to a stranger this easily. When Suzy rolled her over onto her back and mounted her, Alexis' heart fluttered. Despite her tough girl attitude, it felt surprisingly good to be the bottom. As her C cup breasts got a massage, a low moan escaped her mouth. This was the best feeling she'd ever experienced. When Suzy's hand traveled down below, Alexis was almost mad that she was giving the belt buckle attention instead of her privates, but her wish was soon granted as the belt came off and Suzy continued to undress her.

Next, Suzy continued with Alexis' shirt. Then, she began taking off her own clothes. Alexis' excitement grew as she realized she was taking the roll of conquest. I've been conquered, and I LIKE it. This... This goes against so many personal beliefs, but I like it... I'm a conquest and I LIKE it. Suzy's petit breasts were now exposed, and they jiggled a little bit. Alexis had never thought much about other women before in this way, but the sight of Suzy's bouncing breasts was perhaps the most arousing thing she'd ever seen. Suzy just tossed her own clothes away, she was getting excited. She's going to ravage me... I can't wait!

However, Suzy still has some self control. Alexis could tell she really needed this, but she was still concerned that Alexis didn't want her. Frankly, after that experience, even if she didn't, Alexis was now way too aroused to say no. Alexis needed this too, though not as much as Suzy. "Yes! Please, keep going." Alexis had to supress a moan to speak, bucking once as she spoke. Her own arms had been at her side this whole time. Now she brought them up, putting one on Suzy's ass as the other on her back.

Alexis let Suzy take her bra off, lifting slightly so she could operate the latch. She was a bit disapointed that Suzy only looked, and didn't suck a nipple. The look on her face told she wanted to. Instead, Alexis' panties came next. As if sensing her frustration, Suzy kissed her again. Alexis was disapointed when the kiss broke, but then Suzy started trailing down her body, both breasts getting a good kiss on the way, but not a true suck. Eventually Suzy reached Alexis' most sensitive spot, and stopped. Alexis really did whimper a bit this time, as Suzy wanted confirmation once more. Eyes pleading, Alexis responded, "Yes, please! I am yours!"

hero-in-the-dark said:
I'm... I'm going to have sex with her... Yeah... Yeah! Suzy thought, her heart racing, yearning for love, the love of her saviour. Spreading Alexis' legs a little further, Suzy gently lowered her mouth to Alexis' crotch, slowly sealing her lips around Alexis' clitoris, giving little tugs and licks, sending jolts of pleasure throughout her body. She lapped gently at Alexis' sensitive clit for a couple of minutes, causing the redhead to get nice and wet for Suzy, who smiled happily, reaching up with a hand to spread Alexis wide, pulling her nether lips slowly apart to make it easier for what came next.

Suzy leaned down more, slowly, ever so slowly, her ass sticking in the air as her tongue slid into Alexis' soaked pussy, slowly thrusting in and out, squirming around inside the redheads inexperienced folds, exploring each and every inch of her insides as she could, her eyes closing as her other hand ventured down to start rubbing at the front of her own trousers, which she hadn't taken off yet, moaning softly as she started getting wet herself.

Satisfied that she could get easy access to Alexis' pussy, Suzy's hand spidered up Alexis' taught stomach, turning out to be too short to reach her breasts properly, only managing to give small tickles to the undersides. Frustrated, Suzy settled instead for giving her lower body a massage, rubbing firmly across her toned abs, thighs and crotch, occasionally running around to give Alexis' ass a tight squeeze. Gently, Suzy used the hand that was being used to stimulate herself to undo her own belt buckle, albeit after some fiddling, and her trousers followed, slipping off entirely, and leaving the ginger haired girl completely naked apart from the dog tags on their silver chain.

Suzy slowly shifted one leg, raising it over Alexis' right leg, allowing the taller woman to catch a glimpse of Suzy's hairless pussy, glistening with moisture as she positioned her ass over Alexis' leg. Not breaking her stride with the thrusting into Alexis' pussy, Suzy started to hump the leg beneath her, sliding her wet flower along Alexis' firm legs, moaning into her girlfriends pussy as her tongue sped up.

Eventually, Suzy's tongue left Alexis' pussy, instead replacing it with a single middle finger from the hand that had been stroking Alexis. Now, Suzy was free to move up, the finger in Alexis' pussy carrying on with greater speed than the tongue. "Come on Alexis... Cum for me... Cum with me!" Suzy moaned to Alexis, before leaning down and sealing her lips around Alexis' right breast, using her teeth to gently tug at the red rosebud in her mouth, the tongue lapping around happily, coating Alexis' breast in her saliva, still humping madly against Alexis' leg, trying, and succeeding, in getting herself off. She could feel the knot in her stomach forming, signalling a near orgasm. Raising her mouth from Alexis' breast, Suzy called out, "Can you feel it, Alexis? The tightening of you muscles, you thighs and belly? Can you feel it?" to the redhead.

Down below, the finger pumping madly into Alexis' sensitive flower was joined by a second, the remaining fingers spreading her nether lips wide open, and the thumb playing with Alexis' clitoris, giving just that extra little bit of stimulation. Alexis would be able to feel Suzy's thigh muscles tensing up, gripping her own leg as they grew rock hard, that coupled with the ginger girls own moans over her suckling of Alexis' breast indicating that she was indeed, about to cum.

OAMP said:
Wow, I can't believe this is happening. This is amazing. Alexis was almost too deep in pleasure to move, for the moment her arms were spread limp at her sides as Suzy slow stimulated her. Suzy's mouth sealing over her clitoris brought a sharp gasp, not a bad gasp, but one of pleasure. As her pussy lips got spread, the air hitting new, sensitive regions continued the gasp. By this point, for all practical purposes, Alexis couldn't talk from the pleasure.

As Suzy's tounge worked it's magic, Alexis got a little nervous. She was pretty sure her hyman had never been broken, her only other time hadn't been very vigorous. However, there was only a sharpness to the pleasure every once in awhile instead of any pain, for now. She was getting quite wet, not the first time it had ever happened, but it felt so much better this time. Alexis noticed Suzy was getting excited too, only adding to her own.

Soon, Suzy was rubbing Alexis body, but couldn't quite reach her breasts. Wanting to help, Alexis found the energy to move her own arms in her passion, but even with the addition of a few inches, Suzy was too far down to be reached. Alexis had to settle for being pampered for now. Eventually, Suzy took off her remaining garments and started riding Alexis' leg. Alexis' eyes went wide when she caught a glimpse of Suzy's pussy, it looked so good, she just wanted to suck on it for awhile, and Suzy's rubbing only made Alexis twitch with excitement.

A short while later, Suzy slid up a bit and began sucking on Alexis' breasts as she'd wanted to badly, using her fingers on Alexis' pussy. This allowed Alexis to finally use her own hands, she moved one behind Suzy's head and massaged her scalp, Suzy's hair felt wonderful. Her other hand was used to rub Suzy's back, sliding all the way down her ass at times.

After only a short while of this arrangement, Suzy sped up, instructing Alexis that they were going to cum together. Alexis could only let out a deep moan, instead one of the short, gaspy moans she'd been letting out near constantly from the start. Suzy began going over what was happening to Alexis in a very sexy voice, increasing Alexis' arousal many times over.

Suzy inserted more fingers into Alexis' pussy, pushing Alexis over the edge. Her hands now were pressing Suzy into her, the one behind Suzy's head helping her work Alexis' breast, while the other traveled down to Suzy's ass once more, helping her hump Alexis' leg. Alexis arched her back and curled her toes, her short, gaspy moans turning into one long, extremely loud moan. Alexis would have never guessed she was a screamer, but it just felt so good. Her cum exploded onto Suzy's hand, and her eyes began to flutter as she leaned back, not a care in the world. She could feel Suzy cumming on her leg, and she let out another low moan.

The two colapsed, and Alexis used her remaining strength to pull Suzy on top of her, burring Suzy's head in her sholder, running her hand through her hair. In bed, she is my master, but on the battlefield, I am her protector.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Yeah... Yeah... Yeah... Yeah... Come on... Alexis... Suzy moaned at herself, pleasuring herself madly on Alexis' leg. It was so much better, so much more when compared to her last sexual encounter. The love, the passion, it was all driving Suzy over the edge, leaving her all too happy to be pulled closer to her lover, sliding herself up and down her leg with zeal. She started shaking her head, fiery hair whipping around as she moaned her lust. As Alexis screamed into her orgasm, soaking her entire hand in femcum, Suzy herself was very nearly at her peak, and she sped up frantically, trying to force herself to cum while Alexis still was, continuing to pump her fingers inside Alexis, suckling on one breast while she groped the other.

Frustrated, Suzy's mad efforts were soon paid off, as the knot in her stomach burst, sending waves of unparalleled pleasure rippling through her body. She didn't scream like Alexis, instead crying out her partners name in a long, drawn out moan. "Alexiiiiiisssssssssssssssss!" she cried, her release finally coming, not managing to give as much femcum as Alexis had drenched her hand in, but still plentiful, nonetheless, her hand gripping Alexis' breast tightly as her muscles stiffened, legs bending into the air, toes twitching. What she did cum onto Alexis' leg trickled up her thigh, while Suzy started gasping for breath, finally raising her mouth from Alexis' breast, the fingers slowing until they were just gently stroking around inside Alexis' untainted flower.

As Alexis pulled Suzy up into the hug, her hand slid out of Alexis with a wet, and sexy sound. She embraced Alexis happily, her clean hand trailing down to wipe up some of her own cum, leaving her with two sets of dripping fingers. For a minute or so, Suzy lay happily with her face in Alexis' shoulder, the pair breathing heavily as they enjoyed their afterglows, murmuring "Alexis..." over and over again, occasionally pausing long enough to give Alexis' ear an affectionate nibble, and a peck on the cheek. Eventually, though, Suzy broke apart, sitting up on Alexis again, bringing her hands round in front of her, spreading the fingers to show the strings of sticky femcum between them. "Alexis... Do you want to taste yourself? Do you want the feel of your own passion on your tongue, or would you like to try me?" she whispered seductively, proffering the relevant hand as she spoke, watching Alexis' own eyes shyly, gently leaning forward, eager to share their cum, but offering Alexis the first taste, guessing she hadn't experienced it before.

OAMP said:
Alexis was a bit shy after their passionate lovemaking, and gently took the hand with Suzy's cum on it. She began to lick the fingers, enjoying what she found. By the time she was done, Suzy's hand was clean, save Alexis' saliva. She wondered if she should taste her own as well, Suzy was sitting there with a wicked grin on her face, enjoying watching Alexis try the new experience. Alexis blushes as she took the other hand, cleaning it as well. Afterwards she'd wished she could have somehow tasted the two combined.

After she was done, she leaned back and pulled Suzy down by her side again, sholder to sholder, but still embracing, rubbing cirlces on Suzy's belly. From time to time her pussy would twitch, still slightly stimulated.

As much as Alexis would enjoy just spending the whole day in the small room, she eventually remembered that they were, for all purposes, in a combat zone. "We really need to get going..." Alexis said, hoping that her soft tone would ease Suzy back into a normal mindset, surely Suzy wanted this to end even less then Alexis did.

Alexis got up and went over to the pile of clothes, and a grin came over her face at the sight. She picked up Suzy's white panties, dripping with love juice, and put them on herself. The fit was a bit tight, but it felt good, Alexis could feel Suzy's wetness on her nether region. She turned to show Suzy, and continued to smile. "I'm sorry, but your bra would be a bit too small for me, a little too uncomfortable". She tossed Suzy her light blue panties, which were only slightly wet, as they'd been removed fast. Suzy shared the grin.

The two were about half dressed, they'd been kissing on and off as they went, and were about to do so again, leaning in close, bras touching, when they heard a long burst of machine gun fire, followed by several other small arms, somewhat muffled by the walls of the building.

Alexis jumped back, combat reflexes taking over. Suzy's were a bit dulled, but she was still quite alert. "That was a heavy weapons emplacement, I'm sure! We gotta go find it, get your stuff, let's move!" Alexis began gather her remaining clothes and supplies at a rapid pace. Despite her love for Suzy, the mission was still first and foremost.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy's smile only widened as Alexis chose to taste her own cum first, giggling shyly as her fingers were cleaned, and bringing her other hand up to suck one finger clean of Alexis' femcum, before almost laughing at Alexis' shy desire to taste herself as well. She let out a playful yelp as Alexis pulled her down to the blankets, a giggle fading into a happy sigh as she lay back, an arm around Alexis' shoulder, but allowing the redhead to tickle her satisfied body, her own damp pussy twitching, wanting more, but Suzy was now in control of herself, having shared her love. Still, she was far to happy to acknowledge the danger they were still in, wanting nothing more than to lie and snuggle with Alexis forever.

Suzy sighed as Alexis reminded her softly of how bad it was to stay here, happy as they were. Harrumphing, Suzy let go of Alexis, looking at the pile of clothes to the side. "Yeah... You're right... But... That was fun, right? Don't worry, I'm going, I just wanted to ask." she said, giving Alexis a playful grin as she pushed herself to sitting, making to stand.

She watched Alexis longingly as she went to the clothes, eyeing her curvaceous ass, before her gaze was brought up to the panties in her hand. "Hey, those are mine! Dirty girl!" she said, giggling as Alexis pulled them on, and laughing out loud as she fell backwards to catch Alexis' blue panties, pulling them up her legs easily, though they were in turn, a bit loose.

When the two leaned in for their kiss, Suzy was almost fully dressed, needing only to pull on her shirt and weapons, their breasts mushing together slightly as they leaned forward for their embrace, shocked apart by the rattle of machine guns. Suzy's combat reflexes only took a second or two longer to kick in, but she stepped back, eyes surveying wildly. She quickly shoved her covers and pillows into the camping bag, along with the uneaten food and a few of the glow sticks. Done, she hurriedly tied the makeshift sheath back to her leg, slipping the blade in, and pulling her shirt on. Dashing for the door, Suzy started pulling the barricade away, calling to Alexis "Come on, slowpoke! I need your help with this!", still acting playful with Alexis despite how heavy the situation was.

OAMP said:
"It might have been better to go out the top. We may need to move fast, but caution still comes first." Alexis tried not to be too harsh.

The two stepped out into the hall, as another burst was heard. Outside. They opened the door and looked around the ally, no sign of monsters. Another burst. The two noticed that the fire wasn't all that muffled by the walls of the store, it was just far away, or muffled by something else, maybe. It sounded as if it was coming from the other side of the block. The two went quickly but quietly to down the alley. Some more firing, though now they could see where it was coming from. The sounds were echoing up from the subway, deep in the dark tunnels.

"You want to risk it? We have the glow sticks for minimal light." Alexis didn't sound too confident. But there were at least some humans live down there, that was a good sign.

hero-in-the-dark said:
Suzy looked slightly disgruntled at Alexis’ telling off, but remained silent as the two removed the makeshift barricade. With the door clear, she stepped back, and shouldered her rifle and pack, waiting for Alexis to be fully dressed before she stepped out of the door.

As they approached the tunnels, Suzy had a sudden image in her head, that perhaps this wasn’t such a good idea, but ignored it, her mind much preferring to think that the military, perhaps even some she knew, or that Alexis knew, were down there. "I don’t know, it would be good if we had a torch or something, but I think the glow sticks will be enough, at least to signal to any friendly’s down there that we’re human. Let’s wait until there’s no more fire going off. I don’t fancy walking into a crossfire. When it’s died down, all the monsters will likely be dead." she said, for once, sounding more confident than Alexis.
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Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Or all the humans will be dead. Alexis didn't say that, Suzy didn't need to hear it.

So the two waited, and the fire died down within a minute, oddly enough. All was quiet, and they were about to enter, Alexis about to explain how she wanted them to carry the glowsticks, when the fire started back up again. This lasted another three minutes or so. This time the snipers waited two minutes before moving, but the fire started back up again. "The monsters are attacking in waves. Smarter then we thought?" The girls were growing impatient. "Next break, we go ok? Or do you want to just find another way in?"
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy unslung her rifle, and spat on the floor. "Not necessarily. They could have a marshal of some sort. I agree with you though, let's get in there next lull. There's no point waiting here much longer." she said, tightening the straps on her bag as she hefted the rifle. "Want me to take point, Alexis?" she said after the fire had stopped again, making to go down the stairs.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

"You up to it?" Alexis wasn't too keen on the idea, but Suzy seemed to want to go first. Alright, here's some glowsticks. Attach them to your person somehow, holding onto them will be bad for combat... Do you want my service pistol? Alexis said this last line with a bit of concern, and offered the Carletto 9 to Suzy and the three spare reloads.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

"Of course I'm up to it. How am I going to get better without proving I'm still capable?" Suzy said, with a flicker of a nervous grin. She accepted the glow sticks, pistol and reloads from Alexis, keeping her hand in Alexis' own for a little longer than was necessary, giving her a slight squeeze. "Don't worry, I'll be fine, I've got you covering me haven't I?" she laughed, affixing a glow stick to her dog tags, and 3 on her belt, one on either side of her hips, and another at the rear. "How do I look? Nice and visible? Come on then, lets go, 5 metres again?"

Assuming Alexis didn't complain, Suzy started down the steps, rifle slung across her back again, and pistol held near her face in a two handed grip. The last glimpse Alexis caught of her face before she stepped into the shadows was one of steely determination, as if she had somehow completely got over the previous days events.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy seemed quite aware of her condition now. That was both good and bad. Alexis cringed a bit, Suzy was definitely deeling some emotional pain right now, but it wasn't the time to comfort her.

Suzy led the way down the stairs. It was only one flight down to the ticket area of the station. There were quite a few bodies, the civilians didn't have anywhere to run her. There were also signs of battle, a soldier mixed in here and there with the dead, bullet holes in the wall, the ususal, but a detailed inspection seemed to indicate it was a battle from yesterday.

After a short stop to survey the area, the two snipers hopped the turntables and proceeded down another flight of stairs to the actual platform. A burst of machinegun fire was heard down the tunnel to their left, much louder down in the confined space. The girls stopped and listen for a few seconds, both still in the quiet darkness.

When the fire let up again, Alexis threw a glowstick down on the tracks, or tried to, the tracks were flooded, and glowsticks float. Suzy looked a bit upset, even in the darkness, but a quick reminder from Alexis that the power was out, and therefore it was safe to walk in the water, made her feel a bit better. However, the memory of the flooded basement right before the zombies back at the office building sent a shiver down her spine. Still, she had to prove to Alexis that she was strong, and jumped down on the flooded tracks and proceeded down the tunnel, towards where the firing was coming from.

The girls had gone about 150 meters before they came to a junction. The track going the other way split in a fork, and the girls were on one of the forks. They halted a good ways back, and were about to discuss their next course of action when they heard a noise. Not gunfire, but splashing. Something else was comming down the other fork of the subway.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy's confident grin flickered as she surveyed the carnage. So many men and women dead. Cricking her neck to the side, Suzy snapped back to reality. Not her problem. She needed to do her job, and prove to herself that she could still be responsible. There was no ammunition, nor rifles on the soldiers bodies. Their dog tags were gone as well. The military must have withdrawn after recovering all that was absolutely necessary.

Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, and emerging onto the platform, Suzy brought the handgun up as she looked around, twisting in the direction of the sudden machine gun fire again.

She grimaced at the sight of the floating glow stick, completely forgetting that the power was down, until Alexis reminded her. She grinned at herself inwardly for forgetting something like that, and hopped onto the track, the water sloshing around her knees, filling her boots. Urgh. I'll have to fix that once we're out. Boots full of water can only be bad.

Suzy froze as she heard the splashing, far louder than the stealthy progress the two girls had been making, and quickly motioned to Alexis to hide. Worriedly, Suzy tried to figure out what to do about the glow sticks, settling on turning the ones on her belt inside her trousers, and the one on her dog tags she covered with the pack, huddling against the wall, handgun ready.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Stealth Check (Final enemy 10 is because it gets a bonus in the dark)

6+13+13 = 32 vs 40 = 10+10+10+10 FAIL

Three squid creatures splash into view. Suzy can't hide one of the glowsticks in time. The squids see better then humans in the dark anyway.

Combat Order Roll

Suzy 5+25 = 30 Third
Alexis 1+20 = 21 Fifth
Squid #1 17+15 = 32 Second
Squid #2 19+15 = 34 First
Squid #3 7+15 = 22 Fourth

***Special Event Timer: 8 turns away***

The first two squids look almost excited, though with even less light right now, its hard to tell, they bolt towards Suzy and Alexis, and are 5 m from Suzy, 10 from Alexis.

Suzy's Turn Next
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Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy looked on in exasperation as the abominations saw her fumbled attempts at stealth, and started splashing towards her, she growled in disgust, ceasing to hide the glow sticks, and instead brought the pistol up to bear, waiting patiently for her to be certain she couldn't miss hitting it right between the eyes. Nuh-uh! You're not getting near me, and especially not Alexis, never again! she thought to herself, controlling her breathing as she squeezed off a shot.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Hit Chances - Spray n Pray Mode

(47+38)-(5/2)+(2*2) = 86 vs 32 = 2+20+10 HIT
(36+34)-(5/2)+(2*2) = 71 vs 41 = 11+20+10 HIT
(5+24)-(5/2)+(2*2) = 30 vs 44 = 14+20+10 MISS
(35+6)-(5/2)+(2*2) = 42 vs 50 = 20+20+10 MISS
(46+50)-(5/2)+(2*2) = 97 vs 49 = 19+20+10 HIT
(45+34)-(5/2)-(2*2) = 80 vs 43 = 13+20+10 HIT

Damage Rolls - Carletto 9 (2d4)

4+4 = 8
3+2 = 5
1+2 = 3
1+1 = 2

Total Damage 18/2 = 9 per monster

Despite the darkness, Suzy hits the majority of her shots. Her determination really makes a difference. Two shots hit each, causing minor wounds.

Squids 1 and 2 are hit for 9 HP, leaving them with 31 HP.

The third squid sees its comrades get hit, and is not happy, it runs up to join them, now 5 m from Suzy, 10 m from Alexis.

Alexis Turn

Alexis runs up to the lead squid and attempts to slice a tentacle off with her combat knife.

Hit Chance

14+30 = 44 vs 44 = 14+20+10 (Tie goes to Alexis)


(9+40)/3 = 17

The squid is seriously wounded, Alexis manages to almost sever a tentacle. The squid takes 17 damage, leaving it with 14 HP.

The squid is thrashing around from the wound. It attempts to grapple Alexis in rage.


19+32+10 = 61 vs 50 = 20+30

The squid manages to latch onto Alexis with a few of its remaining tentacles. She almost gets drug under, and is drenched from the experience.

The second squid goes for Suzy, attempting to grab her too.


5+32+10 = 47 vs 45 = 7+38

Suzy tries to dodge, but gets caught, though she didn't fall in the water atleast.

Event timer: 7

Suzy's turn
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy paled at how little the bullets faze the squids, 6 shots not even stopping one. It took her a second to notice the splashing dash past her, suddenly realising Alexis had gone for melee. What...? No! Alexis! she cried out in her thoughts, watching in horror as the redhead went for a dip. "Al..." she murmured, causing herself to be unable to dodge the approaching land squid. She grunted as the monster tried to tackle her, merely grabbing at her legs instead, and started trying to wrench herself away, reaching down to slip her knife out of its makeshift sheath, and hacking at the exposed flesh as Alexis had done. None of you freaks are getting me again!
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

(Grapple v Grapple as it has you)

Event Timer: 6

12+38 = 50 vs 57 = 15+32+10

Suzy comes close to slashing the squid, but in the low light it has the advantage, and dodges.

The squid that had yet to be engaged slinks over to Alexis. Not being very smart, it decides the time is right to rip her armor off, before she is fully subdued.

Clothes Rip (penalty for not being held negates the dark advantage, dodge is uses as it is a different squid holding her)

7+32 = 39 vs 42 = 12+30

The squid manages to get a hold on Alexis' armored top, but she shakes free.

Alexis ignores the squids, and continues to hack at the one grappling her.

Hit chance (using grapple stat)

10+50 = 60 vs 44 = 2+32+10 HIT

Damage (kife d10, slashing)

(9+40)/3 = 17

Alexis' slash is powered by her embarrasment at getting caught. A trained solider shouldn't have let that happen. She kills the beast in one good sweep, the squid sinks into the flooded tunnel. Alexis calls out for Suzy, afraid that she is going to let the girl get raped again.

Hold Attempt

9+32+10 = 51 vs 46 = 8+38

The squid holding Suzy is very upset at her attempt to further injure it. It binds her arms and legs against her body, hoping to stop another attack.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy growled angrily as her blade arm is stopped inches before connecting with the squids slimy flesh, that growl going up an octave as her arms were forced down to her sides again, memories flooding back. "No! You won't get me! I don't need her to beat you!" she snarled in reference to Alexis fighting just ahead, twisting around in an attempt to escape. She hadn't dropped either of her weapons this time, so if she could just get an arm free she'd put the bastard in a whole new world of pain. If all else failed, she could just try and take a chunk out of it with her teeth, and hope these things didn't taste as bad as real squid.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Event Timer: 5

Escape Hold

10+38 = 48 vs 58 = 16+32+10

Suzy gives good effort, but can't break free.

The squid near Alexis decides it had better get a hold of her, now that its comrade is dead.

19+32+10 = 61 vs 41 = 11+30

Alexis doesn't even have time to think about her victory before the Squid latches on.

Melee Hit

16+50 = 66 vs 34 = 4+20+10

Damage (knife d10, slashing)

(6+40)/3 = 16

Alexis goes for the tentacle again, giving one of the squid's numerous limbs a good slice.

The Squid takes 16 damage, giving it 24 HP.

Clothes Rip

17+32+10 = 59 vs 57 = 19+38

Suzy's squid had trouble getting a grip because of the slippery wetness, but manages to remove Suzy's clothes. Her top is tosses into the flooded tunnel. Suzy almost has the window knocked out of her as the Squid squeezes around her mid section for her belt and pants. Fortunately, her undergarments are left for now.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy's strains appeared to be for nothing, again. Her efforts seemed to be doing nothing, while Alexis was seemingly having little problems with two of the things. She almost cried out in horror as the tentacle slid down her top, and really shouted as the appendage stretched outward, tearing her new top apart, followed by her belt and trousers. Reduced once more to her underwear, and held tightly in the squids grasp, Suzy almost burst into tears. It's not fair! Why can't I defend myself!? What's wrong with me! she cried at herself in her head, her cheeks flushing bright red as she boiled over. "Goddamn! Let me go! None of you are getting in me again!" she yelled furiously, her efforts to escape getting faster and more powerful as the fear of rape sank back into her. Squirming and bucking, Suzy gave it as good as she had, ready to sink her teeth into the first bit of slimy flesh that came even remotely near her mouth, desperately trying to angle her gun and knife around to attack at the beast. There was no way she would let it get any more of her, or Alexis', clothes off, she'd kill it before that happened.

((Dice permitting of course >_<))