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Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Grapple Attempt

15+38 = 53 vs 46 = 3+43

Suzy shoves the spider off Malik. Malik didn't help, she has something else in mind.

Hit Chance

12+30 = 42 vs 51 = 41 = 8+33

Damage (knife, d10, slash)

(5+40)/3 = 15

Alexis slashes the monster with a mighty slash, causing it great pain, it leaps of Gray, for the moment.

Hit Chances

1: 8 + 14 - 12 = 10 // 5 + 33 = 38 ... failure
2: 5 + 48 - 12 = 41 // 15 + 33 = 48 ... failure
3: 27 + 32 - 12 = 47 // 20 + 33 = 53 ... failure
4: 35 + 38 - 12 = 61 // 18 + 33 = 51 ... success
5: 5 + 42 - 12 = 35 // 20 + 33 = 53 ... failure
6: 40 + 30 - 12 = 58 // 5 + 33 = 38 ... success

Damage Rolls

7 + 7 + 2 + 9 + 5 + 3 = 33
9 + 5 + 1 + 7 + 10 + 2 = 34

Suzy sees why Malik didn't help. She had grabbed her rifle and was bringing it around to face the monster. She unloads a massive burst, utterly dominating the spider, pumping it full of some many holes it dies instantly.

Hit Chances

1: 5 + 13 - 12 = 6 // 6 + 43 = 49 ... failure
2: 42 + 11 - 12 = 41 // 8 + 43 = 51 ... failure
3: 18 + 13 - 12 = 19 // 10 + 43 = 53 ... failure
4: 26 + 13 - 12 = 27 // 20 + 43 = 63 ... failure
5: 50 + 10 - 12 = 48 // 11 + 43 = 54 ... failure
6: 36 + 11 - 12 = 35 // 5 + 43 = 48 ... failure

Seeing Malik's success, Gray tries the same thing, but as the spider is currently latched onto her, it easily disrupts her aim.

Bite Attempt

4+43 = 47 vs 56 = 16+40

The spider still wants to bit Gray, but the burst of fire interupts its attempt.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy was about to hack the spider to pieces, when the crack of gunfire caused her to leap back in shock, avoiding the sickly blue blood that sprayed from the spider as it was perforated. She looked back in surprise to see Malik on the floor, gasping and cradling her rifle. With a smile, Suzy offered her a hand to pull the naked girl up, trying to keep her gaze away from her nether regions to allow the Private to retain some decency. "Come on, let's help with the last one." she said. Congratulations could be given when this last one was dead. Suzy dashed the short distance to Alexis' party, taking her chance in a moment of stillness to drive forward with her knife, ramming it into the spiders belly while Alexis and Gray made their own attacks, presumably Malik following her, though hopefully she wouldn't let off another burst of overzealous fire.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

(Rolls unneeded for the grapple, three on one, like that spider's going to win :rolleyes:)

Suzy, Alexis, and Gray throw the spider off the of downed girl. Malik, in a fury, lines it up for another shot.

1: 6 + 48 - 17 = 37 // 3 + 33 = 36 ... success
2: 18 + 23 - 17 = 24 // 18 + 33 = 51 ... failure
3: 28 + 49 - 17 = 60 // 10 + 33 = 43 ... success
4: 21 + 39 - 17 = 43 // 5 + 33 = 38 ... success

(Damage is going to get it)

Much to the horror of the other three, Malik hoses down the spider right next to them. They leap back, and don't get hit. The spider is just... gone. Shredded to pieces...

The three turn to look at Malik, standing naked with the now empty rifle. She has a look of pure anger on her face, but tears are streaking down her cheeks. She falls to the floor and starts crying, face in her hands.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy was, again, about to slash open the spiders belly, when she caught a glimpse of Malik looking down her rifle, and threw herself back in shock, yelling "Malik! Sto-!". She was cut off by the fire leaping from the weapon, scything through the last spider like a knife through butter. Suzy gawped at Malik's stupidity, though her gaze softened as she saw how upset the other short woman was, as she sank to the floor, crying. "Alexis, Gray, I'll talk to her if you want?" she said softly to the other two, walking slowly over to Malik, and sinking down to her knees next to her, the knife returning to its sheath as Suzy slowly slid the empty rifle out of her hands, laying it down a meter away. Returning to Malik, Suzy ran her hand through her long blonde hair, cooing "It's alright... It's over now... I'm here. Gray's here. Alexis is here. We aren't going to leave you. Come now, you did a good job there, but it was a bit dangerous to shoot that close to us wasn't it?" she teased kindly.

As she was speaking, Suzy reached into a pocket, and pulled out a spare panties and bra that she'd kept in case she'd lost her clothes again. Luckily she hadn't, but they would fit Malik nicely. She turned to Gray, "I'm sorry, I don't have any that would fit you." she said apologetically. "Malik... What's your first name? I... I have these for you, don't worry, they've never been worn. They're clean. Maybe you'll feel a bit better with some clothes on, hmm?" she cooed again, cradling Malik's head in her arms as she held the underwear within easy reach of the Private.

Suzy was ignoring any looks of surprise that the other two women were throwing her, though she'd respond to anything they said. Her concentrations were on Malik. Sure, she'd fled Suzy, leaving her and Alexis in the building all alone, but for some reason, Suzy didn't want to blame her any more. The girl wasn't a proper soldier, and now Suzy would act for Malik as Alexis had to her, until she was back on her feet at least. While Malik calmed down, Suzy continued to cradle her, whispering soothing words into her ear. She'd only allow this for a couple of minutes, tops though, they had to go and check on the others, and Suzy wanted the other girls to get dressed. If Malik had no more spares, Suzy would surrender her uniform to the girl, it was hers after all, and get back into her own tattered clothes. Of course, both of the Privates would have to be taken to the women's room without the men seeing what they'd been through, but Suzy had a plan for that.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

As there personal battle ended, so did the fights elsewhere in the station, the noise level greatly reduced. Alexis was surprised by Suzy's actions, Gray was too busy dry heaving in the corner, trying to get the spider cum back up. Seeing as Suzy was tending Malik, Alexis supported the girl, she looked a little unsteady.

Malik was too upset to care about Suzy's snide remark about friendly fire. "My... My name is... S... Sara." That was all the tired girl could manage. She took the undergarments from Suzy, but just held them close.

Before Suzy could react on her plan, the men came running. The Lieutenant was first into sight. He stared, eyes wide for a moment, before blushing and turning away. "They're gone, for a few hours we think. If either of them is seriously injured the medic can see to it. If not take them to the temporary quarters, someone will guard these stairs."
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy was surprised at how quickly the others came up, and almost fell over as she shot to her feet. "Oh, hello, sir. Yes, we'll take the Privates back, if you wouldn't mind leaving us, with all due respect, sir. Female privacy and all." she stated, with a slight giddiness in her voice. She turned to Sara for a second, and said quietly "Come on now, pull those on, I'll cover you, then we can go back to your room for a while, hmm? Or do you need a little bit of help?", smiling with a trace of dirtiness. She then turned back to the Lieutenant, if he was still there, standing in a way so that no one could see Sara behind her as she pulled on the lingerie. If the girl couldn't manage it, Suzy would wait until he left before helping her, slipping the underwear on to cover her decency a bit.

When she was done, Suzy helped her to her feet, and wrapped a hand around her shoulder. "There there, I bet it's sore, huh? I know how it feels, but just lean on me, and you can have a lie down for a bit." she said soothingly, though with a hint of darkness as she mentioned how she knew it felt. As she walked past Alexis, Suzy said "Alexis, are you alright with Gray? Do you want me to bring something to cover her up with, or shall I stay with Sara here?" It was now that Suzy noticed the precum in Sara's hair and along her skin, and she tutted as she wiped it off of the girl, wiping it onto some scraps of the two Private's uniforms instead. They could dress in some decent clothes later.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

"Of course, as you were. I'll take over here once you've moved." He was still blushing and he turned around and stood out of view.

Sara managed to get the panties on, but not the bra before leaning against Suzy and sobbing. Her grip was pretty strong, she showed no signs of letting go easily.

Suzy started to lead Sara back to the bathroom, pausing as Alexis hefted Gray up to join them. She was less emotionally drained, but more physically drained. She'd completed her purge in the corner of the station, though it was doubtful she'd truely gotten all of the cum up. Either way, she still had plenty in her hair. Together, the four continued on to the women's restroom.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy sighed as Sara collapsed against her, still bare breasted, and made to put the bra on her by herself, soon realising that it would be impossible without making Sara let go, and that didn't seem like such a good idea right now. Instead, Suzy pulled her to her feet, and stashed the bra away in her pocket again, stroking the broken woman all the time as she cooed into her ear. "Listen, I'm going to have to cover you if you won't do it yourself. I won't have anyone oggling you like this. Just stay close to me, it's alright, Sara."

As they started walking, Suzy kept one arm around Sara's waist to support her, while she wrapped her other arm around the Private's chest, grasping onto her far side so as to cover her naked nipples. Suzy resisted the urge to give Sara a quick squeeze, figuring it would only make her more distraught, and likely destroy any trust she'd established, even if she did look so fine... 'No! Snap out of it! Not now! Mmmmm... Goddamn! No! Bad Suzy!' she argued with herself as she walked, Alexis by her side. "Alexis, Gray? Are you two alright? Well, considering you just got a nice mouthful of monster cum, but regardless...?" she said, looking a little embarrassed at how badly she considered herself to have worded that.

When they had gotten past the idling soldiers, and into the women's restroom, Suzy gently lay Sara down on the nearest bed, 'accidentally' sliding her hand across the Private's nipple, not that she'd be likely to notice in her current state, though Suzy mentally scolded herself as she straightened up, cringing for an instant. Recovered, Suzy knelt next to Sara, and dragged a cover up for her, whispering "There... We're back. No more monsters for you right now, you can just go to sleep, Sara, it's alright, we're here for you now, nothing can hurt you..." softly in her ear.

Standing to make way for Alexis and Gray, Suzy said "Gray, do you want me to go find something to clean yourself up with? Or at least a drink to wash your mouth out? Or would you rather we cleaned you, and you get some rest? You've been through a lot. Also, I'm sorry for being harsh to Sara earlier, ok? By the way, I'd like to know your name as well.". There was a slight hint of perverseness in her voice, at the mention of cleaning her down, but she tried her best to hide it, and the slight flush in her cheeks. Hopefully Gray was too tired to notice it.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Sara didn't relax, though she was a little more calm being in the bedroll. She clutched the top of the bedding tightly, almost afraid to let go.

When Suzy made her wait to the other two, Gray still had a hint of the earlier death glare, maybe from the earlier comment, maybe not. "Don't worry, I got her." Alexis was doing a good job of cleaning Gray already. Suzy noticed just how much the two were alike, at that moment. Gray's stare was pretty close to Alexis' tough girl mentality, like how she had been leading Suzy to saftey earlier, but less talkitive. Still, Suzy was probing a bit. "It's Abigail." Gray said, when Suzy asked, but that's all she said. She'd sat down on a sink and was content to let Alexis tend to her.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

"Suzy. Umm... I'll just... Wait then..." Suzy trailed off, looking slightly uncomfortable as she busied herself with her pack, taking out her own bedding to sit on, gently stroking Sara's hair to comfort the girl. She blinked suddenly, and shook her head. She'd left her rifle back at the outpost. Oh well, she'd get it later. The Private's were more important, even if Gray was still giving her the cold shoulder. She let Alexis do her stuff, picking up another rag from her pack to do the same to Sara, gently removing all the precum from her body, or as much as the poor woman would let her. At least she hadn't been on the receiving end of a full load as Gray had, and Suzy in the lobby of that damned office. Alexis seemed to be cleaning cum off of a lot of women recently. Still, Suzy's heart twanged with the faintest hint of jealousy as she watched the pair. They seemed so alike that it was almost hurting her. She wanted to go away, and leave the Privates to sleep, and find somewhere where the two of them could be alone for a talk, and perhaps a little more...
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Alexis finished cleaning Abigail. "You might want to lay down, you're probably pretty tired" "Thanks." Abigail hopped off the sink and went over to Sara, sitting down next to the girl while pulling a bedroll over. She turned to Suzy. "Thanks for saving her." She still didn't look like she thought much of Suzy, but it was an improvement. She took over caring for Sara. Alexis looked on from the sinks with a grim expression.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

"The least I could do... I'm just sorry I couldn't get there sooner..." Suzy said, the uncomfortable tone back in her voice as she shifted away from Sara as Gray took over her care of the scared woman, and looked on sadly instead. Eventually she looked up at Alexis by the sink, and motioned outside, with a questioning look.

If Alexis accepted, Suzy would gently close the door behind them, leaving the girls in private, and say to Alexis "I wish Abigail would like me a bit more, it's not like I did anything to her, unless..." she trailed off, considering the possibility that Sara and Gray were together, in the same way as Alexis and herself. "Never mind, shall we go and see the results of the other battles, or would you like to find somewhere private for a little while...? I-I'd just like to talk, and stuff, but just not out here..." she asked shyly.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Alexis pushed off from the sink and joined Suzy outside. I wouldn't be too hard on Abigail, I think something happened to her earlier." As the two talked, they noticed that someone had put their battle gear left at the stairs next to the door.

The station was subdued, but busy. A few people were in line for the medic, two people at each entrance, and LT was walking back and forth between then, just talking, keeping morale up. "I don't think there is anyplace private around here, besides the restroom. Alexis was kind of stiff. She knew Suzy needed a hug or something, but there was no place to go. She sighed and supposed she could give in this once, but would atleast wait untill they were back in the restroom.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy cringed, thinking Alexis was telling her off. "I... I wasn't trying to be mean... I just... I want to get on with them..." she said, looking down at the floor, before straightening up, a brief smile playing across her face. "Alexis, heh, looks like I finally managed to help you, and not lose my clothes in the process! A good start, don't you think?" she said, giggling childishly. "Anyway, I think we should leave those two alone for a while, Sara at least definitely needs to sleep. What do you want to do until then? And, uh, what was with the hard look in there just now...?" she continued, as she reached for Alexis' forearm, not wanting to embarrass her by getting more intimate than that, just showing a bit of a friendly gesture.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Alexis sighed, and let Suzy hang on her arm. "She hasn't told me either, but I'm pretty sure it'd be better if you went a bit easier on them both. Abigail... I don't know, I just don't, but there's something about you, or the way you're acting, that she really doesn't like." Alexis looked around, trying to find someplace they could go, or atleast something to do. Trtuh be told, she was pretty tired too. She hadn't slept after her and Suzy's mad love making, and her body wasn't used to it. She couldn't help but yawn as she thought about it. She really wanted to go curl up, preferably with Suzy. She almost didn't care if the other two saw them. Abigail already knew they were a couple anyway, it seemed.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

"Then... I need to do something... I don't even know what's wrong with me... I haven't tried to upset them, except for Sara, when I first met them, but then I tried to fix it!" Suzy said, looking pretty depressed now that the adrenalin was wearing off, her eyes going wide. Seeing Alexis yawn, Suzy had to suppress her own. Damn contagious yawning. She wasn't exactly tired, and was obviously a lot more sexually adept than Alexis to be so much less phased by the 'activities' they'd been up to earlier, but she could see the toll the day had taken on her girlfriend. "Alexis... Do you want to go to bed too? I'll go and ask if we're needed for something, and if we're clear, I can join you...?" she said softly, moving to hold Alexis' other arm, and looking lovingly into her eyes, before pulling away, making to leave in search of the LT, or Redding, to see if they were needed. Truth be told, she felt like cuddling with Alexis for a while, but she also knew that she had to pull her fair weight around the place. Alexis deserved her rest more than Suzy, in her opinion.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Alexis rested her head on Suzy's sholder for a second, before heading off for the restroom. The manuver was a bit hard to acomplish with the height difference, but it didn't matter to them.

Suzy found the LT, he was still walking from post to post, easy to spot. "Well, if you insist, though I think you should be resting too, you can tidy up the ammo storage crate. Shouldn't be too hard, we don't have much left." The Lieutenant certainly had a knack for making dark comments, it seemed.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy sighed contently, and stroked Alexis' hair before she departed, nuzzling softly.

She looked surprised that the LT thought she should rest, and said "Sir! I can't go and rest right now! It's not fair on the other men! I'll work until dismissed, it's my job, and I'll do anything else that's necessary, sir."

Suzy went about her job happily, humming a rock tune as she went about it. It was good to work, she could distract herself from thinking too much as she concentrated on organising the crates. Unfortunately, the LT was right, there wasn't much left, and that meant that her job was done rather quickly, causing her to sigh in disappointment. Rising, she looked around for any soldiers that needed help with a task, considering if the medic might need a hand with any wounded from the battle, though her medical skills weren't up to scratch, she hadn't paid much attention to the training, so she dismissed that. Instead, she returned to the LT, "Sir, if there's anything else...?" she questioned, having to crane her neck a little to look up at the much taller man.
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Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

"No. Just go get some rest, you've earned it."
Now that she was free, Suzy noticed that the medic was almost done anyway. Perhaps they'd have a fifth woman joining them soon.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

"Of course, sir." Suzy said, giving a half hearted salute, and turning round to walk away, and seeing that the medic was almost done, allowing her to see just how cramped the restroom might be getting soon. Still, with nothing to do now, Suzy walked back to the women's, and slipped quietly in the door, trying not to disturb anyone, where she went over to Alexis' bed, and knelt next to it. "I'm done now. Is there anything you want me to do, or shall I go to bed too...?" she whispered warmly, placing a hand on her shoulder. It was quite clear the thought of them sleeping together hadn't crossed her mind, presuming Alexis wouldn't allow it with the other women in the room.