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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

They didn't have long to wait as a group of six men soon moved under them. Asha readied her bow 5 arrows with in easy reach. She had a look of concentration on her face as if deciding on how best to end each and everyone of them men before her.

"Ive lost the trail."

"What do you mean you lost the trail!"

"Its not here the foot steps stop at the small hill and disappear."

"Dammit this not what Im paying you for."

"Just calm down Im sure we'll..."

The mans words came to a halt as the prisoner from the town punched him in the jaw.

"Don't ever tell me to calm down. Im not going to let those bitches get away! Quick spread out find the trail."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara saw Asha looking for the best way to take down their pursuers quickly, and recognized their leader as the man from the prison, the one who had gotten Asha into trouble in the first place. Some people just didn't know when to leave well enough alone.

She motioned for Asha to hold off her attack, she planned to even the odds, hopefully without revealing themselves. She aimed to take control of the tracker, the one the mercenary had just hit. If successful, she would urge him to kill the ones with them, but to spare the leader, she had questions for him.
Hopefully the man would be able to get a blade out and into a throat or two before the rest of them knew what was happening, but if not, well she and Asha could lend a hand.
Telepathy (dominate): pays 8 EP and must win a Resistance check against the targeted creature. If the character wins, the targeted creature gains the Dominated status, allowing the character to control their actions as if they were a summoned minion. Forcing the creature to make actions contrary to what it would normally do or that would harm them can cause it to make another Resistance check against the character, and if they win they throw off the effect.

Roll: d20+78(spirit)+4(multifocused aptitude)= d20+82
Resistance check: 39+8(Potent spirit)= 47
Target will get 2 resistance checks this turn. One against gaining Dominated status, the second against trying to kill allies (unless he's a psychopath and would do that anyway, in which case he only gets one.)

Maintain both buffs
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sera hit with dominate auto success
Resistance vs Domination target cannot resist
Sara resistance vs scout success
Scout attacks ally
36 vs 25 hit! 21 damage ignoring av
Asha lets loose a flurry of arrows. Deadly aim and Rapid shot sneak attacks
5 arrows all autohit! for double damage.
Attack 1 98 damage Drops slaver 1
Attack 2 80 damage Drops slaver 2
Attack 3 90 damage Drops slaver 3
Attack 4 86 damage Drops slaver 4
Attack 5 82 damage Drop the leader

Sara 54/54hp 66/88ep 54/54pp: psychic shield on Asha and Self 2 upkeep each
Asha 66/66hp 49/49ep 49/49pp:
Scout Hp max dominated

Sara found the scouts mind easy pickings as she easily broke threw what meager mental defenses the poor fool had. She hardly felt any hiccup at all when she commanded him to kill his comrades. Sara watched as the man picked up his lever action rifle calmly aimed it and fired causing one of his friends to to jerk around from the impact. This sent Asha off however and soon bright streams of reflected light zipped threw the forest finding their mark. Each man jerked and grasped at their throat as her arrow shafts sank into their exposed necks dropping every single one of them. Sadly Asha was not nearly as generous as Sara her arrows left no one alive. "One left to go!" Asha's eyes narrowed as she drew back her bow the helpless man standing in the open starring blankly ahead. Would Sara stop Asha from killing this one?
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara was without mercy as she invaded the man's mind and took control. This was about survival, and by helping the mercenary, these men had bet their survival against the two women's. They lost.

However, as Asha was about to execute the last one Sara gently pressed her bow to the side so she was not pointing at the man. "Stay your shot. Please." She dropped the psychic shield around the two of them in order to save her energy and allow her to focus on a new power.

"I want to check his memories. There may be more people after us, and I want to make sure this man is truly a bad man and deserves to die rather than someone who just got mixed in with the wrong crowd before I kill him. I won't let your future reunion with your daughter be dirtied by you killing a helpless man, even if it is necessary to kill him. I know I shouldn't presume to tell you what to do, but we are in this together now and that means you have to let me shoulder some of the burden Asha. Now give me a moment to read his mind and find out if there's anyone else coming after us."

Uses Mind Worm and drops the buffs:
The character pays 8 EP. One target creature within 50 feet can make a Resistance check against the character. If they lose this check or choose not to resist, the character gains information possessed by the creature in the form of memories (this is decided by the GM, but you can suggest what sort of information you're looking for.) If the creature resists they take 20 damage that ignores armor, but if they win the Resistance check the damage is halved and the character doesn't get the information that they want. The character can choose to leave the creature's mind intact or erase the memories that they searched for. Picking out specific memories to delete is not possible with a single use, it's all or nothing. Attempting to erase memories integral to a creature, such as those of loved ones, their personal history, or basic concepts like language or survival needs provide massive bonuses to the save against this power.
Looking for information on why he was hired, if he knew who we were, basically if he was a bad dude helping bad people, or your average joe who got mixed up with the wrong crowd. If he was an average joe, and not a bad guy, she will erase his memories of them and his job. If he was a bad guy, Sara's going to have him kill himself anyway so she won't bother erasing his memories.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha's ears twitched but relented and relaxed the tension on her bow. Dropping the defensive buffs on her and Asha she quickly made her way to the drooling man. His mind already her playground could hold nothing back and she soon found the info she was looking for. Apparently this man was hired to track them though he had no direct idea why. Though it seemed he knew that tracking two woman into the woods was hardly noble or of pure intent but he needed the money after being injured. It seemed it was a rather hasty put together group as he knew none of the people. It seemed she found out everything the man knew but what she did with the info was up to her.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Reading the man's memories, Asha sighed. It seems he isn't inherently a bad person, he was just badly in need of money. I can erase his memory of the past twenty four hours, and we can leave him here and leave his survival to the whims of nature. However, he will still see these dead bodies, and a witness to them might be a problem, if he finds his way to a town we could have more men after us in a short time... He also had to know that this man couldn't want us for any good reason, willful ignorance can be just as bad as evil intentions.Hmm...let's search these men for anything of value that we can carry with us, then I will decide."

After searching the men for supplies, and easily carried valuables, Sara came to her decision. "Even if I could wipe his memories, he could still pose a threat if he brought other people's attention to these bodies. That and he had to know that the leader meant us harm. Because of that, I will allow my power to reach its natural conclusion. I regret that this is necessary, but there's no way around it." With that, she gestured for Asha to stand with her behind the man as she willed him to slice his own throat open with a blade.

In reality, it wasn't so different from Asha's killing the other men. This man's life had been over the moment he was trapped in her technique, his final moments had just been somewhat longer than the others'. Still, she didn't feel very good about killing him, and she looked a little depressed and shaken as she turned from the body to continue on their way. She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

36 denari between the 6 of them
Some additional rations
Assorted gear

Asha placed her arms around Sara sheltering her from the chill even though the nymph knew it was internal. "From now on Sara let me handle such things alright?" Asha went about searching the bodies and fetching any arrows that where still serviceable before returning back to Sara. "Lets go the scavengers will be here shortly." They continued on their way for awhile leaving the grim scene far behind when the first rays of the setting sun began to show threw the forest. "Well time to make camp."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara was grateful for the support Asha offered her, both physically and mentally. She gave a half-nod when the nymph said she would handle such grim business in the future, but didn't say anything. Helping search the bodies, Sara was happy to let Asha keep the denari considering she had bought gear for this venture, though she did volunteer to carry the extra gear and rations. Before the continued on their way.

When it was finally time to stop for the day, she was grateful for the chance to rest, but there was work to be done. She helped set up the tent, then used her telekenetic powers to stand some large fallen branches around the tent and covered them with leaves and moss to camouflage their dwelling. When this was done, and camp was prepared, she would sit next to Asha, feeling better now that she had had a little more time to come to terms with what had happened earlier. Giving the nymph a faint smile and sitting next to her she asked, "Ready for dinner?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Just about. Caught some rabbit while you did the finishing touches on our camp sight though I think I might let the little guys go after all thats happened today." Asha looked at the wild wily things which where clearly panicking. They still had plenty of rations and the extra from today quickly added to their stores. Her decision made she let the rabbit go which quickly darted off into the underbrush. "Well Im not a big meat person myself. I did find a wild apple tree and brought some." Asha quickly fished in her side back and tossed one of the red apples at Sara.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Yea, I'd just let them go. We've got plenty here." Sara looked up as Asha released the rabbit and smiled at her as she caught the apple, rubbing it on her sleeve to polish it a little before taking a bite out of it. After the Nymph let the rabbits go, she patted the ground next to her, urging Asha to take a seat. "Well come on, sit with me and take a load off O' Fierce Apple Huntress." She gave the Nymph a goofy smile before flicking her finger at the currently cold fire pit and using her pyrokinesis to light the wood under the pot of stew, seeming to be in better spirits than she was earlier.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha took the invite and sat next to Sara warming her hands slightly at the fire. "Feeling better I take it?" Asha looked over at Sara trying to see her reaction while fetching her own apple. Looking back to the fire briefly Asha grabbed a nearby stick and poked at it. "I figure we can make it about three weeks on rations alone if hunting gets scarce but I would rather make sure it doesn't come to that. Tell me Sara are you any good at fishing or trapping?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Yea, I am. I guess I'm just not used to it yet, even though those men had to die, it was us or them and I accept that that was the only viable outcome." She was telling the truth, this was her second encounter with such men, and it helped her realize that some people were just genuinely bad seeds, others not so much, but if people who weren't inherently bad cast their lots with bad people well, they would have to accept the consequences.

She smiled and scooted closer to Asha, both for warmth and because she found she enjoyed physical contact with the Nymph as well as the nice scent of her hair. "Well I'm alright at fishing, I have the patience for it, and telekinesis helps...though my mom always called it cheating." She laughed lightly before continuing, "But I'm afraid I'm not very good with setting up traps, though I'd be more than happy to try to learn if you would want to teach me."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha looked at Sara a moment the sound of absolute seriousness in her voice. "Never get used to it Sara its a horrible thing to realize that you can discard life so easily" A silent awkward moment passed before Asha cleared her throat and looked away. "Well I think telekinisis would be kinda cheating to but hey who Iam I to argue. As for traps I can show you tomorrow if you like." Asha poked at the fire wrestling her own demons for the moment.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Hmm...I suppose you are right. On both counts. I won't let that stop me from doing what I have to do to protect myself and others, and to rescue your daughter. But I suppose I will try to remember that all life has value. " To relieve the awkwardness she continued, "And I won't use telekinesis unless I get really tired of fishing." She grinned, then noticed Asha seemed to be bothered by something. She slipped an arm around the woman's trim waist, then nudged Asha's arm so that it draped over her shoulder, knowing that holding her somehow brought comfort to the motherly Nymph.

She wrapped her other hand around Asha from the front, encircling the woman's hips as she stared at the fire, manipulating it with her mind to form fantastic, sometimes eerie shapes, resembling creatures. The small, flame beasts danced and prowled through the air over the pit before vanishing from existence as more emerged from the flames. Looking at the fire while resting her head on Asha's chest, Sara said, "I may not be as experienced as you, but I can tell when something's bothering someone. Will you tell me? Sometimes it feels good to talk things out."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha smiled and held Sara tight. "I was just thinking of all the lives I ended in my pursuit. Trying to figure out when I stopped being shocked by the blood and death I caused. When it became an after effect of my revenge." Asha poked at the fire a little more marveling at the shapes Sara conjured. "Its a weight on my soul and I will have to carry it for a long time yet." Asha leaned her head against Sara. "But enough of that lets talk about happy things. Like when did you learn to make the fire shapes?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara thought for a minute before responding to Asha's thoughts. "It's can be a cruel world that we live in that necessitates such things. Maybe we can make it a little nicer. I know you have, by adding Naomi to it. I would like to make this world a better place too, even if it's only by removing the bad."

When the nymph inquired as to how she made shapes with the flames she smiled, thinking back to her time in Vokan. "Well, what I'm doing right now is a branch of psionic spiritual powers called pyrokinesis. I had the privilege of learning psionics from Master Dean, our village's Master Psion. He was the best wielder of psionic powers in all of Vokan. I got to be his apprentice because of my high aptitude for spirit powers. She blushed a little, she didn't like to brag about her skills, even though she was a prodigy among the villagers.

"Anyway, this is just a little trick he taught me that I could do in my spare time when I'm out alone and bored. It's more than just entertainment though, it's good for helping me fine-tune my control. I may be good for my age, but Master Dean is far better than I am. Give him a fire a good fire and he can have entire armies fighting each other, or even cities and palaces bustling with people. It really is a treat to see him in action. Oh the soup's ready!"

Sara let herself out of Asha's hold to fetch the soup from the fire, the swirling shapes vanishing. She lifted equal portions into bowls for each of them with her mind, offering Asha's bowl to her before sitting back down next to her, ready to get started on the meal. "Anyway, if you have any spiritual leanings, I would be happy to teach you how to do it, I'm sure we'll have the time out here."

The sun had gone down and it was getting rather chilly out, so she wasn't shy at all about sitting as close to her nymph companion as she could without disturbing their ability to eat. "I hope you won't think I'm overstepping my bounds, but why do you like holding me? Don't get me wrong, I very much enjoy it, I'm just curious is all. I know it has something to do with Naomi, but I don't know anything else. I'd just guess it just comes with seeing your memories earlier. It's a very intimate experience, and it leaves you wanting to understand a person more, well some people more than others." She gave a meaningful glance at Asha after saying this last part.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha blew on the soup cooling it slightly with her breath. "Oh Im afraid that Ive never had the talent for such things. She blushed slightly at the next question however. "Well its been so long sense Ive felt I could be close to someone." She cleared her throat a little and ate some more soup. "Not wanting to be hurt like before you know." Sara did indeed know she was there in a way as Naomi was taken from her err from Asha. "I hope Naomi has grown into a fine young woman just like you."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh well, just thought I'd offer." Sara noticed the nymph's blush, even in the firelight and hoped she hadn't overstepped her bounds. She sipped broke eye contact to attack the soup and relieve herself of her nervousness, but stopped and looked back when Asha did go on to answer her question.

Sara was speechless when Naomi was done. Her own cheeks darkening in a blush as the memory of the abduction flashed through her mind and she mistook it for her own. "I do understand, Asha. When I read a person's memories, it's not just the memories themselves I gain, but the emotions that come with them as well. I really develop a keen empathy for that person. You in this instance. And you know what they say, empathy breeds understanding..." She didn't add the last bit of the saying, 'which breeds intimacy.'

When the nymph said the last bit, Sara could only smile and blush a little more, saying somewhat awkwardly, "Well I'm flattered that you think I- Well I'm sure she's a great wo- Well we'll find out for sure when we rescue her, and I'm sure she's every bit as wonderful as her mother." She realized her soup was getting cold and attacked it with gusto so she wouldn't say anything else foolish or awkward while they were eating.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The rest of the meal passed in silence the awkward flirting between the two having killed the conversation. Asha was the first to rise and start cleaning up the effects of their meal. It wouldn't take long and after a short trip to a nearby creek Asha returned with clean bowls. Setting them aside so stole a very brief glimpse at Sara before speaking. Well we should call it a night we have an early start in the morning. You can stay by the fire awhile longer if you want to." Stretching Asha headed for the tent removing her armor as she went giving Sara a peak at her body before she entered the tent.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara nodded and gave a muted "Thanks" to Asha for cleaning the dishes. She opted to stay by the fire a little longer, though her head turned to follow Asha into the tent as she removed her armor, regardless of anything the young woman told herself. A few minutes passed as Sara tried to manipulate the fire to ease her nerves, but the shapes were distorted and shaky, never holding together for more than a few seconds. Finally, only a couple of minutes after Asha went into the tent, Sara gave up the shapes, quenched the flames with her mind, moved a shell of dirt over the coals to preserve them until morning and to provide a glow to draw outsiders to their camp, and stood outside the tent. She took a shaky breath and pushed the tent flap aside so that she could enter.

Inside the tent she held eye contact with Asha, breaking it to step over to her bedroll, which she pushed over next to the Nymph's. She disrobed quickly, not giving herself time to think about it. Last to go were her bra and panties, though there was a moment's hesitation before she removed them as well. "This way I won't sweat in them while I sleep, it will keep them somewhat fresh for tomorrow." Awkward explanation aside, she sat down next to Asha, giving the nymph a full view of her perky breasts and said, "Would you care for some company tonight? Be-because I would..." Finally managing to choke out something of a confession to her desire, Sara sat there nervously, ready to accept any invitation or rejection from the beautiful nymph.