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Re: Sniper

As the effects wore down Emily starting getting angrier at Selena. She wanted to kick her ass after the mission. When the intercom came on and the sniper just told them to go back she got pissed off at him. She was nearly about to yell when she heard Iris talk. Emily thought that Iris had a good question, and also she didn't want Iris to see her lose her temper.

"Yeah... she's right... what beef do you have with her?"
When she said this her voice was a bit shaky from anger, but she controlled herself to not yell and have him hang up like last time.
Re: Sniper

Stands there feeling a little woozy, then smiles happily,

"If Mr Sniper doesn't come down... let's do that again!" She laughs slightly, then looks at Emily, "I'm kidding...", her voice dropped to a whisper, "Let's get out of here after he answers the question."

Selena starts to look around, trying to find a hardware store, or at least a convinenace store, she wanted some supplies...
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Re: Sniper

Emily looked at Selena in disbelief. She just went from being a coward to being brave to being a coward again. Emily was confused at her personality. She had never seen someone act like this. She whispered back at Selena making sure Iris couldn't hear and neither could the sniper on the intercom.

"How the fuck do you go from being a coward to being brave to being a coward again? Are you a schizo or something?"
She said this in a low whisper to Selena. "Why the hell is she telling only me this and not Iris as well?" She thought.
Re: Sniper

Selena grins at Emily,

"Because... I don't have a deathwish."
(quick edit because I misread)
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Re: Sniper

The man responded to Iris, "I know she's a manipulative sociopath, and that's more than I wanted to know." They heard him heave a sigh over the intercom, "Now, quit asking questions and just leave already! I'm not going to be in any part of her plans, get over it."
Re: Sniper

Emily decided now was as good a time as any. Maybe she could squeeze some answers out of him before he hung up again. She decided to try out her manipulation skills.

"You expect us to come all this way and just go back? You could at least answer our question fully... then we'd probably be willing to go back."
She said this with no intention of actually going back. She was just hoping she could learn more about the director.

( I hope this uses acting.... )
Re: Sniper

Iris then knew something. This man didn't really know who the director was. Iris's only hope was to try and give this guy a better idea of who the woman was. Iris's eyes were still bleeding tears and her ears were ringing but she began to talk. Speaking loud enough for the man to hear her Iris said-
" Sir... I don't know what you've heard about the director but you need to know something. She isn't what you think she is. She might be a bit creepy but all she is doing is good. She is trying to stop the crazy woman who is causing all of these problems. Listen... With your help we could save and protect a lot of people... Please, at least see us... "

Iris wasn't sure what to say after that. What else could she say? She told this man the truth about the director and that was all she could do.
Re: Sniper

Selena simply shrugs and tries to find any store that would have cigarettes in stock... or better yet, welding equipment,


"I'll happily leave if I can get a new pack of cigarettes, I'm stretching my old pack thin and it's driving me nuts!"
(Use charisma)
Re: Sniper

The man regarded Iris, seeming to be on the edge of rage as he shouted at through the intercom, "She can't be stopped, you idiot! Your great and almighty Director is only making this whole thing more worse than it has to be, forcing women like you to sacrifice themselves for the sake of her own little war. She's just a spoiled brat who got addicted to her position in life. And she has no right to think that I'll just come back. She never learned from her mistakes, and she's forcing the punishment on you because she is a heartless bitch!"
Re: Sniper

Selena shrugs as she continues to look around,


"Welp, lost cause, unless you two want to go chase him down."

(Attempt to find a convienance store >.>)
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Re: Sniper

" You're wrong! "

Iris seemed to yell this out of sheer anger and frustration. This man was a fool. He is wrong about the director and he is wrong about this woman. She can be stopped! This war against these monsters can be won! Iris stood up from her place from the ground. Her eyes and ears still hurt but she didn't care. She continued talking. Iris said-

" This crazy woman can be stopped! We've already destroyed one of her biggest breeding dens! We can win this! The only way we can lose is if we give up and do nothing! If people like you hide and do nothing to help! "

Iris really belived that to be true. Her father had taught her that the only way evil can win is if good men do nothing. Iris was going to fight until the very last breath, until she died. Even if this was hopless, Iris was going to go down fighting instead of giving up. Iris continued to talk. She said-

" And another thing! Nobody is being forced to do anything. This isn't some dictatorship. I wanted to help! I want to help people! Unlike you I'm not some coward hiding inside who has already given up! If you refuse to come with us then fine! Be that way! Just know that you could of help protected a lot of innocent people! "

Iris then fell to her knees. She was then gasping for air. Her body was really stressed.

The truth about Iris was, she didn't know any truth. She didn't know if the director was some heartless and spoiled bitch. She didn't know if she could stop the woman in the white dress. All Iris is, is a young girl who doesn't want to give up and see the innocent suffer. She didn't know if she looked like a fool or not. She didn't even care. As Iris continued to gasp for air she waited for someone to say or do something.

(( OK I think I'm done. ))
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Re: Sniper

Emily saw Iris' outburst. It almost drove her to tears. Not because of what she said but because of what she was about to do next. Iris would probably be furious with her and never want to talk to her again after this. She walked over to where Iris was on her knees and she touched Iris on the shoulder like she did outside to Emily.

"I'm sorry Iris."
She said in a low whisper. Then she sighed. She hoped she wasn't making a mistake.

"I think you're right Mr. Sniper. I know she's keeping information from us. If you tell me anything about the director that we don't know... then I might... be willing to join you..."
She faltered at the last few words. She looked back at Iris and almost cried.
Re: Sniper

There was silence for a time, ignoring Emily's offer, the man spoke again, the harshness gone from his voice, "That's what you honestly believe, girl? You believe you can kill a goddess?"
Re: Sniper

Selena looks at the two girls, then yells at the top of her lungs,


"Oo, such a nice and touching moment, but Mr Sniper, I WANT MY GODDAMNED CIGARETTES! Now can you please tell me where I can get some so I can leave you alone?"
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Re: Sniper

Iris had stayed silent, almost heart broken at what Emily had said. Iris had almost cried at Emily's comment but managed to suppress her sorrow. Iris had waited for the man to say something once again. When the man did speak Iris stood up, rubbing her eyes. Did she believe she could kill a goddess? Iris didn't know if she could or not, she didn't even know if it was possible. Iris ignored Selenas outburst then answered the mans question. Iris began speaking with the anger and frustration in her voice gone. After taking a deep breath Iris said-
" I don't know if I can kill her or not sir. All I know is that I'm going to try. I will not give up and let innocent people suffer like this... "

Iris went silent once again.
Re: Sniper

Emily couldn't believe she had just been ignored. This sniper seemed to be so hostile towards the director. She thought it might be possible to know more about what's happening. If she just joined him she thought he would be willing to tell her. All her anger was gone. All she had now was depression. She betrayed Iris for nothing. She collapsed to the ground in a sitting position with her knuckles on the floor.

"I'm so sorry Iris... how can you trust the director so much...?"
She said this all through tears at betraying her friend.
Re: Sniper

A sigh was heard over the intercom, as they heard it click off like it did before.

Soon after, they heard foot steps coming from the stairway. A man who looked like the technician for the mall appeared from the darkness of the stairs. He had dark hair, and green eyes.

He revealed that he was sporting a pack of cigarettes, which he tossed to Selena, saying,


"Here, spaz." as they flew towards her.

As he stood in front of the girls, he crossed his arms, "Well, here I am."
Re: Sniper

Emily looked up through tear stained eyes. She hadn't cried for so long. It felt like to her that all her tears had dried up. She felt embarrassed that she was crying but didn't care. After she betrayed Iris like she did she didn't know if Iris could ever talk to her again. When she saw the man she wanted to scream at him. To blame him for everything he just did to her but she shut up. If she fucked this up then there was no way Iris could forgive her.

"Hey... Mr. Sniper... Thanks for shooting those two monsters back there... you saved my friend..."
Was all she managed to say.
Re: Sniper

Grins as she catches the cigarettes and stashes them in her pocket, pulling one out to light it,

"See? It didn't hurt that much to come down now did it?" She takes a long drag, then calms down, "So, mind telling us what the director did to you?" She pauses, then looks up, "Speaking of which, you're the first male I've seen in awhile, I've been dying to know, what do the monsters do to males?"
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Re: Sniper

Iris ignored what Selena had said, not giving it any reguard. Iris had learned not to take much of what Selena said seriously.

Iris was standing up, kind of still, when the sniper finally showed up. Iris really didn't know what to say to him. After that big speech she had given it was really awkward. Iris figured she should thank him for saving her, like Emily did, and then ask him if he would come or not. Iris was sure he would, seeing that he accually came down to see them.

Iris wasn't heartless. She had seen the suffering Emily had gone through. Iris was going to have a talk with her when she got back to the inn. However now wasn't a good time to deal with this. Iris walked towards the man and began speaking. Iris said-


" Thanks... Thanks for saving me before. Now that you came down does this mean that..."

Iris cut off there. She didn't really have the nerve to finish her sentence and say "you will come with us?" She was just going to let him speak.
