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Sophina (darksophina)

Re: Sophina (darksophina)

The Parasite adds another 50 KP to her. 1 Turn on Parasite Removal AND Status.

Sophina uses Clear Focus and has 35 MP left, and is in the auto crit state for 5 turns. 15 cool down. Beast Swipe off Cool Down now.

Sophina activates Rune Carve, and it is on cool down for 5 turns now. She has 20 MP.

Attack Roll:

Sophina: 155+179=334, 155+464=619, 155+474=629, 155+333=488 & 155+404=559 vs. Plant: 160+763=923, 160+220=380, 160+173=313, 160+455=615 & 160+398=558 (WOW!)

Sophina lands 3 hits for 600 damage, which is enough to KILL the plant and she doesn't even need to use her burst.

Loot: HP Potion.

Sophina gains 200 XP and is at 500/3,000.

Grabbing the potion, Sophina moves onward, coming to an area that seems completely devoid of life. She takes another 50 KP from the parasite before it changes up again ...

12: Makes your legs weaker, halving your base speed, making it harder to escape from anything attacking you for five straight turns.

5/5 turns in half base speed mode.


1: Attempt to remove this damn parasite once more.

2: Move on before anything finds you and try to bear through what it's doing to you.
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

As her blades torn through her enemy she grinned, she down right knew that she struck true, and as she turned she saw it, the enemy slumping over "Ive still got my skill it seems" to which she searches the corpse as the parasite change strikes, slowing her speed "NO! not good i need my speed and agility!"

She desperately tries to pry the parasite off of her so she is free from this curse!

<Remove parasite and move on>
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Remove Parasite Attempt:

Sophina: 150+500=650 vs. Parasite: 250+376=626!

With a mighty tug, Sophina FINALLY freed herself from the parasite, watching it rip off and die. Her speed came rushing back and she felt normal again, even the futa cock was gone!

Sophina is back to normal!

Moving onward, Sophina found another area that was seemingly empty of life, however as she stepped forward ...

She suddenly sensed danger, managing to avoid a hit as a female form and fist came flying at her from behind, dark energy crackling from the woman's finger-tips! The woman was fast though, getting back up and facing down Sophina, growling like an animal and spitting out, "DIE you filthy lust beast!"

Then she launched at her again, seeming to confuse Sophina for one of her captors!

Companion Encounter:

Kara Nightshade, Human Necromancer.


1: Try to talk to her and tell her you aren't one of THEM.

2: Tell her you aren't one of them and try to run away, hoping she'll realize her mistake.

((Either way she'll join you.))
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

As she franticly tugs panicked by her loss of speed it finally yields and comes free! Her speed returning and just at the right time too as she dodges a fist, turning to see a human (?) necromancer as she yells and throws another fist, Sophina goes to dodge to the left, Punch the wrist of the necromancer and with her speed restored get behind her blade to her neck, "STOP! I'm not one of them!" Hoping that confuses her for a second and lets her speak. "I understand the attack first approach its worked for me too but think would I be TALKING to you if I was corrupted..." hoping this makes her less aggressive. If she lowers her fists remove the blade. If not "I mean you no harm I just want to get out of this place" Then removing the blade.

"Staying in one place is a bad idea and more people is probably wiser for avoiding a raping so I'm moving on and you are more than welcome to follow, The name is Sophina now lets move before something finds us"

<<Talk then move on assuming she is persuaded by the words>>
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

The woman froze when the blade touched her skin, breathing heavily and reigning herself in before she spoke.

"Some of these things talk, quite a few of them actually. But ... they don't have weapons ... I'm sorry and I'm Kara. I ... what are you? I've never seen anything like you before, at least not that wasn't one of THEM."

Nodding though at the idea of not staying in one place too long, they moved on, and found yet another empty grid. As they moved on and Kara asked her what she was, Sophina would take note the woman seemed to have experienced her fair share of rape here, and in fact from what her mental scans were telling her, the woman was much worse off than she was. In fact, she might wonder from the numbers she was 'seeing' how the woman was still standing, since it all looked like it had happened very recently.

Kara Nightshade: 9,592/50,000 KP.


1: Keep Moving and Talk.

2: Talk and stop for a moment to see if she's alright or just trying to look tough.
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

"We will move while we talk, as to your question i'm a half breed, Mostly elf but part plant hence the green eyes" looking over her shoulder as she moves. "Doesnt seem to matter to the things here thou, and judging by the look of you you know what I ment by that... what got its hands on you, the more I know about the enemies here the better we can fight them, sorry for the bluntness but I find it prudent when once life is on the line."

<Walk talk find out what raped her>
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Kara was silent for a moment before she spoke.

"Can't say I've ever actually met an elf, where I come from you folks are the things of folklore and such, and until I woke up here, I didn't think half of these things I've seen actually existed. I've encountered a few things here though, seen a few others that I avoided. I was doing alright until about ten minutes ago when I tried to go through one of the wooded areas. Damn trees have tentacle creatures living in them, literally I got tied to a damn tree and raped. I almost didn't get away from it."

So far things seemed quiet as they kept on going, the area empty of anything but them. Sophina wasn't sure if this were good or bad though.


1: Keep Moving.

2: Wait for something to find you and kill it.
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

"Seems the scope of this game is bigger than I thought... If you do not come from my world then where is yours? Either way you say you got tied to a tree by tentacles from INSIDE a tree? that's worrying, lets move fast away from the trees and make some distance from here. Besides its far to quiet..."

<Move on>
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Kara shrugged.

"Earth is the name of the planet, and as far as I knew until I woke up here, there wasn't any life like our own on another world. And no, from the tree tops, beyond the leaves and shit. They might be part of the tree though, I hadn't thought of that."

She shuddered, definitely afraid of having that happen again.

As they kept on walking, they suddenly stepped in what seemed like mud. Grimacing, both women kept moving, slogging through it, at least until Kara let out a startled gasp! She was looking at her own body, and then pointed to Sophina's, and when Sophina looked she saw what had the woman startled.

Both she and Kara now had somehow been magically given dicks, but still had their female parts too. A moment later, just before a surge of power went through them, they got the warning in their minds about having been infected with some kind of lust parasite.

Sophina got the better of the ailments: 6: Makes you more sensitive to pleasure for 5 straight turns, causing you to take double the pleasure you normally would.

Before Sophina could react to what had happened, she heard Kara let out a low moan, and watched as the parasite channeled energy into her body, and Kara's eyes darkened slightly. When she spoke, her words might chill Sophina's blood.

"Oh ... god ... I'm ... sorry. I can't ... fight it."

15: Causes you to become obsessed with an enemy currently on the field of play that is free, and you'll let it rape you (instant penetration) for five straight turns. If there was no enemy, you'll become obsessed with having an orgasm somehow, and either rape your companion, or jerk yourself off.

((In this case, auto-rape ensues and you have to try and get away from her and stay away.))

Suddenly Kara lurched forth with inhuman speed, taking Sophina by surprise, and to the ground. Before she could react to this, Kara had shoved her thick new dick into her pussy and was beginning to fuck her! Kara takes 60 pleasure and 80 KP. However because Sophina had her own parasite messing with her, she takes 120 pleasure and gains 140 KP!

Parasite afflictions:

4/5 Turns for both women.

Adjusted Stats:

Kara: 85 Stamina until orgasm.
Sophina: 20 Stamina until orgasm.


1: Try to get her off of you and hope she doesn't grapple you again (grapples lead to instant rape in this case).

2: Let her fuck you both silly until the parasite changes and hope she regains control of her body.
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

((Been busy sorry))

"Earth? never heard of it, Different worlds..."

As they progressed through mud it happened again after the shriek and she realized what had happened as she heard those bone chilling words. Taken to the ground "Get ahold of yours-" But she is cut off as she is thrust deeply into her own parasite making the feeling oh so much more pleasurable "Oh god thats so good" she blurts out but steels her resolve and tries to push her off feebly. She doesnt think she could resist if she gets forces to orgasm however.

If she can get free before she cums she will back up against a tree and try to dodge side ways when charged, If she cums she will submit to the rape considering she is so sensitive.

<Escape and if she does dodge, if she cums submit auto it from here to the end of this combat>
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Escape Attempt:

Sophina: 150+339=489 vs. Kara: 145+446=591 (STUCK!)

Sophina can't get free, and more sex ensues!

((Assuming she'll fight until she orgasms, so going off that with whatever rolls ensue.))

Pleasure Roll:

Kara: 145+610=755 vs. Sophina: 150+600=750 (Oh so close!)

Sophina can't stop Kara form perfectly pleasuring her, and both women once again take pleasure. She can feel Kara start to shudder as her peak approaches, but doesn't quite come yet. Sophina on the other hand, her peak DOES come, and an orgasm rips through her! Kara takes 60 pleasure and 60 KP. However because Sophina had her own parasite messing with her, she takes 120 pleasure and gains 95 KP thanks to the orgasm included!

((Sophina should have taken only 70 KP last turn, I forgot she was half sylvari. Adjustements are being made on that now.))

3/5 Turns Parasite.

Kara continues to thrust inside of Sophina, moaning loudly as tears fill her eyes, unable to control her own body! Finally, with a scream of pure pleasure, Kara can't contain hers any longer, and she explosively spurts her load into Sophina's pussy! At the same time, Sophina climaxes as well, and they share a powerful orgasm, Kara whimpering in pleasure as she can't even think about stopping. A warning pops up to both women about Kara having impregnated Sophina, but neither woman is really paying attention at the moment, lost in the hot sex! Kara takes 60 pleasure and 270 KP. Sophina takes 120 Pleasure and 72 KP for getting pregnant. Sophina is now in the "Protective Pregnancy" state, and can resist actual impregnation from an enemy, or impregnating another enemy ONE time.

2/5 Turns Parasite.

Once more Kara continues to rape Sophina, unable to stop and essentially reduced to a moaning wreck that can only keep thrusting as the parasite controls her. Her body is shuddering from her orgasm, but still she thrusts, unable to stop herself. Both women again take pleasure. Kara takes 60 pleasure and 220 KP while Sophina takes 120 pleasure. Again both women share a powerful orgasm, Kara literally convulsing in pleasure as she pile drives deeply into Sophina's oh so perfect pussy. Sophina takes 170 KP.

1/5 Turns Parasite.

One final time Kara begins her thrusting into Sophina, the Assassin able to tell that the other woman's body is literally ablaze with pleasure, the woman helpless to fight it, not used to this in the slightest. Kara takes 60 pleasure and doesn't orgasm, while Sophina takes 60 pleasure, also not having an orgasm. Kara takes 60 KP while Sophina only 30 KP and finally the parasite's change course.

Final KP Amounts:

Sophina: 397 from this. Kara: 730.

Kara: 75 Stamina until orgasm. Sophina: 20 Stamina until orgasm.

Kara Parasite Change: 16: Causes severe problems for you, halving ALL of your stats for five straight turns.

Sophina Parasite Change: 7: Distracts you from being as effective with your attacks by clouding your mind, causing you to do only half the normal damage you would for five straight turns.

Fortunately nothing found them during this little exploration of each others body, and now that Kara has control over herself again, her eyes go wide at what happened, and she abruptly pulls away, tears in her eyes.

"OH god, I'm sorry. Oh my god, why ... WHY? And I ... I got you ...."

The woman seemed about ready to crack, terribly upset at having violated her friend, and impregnated her with lord only knew what.


1: Comfort her and move on before something finds you like this.

2: Stay and try to comfort her (chance to be caught).

3: Stay, Comfort her and suggest she try to remove the parasite while you do the same (chance to be caught).

((And yeah, she's REALLY upset about what she did and the fact she not only couldn't stop herself, but that she actually enjoyed it.))
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

((pregnant with a monster spawn right?))

She desperately flexes herself as she tries to buck free, "No Kara stop ... this ... Uggg" There is little she could do, the parasite was making everything so sensitive, she was fighting an uphill battle the entire time and no matter how she struggled she succumbed in the end to blissful orgasm, It stormed over her and made her scream out Kara's name as she was lost.

Kara's rutting thrusting and constant rhythm didnt stop, far from it, she just kept going and even forcing Sophina into a kiss as she came, deep inside the assassin but Sophina came aswell, There was no stopping this now as she was rut to a third orgasm not long after.

Left full of cum and in a sticky heap and still super sensitive due to the parasite as Kara regained her senses realizing the horror as she stares down the "ally" she fucked silly.

Sophina started to breathe deeply and talk slowly "Para..site... Fault... Get.... It off..... Us" Hopefully Kara would comply as it dawned on Sophina the full extent of what she did... "Probably.... A... monster.... Corrupted... Dicks....."

She tries to communicate as Kara in turn tries to deal with there parasite, she she attempts to remove Sophina's she will moan and after that she takes a moment to rest before she says "Lets move... cant stay ... here too long"

<remove parasites and move on after 10 minutes to catch breathe so continue till next thing is encountered>

(Again sorry for the lack of responses lately busy again)
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

((NP. And no, protective pregnancy, Sophina can't get pregnant from an enemy or impregnate an enemy on the next chance she would have, it's a one time protection each time Kara or any other NPC Ally knocks her up.))

Kara silently nodded, her face beet red and tears still in her eyes.

Remove Parasite Attempts:

Sophina: 150+94=244 vs. Parasite: 150+2=152 (REMOVED!)

Kara: 145+800=945 vs. Parasite: 150+1=151 (REMOVED!)

Both women get their parasites off, and neither remains a futa after that, though Kara seemed to overdo the yanking off and winces in pain after.

After a few moments, they moved on, Kara remaining silent and seeming upset with herself still. Soon enough they entered an area that held what looked like a shrine of some kind. Cassidy suddenly appeared to them.

"You have found a Shrine of Evasion. Shrines can grant you temporary boosts to certain stats, or other benefits. However, in order to use a shrine, you must first defeat it's guardians. If you wish to use the shrine, step forward and approach the shrine to start the battle. If you do not wish to fight and want to pass on this chance, I suggest you hurry away before the guardians become aware of you. This shrine offers you the chance to instantly escape an enemy that is about to penetrate you, or make you penetrate them, and dealing high damage back to them. Against most everything out here, it will kill them instantly. However it's a one use only. Make your choice friend."

Kara only shrugged, then nodded at the shrine as if to say "Let's do it if you want, doesn't matter to me."


1: This Shrine is MINE!

2: Sounds nice but let's pass and move on.
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

As the parasite was removed she cried out a final time, still very sensitive, but once it was off she recovered abit faster, helped to her feet by kara, "L-lets go"

As they made their way ahead they entered an area with a shrine "What is this plac-" as cassidy cut her off. Looking at Kara "that sounds like it would be very useful, lets try for it. Prepare your weapons this probably wont be easy." She moves forward to activate the shrine and assuming she wont get grabbed in the first turn will let off a Clear focus/Rune carve chain at the most evil thing she can see.

<Start shrine, First turn clear focus and rune carve chain.>
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Enemy Encounter:

Ashlynn Spiderfriend: Accuracy: 225. Evasion: 225. Capture: 215. Sexual Attack: 210. Magical Defense: 225. Speed: 225. Stamina: 215. Pleasure: 50. HP: 5,000

Arachne: Accuracy: 210. Magical Accuracy: 150. Evasion: 195. Capture: 190. Sexual Attack: 195. Magical Defense: 150. Speed: 195. Stamina: 130. Pleasure: 60. HP: 600. Weak vs. Fire.

As the two women entered closer to the shrine, an energy barrier went up and locked them inside the mid sized combat area!

"Well ... no turning back now ... Oh fuck, a spider."

Initiative Rolls:

Ashlynn: 225+345=570 (3rd)
Arachne: 195+639=834 (1st)
Kara: 175+255=430 (Last)
Sophina: 160+644=804 (2nd)

((Both women are at Full MP btw now, after resting)).

Grapple Attempt:

Arachne: 210+254=464 vs. Sophina: 210+51=261 (CAUGHT!)

Sophina suddenly is grabbed by the Arachne, who smiles at her!


1: Try to get away.

2: See how she plans to take you down.
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

((I knew it >.< why always the spiders siphon))

Apon seeing her foe she charged in attempting to kill off Ashlynn fast but is grabbed, yelling to Kara "Ill be fine deal with her just kill her Hit her with everything!"

As she sees the arachne grin at her she grimaces hating spiders "Ill kick you ass before you get to enjoy me!"

<Struggle and use Rune carve chain on ashlynn if she stays free.>
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

((Well they're fun lol. That and this was pre-determined a long time ago, shrines are pre-set lol.))

Escape Attempt:

Sophina: 155+677=832-10=822 vs. Arachne: 190+761=951 (STUCK!)

Sophina struggles, but to no avail as the Arachne holds her tightly.

Grapple Attempt:

Ashlynn: 225+221=446 vs. Kara: 175+335=510 (DODGE!)

Kara dodges a take down attempt!

Attack Roll:

Kara: 175+216=391 vs, Ashlynn: 225+761=986 (MISS!)

Kara can't land an attack!

Penetration Attempt:

Arachne: 195+118=313 vs. Sophina: 150+95=245-10=235.

Special Ability:

Arachne: 150+262=412 vs. Sophina: 175+65=240-10=230 (WEBBED!)

Sophina can't stop the Arachne from using her magic and making her have a cock, and she's equally powerless to stop the Arachne from pinning her on the floor, mounting her and forcing her to thrust inside of a tight looking opening. Sophina's body trembles as she's forced inside what she suddenly realizes is a super tight and soft pussy! Before she can struggle away, something sticky and wet hits her, and suddenly Sophina finds herself WEBBED to the ground! The webbing is so strong, she can't move a muscle, and the woman suddenly realizes she is completely at the mercy of the Arachne! Of course, the Arachne only laughs at her, and then begins slowly riding her off ...

Sophina suffers 70 pleasure, almost immediately popping her load in an orgasm deeply inside the Spider woman! Sophina suddenly feels like something is missing from her, and she realizes the protective pregnancy is gone! She must have been about to impregnate the Arachne! Sophina gains 45 KP from the sex and orgasm. Sophina is webbed and unable to do anything for 4 turns.

The Arachne gains 60 pleasure and has 70 stamina until she climaxes around Sophina's dick.

4 rounds auto'd now.

Grapple Attempts:

Ashlynn: 225+67=292 vs. Kara: 175+608=783 (DODGE!)
Ashlynn: 225+438=663 vs. Kara: 175+604=779 (DODGE!)
Ashlynn: 225+116=341 vs. Kara: 175+34=209 (GRABBED!)
Ashlynn: 225+233=458 vs. Kara: 175+487=662 (DODGE!)

Attack Attempts:

Kara: 175+571=746 vs. Ashlynn: 225+416=641 (HIT!) 400 Damage.
Kara: 175+544=719 vs. Ashlynn: 225+23=248 (HIT!) 400 Damage.
Kara: 175+321=496 vs. Ashylnn: 225+329=554 (MISS!)

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Kara: 155+674=829 vs. Ashlynn: 215+528=743 (FREE!)

Kara does well during the time Sophina is webbed, trying not to look over and get distracted by it, hoping her friend can get free. Kara does 800 damage, while her golem does another 200, for a total of 1,000 Damage done across the 4 turns. She is grabbed once, but gets free instantly during this.

Ashlynn has 4,000 HP left.

Sophina's complete totals:

Over the next 4 rounds, Sophina is hotly dominated, suffering a combined 420 points of sexual pleasure (some doubled due to simultaneous orgasms)! During this time she suffers 2 orgasms! Unfortunately for Sophina, both orgasms happen at the same time the Arachne has her own, so the pleasure is incredible on those! She also impregnates the Arachne the second round! Sophina gains 227 combined KP.

KP Totals: 1st: 35. 2nd: 97. 3rd: 35. 4th: 60

The Arachne gains a combined 240 pleasure and has 2 orgasms herself. The Arachne is pregnant and has 18/20 turns until she gives birth to another Arachne! 16/20 until she can web Sophina again!


1: Try to throw the now pregnant Arachne off of you.

2: Give in and be ridden off to many more orgasms until she gives birth (18 rounds worth of sex!)
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

As she tries to desperately twist her body out of the grip of the arachne she fails and ends up held tightly by her as she realises her fate "Oh god, Let go of me!" and all she can see is the arachnes evil grin as she feels her magic work, a futanari cock forming on her as she gets pinned underneath of the lithe spiderwoman.

At that moment she tries to claw her way backward but not fast enough as she ends up mounted by the arachne, her soft tight folds causing her to moan out as she is taken deep inside, "oh gods" before she can get her bearings she feels a sticky goo hit her and she instantly knows shes been webbed she isnt going to escape and shes trapped in the softest tightest most pleasurable thing shes experienced, and to little surprise she ends up cumming in no time as the arachne giggles and laughs at the dominated toy she has.

As she cums down from the high forced from her she tries once more to break the bonds but realises she has no chance of escaping and that is only reinforced as the arachne continues riding her, no chance at escape she gives in to being ridden even going so far as to enjoy it and as the first of the two mutual orgasms hits shes moaning out of her mind. Attempting to thrust her hips up feebly against the webbing until the second one strikes all but breaking her will temporarily as she enjoys the pleasures the arachne is forcing on her.

As for her next move if her companion can snap her out of this with her voice she would try and fight if she failed to notice she wouldnt be able to fight the pleasures.

<< This was too tempting for me to decide fighting or giving in so you can roll a dice for it odds as you see fit, If she passes Struggle + if stays free Rune carve ashlynn, Fail and well she gets the ride of her life. >>
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

((D1000, 50-50 chance. 1-500 No resist, 501-1000 Resist. Roll ended up 330. Sophina is in for some fun.))

Round 1:

Sophina takes 70 pleasure, 35 KP and has 80 Stamina Left. The Arachne gains 60 pleasure and has 30 stamina left.

Grapple Attempt:

Ashlynn: 225+345=570 vs. Kara: 175+767=942 (DODGE!)

Attack Roll:

Kara: 175+147=322 vs. Ashlynn: 225+204=429 (MISS)

Round 2:

Sophina takes 140 pleasure and now has 100 stamina left. Sophina blows her load inside the Arachne in helpless pleasure. She suffers 95 KP. The Arachne gains 60 pleasure and has 100 Stamina left. She has an orgasm around Sophina's cock.

Grapple Attempt:

Ashlynn: 225+245=470 vs. Kara: 175+667=842 (DODGE!)

Attack Roll:

Kara: 175+578=753 vs. Ashlynn: 225+450=675 (HIT!)

Kara deals 400 damage, leaving Ashlynn with 3,600.

Round 3:

Sophina takes 70 pleasure, 35 KP and has 30 stamina left. The Arachne gains 60 pleasure and has 40 stamina left.

Grapple Attempt:

Ashlynn: 225+445=670 vs. Kara: 175+567=742 (DODGE!)

Attack Roll:

Kara: 175+580=755 vs. Ashlynn: 225+150=375 (HIT!)

Kara deals 400 damage and leaves Ashlynn with 3,200 HP.

Round 4:

Sophina takes 140 pleasure and now has 50 stamina left. Sophina blows her load inside the Arachne again. She suffers 95 KP. The Arachne gains 60 pleasure and has 110 Stamina left. She has an orgasm around Sophina's cock.

Grapple Attempt:

Ashlynn: 225+145=370 vs. Kara: 175+267=442 (DODGE!)

Attack Roll:

Kara: 175+825=1000 vs. Ashlynn: 225+1=226 (HIT!)

Kara deals 400 damage and leaves Ashlynn with 2,800 HP.

Round 5:

Sophina takes 70 pleasure, 60 KP and has 140 stamina left. Sophina pops another load of pleasure into the Arachne, getting dominated hotly. The Arachne gains 60 pleasure and has 50 stamina left.

Grapple Attempt:

Ashlynn: 225+45=270 vs. Kara: 175+100=275 (DODGE!)

Attack Roll:

Kara: 175+425=600 vs. Ashlynn: 225+100=325 (HIT!)

Kara deals 400 damage and leaves Ashlynn with 2,400 HP.

Round 6:

Sophina takes 140 pleasure and now has 140 stamina left. Sophina blows her load inside the Arachne again as she can't fight the sex, helpless and hotly dominated. Sophina is literally having the fight raped out of her. She suffers 95 KP. The Arachne gains 60 pleasure and has 120 Stamina left. She has an orgasm around Sophina's cock.

Grapple Attempt:

Ashlynn: 225+101=326 vs. Kara: 175+210=385 (DODGE!)

Attack Roll:

Kara: 175+501=676 vs. Ashlynn: 225+212=437 (HIT!)

Kara deals 400 damage and leaves Ashlynn with 2,000 HP.

Round 7:

Sophina takes 70 pleasure, 35 KP and has 70 stamina left. The Arachne gains 60 pleasure and has 60 Stamina left.

Grapple Attempt:

Ashlynn: 225+201=426 vs. Kara: 175+610=785 (DODGE!)

Attack Roll:

Kara: 175+601=776 vs. Ashlynn: 225+111=336 (HIT!)

Kara deals 400 damage and leaves Ashlynn with 1,600 HP.

Round 8:

Sophina takes 140 pleasure and now has 70 stamina left. Sophina just can't fight the sex, and the pleasure is so intense she's popping every few minutes. She suffers 95 KP. The Arachne gains 60 pleasure and has 120 Stamina left. She has an orgasm around Sophina's cock once more.

Grapple Attempt:

Ashlynn: 225+389=614 vs. Kara: 175+643=818 (DODGE!)

Attack Roll:

Kara: 175+821=996 vs. Ashlynn: 225+17=242 (HIT!)

Kara deals 400 damage and leaves Ashlynn with 800 HP.

Round 9:

Sophina takes 70 pleasure, 60 KP and has 140 stamina left. Sophina pops another load of pleasure into the Arachne, completely lost to the pleasures of her flesh. The Arachne gains 60 pleasure and has 60 stamina left.

Grapple Attempt:

Ashlynn: 225+189=414 vs. Kara: 175+443=618 (DODGE!)

Attack Roll:

Kara: 175+725=900 vs. Ashlynn: 225+225=450 (HIT!)

Round 10:

Sophina takes 140 pleasure and now has 140 stamina left. Sophina suffers yet another hot orgasm. She suffers 95 KP. The Arachne gains 60 pleasure and has 120 Stamina left. She has an orgasm around Sophina's cock once more.

Grapple Attempt:

Ashlynn: 225+25=250 vs. Kara: 175+76=251 (DODGE!)

Attack Roll:

Kara: 175+800=975 vs. Ashlynn: 225+300=525 (HIT!)

Kara deals 400 damage and KILLS Ashlynn.

Round 11:

Sophina takes 70 pleasure, 35 KP and has 70 stamina left. The Arachne gains 60 pleasure and has 60 Stamina left.

Free Sophina:

Kara: 145+737=882 vs. Arachne: 195+520=715 (FREED!)

Kara FREES Sophina from the hot sex and rape! Kara shudders as she does.

"Sophina! Snap out of it! God ... I'm sorry it took so long ..."

Round 12:

Grapple Attempt:

Arachne: 210+404=614 vs. Kara: 175+576=751 (DODGE!)

Kara avoids being taken down by the Arachne.

Sophina: 735 KP Total. 7 Orgasms. (5 Arachne Shared.)

Arachne: 4 turns until webbing ready, 6 turns until she gives birth.


1: Light that bitch up and try to kill her ASAP before she gives birth to another Arachne!

2: Lay there on the ground and let Kara handle this, or get raped trying. (Give up a turn, or more depending. Your call.)
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

With no right in her she lets the arachne ride her hell she fucks her back as she can, "So good, fuckkkkkk, dont stop." The continues to mumble and mutter as shes ridden, but in the time Kara takes to kill Ashlyyn the arachne would ride her to seven full orgasms five of which shared with the arachne who became even tighter during each of them, it was one hundred percent heaven why was she even fighting this?, how she had the stamina for this she did not know, and didnt care either, she enjoyed every second of it.

Hell as she was freed she wanted more she didnt want it to end she reached up for a moment wanting the arachne to stay riding her, but as she lay there she was recovering, completely drained she would lay there and rest, when she felt her strength return she would help should the arachne still be standing.

<Give up two turns then rune carve chain the Arachne>
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