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Sophina (darksophina)

Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Sophina gives up to rest for two turns, leaving Kara to face the Arachne alone!

Round 1:

Grapple Attempt:

Arachne: 210+541=751 vs. Kara: 175+74=249 (GRABBED!)

Kara is taken down by the Arachne!

Escape Roll:

Kara: 155+55=210 vs. Arachne: 190+408=598 (STUCK!)

Arachne: 3 turns until webbing ready, 5 turns until she gives birth.

Round 2:

Penetration Attempt:

Arachne: 195+ NO ROLL NEEDED vs. Kara: 145+10=155

Kara is helpless to stop the Arachne from lifting her off the ground with her powerful human arms and pinning her against a pillar on the shrine. A small amount of breakable webbing is used to keep her there, and then Kara is imbued with a cock. She can only scream as suddenly she's forced to thrust between the breasts of the Arachne, her cock big enough to do that and still get sucked on by the Arachne's mouth. Kara moans in pleasure as she is given both a tit fuck and a blow job at the same time, unable to fight back the pleasure assaulting her cock. Kara suffers 60 pleasure and gains 80 KP. She has 15 stamina until she has an orgasm.

Escape Attempt:

Kara: 145+76=221 vs. Arachne: 195+100=295 (STUCK!)

Kara can't get free!

Arachne: 2 turns until webbing ready, 4 turns until she gives birth.

Next Turn:

Pleasure Roll:

Arachne: 195+782=977 vs. Kara: 145+522=667 (Pleasure!)

Kara can't stop the Arachne from making her orgasm in pleasure, screaming as she pops her load into the mouth of the Arachne! Kara suffers 60 pleasure and an orgasm, gaining 110 KP. She has 100 stamina left until she orgasms.


1: Try to help Kara!

2: Lay around and watch!
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

As she lay resting for a few moments she hears the scream of Kara, turning to see what is happening she feels herself flush with excitement wishing she would be in Kara's place at that moment, knowing now skilled the arachne was in the carnal arts, and blushing red when she sees Kara pop however her mind fights down her lusts and goes to free Kara and try to slice the arachne to shreds

<Free Kara/Rune Carve Chain should she be free>
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Free Kara Attempt:

Sophina: 155+306=461 vs. Arachne: 195+500=695 (FAIL!)

Sophina gets swatted away like a little fly.

Escape Roll:

Kara: 155+323=478 vs. Arachne: 190+153=343 (FREE!)

Kara breaks free ...

Grapple Attempt:

Arachne: 210+561=771 vs. Kara: 175+174=349 (GRABBED!)

... only to get tackled to the ground again!

Arachne: Webbing ready next turn!, 3 turns until she gives birth.


1: Try to help her again.

2: Watch and see what happens.
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

The charge to try and free Kara backfired, as she attempted to lower her shoulder and knock the arachne from her the monster flicked two of her spidery legs knocking her flying to where she came, Her foolish charge however gave Kara a chance to get free but it was futile as the beast just leaned down and pinned her to the ground again.

Sophina had to try again however or soon they would both become toys for the arachne and her spawn, she steeled herself and charged once more blades ready.

<Free Kara/Rune Carve Chain should she be free>
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Free Kara Attempt:

Sophina: 155+477=632 vs. Arachne: 195+101=296 (FREE!)

Sophina shoves the Arachne off!

Attack Roll:

Kara: 175+148=323 vs. Arachne: 150+632=782 (MISS!)

Kara misses badly with an off balance shot ...

Grapple Attempt:

Arachne: 210+48=258 vs. Kara: 175+426=601 (DODGE!)

... and something told her to keep rolling backwards, which saved her from another grapple as the Arachne over-shot her!

Arachne: Webbing ready!, 2 turns until she gives birth.

Attack Roll:

Sophina: 155+523=678, 155+716=871, 155+624=779, 155+655=810 & 155+186=341 vs. Arachne: 195+126=321, 195+580=775, 195+275=470, 195+185=380, 195+194=389. (4 Hits!)

Sophina lands 4 hits, 1 of which critical hits! 500 Damage dealt, and then the burst ...

Sophina: 175+86=261 vs. Arachne: 150+115=265 (RESIST!)

... doesn't hit. The Arachne has 100 HP left.

Attack Roll:

Kara: 175+719=894 vs. Arachne: 150+441=591 (HIT!)

Kara KILLS the Arachne before it can give birth or tackle her again!

Loot Phase:

Ashlynn: HP Potion
Arachne: KL Lowering Potion!

Both women gain 5,200 XP and are now Level 2! Both have 10 Stat Points to spend.

Both Women also auto 2,500 damage the next enemy that grapples them!

Sophina Stats:

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 35

25 MP, 5 turn cool down on Rune Carve.

Kara Stats:

Strength: 25
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 30
Energy: 25
Intelligence: 35


1: Move Onward after Spending Points

2: Spend Points and rest to Full MP (2 turns, chance to be caught).

Both Women now have an HP potion and a KL lowering potion. Sophina also has 2 MP Potions.
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Breathing quite heavily now as Kara deals with the arachne finally she loses her footing and slumps to the ground... "T-that was far harder than I thought it w-would be, Im so sorry getting pinned down like that... T-the know the shrine is here so we s-should not linger here"

She stumbles to her feet and motions that they should move on.

<stats for both 2 to all stats for both of them and move on.>
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Both women have their stats change! They are both in the "Shrine of Evasion Protection" state.

Nodding, Kara moved along with Sophina, shaking her head.

"Don't be. The bitch webbed you down, and if her webbing is as proportionally strong for her size as it is for a normal spider, you couldn't have had a chance to break free of it. And she used a LOT of it. I barely managed to fight her off myself, god I ... I never thought I would actually see the day a woman could fuck as a guy. This place is crazy."

Moving onward, both women found an area that seemed completely devoid of life and items, just an empty area in the middle of nowhere.


1: Move onward.

2: Wait for something to kill.
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

(Been as busy and without time to post as you siphon, sorry)

"I...I.. dont want to think about I-it, lets just keep moving..." Her face flushing at the mention of the webbing, the futa spell and being helpless against it.

<Keep moving until something is found>
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

The women move onward ...

... and soon enough come to another heavily wooded area. Forced to walk through it, they warily look around ...

Trap Evasion:

Trap???: 175+342=517 vs. Kara: 155+556=711

Trap???: 175+438=613 vs. Sophina: 160+448=608

Kara suddenly saw something in the trees, and started to say something as she took a step back, but Sophina happened to be right behind her, and suddenly both women found themselves tied to a tree! Seconds later Sophina felt a thick tentacle shove into her pussy and begin fucking her, even as she heard Kara let out a low moan and a "oh no, no, not again!"

Kara suffers 40 pleasure and gains 60 KP from the forced sex, and now has 60 stamina until she has an orgasm.

Sophina suffers 40 pleasure and gains 30 KP only, and has 10 Stamina until she orgasms.


1: Try to get free!

2: Have an orgasm since you are so damn close.

Encountered a Tentacle Tree/Pole Trap!
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

As they were walking along Kara started to get a bit of a lead considering she has suffered less at the hands of the planets occupants so far, but still they made good time. Atleast until Kara jumped back in reaction of something she saw, but she didnt get clear since she jumped right back into Sophina! And before both of them knew what happened tentacles wrapped around their waists and limbs tying them to a nearby tree. Instantly Sophina tried to struggle but then she felt the tentacles of the tree plunge into her, pulling a low deep moan from her since she was so close to her limit, Even when she heard Kara say "oh no, not again" she had to fight harder than she should to suppress her lusts.
However the oversexed assassin pulled deep from her self and from what Kara had told her of this thing and tried to struggle free, Plus should she get free she will free kara and attempt to move on and get distance from this thing!

<Struggle till free/help Kara then move on if able, If she orgasms the same applies>
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Escape Trap Attempt:

Kara: 155+305=460 vs. Trap???: 175+38=213 (FREE!)

Sophina: 160+628=788 vs. Trap???: 175+411=586 (FREE!)

Both women manage to rip free from their respective traps, and both move on quickly to get away from them! Fortunately, the next area is completely empty save for foot prints in the soft ground under their feet.


1: Move Onward.

2: Wait to try and ambush the patrol.

3: Masturbate/Ask Kara to finish you off so you aren't super horny on the next fight. (Chance to be caught)
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Sophina pushes herself away from the tree she has been bound to with all the force she can muster, and with her remaining strength she forces herself away from the tree looking over immidiatly to Kara and she can see she has equally gotten free and looking in better shape than sophina.

Taking a deep breathe she says "L-lets move away from here" if Kara would say anything about stopping or dealing with her obvious pent up lust she would respond with "Dont worry about me just lets m-move" As she moves thou she can feel the burning need between her legs, oh how good it would feel to get herself off but no, she pushed the thoughts from her mind and powered on.

When they get sufficiently far away sophina will hold up a hand to kara and point at the tracks, "lets try and ambush this patrol, last thing we need is getting jumped again" said in a low voice and she points off over to the trees and they flank the tracks ready to jump the group should they come by, however will the pent up lust distract her?

<Sit and wait in ambush feel free to add a roll for chance to fail the ambush and get ambushed herself based on the proximity to orgasm.>
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

((Initiative Rolls are used for that, same as other battles. Simplifies things I think.))

The two didn't have long to wait, as a human plant thing and a dog walked into view.

Enemy Spawn:

Level 3 Demon Dog: Accuracy: 140. Evasion: 130. Capture: 140. Sexual Attack: 150. Magical Defense: 100. Speed: 130. Stamina: 160. Pleasure: 30. HP: 600. Weak vs. Fire.

Level 3 Humanoid Plant: Accuracy: 180. Evasion: 160. Capture: 160. Sexual Attack: 180. Magical Defense: 100. Speed: 160. Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 40. HP: 600. Weak vs. Fire. Tentacle Bind Special.

Initiative Rolls:

Kara: 185+404=589 (3rd)
Sophina: 170+447=617 (2nd)
Dog: 130+631=761 (1st)
Plant: 160+220=380 (4th)

The Dog suddenly stops, sniffing at the air, and then suddenly makes a bee line run right at Sophina!

Grapple Attempt:

Dog: 140+746=886 vs. Sophina: 220+415=635 (TACKLED!)

The dog is too fast for her, and Sophina is tackled under it!


1: Try to get free!

2: Get fucked 'doggy' style.
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

As the two lye in wait Sophina starts to get agitated playing with her blades, desperately trying to keep her mind off of her lust and arousal, cursing this god forsaken planet under her breath and after a short wait a pair of enemies come into view, unfortunately however the dog immediately gets her scent.

"Oh shi-!" she tries to get up from her location and engage but she finds the dog too quick and as it slams into her taking her down to the ground.

"KARA! help get this thing off me!"

she tries to kick off the creature with all her might and if she can she will try an immediate signet of agony chain.
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Sophina: 165+342=507 vs. Dog: 140+548=688 (STUCK!)

Sophina can't toss the dog off!

Kara moves to help her, but the plant creature is suddenly in her way! Growling, she realizes she'll have to deal with this one first, shouting over to Sophina, "damn that thing is fast, hang on, I'm gonna have to nuke it first."

Attack Roll:

Kara: 185+134=319 vs. Plant: 100+756=856 (RESIST!)

Kara somehow misfires her spell, blinking and muttering, "oh shit!"

Grapple Attempt:

Plant: 180+302=482 vs. Kara: 185+454=639 (DODGE!)

Kara has to dodge a tentacle mass coming at her, landing on the ground and getting to her feet again, shuddering. She didn't want plant sex, but she was afraid it might happen if she couldn't kill this thing quickly.

Penetration Attempt:

Dog: 150+300=450 vs. Sophina: 160+700=860 (RESIST!)

Sophina manages to avoid getting the dog's cock inside of her.


1: Try to get away before it gets inside of you.

2: Say to hell with it and let it fuck you.
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

As she flails and trys to kick the dog off of her she tries to lash out with her foot but fails to connect, unable to dislodge the damn animal she groans and struggles again to which she manages to stop the animal getting inside of her, much to her relief since it would all but seal her doom to orgasm.

Not wanting that humiliation she lashes our again trying to push the dog off of her "Not that easy you damn... Mutt..." she grumbles under her breath.

<Struggle and if she can stay free, signet of agony chain the dog.>
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Sophina: 165+66=231 vs. Dog: 140+105=245 (STUCK!)

Sophina can't toss the dog off!

Attack Roll:

Kara: 185+11=196 vs. Plant: 100+416=516 (RESIST!)

Kara somehow misfires her spell again, drawing more curses from her.

Grapple Attempt:

Plant: 180+146=326 vs. Kara: 185+450=635 (DODGE!)

Kara dodges again!

Penetration Attempt:

Dog: 150+755=905 vs. Sophina: 160+751=911 (RESIST!)

Sophina manages to avoid getting the dog's cock inside of her again, but only JUST.


Same as before.

((Wow, just wow. Complete stalemate, wtf?))
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

(unexpected o_0 not much i can say and do that is different)

Sophina bucks and yells but it pays off one more time, "Keep fighting kara they cant keep control of us like this!"

Sophina does as much struggling as she can determined to get free!

< same orders stand struggle and if stay free Signet of agony chain the dog >
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Sophina: 165+575=740 vs. Dog: 140+462=602 (FREE!)

Sophina tosses the dog off!

Attack Roll:

Kara: 185+125=310 vs. Plant: 100+500=600 (RESIST!)

Kara somehow misfires her spell yet AGAIN, drawing more curses from her as she starts getting pissed.

Grapple Attempt:

Plant: 180+700=880 vs. Kara: 185+200=385 (GRABBED!)

Kara can't dodge this time, and with a little scream, she's captured in the viney embrace of the plant creature!

Grapple Attempt:

Dog: 140+540=680 vs. Sophina: 220+600=820 (DODGE!)

Sophina dodges a tackle attempt!

Round 2:

Attack Roll:

Sophina: 165+200=365, 165+340=505, 165+500=665, 165+560=725 & 165+403=568 vs. Dog: 130+846=976, 130+133=263, 130+302=432, 130+428=558 & 130+58=188. (4 Hits)

Sophina lands 4 hits, none of which critical hit, and deals 400 damage from them. Her Rune Burst ...

Sophina: 185+635=820 vs. Dog: 100+411=511

... Lands, and deals another 400 damage, KILLING the Dog Outright!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Kara: 165+580=745 vs. Plant: 160+301=461 (FREE!)

Kara struggles free quickly.

Grapple Attempt:

Plant: 180+560=740 vs. Sophina: 220+400=620 (GRABBED!)

The plant suddenly changes tactics and grabs Sophina for some fun instead!


1: Try to break free.

2: See if Tentacle Sex feels good.
Re: Sophina (darksophina)

Sophina relentlessly continued to struggle the agitation caused by this mutt grappling her was irritating her beyond belief, while here struggling continued she saw Kara throw another attack at the plant that it just seemed to shrug off, She knew they had to get out of here soon or more creatures would show and get involved so with that in mind she twists her hips viciously and knees the dog in the side. Thing is it actually worked, it dislodged the dog giving her time to find her feet!

Thing is as she did she heard a scream from Kara as she got grappled by the plant, as she turned back she saw the dog lower its head and leap toward her trying to pin her down again, not going to be caught again she jumps sideways dodging and bringing her weapons about.

Now it was her turn, weapons in hand she darts forward slashing and jabbing at the dog multiple times, enough to land four rune empowered attacks, grinning and hoping at the same time she mutters under her breath the runeword detonating at runes as she sees the dog thrown back. The debris clearing she can see the dog dead outright, now that is dealt with she can deal with the.... "EEEP!"

All her focus on the dog she forgot one key thing she lost vision on the plant! Going so far as to have her back to it for a second, somehow Kara got free and when she was distracted the plant decided a change of tactic was in order and it grabbed her trying to pull her toward it. Never the less she started struggling, now two against one Kara and her had an advantage they cant ignore.

<Struggle and if free rune carve chain>